#why can't streamers use their wider reach to show how the people feel
barbiegirldream · 6 months
You are angry at stans who want their interests on their tl instead of constantly being reminded about whats going on Completely ignoring the fact that retweeting posts is not the only way to help right now and even acting like you are morally superior just because you do that is something else
I saw an artist apologizing today because they haven't tweeted about Palestine much because theyve been too busy helping outside of twitter and those are the types of people you are angry at? You do NOT know what people are doing outside of twitter and just because you are loosing followers because of your actions does not make stans horrible people
Check yourself with your moral superiority complex omfg
You are usually so on point with your takes but you missed the mark here
The people who are saying "you can't make me tweet about palestine" "they're going to die anyways" "they've been dying for years why do we need to care now" are actually the ones I mean but if you want to focus on the people you know damn well I'm not talking about go for it. I haven't been engaging in Any discourse on main. Go ahead freak scroll through my twitter see where my moral superiority complex by retweeting videos of Palestine and protests is offensive. See where the closing of eyes to genocide makes you feel better because at least an artist went outside. I've been to my local protests too. I've been doing this in the midst of a mass shooting at my home town. I've been living as a Jew combating Zionism ideology irl since high school. We can protest. We can call our reps spending our money. We can use social media like Palestinians are Asking us to. Donations are getting nowhere. Spreading their words and their fight where the main stream media Won't is essential in pushing back against propoganda. Israel knows this today they were complaining that social media has turned public opinion against them. I am not saying only tweet about Palestine. I too have been retweeting fanart and stuff about the new spider-man. But I am not digging in my heels and making a showing of how evil I am cause look here. The rest of the internet can see it too. If you or anyone else come into my inbox again with this self cleansing confessional style bullshit I'm blocking you
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