#why do you think vreenak was smirking at letants pick up line response
rsclopez · 3 months
(From a Romulan Senator who was just there for work and then fell in love and did the ROMULAN THING)
3 Months Prior to the Letant Incident(Hirens’ Headache)
Vreenak was strolling along a nearly empty hotel podium at one of the many diplomatic planetary missions he was attending for the Romulan Empire.
While taking a stroll and minding his business he accidentally collided(well someone collided)with another life form. Being Romulan, he was sturdier than he looked(with his pointy eared,ridge having shoulder padded fine self) and took no damage to his person. The opposite could not be said for the individual who hit him, seeing as she was sprawled on the floor and the wind literally knocked out of her.
Vreenak: (Peers down at prone form) Are you alright human?
Y/N: (Laying on the floor & squinting to see who bumped into her)Do I look alright Mr.Pointy? Of all the times I have to run into a brick wall?! It has to be a pointy eared one? Sits up and starts looking for her glasses.
Vreenak: (Takes a closer look at her, and get dumbstruck, literally the deer in the headlights look)
Y/N goes on all fours while still searching for her glasses
Vreenak: Looks at the human whos crawling on the floor and his eyes dilate, starts having heart palpitations, lightheadedness, a tightening of some lower part of his anatomy and feeling as if the room is too small and hot. Speaking Rihan “No, this has to be a joke. This is impossible” Nonononono! This should not be happening to me. He’s unconsiously thinking how adorable she looks scrunching her face while looking irritated, and how her position is giving him very nsfw images.
Y/N: (Feels Vreenak staring at her) Hey! Stop talking & staring and help me find my glasses?
Vreenak: (Comes out of his stupor feeling offended at the comment) I dont know what you are looking for?Looks at the human to see her mimicry of goggle eyes with her hands. (Starts thinking she looks ridiculous with her gestures but is cute and so adorable & starts blushing green from the tips of his ears)
Y/N: Its a frame for my eyes called eyeglasses and I use it to see. It fell off my face when you bumped into me. (Goes back to searching for it)
Vreenak: Still confused(are human eyesight so bad??) and sees something at his feet and picks it up. (Doesnt move from his position since he likes the view of y/n (perving on her already) on all fours on the floor).
Y/N: (Sighs) Gives up trying to find her glasses(rolls over and lays back down on the floor). Hey Pointy McPointster, lend me a hand to get up. I also might need you to take me to my room since I cant see within an ich of my face. (puts her arm up)
Vreenak: (mumbles to himself my human is addlebrained) Walks towards her and reaches out his arm to pull her up.
Y/N: (Blurrily sees the arm) Grabs it and gets pulled up and feels a jolt when their hands touched. She also feels something slide on her face (starts smiling because its her eyeglasses and she can see) and an arm around her waist but winces because her shoulder got dislocated by the force of his pull.
Vreenak: Feels the electricity with their joined hands and his reaction is to pull her closer to him. Hes still in disbelief because hes clearly having the Romulan Version of Shon-ha’lock(Vulcan love at first sight) because of this human. She’s so close to him that he can see the dark color of her eyes that are twinkling at him merrily behind that contraption.
Y/N: (Sees Vreenak clearly and likes what she’s looking at) Well, youre not a Vulcan wall I was expecting, but still a type of vulcanoid brickwall.(gives him a lil smile while still being held by him).
Vreenak:(The urge to keep her this close to him rears its head. He’s unconsiously daydreaming of having her forever). He felt her wince & realizes that the force of his pull might have hurt her. An Idea starts forming in his head(and he starts smirking unconsciously). Im sorry Ms?
Y/N: Its L/N, my names Y/N. You can call me by my first name.
Vreenak: Y/N seeing that I caused you bodily harm! Allow me to help with your dislocated shoulder as well as administering some basic first aid so I can ascertain your wellbeing? My quarters are not too far from here and it would expedite your recovery.( Hes asking whatever deity is listening that she would say yes).
Y/N Pauses for a minute and looks at Vreenak. Thinks about whether its safe to go to this mans room alone?
Vreenak:(starts to get anxious) If you are worried about your safety I assure you that there are plenty of witnesses (gestures at some of the hotel staff) who will see you coming into and leaving my room once Ive given you aid.
Looks at her earnestly and she smiles at him, agrees and he leads her to his room, passing some of the local hotel staff and midnight concierge who were looking at them with equal parts amusement, confusion and surprise.
Vreenak just smirks at all of them while opening the door and letting y/n go inside his room.
What happened inside his room:
Having been in the diplomatic/senatorial (and secret squirrel Tal’Shiar) profession for most of his career, Vreenak knew about the local custom. They had an affinity for odd numbers and the only time that two unmated individuals(pair) would be seen together in public was when declaring partnership or declaring to finally mate by going into each others private space with the progression of conjugal ties. All that was needed was witness(es) to have seen the pair in a space (to be considered affianced) or when the pair is seen going into each others private venue where they need to stay a certain amount of time and with some proof that congress has occured for the legal conjugal union. The witnesses would tell the local officiant(i.e any elder or person within a position of power) and the pair would be considered for all intents and purposes together.
With Romulan cunning(and luck from the Elements) he was able to keep Y/N in his room for the allotted time, with the supposed proof(Watch the video) from the witnesses(es) and was officially declared married by the local planetary customs. Now how he would break it to his new wife was a totally different story.
@bigblissandlove1 @zierzim @deepspacedukat @toebeans-mcgee @romulanspacecat @stormandsparks @spookysnooty @fentah @chrismarilein @vreenak @vulcankisseshuman @ensignsimp @minymo1234 @fuckyeahromulans
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