#which is good bc terrifier is now Two Movies so it's a bit more commitment and it would have taken longer yk. whatever. possession slayed
ambreiiigns · 1 year
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callioope · 4 years
HEY GUYS! I watched the livestream of Rogue One with writers Gary Whitta and Chris Weitz. I took notes. Because that’s what I DO. I jotted down some of my takeaways. Please note I was watching RO, watching the stream, taking notes, and also doing a few other things so these MAY NOT BE PERFECT. Please feel free to correct me if you see something I misrepresented. That said I tried to be accurate. 
YES they DO TALK ABOUT the romantic chemistry between Jyn & Cassian but that is literally at the end, but feel free to peruse the rest of the points because there’s some pretty interesting insights (some good and some bad O_O like Cassian’s original storyline, yuck)
ANYWAYS let’s go
Inglourious Bastards inspired the Lah’mu scene (Gary Whitta wrote this scene, although he admitted it changed a lot but a lot of the structure and ideas stayed in)
In the original version of the script, Lyra was a Jedi in hiding, but this was one of the first things that got killed
Mads thinks he plays a bad guy, but Gary thinks he played a good guy
They talked about how Galen originally wanted to use kyber crystals for energy, but it got weaponized (which is talked about Catalyst)
stormtrooper doll is a gareth edwards touch
idea was that there’d be good people on the Imperial side and bad people on the rebel side
Cassian’s first scene on the Rings of Kafrene was written by Tony Gilroy (who wasn’t present in the stream) later. In the earlier versions, the DS is something that Jyn goes and finds. It was much more like Zero Dark Thirty where she was putting together the clues, and it was a battle for Jyn to get the rebels to take it seriously, but that was too much of a slow burn. So the Tivik scene was to replace that and introduce the idea that Cassian can be dark. Everyone admired Diego’s beautiful bit of acting as he's just lost a little bit of his soul in the fight for justice, the morality is the first victim. It’s very subtle but it’s one of Gary’s fave pieces of acting in the movie
Chris said for awhile they had Ord Mandell, then shifted to the notion of something more like in Casablanca, so a bit of a flavor of that, a part of the Empire that has been taken over that is under violent oversight
Gary said in the original, Jyn went to Ord Mantell (mentioned in Empire?) to find an arms dealer to help her find Saw, then went to another planet where Saw was living on a moon called Yarid
Budget realities played a part in the decision making to scale this back; they wanted to put so much more but just couldn’t fit it in
Originally we were supposed to see the rebels evacuate Dantooine and move to Yavin 4, but it didn’t really accomplish anything in the story accept to nod to SW fans. It didn’t move the story forward and would have cost too much
It was Tony Gilroy writing with Jyn getting freed on Wobani. Some original ideas had toyed with possibilities that she was a deserter or Rey-like scavenger, but obviously you can’t do that once you learn what the the Empire does (chris)
Only time they didn’t use a title card was Mustafar bc they wanted fans to go OH SHIT IT'S MUSTAFAR, also worked bc Mustafar would have been one of those off-the-map planets
Gary was responsible for getting Mothma in the movie
How much did the Yavin 4 briefing get worked on? A lot. sort of inspired by a scene from Apocalypse Now.
“I think this movie really beautifully bridges the gap between the original and prequel” and one of the ways it does that is JIMMY SMITS
Lots of gushing over Yavin. “Gareth just shot the shit out of this movie.” so much praise for Gareth’s vision. “Gareth can compose a shot unlike anyone I know.”
The Yavin 4 set was fully contiguous; you could walk from the inside all the way outside in one continuous shot.
K-2SO is a great example of how one character can have many fathers. John Knoll originally came up with him and he was originally a rebel logistics droid envisioned to be a “black C-3PO” (whatever that was supposed to mean - Gary wasn’t sure). Gary proposed that he could be an Imperial droid that was captured by the rebellion and reprogrammed. K-2 was really limited with what he could do working for the Empire, but once he was liberated, he was going to speak his mind. Chris and Tony and Alan all gave him more life, everyone has a little piece of K-2′s parentage.
Only ever one casting choice for Saw, which was Forest Whitaker. Gary also knew Ben Mendelsohn would be cast as krennic, but no one else was cast at that point -- he knew it was down to 3 choices for Jyn, but wouldn’t say who
Chris brought Bodhi into the story (Gary said so but Chris wasn’t sure)
For Tarkin, they took shots from the ANH and unused takes. There was also a mold of Peter Cushing that had been sitting in a prop shop for decades (I didn’t get what movie it was, something where he needed a large prosthetic eye or something), and they scanned that.
Binoculars that Jyn and Cassian look through on Jedha were inspired from the scene in ANH (like when luke looks through them on Tatooine)
Chris was responsible for Jedha, Temple of the Whills, and Chirrut’s connection to the Force. And Bor Gullet, I think. They said Bor Gullet delights in traumatic memories (more delicious to him). There was a cut idea/scene: Bor Gullet made Jyn trade her traumatic memories for information she wanted.
They talked about the two dudes Jyn runs into that are also in ANH and how they survived the destruction of jedha only to get killed by a Jedi the next day - they must have needed to get a drink at a cantina after narrowly leaving Jedha. Puts their presence at the cantina in a new light.
Screenwriters would tell you this [Jyn saving the girl on Jedha] is a classic “save the cat moment” so that we like that character that otherwise we might not -- like jyn [RUDE, but I think they were joking]  [also i took beginner screenwriting in college and YES the “save the cat moment” was like lesson 1 lol
They wanted this war to look like a proper war, and [Jedha] really looks like something you might see happen. Wanted people to feel like it wasn’t just about stormtroopers hassling the guy on the street corner but there were real lives at stake
Commentary on Jyn’s Awesome Fight Scene: this is the first moment Cassian really realizes that Jyn is no one to be messed with 
They guessed that Tony came up with the K-2 gag after Jyn’s fight sequence
Lots of good commentary here about how action scenes need to serve a purpose, they can’t just be fighting: they gotta reveal character and story -- don’t write the specifics of the fight, but write what the action is supposed to mean, let choreographers make it look good
Chris said Gareth kind of requested a character like Chirrut, and Chris had been messing around with a Force priest and they became the same guy. Baze was originally a murderer and criminal, and Chirrut was his confessor figure, and they had a weird codependent relationship in which Malbus would commit crimes and Chirrut would forgive him for it. But in this they are both Guardians of Whills. Baze saving Chirrut reminds Gary of Indiana Jones shooting the guy with the sword. Good example of action sequence having a purpose: showing Chirrut & Baze’s dynamic
Coming up with names in SW -- no real formula, you just know it when you hear it
Lots of freedom to come up with new stuff as long as it doesn’t grossly violate canon. Two Tubes was Tony Gilroy or maybe someone just before him
Allegedly Bib Fortuna’s cousin is in scene at catacombs
Someone wanted a Tusken Raider to leave Tatooine to be one of the rebels, but that was vetoed bc they don’t leave Tatooine
“you don’t want every star wars movie to feel like a remix of your greatest hits” - gary [me: LMAOOOO not everyone got that memo!!!]
Guardians of the Whills: Chris said when he came on board, he wanted to go into some deep George Lucas stuff so he looked at the OG screenplay of SW which is pretty “cuckoo bananas” but it’s unfilmable because it’s so gigantic. but there were so many cool things in it. Originally the Force was known as “The Force of Others" by Lucas so he had Chirrut often referring to it as such
There had to be physical tapes because that’s what was mentioned in ANH. Similarly, Tarkin said it was the first time they destroyed a planet in ANH, so they had to do a smaller test that didn’t conflict with canon but we still get to see the DS do it’s thing
Gary said he got sick of everyone on the internet saying “If the empire’s so smart how come--” so he wanted to make it happen for a reason
Chris said - John Knoll, who apparently has some kind of engineering background, said a project the size of the DS, there’d be hundreds of flaws that would bring down the station. Gary responded - it makes sense that there would be a flaw, but it’s more interesting if the flaw would be there deliberately
They went back to the idea that SW was a fairytale and “only one key that the lock fits in in a fairy tale”
They talked a bit about the “nerdy stuff” and technical details, like how fast does a Star Destroyer go, how fast is travel through hyperspace,” but they were pretty insistent that Star Destroyers go at the speed of narrative. Hyperspace moves at the speed of plot. They don’t think about the gritty details. Story always wins. You try to hide those bits. If tech stuff comes into conflict with story, the story has to win. If you can make it work great, but story should win otherwise. [MY TAKE: I think it’s lazy and you might as well try to make it work if you can, BUT I agree that it shouldn’t necessarily hang up the process, per se.]
