#which leads to a hard-headed and stubborn behavior pattern that puts him in reckless danger frequently
gymleaderwally · 22 days
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luckiest guy on the planet, I sure hope this doesn't cause him problems later (it will)
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2, 12, and 22 for Draco (for the ask meme thing?) ✨
2. Their emotional/moral weak spotsDraco’s biggest weak spot is that he isn’t as in control as he thinks he is. Draco likes to believe that he’s in full control of his emotions, dismissing any unwanted outbursts as aberrations. This leads to him not realizing how badly he can hurt others, because he thinks he’s being reasonable and normal for himself, while anyone else would see that he was acting emotionally and irrationally. Draco is actually very self-conscious, so he has a tendency to block out criticism in an effort to avoid taking a hit to his self-esteem. Essentially, he tries to cope with everything by retreating further inward to his own fantasy-perception of the world, which just amplifies the image of a callous, angry, jerk that many people see him as. While he does hurt others’ feelings and breaks quite a few hearts, he still has a moral compass, of course, actually a quite strict one. Draco doesn’t tolerate injustice from others (which is quite ironic) and will go out of his way to stop a crime from happening if he sees it, not caring about what others might be doing to help. As a result, he can be quite reckless and put himself in danger. Draco has been more aware of these weak spots more recently, however, since he started therapy and has steps to avoid falling back into the same bad habits and destructive thought patterns as he used to.12.  Grudges and vendettasDraco can hold a mean grudge. His most significant one is against Ethan, his father. He resents Ethan for being a part of his life, yet never revealing his true relationship to his son, as if Draco couldn’t easily tell that Ethan was his father. He also has a tendency to concoct wild scenarios regarding Ethan’s relationship with Lance, most of them as full on scandalous soap opera as he can think up. He doesn’t like how, when Ethan found out that Draco knew their relationship, he tried to become a father figure to him. Part of this is that Draco is very close with Lance and sees Ethan as intruding on their father-son relationship, another part is that he hates that he was deceived, even if his parents thought it was for the best. Despite Ethan’s many efforts to try and make amends with Draco, he remains stubborn in being distant with his father.Draco also holds somewhat of a grudge against his exes, for more of an irrational reason than his grudge against Ethan. A lot of the problems with Draco’s past relationships was a failure to communicate, mainly on his end. He would have been only interested in a casual, no-strings-attached, short term relationship, but would be oblivious to if his partner had more serious intentions. When Draco eventually decided to move on from the relationship, his partners were often upset that he didn’t share their feelings or communicate what he wanted from the relationship properly, and there were a lot of really bad fights and inevitable bad blood. While he can look back on his past relationships and see that he was at fault, Draco also holds somewhat of a grudge against his exes, especially the ones who now hate him. He sort of thinks that, since he’s been able to move past the breakup with minimal hard feelings, they should too. “Now that I’ve turned over a new leaf, can’t bygones be bygones?” This grudge is the main reason he doesn’t inform Cypress that he has a son, which later comes back to bite him in the ass.22. People who’ve influenced them greatlyProbably the most important person to Draco growing up was his father, Lance. As his only (to his knowledge) parent, Lance was the pillar of Draco’s world, his role-model, his inspiration, his protector. Draco’s sense of justice comes from Lance, as does his temper. The two are quite similar, in no small part due to their close relationship. Despite all his grudges and dislike for his home during his ‘Wild Years’, Draco never resents Lance. He understands why Lance is overprotective of him and indulges the man, even when he sends one of his Dragonite to check in on Draco when’s he travelling the world every once and a while. Draco knows he wouldn’t be the person he is without his father, and he will freely admit Lance is basically his hero.The other major influence in Draco’s life was a briefer encounter. While he hated the lecture he got from Maia at the time, losing to her and hearing her opinion on his character was the first event that prompted him to reexamine his behavior and realize that he maybe needed to change his ways and/or get some help. It wasn’t immediate, but she put the thought in his head, which later helped him when he decided to return home and settle down. Draco later writes Maia a thank-you, and she actually flies out to Johto to see him in person and express how glad she is he’s doing better. Of course, she probably won’t ever be on friendly terms with Draco since he hurt her brother, but she respects him for making the effort to better himself, which is no small feat.
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