#without proper context you could interchange both words for each other
I feel like a fucking idiot.
I'm part chinese, I know the vaguest amount of chinese, I've even taken mandarin classes throughout my life...
Yet somehow, somehow, I failed to realize that PM (may have) made a double-meaning joke with the 'hong' in Hong Lu's name meaning 'red'
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howellrichard · 4 years
How to Tell if You Need Pelvic Floor Therapy
Hiya Gorgeous!
I have something really special to share with you today! My incredible colleague and friend, Ashley, recently told me about her experience with pelvic floor therapy after the birth of her (adorable) baby. Our conversation was a wakeup call for me. For one, it was a reminder that pelvic floor health is something I haven’t paid enough attention to in my own life—not because I don’t care, but because I’ve been focused on other areas of my health.
My chat with Ashley also made me realize that we haven’t covered this topic here on kriscarr.com. Well, today’s the day!
I know so many folks facing pelvic floor issues who feel like they’ve run out of options. And it’s not just in my circle—over 30 million women in the US alone deal with pain during sex or exercise, incontinence and other symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction. But surprisingly, many OBGYNs and other health professionals aren’t well-trained in this area.
As a result, pelvic floor issues often go undiagnosed or untreated, or docs recommend pills or painful surgerys without offering any alternatives. And prevention? Well… when was the last time your doctor talked to you about your pelvic floor?
If you (or someone you know) are experiencing pelvic floor issues, here’s the truth: You are NOT out of options. You make the decisions about your health and you CAN heal. This topic tends to be hush hush, but it’s time to break the stigma because your health—all of it—matters.
So today I’m covering the basics. We’ll talk about what your pelvic floor is, what it does and what kinds of issues can come up. Then I’ll share some resources about pelvic floor therapy and bust a few myths about Kegel exercises.
Welcome to pelvic floor 101, toots—class is officially in session!
What is your pelvic floor?
Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles and tissues located at the base of your pelvic area. Both males and females have pelvic floor muscles, but we’ll focus on the female side of things today. This superstar group of muscles acts like a sling to support organs such as your bladder and bowels. It plays a big role in continence (the ability to control bowel and bladder movements) and sexual function.
What is pelvic floor dysfunction?
While researching this topic, I learned that there are a few types of pelvic floor issues—and the words disorder and dysfunction can actually mean different things in this context (though some resources use the terms interchangeably—confusing, I know). Let’s go over each one and the associated symptoms so you know what to look out for.
Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition that causes pelvic floor muscles to contract when they should relax. While there’s still a lot to learn about what causes it, pelvic floor dysfunction has been associated with childbirth, traumatic injury to the pelvic area and damage to the pudendal nerve (source). Folks with this condition may experience constipation, painful intercourse or urination, urinary incontinence and lower back pain, among other symptoms (source).
Pelvic floor disorders occur when the pelvic muscles become weak or damaged. This can happen as a result of childbirth, but not just to those who deliver vaginally. That’s a common misconception, so it’s important to understand that people who give birth via C-section can experience it too (source). Genetics, long-term pressure on the abdomen (from chronic coughing or carrying extra weight, for example), pelvic surgery and radiation treatments are among the other causes of pelvic floor disorders (source).
There are three types of pelvic floor disorders…
Fecal incontinence
Fecal incontinence is the inability to control the bowels. Someone experiencing fecal incontinence may have trouble making it to the bathroom in time. While the chance of having this issue increases as we age, it’s not exclusive to older peeps—it affects over 5.5 million Americans of all ages and sexes.
Obstructive defecation
This pelvic floor disorder means it’s hard to pass poop (ouch!). Those experiencing obstructive defecation might have to strain a lot to complete a successful bowel movement or have trouble going even if they feel the urge.
Pelvic organ prolapse
Think of your pelvic floor like a hammock for your pelvic organs (I like to imagine mine swaying in the breeze!). When the muscles and tissues that make up the hammock become weak or loose, they can’t support those organs as effectively—just as a traditional hammock can’t support us well when the rope that holds it together weakens. This can cause the organs to drop or press into/out of the vagina, aka pelvic organ prolapse.