They talked about Jyn & Co witnessing the test on Jedha and how it’s important that Jyn & Co witnessed the terrifying destructive power of this weapon, so they know better than anyone how important it is to stop this thing
They said Saw always died in the weapon test. Originally it was on a different moon, but always planned for him to die like that.
Gary mentioned in ANH, there’s more than one empty chair in the DS conference room, but Gary wished there had been only one chair so it could have been Krennic’s specifically and he wasn’t in it.
The idea was that Mothma and other Generals were desperately trying to avoid a war and trying to find a political solution to this crisis, but Palpatine is stringing them along long enough for the DS to be ready. So the Rebels have been strung along and played for fools by Palpatine, but once we realize the Empire has built a genocide weapon, the Rebels finally wake up to the idea that the only solution now is war. Empire has forced our hand. the movie is about the idea that tyrannical regimes always fall bc they go too far and they do something so terrible that people are forced to stand up and fight back. If the empire had never built the DS, Gary thinks they could have won the war and ground the Rebellion down. but bc they got greedy they forced the entire galaxy to take the war seriously, so the DS was really the Empire’s undoing
The Rebellion was like the equivalent of the Second Continental Congress, with squabbling factions and not able to get anything done, and the Empire was able to win in the beginning bc they are authoritarian, unified top down
Gary came up with Eadu, but it was originally in the first act. The whole movie got restructured. Originally they went to Eadu very early and discovered they were building the giant dish for the DS. That was the first scene that Jyn had the clue that the Empire was building something terrible. Later it became less a place where the dish was built and more just where they were harvesting and refining the kyber crystals.
It was originally Saw’s X-Wings that attacked Eadu
“rain = mood” idk who said it but that line popped
originally there were local people called Eadui who told story how facility had poisoned rivers and valleys and farmland. Gary wanted to put a face on the crimes the Empire had committed
Mads doesn’t believe that what Galen did absolves him
In Gary’s version, Krennic came to inspect final version of the dish
Cassian was always meant to be compromised in both Gary and Chris’s versions. He was a double agent: for a long time, he was working for the Empire. Chris added: he had lost people who had been killed by Saw Gerrera, and all he wanted from the Empire was the go ahead to kill Saw rather than Galen. That transmogrified along the lines post-Chris and post-Gary into a rebel intelligence officer who had done terrible things. In the original idea, he changes heart after seeing the Death Star bc it wasn’t what he signed up for, and he had to win back Jyn’s heart bc that DS reveal happens after his double agent ness is revealed.
In the original, Jyn actually gets Galen back to the rebel base, but he’s beyond saving, but his whole speech he gives Jyn in his last moments happened in a medbay
They talked about the score instead of the awesome fight scene after Eadu so BOOO on that. I mean yes the score is brilliant but still I wanted insight into this scene.
I blanked out a little because I was mad they didn’t talk about the Eadu fight scene argh
They were talking about Krennic standing his ground against Vader. and then someone said it was probably something among the Imperial officers that “you haven’t really made it until you’ve been choked by Vader.” O_o sorry we could be talking about Jyn and Cassian DAMNIT
the debate scene on Yavin 4 was recontextualized. always this idea that the rebellion is not one monolithic entity, it’s a collection of worlds all of whom have own leaders and own opinions. rebellion historically messier because it’s democratic and harder to get things done. 
briefly toyed with a Leia appearance (chris) at the big conference scene, but best for Jyn to give the most rousing speech here. 
Who wrote the hanger speech? Spirit of it might be Chris’, but Chris thinks it’s Tony Gilroy. Big difference from version Gary wrote: Jyn convinced the rebels. But he thought it was cool now that Jyn goes rogue and it’s only when Mothma finds out she’s committed to that that she makes the decision to back her up. But in the original she convinced Mothma, and everyone got around the table and said here’s the plan. Chris thinks it was in one of his drafts that they went off on their own. 
in Gary’s version Jyn was Rogue Leader. 
Chris had grunts complaining all the flyboys create dramatic names for their squadrons but that got nixed
Gary had idea that K-2 had scraped off his markings but had to have them painted back on to go to Scarif and K-2 hated it
Mothma talking to Bail is one scene that survived word for word form Gary’s original script
They talked a little bit about the decision to have the characters die, but I was drafting a question and missed it
They talked about how they came up with Scarif and decided to make it tropical -- what sort of place hasn’t been seen before? sort of coming from production and gareth. but also building these places to fulfill the needs of the story -- like building a walkway that only one person can get across
a lot of extras in Scarif were real ex-military, and Gary said a couple of the X-Wing pilots were real-life RAF tornado pilots
didn’t have Blue Squadron in the ANH bc it interfered with the blue screen
Gareth said “give me a mon calamari that looks like churchill’ and that’s Raddus
Chris and Tony killed pretty much everybody. Sounds like Gary just killed K-2? Unclear bc I missed the main part of that when they were talkinga bout it.
They commented on how RO is one of the darkest tonally movies but also so colorful, beautiful blue sky
They wanted to pay tribute to Battle of Endor
they couldn’t remember who was responsible for ‘stardust’ but it wasn’t gary or chris
who’s idea was it to cut off the “I’ve got a bad idea about this”? gary had a different version of it, Jyn said “I've got a good feeling about this” (which ultimately got used in Solo) 
Someone asked about the footage in trailer that wasn’t in the movie: Chris heard on good authority that the TIE fighter in front of Jyn was actually never intended to be used, was always a trailer-specific moment. he said he didn’t know how she would have gotten out of that one. k-2 died on the beach. chris wasn’t sure but as the scenes get cut together in production and post, the narrative necessities can change bc of logistical needs. but some shots were so cool they were perfect for trailers. Some talk on how trailers and movies are very different things in general.
Gary said originally there were two separate facilities on Scarif: vault and comm tower were separated by stretch of beach. so needed to liberate plans from vault and get across beach to tower. as they looked at what they had, there were too many moving parts and they wanted to simplify, so they put vault and tower in same complex.
did they ever consider letting Chirrut pull the lever using the force? NOPE. 
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me” was Chris. it goes on, it’s supposed to be like a psalm for Jedi, but eh wanted a sort of lord’s prayer type of thing. 
HELL YES someone asked about the romance between Cassian and Jyn! Was there any romantic potential in any script? YES!!! they said!! yes!!! And Chris said he wouldn’t be surprised if a kiss was shot either! 
BUT they went on to say they wanted to side-step the trope that every male and female hero have to be involved.
But clear GARY said yes early on, there was definitely romantic chemistry that got scaled back to a mutual respect, but they’ve obviously grown close. Gary doesn’t think there was anything romantic and they said people found that refreshing. ‘what they’ve been through is the meaningful part” and “‘the stuff that is happening around them is too important" and “it speaks to their character that they wouldn’t let that intrude”
someone said it was like they were walking into a sunset but it was a mushroom cloud and THEN someone QUIPPED that it was sorta like the sunset walking into them RUDE
There was more after that but that was pretty exhausting to keep up with!!!! so i’m wiped. anyone else get any fun takeaways that I missed?
