#why tf does autocorrect try to add a dot after did
nuzzy · 7 months
I made a whole new document of link as a genshin character for this fanfic. I’m probably not even gonna use it.
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chasholidays · 6 years
Yayyyyy Chash thanks so much for doing this! Minty prompt (because of course): Monty falls asleep on Miller on the couch or something, Miller DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.
happy minty day friends if you don’t like minty come back in 24 hours
Nate is not really convinced about moving in with Monty Green.
On paper, it’s a great idea. Bellamy and Clarke are moving in together, leaving both Nate and Monty without roommates. They have a lot in common and get along, so the two of them were a natural fit. They’re not that close, but they see each other socially and like each other, and finding roommates is a pain. The whole thing checks out, and Nate gets why everyone else is on board.
Really, the only reason Nate isn’t on board is that he likes Monty. In a more than friendly way. And moving in with a guy for whom he has romantic feelings seems like a terrible idea. He can think of roughly ten thousand things that could go wrong, from walking in on Monty in a state of undress to Monty getting a significant other and Nate having to witness them rubbing their noses together and talking about how much they love each other.
The whole thing really is a minefield, but he can’t say that, and he has no other objections, which means that he is, apparently, moving in with Monty Green.
It’s going to suck.
Monty gets them off to a terrible start, too. He and Nate are meeting for coffee and to talk about moving in, and his opening gambit is, horrifically, “So, your place or mine?”
Nate was drinking, and he promptly chokes on it. “What?”
Monty looks stupidly pleased with himself, like he was trying to give Nate a heart attack. “Where are we moving? Your place or mine?”
“Oh, uh. I don’t know. Bellamy and Clarke are getting a whole new place, right?”
“Yeah, they’re downsizing since they don’t need two rooms. So I assume we’ll keep one place and leave the other. I made up a spreadsheet with information about our place,” he adds, turning his laptop so Nate can see it, and it’s honestly fucking unfair, that the guy is this hot and this cute at the same time. “I didn’t have your information, so we still need to fill that in, but I figure that’s the easiest way? Unless you have a strong preference.”
“No, not really. I’d rather not have to move,” he adds, in the interest of full disclosure. “But I figure you don’t want to either, so that’s not a deciding factor.”
“Yeah, if it comes to that we can flip a coin.” He straightens up. “So, do you know the square footage of your apartment off the top of your head, or do you need to look that up?”
“Who knows that off the top of their head?” Nate asks, and Monty shakes his head, like Nate has personally failed him.
“Fine, we’ll figure it out.”
After about a half an hour, they’ve discovered that Monty and Clarke’s apartment is both objectively better than Nate and Bellamy’s and also still financially realistic for them to keep, and there’s really no arguing with cold hard facts. Nate flops back in his chair with a sigh.
“So, I’m moving in with you.”
“Unless you have other objections.”
You’re cute, he thinks, but all he says is, “Nope. The math checks out.”
“Cool. So, we can do moving details over email? I assume it depends on when Clarke moves out and stuff. But it shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Said like the guy who doesn’t have to move,” Nate grumbles.
Monty grins. “Just like that.” And then, horribly, his smile softens, making Nate’s stomach twist. “Seriously, I’m looking forward to living with you.”
He would be a monster if he did anything except smile back. “Yeah, me too.”
“Still hate your life?” Bellamy asks, when he gets back.
“Fuck you, this is your fault.”
“That good, huh?”
“You’re moving in with the girl you’re in love with and deserting me to–”
“Live with a guy you have a thing for. Yeah, I’m a monster. Seriously,” he adds. “You’re going to be fine.”
“You can’t make me,” Nate mutters, and Bellamy, wisely, doesn’t argue.
Of course, living with Monty is fine. It takes some getting used to, obviously, the same way new housing situations always do. Bellamy had a long list of quirks, which Nate eventually got used to, and now he just has to readjust to Monty’s new quirks. He keeps weird hours and sometimes doesn’t remember to control his volume when he yells at the TV, but those are eccentricities that Nate doesn’t mind. Honestly, they’re kind of bonuses. Shit like that is why he likes Monty in the first place.