Females with pelvic organ prolapse may feel or even see a bulge coming out of their vagina. Other symptoms include leaking urine (ever pee a little when you laugh or sneeze?), as well as pelvic pressure, pain and other discomfort that tends to get worse during sex, physical activity or just over the course of the day (source).
What are the options for pelvic floor therapy?
Now that we’ve covered the types of pelvic floor dysfunction/disorders, let’s talk about solutions. Let me be crystal clear: Pelvic floor issues are NOT just a normal part of aging that we have to accept! They’re treatable and we have plenty of non-surgical routes to choose from. Don’t listen to the messages that say otherwise—they’re disempowering and just not true. I’ve heard and read countless success stories from folks who’ve tried pelvic floor therapy and found relief.
The following is not an exhaustive list, but it will give you an idea of some of the options available to you. Please note that I’m not including surgical or pharmacological treatments here, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore them with your doctor. All approaches have value (unless they cause harm, of course!) and the best treatment path is one that’s unique to you.
During a biofeedback session, the person receiving treatment is hooked up to electrical sensors that read electrical impulses in the body and display them in a way that can be seen or heard. This can give us valuable information about bodily functions that we can’t easily feel or control. In the case of pelvic floor therapy, biofeedback can help us better understand pelvic muscles and how to properly exercise them (source).
Based on what I read, more research needs to be done to determine biofeedback’s place in pelvic floor therapy (one meta-analysis indicated that many existing studies aren’t totally reliable). The thing to keep in mind is that biofeedback is a training tool that supports other therapies, not so much a treatment in and of itself. If you’re curious, chat with an expert (look for someone certified by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America) to see if it could be for you!
Physical therapy
Physical therapy for the pelvic floor can mean a lot of things—it really depends on the therapist you work with. It can involve some of the other therapies I’m covering today, as well as internal and external manipulation/massage of the pelvic area. This can be especially helpful for people dealing with pelvic floor dysfunction because it relaxes the muscles.
Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialization within the broader field, so if you’re interested in trying it out, look for someone with one of these certifications from the American Physical Therapy Association: The Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy (CAPP) or The Women’s Health Clinical Specialist (WCS). This article has a lot of helpful info and includes links for finding a certified practitioner in your area.
Since many yoga poses engage your core, practicing can help strengthen muscles in and around the pelvic area. Check out this guided practice if you want to try it out. Or, talk to a trusted teacher at your studio if yoga is already part of your routine. Also, here are some helpful tips from Yoga Journal to keep in mind.
Kegel exercises
You may have heard of Kegels or even tried them yourself. People often try them and get discouraged because they don’t see results. There’s also a lot of confusing info about whether they really work. But it’s time to set the record straight: Kegels can be an incredibly powerful form of pelvic floor therapy—the key is to use the proper technique and a variety of exercises.
If you thought Kegels were just about repeatedly clenching and relaxing your pelvic muscles, you’re in for a surprise! There are actually THIRTEEN different types of Kegels (fun fact: reverse Kegels are a thing!). Think about it—when we exercise, we don’t just target one muscle with a single repeated motion because that wouldn’t help us build overall strength, balance and flexibility. The same goes for Kegels.
It’s also essential to tailor your Kegel exercises to your body and unique needs. I know that many folks in this community are curious about Kegels and want to learn more, which brings me to my next point…
The Ultimate Guide to Happier Lady Parts
I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Isa Herrera, a licensed physical therapist and expert in pelvic floor therapy. She’s helped over 14,000 women heal from pelvic pain, leaking and prolapse. And she’s not stopping there—Isa has made it her mission to destigmatize pelvic floor dysfunction and make sure everyone gets the support they need to heal.
Isa just released an ebook called The Ultimate Guide to Happier Lady Parts and when you download it (for free!), you’ll get access to her new Kegel training video. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms we talked about—peeing a little when you cough or sneeze, pain during sex, pressure or other discomfort in your pelvic region, etc.—take advantage of this resource.
In Isa’s free report, The Ultimate Guide to Happier Lady Parts, you’ll learn:
Simple tips for reducing pelvic pain and preventing flare-ups (it can be as easy as making adjustments to your clothing and/or shower routine)
Why doctors often don’t know how to diagnose or heal pelvic floor (if you’ve seen more than one doctor who couldn’t help you, this resource is for you)
12 powerful practices that you can do at home to strengthen your muscles, prevent more damage and start to heal
The ONE yoga pose Isa swears by to relieve pelvic pain and tightness (it’s easy to do whether or not you’re an experienced yogi!)