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alanncs · 4 years
hi my angels ! my name’s dani , i’m from toronto ontario aka best city in the worldt , & i’m 20  !  i’m the kelsey m on the main  &  i can’t tell u how excited i am to have wealthy up n running again !  i literally can’t wait to plot with all you beautiful peoples , so pls like this  &  i’ll slide in the dms , otherwise u can also hit me up on discord 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958  !!  i’m gonna put all you need  2 know about alanna below aaand i hope y’all like her ! <3
Tumblr media
new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street in gucci bee sneakers . your resemblance to hailey baldwin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also gracious . i guess being a scorpio explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be anything pink , the lingering smell of weed , and a cigarette between her fingers . &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
                    *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  :  scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world  )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c  )  ,  hanna  marin  (  pretty  little  liars  )  .
                   *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created . 
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone .
she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone  
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it
she wants to forget - here comes her secret - she got into drugs after the kidnapping and it quickly spiraled out of control , now she can’t seem to function without them because they’re the only thing that make her feel normal and make the memories fade
anything she can get her hands on rly
but the media think she’s an angel , her reputation has been kept p much pristine her whole life . and her parents have no clue how much she’s struggling or how much she’s changed . so if this were to come out , it would tarnish not only alanna’s reputation but her family’s  as well
                                         *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!
after deferring from brown ,  alanna knew she had to find some way to keep herself occupied and make money , even though she could live off her parents for however long she wanted
alanna wants to be . miss independent .
so she started getting into modelling , bc of her mom it was easy for her to book gigs
she was able to book gigs like adidas , guess , calvin klein  etc  !
so  that was super exciting for her bc she got really into it and  enjoyed doing it sm
she started acting about a year ago - started off in a few movies , & now she’s currently starring in a netflix series - smth similiar to elite or on my block !
oko so in high school alanna was super bubbly , and just like the really overly nice girl that would talk to literally every 1
but it worked for her bc she was  voted prom queen  and valedictorian ! even tho she missed graduation . yike
Anyway now ! she is not v much like that anymore , except  when she’s super high .
since her kidnapping alanna has been closed off and aloof . in general , she’s not as talkative
she says what she thinks but it usually comes in one word mumbles
can sometimes b very entertaining  . she’s kinda like paris hilton a little bit
also think Marissa from the oc !!
call her a  spoiled brat she’s gonna be like “ yah… and ?”
she  can be very selfish to a fault  in certain situations
and very defensive if she feels attacked, judged , put into a corner , physically cornered , etc
she’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of having an epic love story
but she  has Hella trust issues which easily lead to commitment issues for her so … she will cheat “by accident” lol
that’s why she tries to steer clear of relationships but she also has such a big heart she  falls in love 5 times a day sffsdkj
also w  how much this girl  can sleep around it’s not happening any Time soon 4 her ! she enjoys being single a lot
Bc she likes to get wild
shes like nicole richie on the simple life when she’s partying  lmao
like she likes 2 fuck with ppl sometimes lol , like she will flirt w anyone and everyone just cus she’s bored
umm she lives  in sweatpants n crop tops !
her hair is either in a  bun or just down , she’s rly lazy when it comes to hair and makeup   . like if her makeups done someone else did it lol
Unless she’s like fully in the mood
ooverall she’s a rly sweet lil bean whos just scared of humans ! :’(
um ya idk im always developing  her but IF U read  all this  ilysm !
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !
                                  *  /  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !!
EVERYTHING   !  here is a link to my wc page & a link to my wc TAG which are both full of ideas so  msg me  & i’ll throw tons of ideas at u <333 let’s do it i luv plotting sm okay
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tarmairons · 5 years
re: that last hp ask i got
i know i said i wouldn’t be cross-posting my bellamort/dark au/riddle fam headcanons from twitter but i’ve decided to post a lengthy updated masterpost here after all so ENJOY bon apetit 
1. see the thing is that 90% of my hcs can’t be described with words bc they’re just.. feelings.. aesthetics.. vibes.. vague scenarios that make me feel some sort of way… the dark au has a certain Feel and i just stick a bunch of domestic concepts in there and shake it all up and that’s it shshsh
2. disclaimer: im like 75% sure my self indulgent ramblings won’t make sense so sorry about that
3. i was fully serious that one time i said on twitter that voldemort’s no.1 priority after taking over the wizarding world was doing sth about his snace (snake face) so yeah. first things first he’s not as fugly in the dark au. as mentioned previously he just looks like mr. ralph and probably wears ornate haute couture power suits
4. the public doesn’t actually know who the augurey is for YEARS… they know whoever it is is voldemort’s second in command and sure there’s rumors that he has an heir but nobody knows it’s delphi. this way she doesn’t have to be reclusive and hide away, she just lives her life, studies and trains, masters the art of dark magic, hangs around town etc, and no one suspects anything bc who would think this tiny super friendly innocent looking girl is the dark lord’s kid — her identity isn’t revealed until she’s deemed Ready to publicly take up her position. and when she is revealed it’s a Big Moment bc she’s a drama queen and lives for attention
5. delphi is taller than bellatrix
6. speaking of bellatrix. she’s presumed dead after the battle of hogwarts which turns out to be a cool bonus for the dark side. any leftover resistance? she’ll take care of that and they’ll never see her coming. tbh this seems a lot cooler in my head bc movie bellatrix would not be stealthy enough to stay hidden for years she would probs trip over something and accidentally commit arson within a few days. but yeah sneaky assassin sounds sexy. plus to be super honest i imagine bella is a teensy bit more collected than in the films... no shade at helena y’all know i would die for her but there are in fact things i would change about her bella. so yeah for a while the only people who know she’s alive aside from her immediate family are probs rod and the malfoys
7. hm so. the malfoys…. much to think about. narcissa did lie to voldemort’s face during the battle so logically he should have killed her the moment he realized she knew harry was alive all along. but this is a soft dark au so let’s pretend bellatrix was like hey dude don’t kill my sister maybe and voldemort was like k. i mean no harm done, harry potter is properly dead in this universe after all
8. but seriously tho. the only reason voldemort didn’t yeet narcissa into a wall was for bella’s sake. he’s nice like that, he probably promised her at one point that he wouldn’t violently murder her family. peak romance
9. delphi is surprisingly close with both her parents although with voldemort it’s more of a mentor-student relationship than a parent-child one bc he’s Like That. growing up it was always bella who insisted they treat delphi more like a child and less like a weapon and voldemort wasn’t always happy about that bc he’s emotionally constipated and also never had a childhood. also he’s, like, evil. so yes, reminding voldemort that delphi was her daughter too sometimes got bella in trouble bc we all know of voldemort’s superiority issues. but no bella didn’t stop insisting that delphi deserved an actual childhood and in the end they compromised like functional adults and delphi turned out pretty well for someone raised by 2 of the most terrifying people alive
10. but yeah that’s not to say voldemort and kid delphi never had soft moments. they did. he even picked her up every once in a while. everyone was surprised, bella most of all. she probably cried in the bathroom later bc the softness overwhelmed her. i’m not sure if i mean that in a sarcastic shitpost kind of way or if she was really moved to tears. y’all decide for yourselves
11. delphi looks very very much like bella but she has tom riddley eyes.. so dark they’re nearly black. and soulless. maybe they even flash red when she’s enraged. and she has very aristocratic very controlled tom riddley mannerisms. it’s not until you piss her off and she goes off the rails that the bella side of her personality kicks in
12. delphi gets along really well with the malfoys (except lucius. she thinks he’s pathetic and likes to tease him. in a friendly way but it’s still harsh. she gets that from her mom) esp scorp. scorp thinks this makes him cool at school bc he gets to fist bump the augurey and not get murdered for it
13. speaking of hogwarts. umbridge is scared shitless of delphi and it’s always a school-wide spectacle when the augurey drops by unexpectedly on official business and umbridge starts stuttering and quivering. scorp sometimes makes a point to approach umbridge and delphi when they’re talking and act all chummy-chummy with his cousin just to make himself look powerful and Cool in front of umbridge and the other students
14. i still don’t know whether voldemort would call delphi ‘delphini’ or just ‘delphi’… i imagine he’s a strict stick-up-his-ass kinda father but who knows. he does call bellatrix ‘bella’ but that’s different i guess
15. but THEN AGAIN he does have a gigantic soft spot for delphi too. maybe he slips up every so often and calls her delphi. i’m literally making this shit up as i go along i’m just smashing my mf keyboard and occasionally glancing at my messy hcs notebook. I TOLD YALL i don’t have solid hcs i just have VIBES and AESTHETICS. the only way you’ll get specific hcs out of me is if you ask very specific questions
