#while i still can. this fixation is dying. im back on pikmin 2. gc controls this time
barrymccaulkinem ยท 5 months
my mother is using the work that was done on the house as an opportunity to get rid of quality wooden furniture and replace it with shitty shitty cheap shit and i just want to throttle the fuckin life out of her
was it not enough to get rid of the house that was supposed to pass to me and my brother for no fucking good reason? was it not enough to get rid of my car and cut me off from ever being able to even try to build a life for myself, again for no good goddamned reason?
but whatever. i either wont live long enough for it to matter or private property as a concept wont. that wouldnt have been the fucking case if she werent allowed time after time to make dogshit stupid decisions that affect us too
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