#will it be mindblowingly good? i doubt it. not because of the premise but because the entertainment industry is going downhill lately
the-innefable-idiot · 2 years
I love reading the backlash about IWTV about Daniel and how he is Sooooo Old and it is impossible for the gay vampires to fall in love with him now and I'm like......
first of all y'all ageism ain't cute
and second of all do y'all really think Lestat, Armand and all these old bitches would fall in love with an influencer?????? Did y'all want Daniel to be a twink going 'sup YouTube today I'm talking with homeboy Louis whos a vampire, say whaaaaaat :o' *sound effects*?
being seductive is all about vibes and personality and nothing about age ya fucking morons
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the-starryknight · 3 years
hello Starry ⭐! I'm curious so I'm going to ask your same question back to you. 💙 Do you find it easier to write from draco's or harry's perspective? what's your favorite of your fics from each?
Hi @fw00shy​ darling, thank you so much for throwing this back to me! I loved your answer to it, and I’m always so curious about who people prefer.  Your mindblowingly brilliant Harry characterization in To Live & Die in LA had me thinking about this in the first place.
Without a doubt, I find Draco easier to write, at least in the ways I often characterize him (stressed, pining, self-conscious). I also love to write with deep attention to detail and setting and rather than narratively imposing that (and it not feeling quite right for the story), I usually give Draco a reason for paying attention.  
Hence, in The Notion of Attention, the premise of the fic is Draco looking closely, or in A Room Up There (And You In It), Draco’s priority is the house and detailed cataloguing of the house’s material goods. I think of these details as a kind of characterization in themselves (i.e, what those objects say about the owner in the first case, and what Draco chooses to notice and how he feels about it in the latter). I guess when I write Draco, he’s an effective shortcut for writing detail in the ways I want to write it...
But two of the fics that I’m most proud of creating are written from Harry’s perspective. (And as an aside, I wonder if that means I ought to challenge myself more to write Harry, as I’m curious about what stories that will encourage me to tell).  In Sleight of Hand, it’s that same attention to detail that gets Harry stuck and blindsides him to what’s happening around him.  And in For Old Times’ Sake, it’s detail and setting that Harry has built up around him because Draco won’t stay.  Maybe when I write Harry, I have find a narrative reason to get to include that visual detailing I love so much, so it becomes a plot driver?  
Thank you so much for asking! This is such a fun question.  If anyone else feels so inclined to answer it, please ping me so I can snoop on your answers.  
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