#wilba x reader
axoldrew · 1 year
Yandere WIlba headcanons please. (I know we chatted about it but if you want to answer this ask with them to share with the rest of tumblr)
Also, I want sick Wilba headcanons too. (It doesn't matter if the sick headcanons come before or after the Yandere headcanons)
Yandere Wilba
-She fell in love slowly
-She liked the stories you told outside of the constant and liked how you would always share your food with her.
-She also loved your singing.
-She knew she was in love once you gave her back her crown.
-She confessed and you two started dating.
-Her yandere behaviour will start showing once you two started dating.
-She'll not harm you on purpose kidnapping on the other hand yes as a last resort.
-If you are fine with her acting like this towards you she'll be overly nice and try to isolate you from the rest of the group.
-If you're hurt, she'll keep you in her Palace 24/7 until she makes sure you get better.
-She'll try her hardest to make all her subjects respect you.
-Say goodbye to staying in the forest as you are now permanently living in Pig City.
-Don't worry, Wilbar sends the pigs to keep you company.
-If you go outside, it's always with her. If she can't go outside, you can't go outside.
-She always asks questions about life outside of the constant is like.
-If you express any desire to leave, it will be shut down quickly telling you that it's better for you to stay with her.
-She'll make sure you always get your birthday gift unless it's about leaving she'll send all of her subjects to send whatever you want.
-If you go missing she will send every pig to go find you.
-Once you are found, she'll be incredibly happy crying tears of joy and staying with you every day
-But let's say you didn't condone such behaviour and you didn't want to be with her.
-She would be heartbroken by your rejection.
-You are on your own for this one.
-She would order pigs to go search for you and yes they would even have to search at night.
-She will kill anyone who stands in her away or anyone you have a strong connection with.
-If you were caught, she would send you to a room just for you.
-She would send you to a room where you are watched by pigs she would vist you every day and sometimes you even get to travel with her.
-That's when you make your escape she would chase for a long while until she gives up.
-Congratulations you escaped now you're hunted by most pigs
-Of course, if you give them meat they'll stop trying to bring you back to her and you might be able to hide their houses.
-Unlikely she would ever come to visit them but if someone knocks on the door you hide just incase she comes.
-She never found you and she thought you were dead and made a memorial for you.
-Congratulations you lived a mostly normal life with a pig friend.
-But if you were caught, your pig friend would be killed and you would be locked again in your room with chains on your leg.
-She would travel with you most of the time still but will hold your arm and watch you like hawk.
-She is even more clingy after your escape never leaving.
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(I am a teenager, 16 when this ask was made. If you still want to do platonic things with this or nothing at all, that is fine as well.) Could you make a Wilba x Female Reader thing please?
Don't Starve Together (Wilba x Female! reader)
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(I had fun writing this one it was sweet and wholesome. Since Wilba is a child these headcanons are platonic)
✿ After you and a couple of your group crash-landed in a new area of the constant it took you by surprise when you all were met with a group of fancier pig men holding spears to your heads.
✿ That's how you ended up in a small town of few houses and a small pig in front of you. After introducing herself as Wilba and telling you about her problem of the missing crown you both agreed that if you found the crown and helped to build the town back up you would be able to leave unharmed.
✿ Took awhile for you and your gang to help build up the town. It helped that you guys spilt into two groups with some looking for the crown and others helped to build up the town. You got put in the building group.
✿ Having to be stuck in the village lead you to become friends with a lot of the pig people. Since you're the most approachable of the group you tended to help deal with the queen and occasionally meet with the small piglet.
✿ After some time it seemed that you would end up talking with Wilba more. Thank god for that English class that was just reading Shakespeare or you would have no idea what she was saying half of the time.
✿ Slowly the two of you would talk about other things that weren't business related and instead talk about her father, how the crown got lost, what both of you're favorite things were, and what life was like in your world.
✿ Even though she is a princess she's still a child who likes to play games. Having helped out with taking care of Webber, Wendy, Walter, and Wurt back at the base you are down to ignore your chores and play dress up with the princess.
✿ The queen who was skeptic at first of having you play with her daughter, but warmed up to you as she saw you interact with Wilba and how the small child imprinted on you.
✿ Even though she was grounded she still got to go outside and play with you for a little bit under the careful watch of at least four pig guards. Sometimes was she was forced to help build and take care of the town, but you always found a way to make a game out of it.
✿ She's not the best, but if your nice enough she'll be over the moon to help do your make up and hair. Likes when you help with her hair too.
