#which like tbh makes more sense thematically than Glenn having been the heir first tbh
isan0rt · 9 months
Talking through the question of "did Glenn have a crest" with @organizationhimself and you know what... He couldn't possibly have had a crest.
- Ingrid is being married off specifically because she has a crest that can be passed down. Why would she be engaged to Glenn if he already had the Crest of Fraldarius? Why would he need the shot for his kids at the Crest of Daphnel if he already had his family's crest?
- Ingrid also isn't allowed to follow her dream of becoming a knight like Glenn because her crest makes her the heir. Her family needs her to stay the head of House Galatea. She can't be marrying the heir to a more prominent house than hers.
- Which then follows that if Glenn had had a crest... He would never have been allowed to become a knight, forget a bodyguard. He would have been the heir and not expendable to the crown that way - not to mention not a good marriage prospect for Ingrid.
- Which then... If he had had a crest... Would he have survived Duscur? He would have just been a regular guy standing in between Dimitri and death (and oh hey... Doesn't that describe Dedue also...)
- RIP to Glenn, regular guy.
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