#where is my influencer brand deal fr
blueskittlesart · 11 months
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hit 10k on instagram earlier this week and did some requests to celebrate!! here's batch 1
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paigelev · 5 years
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( SCARLETT LEITHOLD, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) – wait a minute, wasn’t that 20 year old PAIGE LEVINSKY walking through the town square? i heard that they’ve been living in augusta for THEIR WHOLE LIVES and they live at #12 SYCAMORE WAY i often see them IN THE MAGAZINES  where they spend their time as A SOCIALITE the people closest to them say that they are MAGNETIC &  LIVELY but can also be DETATCHED & RECKLESS 
hllo folks! im sage pronouns are she+her and im coming 2 u live frm the est tz.  im so happy that i found this cute lil group!! anyways, im the worst at intros so pls let me jus jump right into my child below !!! if u wanna plot give this a like and i’ll come sprinting ur way fr plots n stuff 
okay, so paige is a brand new muse of mine so pls forgive me if this is rough™
I have her pinterest board here if u wanna take a peak at her 
SO the levinsky’s come frm old old old money tht.. people dnt even know what they do.. or where their money comes frm at this point. they jus know their rich af and  are one of those prominent families in the business world, political world n any other kind of world that breeds nepotism 
they attend events and galas and sponsor them on a monthly, sometimes weekly basis, donating heaps to keep their family name pristine & relevant
paige ws born and raised in augusta. everyone knew the levinsky’s, the family that sped around town with shiny cars and bright smiles, blonde locks fluttering in the wind like they’ve got a wind machine following them. 
12 sycamore way was the house tht caught everyone’s eye as they drove past the street; with the beautiful french inspired architecture and bright red door tht hid a family tht was known for their looks and social status
i’ve kinda based her on serena van der woodsen frm gossip girl mixed with marissa cooper frm the oc aka ... sis is a mess
her dad is buried with work, n is off running one of their businesses over seas, basically an absent father who she can’t help but still idolize. her mom travels a lot, attending events n jus spending money n trying to buy happiness bc the love between her mom n dad is nonexistent at this point
paige is rlly outgoing n jus has sort of tht magnetic personality that draws people to her. rly charming n just easy to get along with
 things come rly easily to her..which is probably annoying bc she’ll try half as hard and probably get twice as much. 
she had everything going fr her.. yale ws in the horizon but the day before graduation paige literally jus dipped n didn’t tell anyone 
i’ve got a few reasons on why she left without a word, but im going to.. hold off on exposing tht bc 1. i cnt make up my mind on which one i wanna do and 2. if anyone wants some drama pls hmu if u would like ur character to be a big reason why paige left!  we can brainstorm 
anyways she left three years ago n nw she’s finally returned to augusta - the producers of the show caught wind of this and probably have made a big deal abt it ... the golden girl returns or smth like tht lmao
but she’s come back and she’s kinda changed, a lot less wild as she used to be.. and tbh it won’t take much to coax her into turning back into her former self tht jus liked to hav a buckwildT time
she’s trying to be good but she’s never been rlly good at tht. 
she’s living at the red velvet at the moment bc she rly does not want to live with her mom or be known as the girl behind the red door bc it frnkly just all feels like a completely different lifetime ago and one that she isn’t that proud of
some connections i’d love 
friends !! ..she most likely didn’t keep contact with a bunch of them but i feel like she probably did with a few that she was v close to n texted every nw and then. friends that she lost touch with so now its kind of awkward, a best friend who feels like she ditched her so now there’s drama between them n paige is rly nervous to see her again (the blair to her serena, the summer to her marissa)
enemies!! she probably had quite a few so i reckon there’s a lot of side eyeing now tht shes back. she has 100% stolen someone’s bf only to grow bored of him after 3 days n ditch him.
exes!! maybe a boyfriend tht she left behind without saying anything to .. perhaps shawn mendes wrote where were u in the morning for her lmao maybe a fling she’s had n they still have lingering feelings, exes tht absolutely despise each other bc paige jus fuked them over, or vice versa
 someone to corrupt her n bring out her wild side again
someone who is a good influence for her
i cant think of anything else but kno tht i am dwn for jus abt anything!! 
