#women in their 20s and 30s are eternally what Julian is sexually attracted to
partywithponies · 8 months
Julian died shagging a woman who appears to be close to Alison in age. The secretary he flirted with in The Ghost of Christmas also looks to be about the same age. He both lusted after Mike's sister, who is roughly the same age as Alison, and treated her as a surrogate wife. He has been sexual about/towards women younger than Alison on multiple occasions. Almost all of his pictures of Samantha Fox? They're from when she was considerably younger than Alison (she was only 27 when Julian died, and she was 17 when she first became a topless model). Women of around Alison's age and younger are demonstrably what Julian is primarily attracted to. All this to say, Julian seeing Alison as a surrogate daughter is not only not supported by canon, but people spreading the idea in the notes of my posts as though it was canon makes me very uncomfortable. It's weird. I don't like it. Please stop it.
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