16. weirdest brotp is delphi and rodolphus. nobody knows where that came from but they get along so well and it confuses everybody
17. we been knew that bella is batshit crazy and criminally insane or whatever but against all odds she is a surprisingly good mother. she’s always been soft for family (narcissa etc) so it makes sense that she would legit die for delphi. they have this super casual bantery relationship YALL GET ME bella is so proud of delphi she’s literally that “my little baby off to destroy people” meme!!! honestly mother-daughter relationships are my goddamn weakness i would die for the two of them
18. delphi has a gf (underdeveloped oc time!) who, for the longest time, doesn’t know who she is dating bc delphi is obviously not allowed to say. she finds out the truth eventually and she is properly freaked out for a very very long time. and since all of these hcs are stupidly soft we’re just gonna keep making them softer: the gf is terrified of delphi’s parents at first (obvs) but they’re both extremely fond of her (well, bella is, voldemort probs doesn’t care all that much about who delphi is dating so long as she’s not of subpar blood status or secretly spying for the opposition ya know. as long as delphi trusts her he does too)
19. no but really voldemort trusts delphi and bella implicitly. with delphi it’s bc he raised her and he trusts her to be loyal bc she knows no other way, she was meant to be an extension of his power etc. but with bella it’s something he learns over time, to trust her judgement bc despite her many many flaws she’s very perceptive and usually right
20. voldemort probably makes more horcruxes. still haven’t decided how this ties in with the fact that he’s now safely immortal again and neither delphi nor bella are. who knows maybe they all do the do and split their souls. much to think about. feel free to send ur thots and ideas my way
21. ya know im basic and always on my bellamort bs and therefore: as the years go by voldemort warms up to bella. not that he wasn’t already extremely fond of her before but he kicks it up a notch. i mean, he’s already taken over the world so it’s high time to start experimenting with other wilder things like Feelings. 80/90 years old isn’t too late to experience Love or whatever. might as well wake up one day and realize you’re completely and utterly in love with the woman you’ve spent the last 50+ years with whew. LIKE to be fair bella knows him better than anyone — they understand each other, they’re familiar with each other’s likes, dislikes, mannerisms, nervous tics etc etc. let’s be real it freaked voldemort out at first, being vulnerable to any degree (not that he let it show) but it just became so easy to tell her things that it became a natural thing to do. and obvs he trusts her to keep everything between them and never judge him for anything so that’s sweet
22. y’all keep asking me for domestic hcs but what can i possibly say?? imagine literally any domestic scenario ever and just think bellamort and i’ve probably imagined that same scenario before. except its sexier bc the world is dark and evil and they live in a dark gloomy super fancy manor. so we have these 2 goths right but they’re in love but in that casual familiar way YALL GET ME and sometimes they even drink coffee together in the mornings or like. do that thing where Person A returns from work late at night and its dark and raining and Person B is already home just chilling and they don’t even have to talk they just go about their nighttime routine but it’s soft and familiar and COMFORTABLE. i clearly dont have enough softness in my life i just. love domestic scenarios bye
23. i forgot everything else i wanted to write bc i got distracted by domesticity. im also thinking about how voldemort absolutely despises the thought of any pda but he’ll take bella by the wrist in public every so often when he wants to get her attention, or like. put his hand on her back. small things but oh so soft
24. hhhh okay i have a LOT to say about the power fam’s fashion choices but it’s hard to explain without pictures. i have a wholeass ppt presentation but i’m not about to upload 20+ slides to tumblr. but i seriously was not kidding when i said voldemort wears fancy suits and yes i have references. meanwhile delphi is a fan of feathers but mostly goes with lowkey military-style outfits.. she’s practical yet ostentatious. bella sticks to a conservative yet undeniably sexy selection of evil looking dresses.. i should make all of these into pinterest boards hmm
25. controversial opinion but i think delphi knows she and voldemort are half bloods. so does bella but that’s a whole other story, she been knew. anyhow yeah delphi was told the truth bc it was better for her to find out from the source rather than hear rumors from the opposition and begin to distrust the foundations of voldemort’s whole empire and voldemort himself
26. i used to absolutely hate fics where bella would eventually call voldemort by his name but now im like FUCK THAT we don’t do guilty pleasures anymore we just stan ridiculous things and that’s that. one day voldemort had a Thought (shocking, i know) and was like. Hm so we have a wholeass child and we’re basically married maybe bella shouldn’t have to call me My Lord for the rest of her life. BUT ONLY IN PRIVATE. THATS BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM it’s nobody’s business. It Is Nobody’s Business
27. speaking of marriage. bella and rod got divorced a few years after the battle. it was just a formality tho let’s be real. they remained very close friends tho!!!!!!!! i think that’s an unpopular opinion among bellamort stans but i genuinely believe bella and rod were always close the way best friends or family are ya know. rod really loves bella but as long as she’s happy he’s happy even if it means her fucking the dark lord on the reg or whatever
28. going back to #6 — when the public finally finds out that bella’s alive they obviously start to wonder about her and voldemort and connect the dots re: delphi etc but nobody ever gets any concrete answers bc there’s never any public pda.. any sort of affection is limited to when it’s just the two of them. and obviously it’s not like voldemort gossips about his private life in tabloid interviews or whatnot. ALSO the whole Bella Is Alive reveal isn’t nearly as dramatic as delphi’s big moment.. it’s more discreet and insidious in that way it implies that she was there hiding in plain sight all along. and if the ministry can keep sth this big a secret, what else are they hiding.. ah classic intimidation tactics of an authoritarian regime
29. i dont think this is ever stated in the CC but in terms of politics and bureaucracy i imagine voldemort has a fancy office in the ministry and spends 99% of his time there and rarely spends any time out and about. he’s almost never seen by anyone, rarely attends events etc. delphi’s the one who handles the day to day shit in the wizarding world. she’s like.. the public relations manager.. between the public and voldemort
30. bella is of similar status within the ministry but that’s just bc people are scared shitless of her. she doesn’t actually hold any political power and she most certainly does not want to, that is not her area of expertise at all
31. delphi is dangerously powerful and i think that’s really sexy of her
32. re: #21 it’s like. as voldemort warms up to bella, she in turn chillaxes a bit with the whole blind devotion thing and becomes bolder with him like. she’ll outright question his decisions or tell him what he should do, make judgement calls etc. and it becomes a regular thing.. turns into this casual companionship ya feel.. i won’t say they become equals bc that’s just unrealistic but he certainly stops treating her like his inferior. he recognizes her value and i daresay her authority and stops treating her like shit all the time Wow Romance Is Alive!! (this sounds like some sort of “douche fuckboi changes for his poor mistreated love interest” schtick but it’s really not that bc they’re both monstrous people who do not deserve any pity so jot that down. they’re horrible and they deserve each other and they eventually do make it work and i am so so happy for them)
33. it is never outright stated that voldemort can’t love. jkr has said that he doesn’t understand love and that it’s just symbolism!!! that he’s the child of a loveless union and grew up without knowing love!!! BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN HE PHYSICALLY CANNOT LOVE thanks for coming 2 my ted talk. i wasn’t aware of this until a few months ago and i was thrilled to find out my soft hcs are not entirely ooc after all
34. THE POINT IS. THEY ARE A SEMI-FUNCTIONAL FAMILY and i just really love soft domestic scenarios so sorry jkr but the dark au is the only canon now and it belongs to me. everybody has feelings and everything is soft. i’d like to pitch an idea for a kuwtk style reality show but it’s these 3 sociopaths under one roof navigating family life and wizarding world politics
35. to finish i’d like to apologize for downplaying the fact that all 3 of the people i woobified in this post are psychotic murderers and tyrants etc
—— i’ll be updating this if/when i remember anything i forgot AND ALSO send me ur thoughts and comments and constructive criticism etc pls pls pls 
—— follow me on twitter and also curiouscat bc i get a scary amount of q’s about voldemort’s sex life thank you and goodbye
36. in this household we stan dark haired delphi. no i will not be taking any criticism regarding this particular fact
37. bella and voldemort never get married. obviously, because that’s a disgustingly romantic and pointless thing to do. it’s sentimental and unnecessary (well, voldemort thinks so, bella might just disagree but she’s not about to force his hand) BUT that’s not to say they’re not basically an old married couple anyway. AND as much as voldemort thinks love is weakness or whatever he knows this, that they’re about as close as two people can get. SO if he just so happens to gift her a ring.. well it’s a purely symbolic gesture but the implication is definitely there
38. it’s the horcrux ring. he trusts her that much. m y  h e a r t
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agirlnamedally · 7 years
Allyyyy I start hsc on Monday and I'm supppppeeer nervous. I have been studying a lot but ofc enjoying my time with everyone at the library and talking etc. I'm stressing about my atar bc I really want to get in to social work bc I really wanna help people :((((( I wanna do psych but it's 99!!!!!
