#winx auoura
charmixpower · 1 year
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Aurora, Major Fairy of the North
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charmixpower · 2 years
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I think it's really funny to imagine the Major Faries becoming a part of society. Diana is fucking famous and she will never let anyone forget about it. Nebula is big jealous, and Aurora is trying to figure out how the myth of the amazon warrior Diana ended up so different from the actual women
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charmixpower · 2 years
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All the Earth Faries!
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charmixpower · 2 years
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Aurora, Major Fairy of Tundras
Aurora's design is based on the Yakut people, as Oymyakon in Yakiutia is the coldest permanently inhabited settlement on Earth. It is also located in the Siberian tundra, in a permafrost region
Her powers are still connected to the north, because there are no Southern tundras, but that's the only connection
She's was the youngest major fairy at the time of the attack, and often feels her skills and abilities are inadequate, retreating in on herself because of her self loathing. She tried her best to save as many young magic users as she possibly could, but often struggled to with the stress on her. She's the only major fairy that wasn't previously in charge of younger magic users before hand
Aurora managed to keep her faries safe and alive for so long by using the incredibly cold temperatures of her location to her advantage, turning her home village (with the help of her circle) into a fortress, retreating farther north as she had to. She was the last to hear about Morgana's safe haven due to her location, and was slow to get her circle into Tir Na Nog. Aurora often regrets not being more decisive and faster
Tir Na Nog halted the aging of the people inside, so while Aurora was the youngest when the attacks started since she was the last to join everyone inside hadn't been aging while she had been. So she's around the same age as Nebula now
The faries and witches under her are more cooperative and independent compared to the other Major Faries circle's. Due to Aurora's younger age at the beginning of the attacks, she wasn't able to fight off the wizards on her own, so her underlings learned to work together in groups to stay alive. The Artic circle, heh, all rely on eachother equally instead of Aurora being the only one allowed to make strategies and callout commands. Aurora often listens to their advice and follows their lead. She wouldn't trade them and their skills for the world, but she wishes she was able to be a pillar of strength for them like the other major faries we're for the magic user's they saved. Someone they could all look to and competely rely on without having to worry themselves
Aurora is very introverted and awkward, and due to her perceived failings often tries to emulate what she imagines a better leader would be in front of anyone not in her circle. She's incredibly stressed out all the time due to not being as naturally suited for the leadership role and the circumstances she gained it
She can often be found on her side of Tir Na Nog with a romance book and hot drink. Her underlings often like to pop in on her to chat, sit in comfortable silence, or just hang out in the same space as her
I'd imagine she'd be a very lively person with a strong passion for her magic of it weren't for the Wizards of the Black circle. As it stands now her introverted tendencies have taken over, she's stressed and anxious most of the time, and feels her magic is a important tool over something she can take joy in
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charmixpower · 2 years
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I cannot believe this, bc your so right fkwjdjbwwjnenw. I was thinking more like a high level summoning spell in one of those RPGs that I don't play, that takes most of your magic, but pokemon 😭😭😭😭😭 omg
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Tyyy!! 💖💝💘💓💞
And I'm so glad! That was my favorite joke in that whole thing :)))
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Thank you!!! I was very fond of this idea bc it cuts out the handout faries. Now the girls have to earn these forms (in pairs) by convincing their enemies to share their power source with them!!! It isn't a direct test of them, like future and previous forms, but they are required to prove they value nature, the cold, ect for Diana and Aurora (and maybe Nebula) to be willing to share their external power core with them
Oooo that would be interesting!! Tecna is logical and brave vs Aurora who's ruthless and a bit cowardly (for good reason, she barely escaped with her people from the Fariy hunters alive)
Tecna helping Aurora (oh shit I nearly started crying writing this jfc) find her bravery and kindness after going though something so terrifying
(I think if I think about Aurora and why she's like that anymore imma start crying lol, my emotions are on the fritz today)
Nebula's form could be the black gift that wasn't a form? Then this could happen in pairs instead of 3's???
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charmixpower · 2 years
If the earth fairies were the main antagonists of s4, how would that look?
I'm thinking Diana has her beef about deforestation and Aurora is pissed about global warming and the girls have to deal with these two by talking them down
Only to find out that Nebula the fairy usurper is the real villain and they're is no talking until they figure out why Nebula is mad and help her make peace and get justice for herself and her people
Then Nebula frees Morgana who was imprisoned this whole time
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charmixpower · 2 years
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> From this day forward, the realm of vengeance begins; vengeance against the Wizards of the Black Circle, who hunted us and deprived us of our freedom
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charmixpower · 2 years
I think it's really weird the the earth fairies have such not human hair colors despite being humans but I do have an explanation for Diana and Nebula
All the major Earth fairies have unnatural hair colors to make them stick out as the leaders
yes that would be Aurora, Sibylla, and Morgan would get funky hair colors too but that's the way in explaining Diana's pink hair
Maybe Aurora naturally has black hair and chose white hair bc she's understated or something 🤔🤔
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charmixpower · 2 years
Aurora's plan is super sexy and fun and I love her "I'm just a soft girl" voice when she's calmly informing the Winx that her heart is dead and cold
But can they not teleport?
Apparently the ice tower itself negates magic???? I am deeply curious how
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charmixpower · 2 years
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