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turianosauruswrex · 6 years
the DM for the game I'm gonna play Corinth in asked me if her god was Vecna because of the whole one-eye thing and I said "well she's not religious but IT SURE IS NOW", and this is all gonna tie together I promise
so I made her backstory that she abandoned her guard post and, in her thinking because of her, her entire town was slaughtered by an Unknown Monster which gave her a HUGE case of Survivor's Guilt and she fled the smoldering ruins, only to be dogged by recurring nightmares, until ONE DAY she gets a visitor, a one-eyed man calling himself fey
the guy was like "so you wanna find out what did this and kill it back, cool, we'll make a deal. go look for this lady and ask for the bone-hurting juice, it'll DEFINITELY make you become a warlock and you'll just owe me some favors : )" and Corinth, being neck-deep in grief and not knowledgeable about fae at all, agreed
but plot twist her lil visitor wasn't a fae but a god, Vecna, an arch-lich and the god of evil secrets, and while she was under the influence of the Hunter's Bane he convinced Corinth to cut out her own left eye so now she's TECHNICALLY one of his followers LOL this poor girl is oblivious to it all, she just thinks she's a warlock
anyways so I sent all this to the DM and after his initial "holy shit" he was like "are you married to it being Vecna, because he's not in Forgotten Realms yet which is where we're gonna be playing, plus he was a big thing in Critical Role and I KNOW I'd steal from that, which, would be okay, but think on it since there are other deities in FR he kinda steps all over pantheon-wise. though I will say he's on my bucket list of toys to play with in D&D. and since he's not in FR already it'd definitely be Our Campaign's Thing. AND since he IS the god of secrets it's entirely plausible your character could be part of his ascension into Forgotten Realms. anyways I'll think on it and get back to you!"
anyways I love Corinth very much and I can't wait to see how this DM stabs her with all her many knives
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slimfitdiets-blog · 5 years
Vital Keto France –  Benefits Read, Reviews, Price & Where to Buy?
Vital Keto  Wouldn't it be extraordinary if an enhancement could supplant an eating regimen? For instance, you'd removed the critical step of the Ketogenic Diet, yet at the same time getting every one of the outcomes. Consider that. The Ketogenic Diet necessitates that you expend not exactly an apple of carbs every day. Also, that implies checking out each and every gram of carb that you expend. Along these lines, the thought is that Vital Keto Diet Weight Loss Pills can supplant that dreary eating routine. In any case, it doesn't generally work that way. At this moment, there isn't confirm that Vital Keto Diet Weight Loss attempts to put your body into the Ketosis state. Thus, again, supplements are never a swap for a decent eating regimen.
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Fonctionne-t-il Vraiment?
Bien entendu, Vital Keto fonctionne by means of le Garcinia Cambojia. C'est une sorte d'herbes naturelles qui ressemble à une citrouille de organic products. La inspiration de base de cet ingrédient est de stimuler votre système de métabolisme de sorte que vous puissiez facilement perdre du poids sans aucun préjudice. [Keto Top Avis]
Lorsque vous commencez à acheter un produit, vérifiez toujours ses commentaires, ses effets secondaires et bien d'autres choses. Mais, avez-vous déjà vérifié la qualité de l'entreprise d'un produit? Avez-vous déjà vérifié, à partir du minute où la société fournit ses administrations? Si non, alors allez visiter les détails de la compagnie de Vital Keto.
Despite everything you need to invest exertion whether you choose to utilize Vital Keto Diet Pills or not. Things being what they are, with that off the beaten path, can Vital Keto Weight Loss advantage you in any case? All things considered, that is somewhat something you may need to discover yourself. Since, without an examination out on the item, we're reluctant to state one way or the other on the off chance that it could be helpful. That implies you can put Vital Keto Diet Pills under a magnifying glass in your very own life to check whether they're the ones you need. Or then again, you can pick the best keto pill above to begin with. That is one we truly do suggest, and we think you'll like it. Go look at it now while supplies last!