And much more…
You’ll also get access to The Truth About Kegels video, which debunks the three most common Kegel myths and includes tips to help you do the exercises right so you get results.
I’m grateful that Isa is offering these resources for free because I know that SO many people will benefit from them. Get The Ultimate Guide to Happier Lady Parts + Kegel training video today!
You are the CEO of your health
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from my health journey is that it’s up to us to be the CEOs of our own health. I hope this article helps you step into that power and take impeccable care of every facet of your well-being.
Please share this with someone who might benefit from reading it. Spreading the word about pelvic floor health will help break down the stigma and bring solutions to more people who need them. And, as always, I encourage you to supplement this info with your own research and advice from experts (like Isa!).
Your turn: Let’s TALK about our health challenges, whatever they are. Share with a doctor, close friend or trusted community—whoever you’re comfortable with. Don’t stuff it down or go it alone, because that could prevent you from getting the help you need. I want to support you and I have a feeling lots of others do too. Drop a
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in the comments below or say “I’m in” to let me know you’re with me!
Peace & pelvic power,
The post How to Tell if You Need Pelvic Floor Therapy appeared first on KrisCarr.com.
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Language and Gender Roles in the context of International dating practices and Learning
 International dating practices are an excellent source of a wide range of language and gender practices and interactions. They provide information about the psychological, personal and even sociocultural setting and logic of the participants, all in the greater context of gender-associated language roles. However, a thorough analysis of the various linguistic interactions and suppositions traditionally ascribed to either gender indicates that there are many misconceptions in the “sex” and “gender” definitions, which are nowadays erroneously used interchangeably.  According to Ahearn, the “way that some scholars have sought to clarify sex and gender is to say that the term “sex” refers to a person’s biological existence as either a female or male human being, and the term “gender” refers to a
person’s cultural or social identity as either a woman or a man (or a girl or a boy) in a particular society at a particular historical moment” (Ahearn 189). This concept is taken further by Penelope Eckert and Sally McConnell-Ginet, as quoted by Ahearn on page 190, where they identify the following four sub concepts as crucial to gender and language roles: gender as being learned, gender as being part of a mutual collaboration, gender as the result of our actions, gender as being asymmetric. Each one of these categories relating the concept of gender with language are manifested below.
               First, gender as being learned. According to Ahearn, a common sociocultural practice is that “children either unconsciously adopt or are consciously instructed in gender-appropriate behavior that varies across societies and throughout historical time” (Ahearn 190). This is best explained in the book “Playing with languages” by Amy Paugh, more specifically in the chapter “Negotiating Play: Children’s Code-Switching as Symbolic Resource” (Paugh 143), where the example of Marlena and Claudette provides information about how “proper” gender-linguistic interactions, together with future societal roles, can be learned during childhood. More specifically, the author provides the example of how “Claudette was acting “too womanish” by using Patwa; in other words, too much like an adult. Such metapragmatic reflection indicates recognition by adults that Patwa has become associated with status and authority in adult-controlled spaces “(Paugh 144). The author of the book provides this example to indicate not only the importance of what is “proper” gender-associated use of language in the case of Claudette using the traditional Patwa language instead of English, but also how the use of the Patwa language is only reserved as a “privilege” of adults. Therefore, the use of Patwa by Claudette is evidence of how well she could learn and imitate the use of this language, just so that she would look more “womanly” and “adult”. This is evidence of successfully-completed gender-and-language learning and association process.
               Gender can also be part of a mutual collaboration process between males and females, between different agents who engage in “gender-learning” activities. Gender is “a joint accomplishment that is constructed in and through interactions with others” (Ahearn 191). This statement is confirmed in the example of the “same/mixed-gender groups” of Dominican children engaging in play in Amy Paugh’s book, where importance is put on “practices in building group membership and belonging without glossing over inequalities in social relations or difference among members within a community” (Paugh 145). The example provided by the author of the book involves girls engaged in “pretending to be mothers with children, performing domestic tasks like cooking and washing clothes, and role playing as nurses and teachers” (Paugh 146), whereas boys “hunt birds with homemade slingshots, and drive “trucks” they fashion themselves from household materials” (Paugh 146). The same example, albeit in a different context is readily observable in the video “You Know You Are Dating a RUSSIAN Woman When...”, where the girlfriend is so concerningly engaged in preparing food and snacks for her boyfriend and his friend, who came to watch TV, that she leaves them speechless “You Know You Are Dating a RUSSIAN Woman When...” (4:25).
