#which leads to mistakes in metabolising hormones which results in not enough hormones to function normally
kittykatinabag · 11 months
The more I read about depression the more I'm convinced that my brain is just a whole bunch of neurons trying to deal with both inflammation and balancing hormones at the same time, sometimes mixing up processes and accidentally metabolizing the wrong molecules at the wrong rates, making the entire problem even worse.
Article food for thought:
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yogipress · 5 years
A Full Guide to Inflammation: Foods that cause Inflammation and the anti-inflammatory diet
“the absolute worst piece of advice we have ever gotten, is to eat a low fat diet. Mother’s milk is 50% fat and nature makes no mistakes.” – Dr- Bill Seers
 Inflammation is the immune system’s response to specific stimuli such as joint injuries or allergic reactions. It is essential in small amounts, as it’s an indispensable part of our immune systems response to foreign invaders.
Once the invader has been dealt with and the system functions adequately, the immune system removes the inflammation. In chronic inflammation, the situation is different. Chronic inflammation is most commonly caused by the food we eat.
In fact, most chronic diseases are caused by continuous low-grade inflammation usually caused by food. In many cases, this level of inflammation is not easily perceptible, and goes unnoticed until serious pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, autoimmune disorders, etc. are developed.
Inflammatory foods, which many of us eat on a daily basis, cause the immune system to induce inflammation. Over time, this leads to weight gain, skin problems, digestive problems and with time can leads to severe chronic diseases.
Those who have sluggish digestion, low energy, are unable to lose weight will benefit from replacing all inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory and wholesome foods.
 Taking care of our Mitochondria
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells. They help turn the energy from food into energy we can use. Mitochondria may very well be the most important part of our biology and keeping them healthy is essential for health and wellness as all levels. Dr. Bill Seers, an internationally well-known paediatrician and author of over 45 books says “Inflammation is what matters more than anything else. What causes inflammation? Mitochondrial dysfunction. You cannot have inflammation unless you have mitochondrial dysfunction or at least damage or stress”.
 He continues to say, “the absolute worst piece of advice we have ever gotten, is to eat a low fat diet. Mother’s milk is 50% fat and nature makes no mistakes.” The human brain is 60% fat and our mitochondria thrive on good wholesome fats. So a diet high in good and wholesome fats is indispensable to enjoy good health.
 What causes Decay
The second law of thermodynamics says that everything eventually decays. This is a universal law, which is applicable to everything from planets to our very own bodies. For this very reason, life itself causes decay within the body. For instance, when we inhale carbon monoxide from cars in traffic. The carbon monoxide creates a free radical within the body, which is basically just an oxygen atom which has lost its electron. Such atoms, stick to anything and then oxidise it. Just like steel gets rusted when oxidised, oxidative damage made by free radicals is the main cause of decay within the body. It is also the main cause of inflammation in the body, as the immune system actively tries to fight the free radical.
These are regular events, which the body is able to handle through the immune system and temporary inflammation provided the adequate nutrients are present within the body. However, if we eat inflammatory foods, then it becomes very difficult for the immune system to fight external invaders.
 Foods that cause Inflammation
 1.     Sugar  
Table sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. It cannot be processed quickly enough by our digestive system, so it releases pro-inflammatory messengers called Cytokines. Also, sugar suppresses the effectiveness of white blood cells, which weakens our immune system making us vulnerable to infection. Remember sugar is not only in sodas and sweet foods, it is added to many foods such as cereal bars, pre-packaged fruit juices, some salad dressings, cooking sauces, white bread, etc.
Avoid: Table sugar, fructose syrup. Instead opt for low glycemic alternatives, such as whole grains and foods with healthy fats, proteins and fibers.  
 2.     Artificial Trans Fats
Artificial trans fats are created by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats. Sometimes they’re referred to as hydrogenated fat. The unsaturated fats are liquid, so they’re hydrogenated to give them the stability of a solid fat. They aren’t natural so our body does not have the ability to metabolise and break them down adequately. Our immune system registers them as foreign invaders, stimulating an immune reaction which triggers systemic inflammation.
Most margarines contain trans fats, and they are often added to processed foods in order to extend shelf life. Trans fats cause inflammation, lower good (HDL) cholesterol and impair the functioning of the endothelial cells lining the arteries.
Avoid fries, microwave popcorn, margarines, packaged cakes, cookies, pastries, processed foods, soybean oil, palm oil, sunflower oil.
