#woo perimenopause
ghosteamanita ยท 1 month
anyway i worked out with my therapist (state funds yay) that the biggest thing stopping me from seeking hrt now that i just got medicaid is a bunch of fear about being visibly queer that sort of congealed in me being a kid in the 90s but isn't based on anything that's actually happened to me while i have been visibly queer.
i mean like, i held my girlfriend's hand in high school and we all sat at the queer table at lunch. there's other trans people around town. i'm in the south yeah but in a comparatively safe state in a college and tourist town. sooooo yeah i'm making an appointment for may, which is when i can get a ride.
going to spend the whole next month or so looking at stories of other people who started t in perimenopause woo.
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labelleizzy ยท 3 years
I just finished at the gynecologist. ๐Ÿฆช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฆช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฆช
With bonus semi-surprise pap smear. (I guessed it was probably time for one, but hadn't personally scheduled it.) She was very gentle and informative with the speculum. Did/Do NOT enjoy the light bleeding afterwards, though. (First bleeding in a long time, thank you Mirena!)
Doing my yoga deep breathing after the good news: no evidence of bacterial or yeast infection, and apparently my fibroid and other cysts in uterus and ovaries have resolved? Woo hoo!
Blood test for FSH (the ovulation triggering hormone) to get a guesstimate on where I am currently vis a vis perimenopause/actual menopause, at the lab on my way out the door.
I'm glad I got to use the joke "gotta check the fluids, get under the hood", because GO ME, but still that wasn't fun.
I'm giving myself a Pat On The Back ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป and a Gold Star ๐ŸŒŸ for doing that, and I'm going home and getting myself some kind of treat.
Oh: watch this space, they had a "how to get to a healthy weight" pamphlet which I suspect is going to be stupid bullshit, and I intend to shred them alive on social media if it's as bad as I think it will be. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป
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