My tips for anyone starting Year 12/HSC/Senior Year:
Know that it’s perfectly normal to be nervous! I’m pretty sure I was scared to start VCE from Year 7 onwards, it always seemed like this giant, scary, looming monster that would destroy my happiness and suck out my soul like a dementor. Mostly, I just assumed I would have no free time, wouldn’t be able to keep up with the workload, and would fail absolutely everything.
Then, something funny happened. Year 11 came around and I realised… nothing had changed. The work might have been harder, but I had done the required training (aka Years 7-10) and was fully equipped with the skills to handle it. The transition from Year 10 to Year 11, and then again from 11 to 12, is really not that significant or scary! Your workload might increase a tiny bit, because (and in hindsight now I can look back and 100% support this) practice really does make perfect. Teachers don’t make you write 100 essays because they hate you and want you to be miserable or have no social life, it’s because they want you to be a good writer, but more than that, they know that the more essays you write, the easier it will be for you to write one come exam time. It will be less stressful, less terrifying and so much simpler to just regurgitate a piece of writing you’ve practically memorised because you’ve ingrained it into your memory throughout the year. That’s just an example for say English or Literature, but I think the same thing applies for all subjects, no matter how you’re tested. Practice makes perfect. Or at least, practice makes progress, haha.
Now, ATARs. Those finicky little bastards. I’m not going to tell you to forget about it, because I know that when I was in the midst of VCE it was always on my mind. I even had older kids, who had already graduated, constantly telling me how insignificant it was and that it wouldn’t matter one year from now, but I didn’t believe any of that. Now, looking back, I know that they were right. In terms of measuring your intelligence or potential for future career success, ATARs mean nothing. No matter what score you get, I promise you, you can go on and be anything you want to be in life. There will always be obstacles and challenges between you and your dreams, but if you want something and you’re willing to work hard and be nice to others, nothing can stop you. The only difference an ATAR can make is the journey and how you go about it. The only thing an ATAR determines is which course you might do. You might have your heart set on a dream course with a super high ATAR. If you want to shoot for that, go for it! Just know that if your number is lower, there are still ways to pursue it. You can take a gap year, travel, discover the world and find out who you are, uncover your passions, gain some experience. Do a TAFE course, start somewhere else, transfer. Defer it, reject it, volunteer somewhere, change your entire perspective on life, completely change directions. You still have the choice. Unis will often accept someone who didn’t get a first or second round offer initially as a mid-year enrolment, or you could do a semester or two somewhere else and then jump across and hopefully they’ll let you keep those credits under your belt. You may not even want to go to uni! There are many many options and paths you can take, don’t let a number limit or define your future.
Personally, I knew I wanted to further my education but wasn’t entirely set on any particular existing occupation. I knew my two favourite subjects were Psychology and Health and Human Development, but that I also enjoyed writing for English, so I could envision myself happily doing something that encompassed those things. For me, an Arts degree was the perfect choice because it allows you to dip your toes into many different areas of study, test the waters of various fields before arriving at a favourite – your major. The course I most had my heart set on had a pretty high entry score, one which I actually thought I had no possible chance of achieving, but I set it as my goal anyway because as I was so undecided, I didn’t want to ‘limit myself’ (typical Year 12 brain thinking). It worked out wonderfully for me, somehow I found the drive and ended up doing a lot better than I’d expected, really surprising myself (and probably everyone else) and guaranteeing a spot in the course. However, I wholeheartedly believe that had I not achieved the score I did, had I gone to a different university or course, or even taken some time off from studying, I would be just as happy. I would have found another way to continue learning, whether it be by sitting in a lecture theatre or travelling to see it myself. I could have enrolled in a different course, disappointed in myself and thinking it was only temporary, and ended up LOVING it. Maybe even more than this course! Who knows? These are the kinds of ‘what if’s and ‘maybe’s that make my brain want to explode. Being a human can be exhausting.
Whether you have a goal course you’re hoping to get entry for, a dream uni, hopes of studying abroad, a plan to defer for a year or no desire to study at all – but they’re all okay and all achievable! No matter what it is you want in life, there are ways to get there. Not just one, but limitless varying courses of action you can follow. One might be more direct, but it might also be more boring, or less challenging. It might grow you less as a person, or prevent you from meeting some really interesting people that another path will introduce you to.
Year 12 is an awesome time. It can be stressful, overwhelming, demanding, sleepless. It can invoke self-doubt, nostalgia, fear of plummeting into the depths of the unknown (your future) and leaving behind the safety and security of routine (your past). However, it can also be rewarding, exciting, bonding, enriching, growing and deliriously fun. I say delirious because there will definitely be times when you and your friends are so overcome with work and anxiety that you just have to laugh. Misery loves company and Year 12 is proof of that. Study dates are perfect for simultaneously motivating each other and collectively crying into the bowl of chocolate you just devoured. I’m probably not painting the best picture here, but seriously, it can be a terrific time.
If I could give you one piece of advice for entering VCE, it’s to maintain a balance. Balance in life is the key here, because otherwise you will either burn out from too much studying, fall behind from not enough, get sick from not taking care of yourself, or something else just as un-fun. When you’re studying, dedicate proportionate amounts of time or energy to subjects depending on their current level of significance. If possible, do assignments as soon as you get them, but prioritise the ones that are due first or worth the most. More importantly, ensure you have balance throughout your whole life, holistically. It’s just as important to take care of your mental, social and physical well-being as it is to reach your education goals. Make the time to keep active, even if it seems like there is none. I can’t even tell you how beneficial it is to get outside, clear your head and get your heart rate up. Endorphins are your best friend and a powerful stress-buster, so keep a pair of runners at the ready. If you’re not a fan of solo workouts, can’t stay motivated or simply don’t enjoy it, I highly recommend joining a team sport! In fact, I recommend this for everyone, because it’s beneficial to your mental, social and physical health. All at once. Plus there’s the accountability factor – you can’t just skip the workout or hit snooze when you don’t feel like it  - you made a commitment and your teammates are counting on you! Honestly being a part of a group like that will make you feel so needed or wanted, and it’s great to make new friends or connect with like-minded people. SPORT RULES. Taking care of your physical health also means nourishing your body with the right foods, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water – all the basics. Back to balance – it’s also essential to dedicate time to doing things just for you. Bubble baths are a great choice, there’s also reading, meditation, getting a massage or mani-pedi, having a movie night, seeing a friend, anything that makes you feel relaxed, happy and at peace. These are the things that keep you going! Imagine a pie chat, split into 3 sections. One section is school and schoolwork, one is health and fitness, and the last is dedicated to me-time or fun activities. The three sections represent mental, physical and social wellbeing = all equally important and necessary for not only success, but holistic health in general. If you’re feeling stressed out, look at which of the three sections might be out of balance. Are you not getting enough sleep? Have too much on your plate? Need some alone time? Not fuelling your brain and body with enough or the right nutrition? Try to keep these things in check and remind yourself that they’re all significant and deserving of your attention.