Fundamental Keto Diet Pills At A Glance:
• Comes With 60 Capsules Per Bottle • Contains 800mg Of BHB Ketones • Online Only Offer As Of Right Now • Cannot Find This Product In Stores • Labeled As Gluten-Free Supplement Ultimate Fat Burner Booster The primary fixing in the Vital Keto Diet recipe gives off an impression of being BHB Ketones. What's more, these are ketones your body really makes when you enter Ketosis. That being stated, we don't have the foggiest idea if an enhancement type of this would work similarly. What's more, we don't assume it could work without altogether curtailing your carb admission. Since, the Ketogenic Diet has some guarantee for helping those that are overweight. Be that as it may, numerous individuals would prefer not to eat less carbs, since it's difficult to gauge that. Once more, there isn't an investigation on Vital Keto Diet itself, so it's difficult to state on the off chance that it would consume fat or not.
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That is an inquiry I get posed regularly and my answer is an ABSOLUTE YES. Also, the reason it works lies in the equation.
Fundamental Keto accompanies 100% characteristic (fixings you can likewise discover in products of the soil) that furnish you with a definitive arrangement is one little pill.
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That implies on the off chance that you think the enhancement isn't taking a shot at you, you can have all your cash back inside 90-days (yes, that is the sort of trust the brand the has on its item)
Simply ensure you have legitimate reasons alongside when pics to demonstrate your purpose behind return.
Fundamental Keto Benefits
Encourages you get in shape: As I previously clarified, by keeping you from gorging and by placing your body into ketosis, Vital Keto guarantees you get more fit a lot quicker particularly in the event that you are as of now executing it in the rec center and have a solid eating routine.
Improves Mental Health: Fat is probably the best wellspring of vitality for the mind. That implies the liquefying fat won't simply give you a physical lift yet in addition improve your emotional well-being so you feel peppy and centered.
Lifts General Health: Many of the fixings utilized in Vital Keto additionally have against cholesterol and mitigating qualities. It will likewise enable you to deal with sugar so your diabetes does not arrive at levels where it influences the sensory system (like on account of cutting edge type 2 diabetes).
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Basic Keto Diet Side Effects
Will you experience responses with Vital Keto Diet? Everything considered, yet again, we can't state indeed. Normally, to comprehend if an upgrade has side effects, you look at an examination where that was researched. However, since there isn't an examination on the real Vital Keto Diet formula, it's hard to tell. Along these lines, you just should be wary when you're pondering taking anything new like Vital Keto Diet Pills. Since, if you do start experiencing impossible to miss reactions, you should think about using something other than what's expected. Likewise, you ought to stop taking Vital Keto Diet if you have side effects. It's not worth taking on the off risk that it makes you unbalanced. Thusly, essentially be secured and manage your body.
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ofoatd · 6 years
Tomlinson's TV talent, Panic! At The Disco's plight to high heights & Fall Out Boy's 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' Llama led rip off
Tomlinson's judging talent, Payne's premiering EP, One Direction's eight year 'History', Fall Out Boy's 'Thnks fr th Mmrs' lama led rip off and Panic! At The Disco's daredevil plight to high heights. One Fall Out At The Disco's fortuitous hiatus has halted, honing in on music happenings from Malik's sonically startling 'Sour Diesel' to Panic! At The Disco's pious 'Pray For The Wicked Tour’ trail. Coming back from a break like Twenty One Pilots' sabbatical suspension over One Direction's cry out for a comeback, One Fall Out At The Disco's reformed and restored, magnifying music most missed matters.
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Louis Tomlinson the TV talent X Factor judge
Honing in on unblemished boyband harmonies to tearing up the table as a esteemed musical magistrate of the newly designed panel, Louis Tomlinson's lustrous leverage to the heritage of TV talent The X Factor, has been an burning notion put into motion years heretofore.