If there’s a problem, it’s with Monty’s mild narcolepsy.
Okay, Nate knows it’s not really narcolepsy. He is aware that that’s a diagnosable thing and Monty doesn’t have it, as far as he knows. He’s just a napper. Like, a chronic napper. He can and will fall asleep at the drop of a hat, and this is something Nate has to deal with. Monty, curled up on the couch or with his head down on the kitchen table, sometimes actually on the floor, sleeping in a sunbeam like a fucking cat.
“Seriously,” he says, the first time that one happens. “Is this an actual medical condition? Have you checked?”
“Nope, just a lifestyle choice,” says Monty, stretching so his shirt shows off a few inches of firm stomach. “Sorry, I know it’s weird. Clarke had trouble with it too.”
This is an intriguing statement. Nate likes Clarke—he can’t help liking anyone who makes Bellamy so happy—but he can’t really imagine living with her. He feels like she’d be kind of neurotic.
So the next time the four of them are out, he says, “So, Clarke. Monty’s sleeping thing.”
“Oh wow,” she says. “Already? It took, like, months before he started falling asleep everywhere with me.”
“You helped me come to accept and love myself,” Minty tells her, and Clarke rolls her eyes.
“Oh good. Yeah, it’s weird,” she adds, to Nate. “I don’t know what to tell you.”
“There’s nothing to tell!” says Monty. “I get sleepy. I’m good at power naps. It started in college. I would be in the computer lab coding and just sleep hard for fifteen minutes and feel so much better.”
“And now that’s how you live your life?” Bellamy asks, dubious.
“If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.”
“I think passing out on our floor might count as being broke,” Nate says.
“On the floor?” Clarke asks. “Really?”
“On the carpet! It’s very plush.”
“So I’m going to get used to this,” Nate says, and Clarke shakes her head.
“If he’s passing out on the carpet, he might be getting worse.”
“I can stop any time I want to,” says Monty. “I just don’t want to.”
Nate tries not to smile, but it’s ridiculous. And just a little cute.
“Well,” he says. “As long as you can stop.”
It doesn’t become a problem, not really, until Monty starts falling asleep on him.
It’s the natural next step, so he’s not sure why he’s so surprised, except that Monty falling asleep on him is the kind of thing he is incapable, on any level, of really thinking about, so he probably just blocked it out of his mind. It was easier to not let himself consider that he might be Monty’s next horizontal surface.
Not that it’s exactly like that, of course. It’s not as if Monty comes into his bedroom and falls asleep on top of him. But Nate’s been really into Horizon Zero Dawn, and Monty’s been watching him play, giving him advice and offering commentary. It’s a great way to spend his evenings with only a little romantic frustration, because he’s too focused on the game to really have time to think about how much he likes Monty.
Moving in together has done absolutely nothing to kill his crush, which doesn’t even make sense; surely one of Monty’s bizarre personal habits should have been a deal breaker.
He notices Monty getting quieter as the evening progresses, but he assumes, foolishly, that Monty will fall asleep the other way. There’s a whole half of the couch Nate isn’t on. He can use that part.
Instead, he slumps onto Nate’s side, and Nate’s entire brain shorts out for a long moment. It’s not like it’s that intimate. Monty’s asleep on his shoulder. He’ll probably drool.
So he fishes out his phone and texts Clarke: Did he ever fall asleep ON you
Unless she’s getting laid, Clarke basically always texts back instantly, which is one of those things Nate was happier not knowing. Luckily, the dots appear almost immediately, so at least he’s not thinking about how Bellamy is having sex while he’s trying not to freak out about Monty.
Clarke: NopeBellamy and I talked about itWe think this might be personal
Me: tf does that mean
Clarke: It seems like he’s really comfortable with you
Me: Bellamy told you
Clarke: Bellamy didn’t have to tell meYou guys are really obvious
Me: Both of us?