Most of all, know that VCE is completely unique to your own experience. Like karma, you will get out only what you put in. You can make it an easy time, just for socialising and blowing off class, you can dedicate 110% of yourself to studying every waking hour, never lose a mark and never see anyone else, OR you can have the best of both worlds and strike that beautiful, sweet balance.
Decide what your own goals are. Make your own rules. Ask yourself what motivates you, and then go after it. Use this time to challenge yourself, grow as a person and exceed any expectations, limitations or barriers that have been set by anyone – including and especially yourself. It’s an exciting time that you should definitely make the most of, because it will be over before you know it. I know it’s hard, but try to forget about ATARs, or at least diminish the all-mighty power and holy-grail presence that it can take. It’s just a number. If you try your best, that’s all you need to do. I have complete faith in you anon, 
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allurascastle · 7 years
There isn't any shame in being upset about somebody who's harassing you. I'm sorry you're going through that. I hope everything works out with the restraining order, or that that guy just leaves you alone in general. Take care.
Aww, thank you! It makes me feel a little better for you to say it, I just…really hate having emotions and being effected by things. Boo.
Admittedly, I’m 60% sure most of my response to this is because this isn’t the typical kind of creeping. THAT I can deal with just fine. This is…wow. Just downright unsettling. (And the conversation we’d been having immediately before the one that sent me into fight or flight mode really just makes the whole thing worse.)
This dude, who I’ll from now on identify as Logan, was someone I first met in early May if I had to guess. It was before Ethan was sent to jail.
(Context of Ethan: he’s one of my two older brothers, who are twins. He is very much the problem child of our family, and is the one getting into legal trouble and drugs all the damn time, is abusive, self-centered, and delusional. Overall: awful person and has done enough shit to warrant me saying he deserves the life sentence he may very well be getting. Back to the story.)
I’m not sure why Logan was in the infant’s diaper aisle, he didn’t grab anything and just tried chatting with me, but he recognised me pretty much on sight (in retrospect, my name isn’t a very common one and we wear name badges, he could have pieced it together from that - and I say that because it was a little too fast for having been three years…or maybe not) as being Ethan’s sister. I say “tried chatting with me” because the second someone utters Ethan’s name, I’m all but gone. I hate him and want nothing to do with him and hia fucking friends need to leave me alone. (But I was at work, so I said “yes, now how may I help you?” and then left with “good night, I have work to do.”)
At the time, I assumed he was one of Ethan’s recent friends. He goes through them like toilet paper, as you’d expect from a serial abuser, and is really great at convincing him he’s great and swell. They never listen and frankly, 8 years of no one listening to you will just have you throwing your hands up in the air and saying “go get your fucking self esteem ruined away from me, idgaf.”
Now…Ethan has this habit of talking about us (the family) and showing off pictures (last I checked), so I chalked it up to that, fumed, angrily ranted with a friend and moved on.
Saw Logan a few other times. He asked me how Ethan was doing once and I angrily snapped “I don’t know, I don’t talk to him.” To which he responded: “that’s a shame, he’s a great guy.” I had no answer appropriate for my workplace so I just walked away from the fitting room with none of the items I intended to put away. I think I saw him one more time before this most recent* time, but I don’t remember any of it.
*the most recent time would be earlier today, 9/24, but I am actually referring to the incident, which happened around 8:10PM on 9/19.
So…the incident. It started off innocently enough - and at this point, I should mention I had bad vibes about this dude already, but brushed them off because he obviously wasn’t neurotypical (which made me disgusted with Ethan, but I wasn’t shocked), I’d guess on the autistic spectrum if I really had to: just the way he talked and seemed to process things.
But so, I figured it was good ol’ social ableism and told myself “you’re better than that” and was friendly with him bc a) it was my job, b) I had no reason to be rude but if he brought my brother the fuck up again I was GONE, okay, GONE. I ain’t here for that shit. I like my life drama-free. I should ALSO mention that thos whole time, spanning a few months, I didn’t know his name AND I was under the assumption he’s the one who turned Ethan into the troopers for the Rikki fiasco, and in my eyes, that was a bit of a redemption most Ethan’s friends would never get.
I really wish I’d just…listened to that bad vibe and gtfo of dodge. At first, he strolled up to Fitting Room while my coworker, an older gal named Sharon, with a cart of Halloween decorations and said he was just in the store buying some Halloween stuff and proceeded to tell Sharon about what he was going to be for Halloween, emphasising that it was the scariest thing he could imagine (turned out to be a “dark Flash” from Flash a few years ago. Idk bc I’m not really into superhero TV shows or movies. Doesn’t sound scary to me, but whatever. We all have different things that really spook us).
We somehow got onto the subject of a kidnapping that’d happened in the area, and from there some dude has apparently been reported watching female employees leaving at night from the parking lot (creepy, and I didn’t know that, but I also get picked up because I don’t have my licence yet). And from there, I mentioned some things to do in that sort of situation, and the conversation shifted towards the subject of kidnap AND rape (he mentioned that it happened to his friend’s niece when she was thirteen and that it broke his heart. This is the only thing that really sticks out from this part of the conversation and for a reason).
Sharon leaves, and Logan starts talking about his relationship woes and saying how when he’s around girls he likes, he gets flustered and starts pouring his heart out - and mentions a specific time he did this with a long time female friend of his and he starts bemoaning about how the friendship they’d had for so long was just gone. (I politely asked him if she had reacted cruelty, because - and I SAID this - there was no reason for the friendship to be gone since she didn’t reciprocate, after all she wasn’t obligated to. He said that she was but…the way he said it sounded Bad.) And then onto cheating (I told him no one deserved to be cheated on while trying to edge away, because dudes getting onto the friendzone is a huge red flag, and then going onto cheating? B y e) and he mentions he caught his recent* fiance cheating on him (and specified that he caught her walking up to some dude. Er…I hoped I was just missing some context from that, but I’m not giving the benefit of the doubt on it).
And then. AND THEN he says this: “You know, I was really into you a few years ago, but your brother said not to try because of the age gap.”
My alarm bells were already going off, but my blood went cold as ICE at this.
I’m eighteen, a few years ago I was fifteen. I hadn’t EVER met this dude, and I commit all of Ethan’s friends to memory so I can avoid them. Also, nice hypocrisy, Ethan (Rikki is either 14 or 15 right now. He’s in jail for dating and fucking her).
Now, back in 2014 before Ethan moved to Anchorage, he did not live with me and my parents, and we were living in one of my dad’s friend’s cabin. He lived with my grandmother a decent way away, and were were pretty fucking livid with both of them. So he only got to come over to see his kids when we had them, bc their mother had a restraining order, but even that didn’t last bc - well, he was abusive and homophobic and screamed at my TODDLER NEPHEW that he would not have a gay son…when all he did was put on a straw hat to get giggles like his sister.
So yes, I have never met this dude. I didn’t even know his name until he mentioned going to grade or middle school with my sister in law (I…am not sure how he knew my other brother was married, that happened THIS year) and her brother, who he called by…well, I’ve only ever hear this brother called “RJ”. I was a little shocked and mentioned it, and he mentioned his name and how he wasn’t called by it much anymore either. I completely forgot this until I was in the car on the verge of crying again to Susanne.
“You know, I was really into you a few years ago, but your brother said not to try because of the age gap.”
Like. I’m going into panic mode as everything I’d thought is being challenged. (I vaguely recall in our conversation with Sharon, him mentioning how much he hates pedophiles and me asking if he was the one who called the troopers on Ethan than, and even after a short summary he maintained he wouldn’t “do that” to Ethan… Also at some point we established he was terrified of my parents, and after that night he has a very good reason to be.)