The 'Back To You' singer is going back to where his life full and long living career conspired into a spiral of One Direction domination, music mogul imprints, solo success and judging jobs upon cultured acquaintance of the panel position and being a ratings boosting figure boasted by philanthropist and public personality Simon Cowell, utilising the former boyband segments popularity purposefully to revive a dying British singing show which cultivated in collecting the worst ever final ratings in its 14 year stint, prioritising Tomlinson's tactile public marketability moreover that's the northerners notorious charismatic persona was a seamlessly shameful statement surrounding Cowell's integrity and intentions.
Whilst conference communications broke of the 26 year olds artist management role, speckles of scepticism surrounding Louis debut record release unofficially branded as LT1 fretted fans over his prioritisation of music over contest commitments with the solo singer suggesting the shows help not hindering covenant commenting "The album is still definitely my priority it doesn't change any release time me doing the show. Having come from the show it made sense to me to go on, I've always been interested in mentoring that's why I've done things in the past with my imprint label. It's something that has been on my mind".
Rolling up in a Mercedes-Benz company car stepping out from the suburbs of a renewed vintage esque Burberry check craze, the 'Just Like You' lead infiltrated into the SSE Arena Wembley situated adjacent to the worldwide wonder Wembley Stadium who hosted One Direction's three date term ‘Where We Are Tour’ in 2014. Sitting in the cushion stacked hot seat for the discovery arena auditions, cautiously crying over a returning contestant and being timidly confident within his critiques plus the stressful six chair challenge mentoring the boys bracket.
Tomlinson took time to spontaneously meet smiley faced fans fighting to stay in their seats subsequent to staff brutally blacklisting and barbarically banning fans from floor perspectives, reigniting former boyband memory flames and jettisoning James Grant Management Group and moving to Mark Gillespie and Matt Vines WMA Management after a two year time with the initial leading agency providers the Syco spin off label imprint individual is moving on, maximising his music mogul mind nostalgic to Plain White T's and Toms.
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8 years of One Direction
Primary vanguards of 21st century boyband unprecedented hysteria, X Factor  graduates One Direction have been masters of pop culture craft for an existing 8 years. Sitting on stairs to selling out stadiums, singing saccharine sugar coated bubblegum pop bops apropos to endless promises of partying all night, making malcontent 'Midnight Memories' stomping upon the streets of centralised London and mulling over fornoon favourite a.m conversations to a cultivation of a dedicated demographic of assured adolescents, placid parents and benevolent boyfriends of fangirl girlfriends growing and grasping mainstream music eminence, eventually evolving as one of the highest earning boyband in history eternity.
"#8YearsOfOneDirection where has the time gone!? Thank you so much to every single person who’s ever supported us. Big love!" tweets Tomlinson the 1/4 of One Direction bio beholder, taking time  aside from audition allegiance alongside Liam Payne addressing the boyband as "Brothers" simultaneously splashing in the oceanic seas from the probably private yacht on Payne's sunny staycation, Niall Horan penning homage to "Amazing memories with the lads" and Harry Styles stating the fan support system saying "Thank you for all the love, thank you for all the support. Thank you for everything" signed off with his signature H dismissal.
Meanwhile the One Direction official outlet monotonously recalled lyricism from the 4 piece's repertoire, fan frenzy was a flurry when supposed superfan speculation sparked an outpouring in overwhelmed apocalypse of panic, pandemonium and perturb as dates for a post hiatus 2020 tour to represent and fly fifth album Made In A.M mellow ambience, the cliffhanger of an album left on the indefinite break of the 'Story Of My Life' singers surfaced upon ticketing sales service Ticketmaster's Australian December dates listings, deflecting the doubt of an unreleased 'Infinity' music video and playlists reputedly lead single 'Lucky' a potential promotional lead for a group reformation of raging proportions.