  3.      Saturated Fats
Fat cells secrete hormones which bind to themselves and are either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, which happens when they’re in balance. However high intake of saturated fats triggers white adipose or fat tissue inflammation. This tissue stores energy rather than burning it, which makes the fat cells get bigger and bigger. When fat cells grow too much, they release pro-inflammatory hormones which result in systemic inflammation.
Avoid: Pizza, cheese, full-fat dairy, grain-based desserts and red meat.
 4.     Vegetable and Seed Oils
Vegetable oils are highly concentrated in omega-6 (inflammatory fat), and low in the omega-3 (anti-inflammatory fat). Omega-6 is an essential fatty acid that the body needs for normal growth and development, however taking care of the Omega6-to-Omega3 ratio is of upmost importance when it comes to health. The ratio should be a 1:1 ratio, however people eating vegetable oils on a daily basis can sometimes have ratios of up to 20:1. When there are too many omega6’s, they eat up all the enzymes, preventing the Omega3s from getting into the cells, triggering the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals.
Avoid oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, grape-seed, soy, peanut, vegetable and mayonnaise.
 5.     Cooking with oil
When oils are heated they get oxidised. Oils such as extra virgin olive oil should always be eaten raw. When used for cooking, it is best to use oils which are solid at room temperature such as coconut oil.
Avoid: Cooking with oil. Instead, cook with organic coconut oil, organic grass-fed butter or organic-grass fed ghee.  
 6.     Fried Foods
Vegetable-oil fried foods are high in AGEs, which are produced whenever food is fried.
AGEs are toxic compounds which are produced when proteins or fats combine with sugar in the bloodstream, a process also known as Glycation. AGEs also form in foods, especially in foods that have been fried, grilled, toasted or exposed to high temperatures. When too many AGEs are consumed, the body is unable to eliminate them and the immune system immediately responds with inflammation. 
Oil used in fried food is usually highly oxidised, which double up the resulting inflammation on the body. More importantly, fried foods block endothelial cells from normal functioning. 
Avoid: All fried foods. Try steaming, pressure cooking or low temperature baking.
 7.     Refined Flour
Refined wheat flours have their slow-digesting fibre and many of their nutrients removed. This means the body digests them too quickly, which makes blood sugar levels spike. This in turn triggers a spike in insulin levels which causes an inflammatory response. Refined Flour is one of the main drivers of escalating rates of obesity and other chronic conditions. It is also considered one of the biggest causes of cancer. These high-glycaemic index foods fuel the production AGEs and products that stimulate inflammation.
It is also important to note that fibre promotes fullness, improves blood sugar control and feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Avoid: Candy, bread, pasta, pastries, some cereals, cookies, cakes, sugary soft drinks and processed food that contains added sugar or flour.
 8.     Alcohol
Breaking down alcohol generates toxins that damage liver cells, promote inflammation and weaken the body’s immune system. Besides, alcohol increases all the inflammatory markers within the body. Consuming over one glass of wine can lead to bacterial toxins moving from the colon into the body, which can drive widespread inflammation within the body.
Avoid: Drinking over one glass of wine or beer a day. Avoid spirits and cocktails.
 9.     Grain-fed meat
Most cattle, chicken and other farm animals bred for human consumption are now grain-fed. However, this is an unnatural process, which means they have to be fed antibiotics to prevent them from getting diseases due to their artificial diet or the way they are confined in small spaces.  
Also, most farm animals are either fed corn or soy, which results in meats high in saturated inflammatory fats with greater levels of omega-6s, creating an imbalance in our omega6-to-omega3 ratio. Furthermore, the levels of antibiotics and growth hormones present in the meat, trigger an inflammatory immune response.
Avoid: grain-fed meat. Limit your meat consumption as much as possible, unless you are aware of the farm it comes from and know how the animal is treated. Organic meat is not necessarily good for you, as the animals could have still been fed antibiotics, growth-hormones and organic grain.
  10.  Processed Meat
Processed meats are even worse the grain-fed meats. They are usually grain-fed and contain high levels of AGEs which are created when the meats are processed – when they’re dried, smoked, pasteurised or cooked at high temperatures. Also, most processed meats have preservatives, colourings and other artificial additives which our immune systems also consider a foreign invader.
Processed meat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stomach cancer and colon cancer.  