Clarke: He’s the one who’s sleeping on youBellamy wants a pic btw
Nate holds the phone up, lining up the shot carefully. He does it in Snapchat, so he can try a couple versions, and saves the one with no caption for himself.
Then he adds tfw your roommate thinks you’re a pillow and sends it to Clarke and Monty.
Me: Tell Bellamy to get on Snapchat if he wants pics
Clarke: He says he’ll get on Snapchat in hellWhich autocorrected back to he’ll like fifteen timesYou guys are cute
Nate: Yeah we are
You make a good pillow, Monty texts the next morning, while Nate is on the train to work, and he does his best not to smile.
Once Monty has fallen asleep on something without incident, it gets added to his rotation, and Nate is no exception. Suddenly, Monty is drifting off on him all the time, during movies, after work, one time just in the middle of the afternoon while Nate was reading. He puts his head in Nate’s lap and sighs contentedly and is dead to the world for twenty minutes while Nate quietly freaks out.
Bellamy and Clarke remain convinced this is a sign Monty wants to date him, but Nate can’t get there. It just makes no sense to him. He wants to date Monty and overthinks every single interaction; Monty just passes out like it’s nothing. There’s no way he could just fall asleep on Monty. He’s tried, even. When Monty falls asleep on him, he’ll sometimes try to lean back into it, to drift off himself, but he’s not wired like that. He’s never been good at taking naps, even when he’s not trying to cuddle with his crush and his brain won’t just shut up and let him enjoy it.
Which leaves him back almost exactly where he started, except his unrequited crush on Monty just gets worse and worse, as he knew it would. He didn’t see all of this coming–there’s no way he could have predicted the sleeping situation–but the basic outline is as he knew it would be. He likes Monty, and Monty is around all the time, which makes him like Monty more, and it’s a vicious crush cycle he knew would end up making him miserable.
But it’s the good kind of misery. The kind he doesn’t actually want to give up. But at the same time, he knows the whole thing is building to a breaking point. It’s inevitable, because that’s how feelings work. If they don’t go away, they have to come out. And there is still some small, stubborn part of him that hopes. Monty likes guys; Monty likes him. He might not have a huge, embarrassing crush like Nate does, but that doesn’t mean he might not be interested in trying something out.
This would probably be a good way to present the issue, and Nate wishes he’d gone with it.
Instead, Monty wakes up from a nap in his lap one Saturday afternoon and smiles at him, all warm and sleepy, and Nate jumps up like he’s been scalded to keep from kissing him.
Monty frowns, adjusts his glasses, cocks his head. “Uh, everything–”
“You have to stop doing that.”
The frown deepens. “Stop doing what?”
“I don’t care if you sleep on the floor, but you can’t sleep on me.”
“Oh,” he says, and now he looks hurt, and fuck Nate’s entire life. “Sorry, I didn’t know it bothered you.”
Nate lets out a breath. “That’s not–it’s not what you’re thinking.” Monty cocks his head, there’s no getting out of it. “I like you, okay? Like–like you. It’s not a big deal, but I need you to not–”
“No, it’s a big deal,” Monty says, but there’s a grin growing on his face, and the tension in Nate’s chest slowly uncoils. “We really can’t just breeze past that, that’s–”
“You’re going to need to tell me if it’s good news before you go any farther.”
“Great news,” says Monty, and then they’re kissing, and Nate’s brain finally shuts the fuck up.
“This is weird,” Nate remarks, that night.
“What’s weird?”
“You’re falling asleep on me in a bed. Like a normal person.”
“I sleep in a bed every night,” Monty says, curling himself around Nate. It’s possibly stupid to move as quickly as they are, but it’s not like this hasn’t been building for both of them. Monty’s liked him too, this whole time.
It’s pretty awesome.
“I’m just saying, this is a new one for me.”
“Whatever,” says Monty, closing his eyes. “You’ll get used to it.”
“I guess I will,” he agrees.
Honestly, he can’t wait.
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