✿ Please have tea parties with her, she'll run down to the local shop just to buy you a fresh batch of cookies.
✿ Since it takes a while to build a village you'll see Wilba in her were-pig form. While you and your crew were stuck in hiding from them, it seemed as though she would protect the house you all were in.
✿ Don't talk about her were-form to her since she's ashamed of what she becomes in the full moon. Instead help her fix up her ringlets and clean up the village.
✿ Sadly all good things come to an end and you had to leave once the group came back welding the crown for the Queen.
✿ Saying goodbye was hard. You both ended up hugging each other the enter time while crying. She would miss your company and you would miss her liveness.
✿ You promised that you would come and visit. She made you pinky promise on that.
✿ Now every month or two you come over for a weeks stay in the Village. The two of you would play, share stories, help complete local tasks together, and most important of all you two would play dress up.
✿ The queen as a thank you gave you a room in the palace. Some nights you'll hear the sound of hooves on the floor before a small knock on your door and quite sniffles.
✿ Upon opening the door you're meet with a crying Wilba. Bringing her in she tells you she had a nightmare and when she woke up it was all dark. To cheer her up and change the subject you talked but funny and embarrassing things you did as a kid.
✿ It helped a lot, but once it was time for her to go back to bed she was too scared saying the halls were dark with monsters. Grabbing a candle you lead the way with a scared Wilba clinging to your leg. Once at her room she gives you a quick hug before jumping into her bed and falling asleep.
✿ Most of the pig villagers know about your friendship with the princess, but one time there was a new guard who say you pick up her up and give her a big hug. Taking action the guard is quick to take the princess away and swipe at you causing you to get a minor cut.
✿ Seeing the blood Wilba starts to cry push away from the guard and running to your side giving you a hug while apologizing for the guards actions. Once more guards showed up the situation was taken care of with you getting bandaged up and the guard being heavily scolded by others.
✿ She went back later and scolded the guard herself.
✿ You've have brought other members of the Constant with you. She likes to play with Webber and enjoys Wickerbottom's stories, but you'll always be her OG.
✿ In the future she has you and your friends come to her coronation. While your friends are in the back you get front row seating as she turns to you with a smile on her face and the crown resting on her head.
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Don't do character x reader x character requests
NOTHING AGAINST THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY ESPECIALLY TRANS PEOPLE. You request, you are blocked, no warning. I am trans and demipan so I won't ever do any requests against the LGBT. Also no map requests either. Map is not a real sexuality and is just an excuse to look at kids in a sexual way. If you are a map, get the fuck off my blog now
STOP SPAMMING LIKING! spam liking will get you a warning the first time and if you keep doing it, I'll block you.
Check the character list and reblogs first before you request.
Only request those from the same series
The apes in planet of the apes are able to speak for themselves and can give consent so it's not B*steality
Will do MILD yandere. Such as, clinginess and stuff. Will absolutely not do kidnapping and murder.
You get ONE free pass about Cp. Not everyone knows if a specific character is a child or not so ask and I'll tell you but if you ask for romantic headcanons for those characters again, you're getting blocked (so far that's: ghost, hornet, the other vessels, Hat Kid, Bow Kid, Mu, Wendy, Webber, Wilba, Cub, and Wurt if I'm correct)
No requests for death. Death is something that I deal with enough irl so I'm not comfortable writing it too
Also no suicide stuff....I've been suicidal once and it's something I want to avoid...
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axoldrew · 1 year
Wilba Sick headcanons
-She was having the cold after winter had pass so you had to take care of her.
-She tries to act okay to for you to continue travelling with her but it's quite obvious that she's sick.
-She was less touchy and playful than usual due to her illness and her not wanting to spread it to you.
-She loves the idea of you taking care of her.
-She would try her best not to seem like a burden to you.
-She'll be lying on bed most of the time.
-She finds it cute when you bring her what she ask.
-She tries not to be too demanding while she is sick often.
-She sometimes ask you to sing her lullabies when it's getting late.
-You two also make mini castles using blankets and chairs while she is inside.
-You enter them and pretend that you're camping outside of her palace.
-You try to play with her in order for her not to get bored unless she has a headache or she's very sleep.
-You'll have to remind her to take her medicine every once and awhile because she sometimes forgets.
-She takes those gummy bears vitamins.