I don’t remember what I said. I just remember trying to leave again but a customer came by and I had to let them in the rooms because I had the keys, and policy states I can’t leave with people in the room, and Sharon has the radio with management on it.
He then asks me, while I am effectively trapped there, if I believe in fate. “No.” I said as curtly as possible.
“Well I do, especially when it comes to love.” I LEGIT WANTED TO FUCKING DIE. I WAS CRINGING SO HARD. He went on to say something about how love’ll happen of it’s meant to and…
The customer left and I told him I had to go do my job and took off weaving through apparel.
I think I saw him head towars Halloween (the front of the store, where he presumably got the shit in his cart; what brought him over in the forst place was apparently a discarded shit and it drives him nuts whem those get left around by other customers). I didn’t have a radio to find out where a manager was, but I booked it to Customer Service to hunt a CSM down.
I told her, came up with a code (code alex) if I ever needed to be saved from a similar situation. Not even an hour later I was still so nerve-wracked and only getting more anxious as I was there until 10 but Sharon was leaving at 9, that I went and talked to an ASM. Or tried. I staryed crying on the phone with her so she sent me on a break, and I started to break down again talking in the office. She sent me home early at 9:20 PM and told me to contact management if the dude showed up again.
My sis talked to her on Thursday about the guy, since she knew his name, but I don’t remember what Susanne said was the outcome bc I didn’t work Thursday and The ASM wasn’t there today. (I did have to tell another ASM who had me call the police, who recommended me to go get a stalking order after he stopped being stupid.)
Another ASM heard while he was back there and offered to walk me to my car, and hung around for a little bit when I told him I was being picked up. I know he told my sis he’d walk me to my car of I ever needed or wanted someone to, so that was a relief.
TODAY I saw him briefly right after I clocked in and was on the salesfloor talking with my coworker E. He tried talking to me but fight or flight kicked in and I noped all the fuck the way to Mark, who had the radio, and then hunted Jaime down with E walking with me.
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benjvmins-blog · 7 years
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[ taron egerton ] — meet benjamin mercer, the twenty-five year old male known as the hedonistic. he is a rich kid that used to be an actor / model, but now is a mixologist at the nightwing. he is charming & intelligent, but also reckless & cocky. a song that describes him is don’t threaten me with a good time by panic! at the disco, and he is in carmel because his parents found out about his drug & sex addictions and sent him to carmel in hopes of him getting clean.. 
hello hello, i’m caitlyn, i’m 22 and i live in the CST and tbh i am so, so SO excited be able to open this thanks to ya’ll and i’m also pretty excited to bring this this trash can of a man for ya’ll to see!! i’ve got some more bullet points n things like that for him under the cut and a connections page up right here !! if you’d like to plot with ben, please just IM or like me because i’m super hype to plot w ya’ll!! ( i will be taking a nap for a bit so I won’t be here right when interactions start but i will be shortly after that! )
( tw: mentions of alcohol & drugs. )
benjamin was born in wales, however, this was just during a visit home, his parents had moved to the US YEARS before that
his parents are VERY well known actors ( like…. they have a good 30 emmys between them… if not more ) not to mention the fact that his distant relatives was one of the people that funded captiol records…… so they’re all really well known ??
he grew up w/o having to ever lift a finger to literally do anything?? like he never had to do a damn thing which made him extremely spoiled.
however, he wasn’t the only one in the mercer clan, meaning that after he started to get older, the attention was taken off of him and was placed towards his siblings, something he didn’t fully understand and it was something that upset him.
but, even then, he loved his parents and his siblings alike and would do anything for them.
due to his parents having long movie shoots, they were never at home, meaning that ben ( and the many nannies they had ) had to raise his siblings while his parents weren’t around and for that, he resented them. he wanted to go back to the old life oh him not having to do anything.
but as he got older and went to school, he realized that maybe he wanted to do the same thing his parents did.
so he too began to pursue acting and because of his parents having many, many ties to the industry, ben had his first acting gig at the age of 9.
he quickly began to let the spotlight go to his head, causing an ego issue to rise in him even at that age.
however, even if his name was famous, his parents still made him go to school like a normal person and do things that normally people would and that leveled him ever-so-slightly.
there was a few movies that had come out within the last four years one of them being a popular action movie ( think kingsman… of course. ) and a more romantic movie ( think the notebook or la-la land. ) that skyrocked his fame to the point he’s constantly doing press for those and other things that he’s been signed for.
those movies caused a very cocky side of him to come out and he quickly gained the title of “party child” by going out every weekend, having new hook ups every other day, drinking and partying his life away while he had as much fun as he possibly could.
not only did he start partying, he also got into some pretty hard core drugs because he liked the way it made him feel..
and the tabloids quickly caught on to this behavior and addiction and started following him non-stop just to try and make him look as bad as they possibly could
now, normal people would have dropped that lifestyle the second the tabloids began dragging his name through the mud, but not ben.. in fact, he got worse.. going out almost every night, bringing a different hook up home most of those nights, going to strip clubs, regular clubs & bars… anywhere he could get his next “fix”…. it didn’t matter if that was from alcohol. drugs or sex.
after a while of this, his parents had had enough, trying to get him to change via an intervention, which only pissed ben off even more and caused him to become even worse.
so his parents gave him two choices: rehab or carmel, he chose carmel… knowing for a fact his parents wouldn’t follow him out there and that he could probably still get away with most of the things he was doing now.
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust and doesn’t really care to get to know people. however, if someone were to break past that wall, he’d let them.
wears glasses sometimes but tbh he hates them a lot ???
loves suits… and wears them all the time when he has to do press and whatnot but if he’s out doing anything like that, he wears the hell out of ripped jeans, v-necks and motorcycle jackets more than anything in the world but will also rock tf out of sweats sometimes.
has a motorcycle that is literally his baby and he NEVER lets anyone else touch it when he’s not around like he’s …. a mess when it comes to that thing.
highkey hot mess. h i g h k e y.
fluent in a lot of languages… like a lot
terrified that people will figure out that the’s not the cocky asshole he plays so well because then it would bring up memories from the past that he doesn’t want to talk about.
will flirt w everyone, no matter what. and probably tro to sleep w them as well…
will also try to get people 2 go party w him bc that’s him in a nutshell tbh.
is actually a highkey nerd, like owns 382423 comic books and LOVES to play video games, reads books n is actually v intelligent.
because of his failing relationship, he’s found out that he rather enjoys having the company of hook ups because it’s better than being alone & having to commit to ONE person… aka he a hoe
literally…. is willing to try anything and everything if it means making himself numb to the world for a while..
cares, a lot, but pretends that he hates the world because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible puns & pick up lines …
might be a higkey dom…….. like……. yikes but u know… he likes to be in charge… w everything.
can be extremely cocky ….. most of the time, esp when it comes to his line of work
can be pretty damn persuasive and manipulative when he wants to be.
likes to box, keeps him in shape all while making him look tougher ( ps: he’s probs always got bruised knuckles because of it )
is actually extremely chill once you get to know him, but doing so is a challenge not a lot of people have beaten before.
drinks……. a lot… like….. probably bleeds whiskey
Full Name: Benjamin Reid Mercer. Nickname(s): Ben, Benji. Age: Twenty-five. Date of Birth: October 31st. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Place of Birth: Cardiff, Wales. Ethnicity: English  American. Nationality: American. Gender: Male. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. Romantic Orientation: Bisexual. Religion: N/A. Occupation: Actor / Model / Mixologist. Language(s) Spoken: Romanian, Gaelic, Welsh, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian & English. Accent: None.
Face Claim: Taron Egerton. Hair Color: Brown. Eye Color: Blue. Height: 6′ 0″. Weight: 231 lbs. Build: Fit. Tattoos: too many to count. Piercings: None.