               Gender is also the result of the direct actions of the people associated with it. According to Judith Butler as quoted in Ahearn’s book, page 191, the performativity of gender and its association with language is that gender “is not a static and unchanging element of someone’s identity but rather an ongoing process of doing that involves choices in how that person dresses, acts, and speaks” (Ahearn 191). This is best evidenced in the video, “You Know You Are Dating a (Northern) ENGLISH Woman When...”, where the girl is commented specifically in the narrated subtitles of the video that she is bound to use a lot of makeup and try to look as fancy as possible on the first date. The video then shows her laughing uncontrollably and recounting a funny story just so that she can perform a type of linguistic and gender-specific association of her assertiveness to make herself likeable to her date, as seen in “You Know You Are Dating a (Northern) ENGLISH Woman When...” (1:08). This is again an excellent example of how gender-specific association involves not only language, but also behavior, dress, laughter, appearance, etc.
               Finally, gender is also asymmetric in that “inequality is built into gender at a very fundamental level. Men and women, and masculine and feminine ways of acting or speaking, are rarely considered simply different; there are usually value judgments that accompany such assessments of gendered difference “(Ahearn 191). One of the best examples of how this concept relates to language is from the video “You Know You Are Dating a (Northern) ENGLISH Woman When... (3:08)”, where the girlfriend complains in an unsubstantiated manner about her body fat. The video’s narrative titles then specifically indicate that she is displaying a sense of humor which is somewhat raunchy, sarcastic and self-deprecating, yet it is something men must get used to when dating. This is not just a “feminine” way of speaking, but also a type of logical and behavioral assessment of gender difference, especially from the point of view of the opposite sex, represented in this case by the boyfriend, who finds her jokes funny and participates along with just laughter.
               Overall, these examples indicate that language and gender-associated interactions are not simply “the default ways of behaving or speaking” (Ahearn 191) for each gender, but are a complex network of language patterns and behavioral differences that provide information about each gender’s psychological, emotional, logical and sociocultural practices. Therefore, gender-language roles indicate that gender is learned, both individually and as part of a mutual collaboration, gender is performed and developed as the result of specific actions not limited only to speech, all of which render it asymmetric, with varying differences for the men and women.
Works Cited.
 Ahearn, Laura. Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. Wiley Blackwell. 2011. Print.
 Paugh, Amy. Playing with Languages. Children and Change in a Caribbean Village. Berghahn Books, 2012.
 You Know You Are Dating a RUSSIAN Woman When... Dating Beyond Borders. Youtube.com, 25 Feb. 2016. Web. 03 May 2017. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1gOBh7NTsw>.
You Know You Are Dating a (North) ENGLISH Woman When... Dating Beyond Borders. Youtube.com, 30 June 2016. Web. 03 May 2017. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZazI_mGEZvo>
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weblistposting-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Weblistposting
New Post has been published on https://weblistposting.com/top-10-apps-for-commercial-enterprise-you-want-to-down-load/
Top 10 apps for commercial enterprise you want to down load
With the appearance of the era and the ever-evolving tech market, organizations are spoilt for preference in relation to cellular apps. Whether you are looking for productivity tools or approaches to maintaining the personnel related, there are many apps on both iOS as well as Android systems that can be utilized with the aid of commercial enterprise proprietors for better productivity.
No more are corporations constrained to 9-to-5 timings; they’re usually connected and to maintain that you need apps that do all of the required chores. Fortuitously, we’ve curated a listing of some of the nice business apps masking the whole thing you could want; from conversation to Human Aid and records control.
