miggyfan · 2 years
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Fall For MPI
It’s Spooky Season! Fall is here and with it all the spooky and cozy goodness!
It doesn’t matter if you do videos, fanart or fanfic, this one is for you!
Here are a selection of Prompts! Take the one(s) you like and run with them. You can freely mix and match!
Fall For MPI lasts until November 19th
Use the hashtag FallForMPIon AO3 and all Social Media!
Spooky Prompts
Morgan’s Corner
Occult Ritual (gone right/wrong)
Pressing Ghost
Ancient Hawaiian Ghost
(Accidental) trespassing on Heiau
Ghost Cat
Cursed Jewelry
Demonic Possession
Halloween Haunting
Ghost of an Ohana Member (Thomas, Juliet, TC, Rick, Kumu, Robin, Gordon, etc.)
Ghost hunt
staying in a haunted house/building
encountering witches
going to a fortune teller/tarot reader
haunted historic buildings
ghosts caught on camera
a curse
a ghost from the past
visiting a graveyard
Spotting a UFO
Fall Prompts
Halloween Party
Halloween in the UK
Visiting family
Visiting the mainland
Dia de Los Muertos
Renting a Cabin in the woods
Pumpkin Carving
Charity Gala
Bonfire night /Guy Fawkes Day
 ‘couples’ costumes
Costume party
trick or treating
Memorial party
Aloha Festival
Queen Liliuokalani Birthday
Whu-MPI-tober Prompts
Welcome to Whu-MPI-tober. 
If you don’t want to go for the normal Whumptober 
prompts, here are some for you. Some are specifically 
MPI themed.
The idea of Wumptober is to write daily throughout
october, following the prompts.
Whu-MPI-tober like Whumptober prompts we have a 
“theme” and three potential prompts under the theme.
If your muse takes you to something else based 
on the theme, go for it.
If you can’t find a prompt that tickles your fancy 
for a specific day: We have alternate prompts at the 
end of the list that you can pick from.
Use the hashtag Whumpitober 
Happy writing!
1. Naturally 
Storm | Earth Quake | Heat wave
2. Anybody out there?
Solitary confinement | Abandoned road | Wild animal
3. Run Boy Run
Torn Ligament | ankle restraints | Broken leg
4. No More
Overdose | Whipping | Friend being tortured
5. Only just a dream
Nightmares | PTSD episode | Inability to distinguish between dream and reality 
6. Hawaiian Paradise
Lost in the jungle | Volcanic eruption | Trapped in a cave filling with water
7. I can’t move
Buried alive | Broken Back | Sleep paralysis
8. Without Borders
Abducted to another country | Trafficked | Language barrier
9. Hung up on you
Gagged | Hung | Stalker
10. Break my Heart
CPR | Broken Heart Syndrome | Break up
11. You can’t leave
Caged | Hospitalized | Held at gunpoint
12. Don’t touch me
Scared of touch | Bruises | Flashback
13. Lady in Red
Stabbed | Bloody Knife | Running for one’s life
14. Fuzzy brain 
Drugged | Migraine | Concussion
15. Freeze the moment
Hypothermia | Frozen limbs | Sharing warmth
16. Where is it?
Involuntary amputation | Labyrinth | Withdrawl
17. No Air
Trapped underwater | Asphyxiation | Collapsed lung
18. I’m sorry Sir, I can’t answer that question
Waterboarding | Interrogation | “Truth serum”
19. Up-And-Over
Car Crash | Falling from a cliff | Jumping into water
20. Losing my Religion
Crucification | Cult | Human Sacrifice
21. No Man Left Behind
Taking a bullet for someone | “Leave me” | Shoot-out
22. It’s okay to be vulnerable
Tears | Wound reveal | Sickness
23. You’re next
Serial Killer | Abducted | “Pick who dies”
24. Home is where the heart is
Seeking help | Comfort | Wound care
25. Silence of the lambs
Ruptured eardrum | Persistent ringing | sensory deprivation
26. Can’t forget
Mourning | “You’re not who I thought you were” | “This is your fault”
27. Hot ‘n’ Cold
Shivering | Fever | Fighting
28. Salem 2.0
Witch hunt | Exorcism | Potion
29. Hero go Boom
Bomb | Vomitting | Shooting an Innocent by accident
30. Say you Remember me
Amnesia | Presumed dead | Enemy from the past
31. Ohana
Rescue mission | Blood donation | Caring for a fallen member
Alternative prompts
Thrown against something
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