Label: The Hedonistic. Positive Traits: Charming, Intelligent, Adventurous. Negative Traits: Reckless, Cocky,  Hedonistic. Fears: Acrophobia, Aphenphosmphobia, Claustrophobia, Aerophobia. Hobbies: Playing video games, playing guitar, reading comics / books, watching movies, boxing, cooking, gambling. Quirks: Believes in karma, carries a “lucky” item with them at all times, fights for animals rights, fights for gender equality, fights for human rights, fights for the legislation of marijuana / other drugs, fights for marriage equality, wears mismatched socks, counts stairs, boxes, enjoys hiking, loves board games, plays a musical instrument, plays with fire, uses pet names for everyone, tells the truth / is brutally honest no matter what, uses bad puns whenever possible. Likes: Rain, cars, shoes, boxing, baseball, football, nighttime, fall, traveling, partying, adventures, swimming, art, astronomy, greek history, tattoos, whiskey. Dislikes: seafood, heat, hugs, cuddling, staying in.
Father: Graham Mercer. Mother: Marie Mercer. Sibling(s): Two younger siblings. Pet(s): One husky named Balto & one tuxedo persian cat named Lucifer. Financial Status: High Class.
Myers-Briggs: ESTP-A Enneagram: Type 8 ( The Challenger. ) Temperament: Choleric. Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
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champagnemiracles · 7 years
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”oh, you have such strange ideas about love.” “maybe we should just do what you do. you meet, you have lunch, and you get married.” “oh, you forgot about happily ever after.“ “forget about happily ever after, it doesn't exist.” edit// this is taken!!!
FORGIVE ME FOR THIS GARBAGE/RANDOM/LUCID REQUEST bc my ac is broken and i’m slowly spiraling into sweat insanity, but i got this convoluted idea from the movie ‘enchanted’ and i wanted to make something out of it. WHO DOESN’T LOVE DISNEY PRINCESSES I MEAN??? so if you love disney and utter cuteness and playing romance crazy characters, then this sucker is MADE FOR YOU. all i ask is that you don’t mind mature themes (my boy is a sad) can do both comm and regular threads and most importantly, have the time to dedicate to this little story. personally i won’t be on every day so i don’t expect ‘round the clock stuff but if you know you’re going on a long trip, have exams or will be gone for weeks at a time, i don’t suggest taking this. BUT IF YOU’RE COOL WITH ALL THAT THEN PLS CONTINUE READING THIS MUMBO JUMBO!!!
i haven’t written out a 100% solid backstory for my guy max atwood (matthew daddario) but what i have in my head is that max was the youngest of two boys, and was extremely close to his older brother even though they were polar opposites. his brother was highly emotional, very artistic and very connected to the earth in an almost hippie fashion, whereas max is vastly more pessimistic, detached, and only passionate about few things (his brother was a sculptor, max is grounded in music due to his mother and became a club dj on the rise) despite their differences deep down max always looked up to his brother, admired that he could achieve an ‘american’ dream while max was moreso dredged in reality, working his ass off and keeping relationships at arms length. in short max’s brother moved from boston and went and made a life for himself elsewhere (they kept in close contact) and in that time became a father of his singular daughter gwendolyn. though max is super anti-kid the few times he saw his niece he still softened to her and respected that his brother was taking fatherhood in stride. now i’m not sure about the mother side of things yet, but as a soured result of his relationship with gwen’s mother, max’s brother recently committed suicide and left max ABSOLUTELY devastated and furious. ‘why didn’t he reach out,’ ‘why did he leave me behind’ kind of furious. they were supposed to be brothers after all.
amidst his grief, shock and unrelenting frustration max tried to carry on with potentially signing on to a tour in his dj career, but social services swerved into his lane with shocking news. due to the absence of the mother (be it death or the fact that she’s unfit) and his parents being too unwell to raise a child, max’s brother stipulated in both his goodbye letter and will that max gain custody of gwendolyn. max, being a typically single cynic with no idea how to tend to a child, was terrified at the idea of essentially becoming a ‘dad.’ but in thinking of his brother and his innocent niece in the hands of somebody other than him, he couldn’t withstand anybody else taking guardianship of her. he went through all the necessary paperwork, court legalities and what not, and halted his career to raise gwen in boston. it’s been a year since he’s gained custody, gwen is at the chatterbox age of six and she’s literally the only being to garner any kind of emotion/tenderness from max. he’d rather hang himself then admit he loves playing princess and dragon with her, has soaked his pink nail polished fingers in acetone for days at a time and sometimes tears up when gwen claims she’s glad her uncle could now be her daddy. he likes to think he’s getting the hang of this parenting thing (lbr his braiding techniques suck, he overfills her lunch box as if she’s eating for five and threatens any kids that tease her with shit like ‘i’m going to come out your fucking closet and eat your oreos, kid’) but it’s come at the cost of zero progression within his career, and having to remain grounded when before he was content with drinking, fooling about and letting the laundry pile up.
not to mention his love life is on empty and gwen doesn’t let him forget it (’she’s pretty huuuuuuuuuh??’ ‘yeah, but sunsets are pretty too and we don’t fling ourselves into the sun gwen.’) between dj-ing at night, rushing gwen to school in the morning and basically not trusting anyone near his daughter niece, max just hasn’t bothered. THIS IS WHERE THE GAL I’M REQUESTING COMES IN. it’s the eve of gwen’s 7th birthday and he wants to do this one right (the last one he doesn’t even like to acknowledge, the donkey at the petting zoo bit her okay) so he puts together this park bash and hires a disney princess to entertain the kids (see this link if you don’t know what a princess party is!!!) in comes girl, which in my head i saw her playing as ariel but pending the face claim we can change the princess!! outside of her character persona this girl is a true romantic, having only had two relationships and deeply believing in soulmates, marriage ect. disgustingly bubbly, extraordinarily good with kids, it’s as if she’s literally a human disney character (like giselle in enchanted “it's like you escaped from a hallmark card or something”) needless to say when max first meets her he’s like “.................-snorts-” but when he sees how gwen responds to her....oh boy it’s over. she makes the party a hit and gwen will NOT shut up about how perfect she is. that night max literally bangs his head on the wall because this is STUPID why is he thinking about a chick that acts like a three year old for a living and talks about true love and UGH DUMB HER EYES WERE SO NICE THOUGH.
it seems as though girl was thinking of him too. because she sends a text (initially the messaging was used to set up the party) talking about how much she adored gwen and thought he was a very attentive father. much against his better judgement they have a day out (for ice cream because she’s so pure she doesn’t bask in the bar scene) and it’s like the grim reaper and cupid are waltzing down the street, she’s so full of energy and warmth over all things bad and max is just like.....how do you fucking exist THERE IS NO HAPPY ENDING FOR ANY OF US WE ALL DIE AND THAT’S IT. he’s so down and jaded over his brother and won’t outright tell her, so instead he jabs fingers and yells and tries to get her to understand that life isn’t a god damn fairytale. but much atone to his brother, her affirmation that there /is/ something good waiting for him gives him hope. he hates that shit, why does she DO that. it’s what makes him keep coming around, very very slowly altering his perceptions in the way that she dances on street corners without music, dishes out twenties to the homeless and leaves breakfast bagels on his doorstep (annoyingly THE KIND HE LIKES TOO) to the point where they having an outing with both them and gwen and....it’s so perfect. so god damn perfect, as if they’ve been a family unit all along. to want somebody in his life, one that grossly objects to everything he’s believed in...it’s paralyzing. to be happy for once, he can’t exactly cope with it.
naturally he’ll fuck it all up at some point, probably upsetting both her and gwen, and i’ve yet to decide if gwen’s mother will be alive and come into the picture, idk yet!!! but it’ll be adorable and then it’ll BURN BECAUSE I’M AWFUL. but oh god it’s all so sugary and lame i LOVE IT PLEASE TAKE HER. in my mind i had holland roden or lily collins to coincide with her playing red haired ariel but if you already have a face and want to take this we can work something out!!! she’d be around 25-26, probably a boston native, working for a princess party company and like a living fairytale in her ideals (but probably so far gone that she doesn’t know how to cope with bad shit or rejection, is probably naive, just to name a few negative traits!!!) the rest is up to you! drop a reply or send me an ask for her and i’ll respond asap <3
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