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axoldrew · 1 year
Wilba x Reader
I was sitting on top of a bed of flowers playing rock paper scissors with Webber to see who'll collect grass to make the bed rolls for the day. I glared at Webber's eyes before I dramatically chose rock, and he chose paper my face turned into a disappointed look while Webber's smile lit up the area. I got up before Wilba stood up with her bored expression turning into a smile before she pulls out a map and pencil and said "Can I come'th to thou journey?" "Sure why not." She started smiling as I grabbed my axe and we began to walk off into the distance.
As we were walking I heard Wilba's stomach rumble a bit so I went up to her and gave her some cooked monster meat I had in my pocket "Many thanks (Y/N)!" She said with a wide grin on her face that moment made my heart melt due to how cute she looked. After a while of collecting grass, I heard rapid footsteps nearby as I looked around and saw Wilba chasing a spider with an axe it looked fun so I grabbed my axe and joined her in chasing the beast throughout the woods until it disappeared she shouted "Come'th come'th where ever thou is't!" While I was searching up and down for this spider looking everywhere until I noticed it was getting dark so called out and said "Wilba! It's getting late we have to go back to the campfire." I heard some footsteps before Wilba ran towards me. She looked at me before asking " Art thou okay with holding mine hands due to mine fear of thy darknesss." "Yeah I'm fine with it." She proceeds to hold my hand as we walked off too the distance.
A few moments later we found our base Webber was sleeping on his own slik using it as a pillow I was exhausted I had quickly let go of Wilba's hand as I collapsed onto the soft floor too tired to do anything I looked up to see Wilba looking down on me as she said "Isn't thou going to proceedeth to making thy bedrolls?" "No" her face went neutral before she fell to the ground next to me. "Goodnight, Wilba." I said in a tired voice, "Goodnight (Y/N).
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axoldrew · 1 year
Wilba headcanons?
Don't Starve Wilba Headcanons
If she has lost her crown you'll make her a flower crown to make her feel better while you go look for the real one.
She's the big spoon.
She will force you into a cuddle when she's scared, in the dark or has a low sanity.
Sometimes when both of you are in the darkness unprepared you'll quickly make a torch and she'll give you a piggyback so you can make her feel safer while you two are looking for a nearby town or house. If you two are desperate, you'll look for a nearby forest or tree to burn down while you two quickly look for nearby wood that's not burning.
She uses you as a scapegoat so she can explore the world.
You feel like you don't belong here sometimes due to you not being a pig however she affirms that her and her subjects don't mind.
When she had first turned into a werepig she tried to hide it from you because she was afraid of you attacking her then she took off with all the food. When you found out you were quite heartbroken after finding out that she disappeared with all your food gone, but when you found her as a monster she had to explain what's going on. When she was done explaining you scold her telling her not to do something like this again.
You now collect a comical amount of food just in case she turns into a werepig.
Sometimes when she turns into a werepig you'll have to spend all day indoors with her because her subjects hurt her thinking she's a monster.
If you're sick she'll make all her subjects take care of you sometimes they might do a poor job taking care of you as they do not know how to take care of a human if Wilba ever gives you homemade medicine I don't recommend you drink it as it might do the complete opposite of what it's supposed to do.
Her hugs are extremely tight so don't escape.
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Don't Starve Together Master List
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✿ No smut/lemon
✿ I only do gender neutral or female since I myself am not male
✿ Don't private message me, but instead use the request box
✿ Be aware that I have another life, so request could take awhile. On that note I'm more likely to do headcanons than one-shots because they take less time.
Now on with the show!
★= Platonic
☆= Romantic
[Fluff Alphabet] Keep it to 3 max if you make these requests.
~Romantic & Platonic~
☆ (Triumphant! Wilson x Female! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Willow x Warm Blooded GN! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Wolfgang x Strong GN! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Wes x GN! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
~Platonic Only~
✿Wendy✿: [Nothing]
✿Webber✿: [Nothing]
✿Wurt✿: [Nothing]
★ (Wilba x Female! Reader)
✿Walter✿: [Nothing]
✿Wortox✿: [Nothing]
✿Wormwood✿: [Nothing]
✿Maxwell (I hate him too much)✿: [Nothing]
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axoldrew · 1 year
Any more Wilba x reader headcanons?
More Wilba headcanons
-You're the only person she shares her food with.
-A bit clingy around you.
-She has drawing of you and her all over her room.
-Her overprotective nature shows when you are hurt by monsters she'll protect you at all cost unless you two are both near death she will pick you up and run.
-She likes dad jokes.
-She sometimes let's you dress in her father's attire.
-She likes doing your hair
-She isn't that easily flustered when you do or say something.
-She playing board games with you even if she doesn't like it.
-She likes listening to your stories outside of the constant.
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