Avoid: All processed meats, sausages, cold meats, etc.
  11.  MSG and Artificial Additives
Artificial foods are not natural, so the body has no way to metabolise them. An immune response is triggered when artificial colourings, emulsifying agents and other additives are ingested, which activates an inflammatory reaction. 
Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancing additive most commonly found in prepared Asian food, soy sauce, fast foods, prepared soups and soup mixes and salad dressings. It can trigger two important pathways of chronic inflammation.
Avoid: avoid fast food, prepared meals, dressings, sauces, foods with emulsifiers, etc.
 12.  Gluten and Casein
Many store-bought breads have very short periods of fermentation which reduces the amount of gluten the yeast can predigest for us. This makes digesting gluten in bread much harder, causing inflammation in the intestines. People who have joint pain and are sensitive to gluten – found in wheat, barley and rye – or casein – found in dairy products – may find relief by avoiding them. There may be an overlap in which some people with arthritis also have a gluten sensitivity or also have celiac disease.
Avoid: store-bought packaged breads, white breads and excessive gluten.
 13.  Aspartame and artificial sweeteners 
Aspartame is a non-nutritive, intense artificial sweetener found in over 4000 products worldwide. The body reacts to the foreign substance by attacking it, in turn triggering an inflammatory response.
This is also the case with many other artificial sweeteners, which are also one of the top five leading causes of cancer. When artificial sweeteners are ingested, the body releases cytokines.
Avoid: Artificial sweeteners. Instead try 100% natural stevia or raw honey.
 14.  Dairy products (sometimes)
Saturated fats in dairy are a common cause of inflammation if taken often. Dairy is also a common allergen; millions of people worldwide are intolerant to dairy. All allergens can cause inflammatory reactions by releasing histamines. 
Avoid: Dairy products if you’re intolerant or feel bloated after ingesting dairy products. (Except grass-fed organic butter and grass-fed organic ghee)
  15.  Packaging in fast foods and drinks
Phthalates – which are endocrine-disrupting toxins and are found in most plastic packaging – get filtered into the food covered by the packaging. Phthalates and BPAs in plastics cause immediate inflammation, as the toxin is considered a threat by our immune system.
Avoid: Vegetables, fruits and other foods pre-packaged in plastic
  Foods that are natural anti-inflammatory.
 1.     Berries 
Berries – mainly strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries – are high in anthocyanins, which have an overall anti-inflammatory effect on the body.
 2.     Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale and Brussels sprouts.  
Cruciferous vegetables are high in antioxidants which lower cytokines.
3.     Avocado 
Avocados are loaded with potassium, magnesium, fibre and healthy monounsaturated fats. They offer many beneficial compounds, which protect against inflammation.
 4.     Green Tea
Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a substance which inhibits inflammation by reducing cytokine production and damage to the fatty acids in our cells.
 5.     Peppers
Bell peppers and chili peppers are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
 6.     Grapes
Grapes contain anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation
 7.     Turmeric 
Turmeric is a spice which contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is highly effective in reducing inflammation related to arthritis and diabetes.
 8.     Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Raw)
Extra-virgin olive oil is packed with monounsaturated fats and contains oleocanthal, an antioxidant sometimes compared to ibuprofen. However, when cooked, olive oil becomes oxidised and induces inflammation. It must always been eaten raw.
 9.     Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is rich in inflammation-fighting antioxidants called Flavanols. Make sure the chocolate is at least 75% cocoa.
 10.  Tomatoes
Tomatoes are high in vitamin C, potassium and a powerful antioxidant called lycopene.
11.  Cherries
Cherries are packed with anthocyanins and catechins which are strong anti-inflammatories.
 Vegetarians and inflammation 
People following a vegetarian diet have higher levels of plasma AA, a marker of overall health that is directly associated with lower levels of inflammation and heart disease.
 Inflammation and Stress 
One of the often overlooked causes of inflammation, is the communication between the immune system and the central nervous system. When under chronic stress, the nervous system can activate the pro-inflammatory pathways. Moreover, stress also promotes ingesting inflammatory and unhealthy foods, which over time further aggravates stress and creates adiposity.
It is therefore recommendable to practice regular meditation and deep breathing, in order to reduce stress levels and ensure effective communication between the immune system and the central nervous system.
Conditions that can be improved by an anti-inflammatory diet 
Arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, crohns disease, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, esophagitis, lupus and certain cancers.
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