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Fall Out Boy "Bishops Knife Trick" music video
A manic mayhem of memories of peculiar primates to a pity party of chaotic camelids. A lama tinged ode to 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' Fall Out Boy's brand new animated animal endeavour 'Bishops Knife Trick' is one of the top rock selling record of this year, its MANIA's answer to Infinity On High's Kim Kardashian cameo curation.  
Ticking off one less task on his comprehensively seventh studio album branded list, Pete Wentz writes off the music video of the Island Records/DCD2 recent record release penultimate track ahead of the Reading and Leeds Festival headline, homecoming Wrigley Field gig, mixing and mastering Lamamania plus renovating Folie à Deux's demo Lake Effect Kid extension, a symptomatic culmination to a MANIA era that has dished up a final frosty serving of demanding director Stump and unbeknownst animal oppression in 'Bishops Knife Trick'.
Trading in a monkey obstructed madhouse for a llama centric landscape, big boss Patrick Stump verbally browbeats working living organisms curious on curating a picture perfect Patrick paradise of fedora furry friend fashionistas and check mate chess games of a talentless wack llama ensemble. Overlaying a spat between the species, chillingly deep dark blues and animal like entrapment elevate writer Wentz' candidly confessional dealing, with dejected depression and evoked emotions of a mental mania battle of a disconnect of the ordinary world brought back to earth by the glow of the city of Chicago.
Getting a grip of reality and breaking out of the domesticated cage of a state of suppressed sadness, Stump soaringly sings subjected to sweeping sounds and climbing chimes of piano melodies amongst mid tempo strikes of the snare reinstall instrumental talent amongst a catalogue of crisis amid MANIA's repository recalling lyricism of "I got a feeling inside that I can't domesticate/It doesn't wanna live in a cage/A feeling that I can't housebreak" hones in on the entertainment exploitation of llamas laundering away over musical instruments, seeking the idealistic project of Patrick's "film school" wonders.
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Liam Payne First Time EP
Stripped back sounds, sultry lyric lines and smoothly tamed tones. Liam Payne's album filler EP First Time steps in for the September suspension of an inaugural record and steps up as a tetralogy of tracks, transforming the remixing maestro into a solo singing virtuoso. Post dropping a successful string of singles, collaborating with a cultivation of reputable recording artists in the realms of Migos' Quavo and Columbian crooner J Balvin, for radio friendly feats ‘Strip That Down’ and the flamboyantly bilingual bop 'Familiar'. Surrounding the latter's release, Payne hotly hyped up the anticipation of his fully fledged step out into the solo spotlight LP momentarily dulled by the determined decision to push back the records release, following in the footsteps of Fall Out Boy's belief battle with MANIA a setback suggestive of re-defining songs that feel so differently distanced as false representations of artistry with the 'Bedroom Floor' singer stating "I looked at some of the songs on my album which were done a while ago and they felt from another age. I'm determined for my debut album to truly represent me. In the meantime, this EP is a collection of songs that I'm really proud of" launching into the era of the EP First Time.
Title track 'First Time' fuses fragments of a "Familiar" fiery and fun filled tones picturing a Payne on the prowl to follow his feelings for an elusive female fabricate themselves throughout the thrill of the chase chronicle, a typical songwriting style the 25 year old adheres to. Exploring the realms of relationships over friendships besides production work from Di Genius' repertoire with Latin esque R&B influences simmering their way slowly throughout the monotonous platforms of the lead single, spiked by a pick up of vocal hooks and lyrical lulls of Payne's palatable projections and artist come label institutor French Montanas musky melodies.
Sophomore song 'Home With You' hones in on Liam's leap into the Urban and R&B region of music considerately comparable to fellow former One Direction division Zayn Malik's mellow material, with the sophisticated sleekness of 2010's electronic pulsating drum machine moments and stylistic vocal arrangement introducing the track as a nonchalant number, none the wiser to its upbeat metronome ticking chorus and lyrically expressive 3 liner pre-chorus "Too many cooks in the kitchen/Too many fools here listening/Why don't we find somewhere quiet". Quintessentially embodying the entire archetypal narrative, where spending the night away from "Yelling to you over music" clubs in homely comforts with a newly significant other are free from the eavesdropping ears of unbeknown fools.