1.Expensify: That is one of the commercial enterprise systems to manipulate prices and transactions. You could manage all cash related matters efficaciously thru its actual time records and reporting processes. The Wall Road Magazine and commercial enterprise Insider each deem it as one of the nice apps to manipulate your business whilst visiting. The app helps you to test and seize receipt photos while also monitoring time and mileage at the side of enterprise travels to create reviews. This is the perfect device for those at the pass.
2. SignEasy: This app could be very accessible Whether you’re visiting or at your desk. No extra problem of downloading, printing, signing and scanning documents. SignEasy helps you to download a report to your cell device from the web, which includes out of your email, Facebook, OneDrive, Dropbox, and so on., in a host of formats which include PDF, Word, HTML, PNG or even undeniable textual content. As soon as to your device, You may pan and zoom and do a signature at the file the use of a stylus or your fingertips. The file also can be shared with more people for signing. That is a legally binding file, despite the fact that bodily paper has no longer been exchanged. A totally hassle-loose and specific method to electronic signage, it is best for business owners and CEOs.
3. Yammer: This chat provider, recently purchased with the aid of Microsoft, helps you to create private social networks for yourself and your colleagues. Get right of entry to is limited to handiest the ones customers who’ve corporation domain IDs. Certainly one of the largest blessings of Yammer is that it has seamless integration with Workplace 365, so that you can proportion and engage whilst making use of some of gear with a view to help in participating with colleagues. That is a excellent app to run a social-commercial enterprise network for entrepreneurs.
4. SurveyMonkey: it’s miles rather crucial to find out about your target audience expectations. Similarly, for a bigger corporation, what the employees consider the work way of life is likewise crucial. That will help you with this, SurveyMonkey is the exceptional on-line survey device which helps you to create as well as take part in in surveys in your cell.
5. FreshBooks: This is every other app which is good for accounting purposes. The app offers quite a few accessible functions that make accounting easy. Other than coping with fees like Expensify, it is also a excellent app for billing work. FreshBooks helps you to create invoices, bills and estimates. And the best component? It’ll additionally permit you to recognize while the patron has opened the bill! Isn’t that clever?
commercial enterprise card and then seamlessly uploads it to a transcription provider, whereupon the touch statistics is despatched again to you. This service is loose and manages to do an first-rate process!
7. Evernote: Notice taking is n absolute should for all groups; Whether you’re the proprietor or an employee, you will must keep notes and checklists. Among the hordes of Word-maintaining apps, Evernote emerges because the winner. With recent updates, there are a variety of-of factors that You can do with the app. You could clip facts off the web and add it to the app. you could tag it for smooth searching, and even upload your personal annotations to it. The app will also be used for natural Notice retaining, checklists, journaling, contacts, and many others. And also add other customers on your saved notes in order that they can’t best view but additionally alter and thus pool records.
eight. Trello: This is one of the pleasant apps for assignment control. The app allows you and your team of workers to be on the equal web page with appreciate to the day to day schedule. The app is extraordinarily visual; You can create boards and add cards below and pass the cardboard according to the venture degrees. You can connect documents, leave comments and assign cards to every employee. easy to apply and seamless integration makes it A completely beneficial app.
nine. TeamViewer: That is A totally available device to live linked to your computing device. by means of the use of TeamViewer You can remotely Get entry to your computer and hold doing all your duties as in case you have been the usage of your computing device. through utilising this app You could lend help to your teammates as well as customers even in case you are away.
10. ACalendar: Lastly, That is an top notch calendar app for enterprise customers, which is available on Android. it’s miles extraordinarily clean to apply and is packed with effective features. Other than the usual characteristic of smooth toggle among day, week, month and yearly view, You may upload reminders for critical dates in a jiffy. Some enterprise-specific features consist of scheduling a assembly and inviting attendees without having the want to leave the app. thus the whole lot can be performed inside the app.
Google Apps for commercial enterprise
Google Apps for commercial enterprise is an employer bundle of workplace packages. Google Apps can help groups of all sizes and in every industry to keep money and time and improve how they paintings collectively. in addition to length-in a position value financial savings it is the efficiencies won by a workforce in which collaborate on any tool, from any location, in real-time is what makes Google Apps a terrific commercial enterprise answer. Many groups are already reaping the rewards from Google Apps and more and more every day are seeing the light.
Underneath are some of the many blessings Google Apps carry on your business…
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