Musically minimalistic ballad 'Depend On It' dabbles with a tender provoking genre palette Payne sonically is a solo stranger to, amongst an array of danceable discography destined for the fm radio waves. Worlds apart from the clichéd addictiveness of pop boyband ballads, a pleasant place in unforgotten memories Liam is persistent in revitalising to the present, as the singer was pictured seizing a sentimental embodiment of One Direction artwork adorning the original ensemble apace with Up All Night and Take Me Home songwriter Savan Kotecha esteemed for penning popular pieces by Ariana Grande and Britney Spears. Perpetual piano instrumentation pays homage to 'Home With You' minor chords transformed into a pivoting arrangement of piano melody interludes, lonesome towards the climax of the third track cohesive with the upper register of Payne's vocal expansion, expressing the love hate state of a relationship dialogued rendering "I'm not ready yet, there's still a thread left/If I could just hold on onto unravelling hope/Give it one last go, I don't know why, just need us to try" compromising the succinctly short track, yet the upmost stand out of the upbeat outnumbered EP.
Conclusively 'Slow' signifies a contradicted balance between saddened lyricism and sprightful production with a negative tinged track telling the tale of a cracking and crumbling connection, purposefully moral uplifting via mediums of a selective sense for sniffing out sounds that make 'Slow' electro melodies the core carvings the 'Get Low' vocalist craves to create a chart hit wonder. Recorded in the confines of the West London located Wendy House Production Studio's a place of musical residence One Direction inhabited in their 6 year indefinitely suspended career Liam Payne, levitated by a venerated troup of songwriters including The Ordinary Boys frontman Preston and Sylvester Sivertsen who posted a behind the scenes picture of the pair in 2016. 'Slow' lyricism is the utmost suggestive and scandalous story of breakdowns and breakups throughout the EP's entire narrative elaborating on "Got me pretending' you ain't done with us/It got me runnin' round the obvious" closing simplistically on "Let me down, let me down slow" with First Time featuring a collaboration, conventional characteristics and collection of charmingly cool crusades that lulls the listener on a trip down Payne's publicly pronounced past relationship at the different stages of love, lust, spats and separation, enhancing catchy rhythmic arrangements and an aura of perspectives of Payne's personal anecdotes.
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Panic! At The Disco Reading & Leeds Festival 2018
Glistening glows of luminosity embossed with a scintillating showman style, Panic! At The Disco's co-headlining call crafted the shimmer, shine and sophistication of an otherwise damp, drunken and devil-may-care merrymaking weekender. Stemmed from a Saturday of female pop frontiers 'Strangers' singer Sigrid and Brit beauty Dua Lipa, Panic! At The Disco dazzled deftly with a type of timeless sumptuous sentimentality.
"To the old, and to the new/We dedicate this song to you" allures the retro soul sample of 'Silver Lining' as glitzy garmented and gold microphoned Brendon Urie bouncily bursts onto main stage Reading, to the rebellious satisfaction of young adults supposition supported by the bands backing of shifted member swaps, loosing Dallon Weekes who took to The Pit/The Lock Up stage showcasing 80's unearthed endeavour I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME and gaining bassist Nicole Row in March 2018 filling in for the female representation against a 14 year long male amassment.
Sounds of steampunk victorian picturesque imagery illuminated 'The Ballad Of Mona Lisa', with organically engineered vintage instrumentation of sinister patters of the piano and creeping pounds of the percussion, portray a dynamic duo of moral dilemmas in confident company with Urie's dark dingy lower register. Welcoming the colossal crowd to the land of Pretty Odd, a stellar song of festival festivities manifested itself in the fields of Richfield Reading chiming in with charming melodies, feeling so good with out of mind optimism side to side with spiritually earth endearing attitudes.
From the sprightly smiles of frontman Brendon Urie transitioning between latterly acquired additions "Dancing Is Not A Crime" and 'High Hopes' in which a faithful figure displays themselves amongst a sea of singing sinners to lasting setlist staples Queen's 1975 classic covering 'Bohemian Rhapsody' prescriptively performed for heritage act admiration. Transitionally taking on Too Weird Too Live, Too Rare Too Die's! triennial single 'Girls/Girls/Boys', pigmented pops of rainbow refractions, self proclaimed extravagant exclamation points and imposing iridescent sparkles lit the product ionised representation of the outright freedom of fondness for all orientations including + communities, a core creation for the efforts of the Highest Hopes Foundation set up in support for discriminated and disregarded segmentations of society.
Encore items illustrated a bouncing back and forth between the ever evolving dosages of conviction, carefree and ceremonious crusades from wickedly weekend worshipping 'Say Amen (Saturday Night)', sonically unambiguous crowd pleaser 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' to the confidentially conquering 'Victorious' as Urie confesses his state of euphoria before launching into the high intensity hit, highlighting the brightly belting pulsating vibrato vocals of the 31 year olds articulating "I've never been happier in my life and that's all because of you. You are important, you have an impact” illustrating an important imprint for a Saturday night of the retrieval of reminiscence and the making of matchless memories.
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Fall Out Boy Reading & Leeds Festival 2018
Glaring in the glory of double zero’s rock reminiscence Reading and Leeds long timers Fall Out Boy headlined the main stage, showcasing a spectacle of sets reinforcing pop-rocks reputation amongst an evolutionary shift of a festival blurring the genre identity boundaries. From a Friday fronted by American rappers Post Malone and Travis Scott to the publicly prophesied secret set of Bring Me The Horizon, Fall Out Boy waved the white flag in sheer satisfaction far from the symbolism of surrender to be sitting as sixth time servers to the British bank holiday bash.
Smashing through a stellar setlist subjected to an in with the old out with the new Folie à Deux dash down wistful album avenue in affair to the forth records decade duty to the quartets discography, of the madness mantras of messed up romantics in 'Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes' to the misery mindset of selfish meanness throughout 'I Don’t Care' flippant middle finger montage deceased video platform Vine would have been pleasantly pleased witnessing.
Upbeat anthems from the post hiatus period 'Centuries' and 'My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)' tinged the dark dusk skies in bursts and bangs of a 5th of November celebratory serenade succumbed to the pyro below of Wentz' fire blasting bass, betrayed by its toned down display of 2016's flame eating females, with Wentz wise words of wisdom reflecting penchants of pure honesty rendering to the adolescent audience "They tell you along the way that you need to fit into a certain mould, but be you, do you as loud as you can, stay dangerous!”.
With the dimming down of danger, poised piano ballads 'Save Rock And Roll' alongside MANIA's bright beacon of artistic hope levitated from a lacklustre LP 'The Last Of The Real Ones' shone Stumps soulfully sonic singing before storming into a powerfully propelling galactic gathering of rip roaring bass grooves and glistening electrical guitars.
Long gone the lectures of wolves and dunking the basketball and long live the king of pop culture covers and ones for the mosh pit, Fall Out Boy's headlining slot staged the rightful return of Reading champions and pensive mmrs of a marked musical legacy.
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Panic! At The Disco 'High Hopes' music video
Stranger setbacks, scaling skyscrapers and rooftop recitals. Panic! At The Disco's extortionately elevated vast visionary for 'High Hopes' holds back on self sceptical hesitancy and hones in on obtaining a dream like optimistic outlook.
Recently revealing eminently awaited European and UK Spring 2019 dates for the capacious continuation of the 'Pray For The Wicked Tour' that triumphantly teemed with death walks and wayward Amazing Beebo's, the trials and tribulations of Panic! At The Disco touring members dropping have surfaced, after the axing of touring musician Kenneth Harris subsequent to supported allegations of inappropriate misconduct between the 37 year old with of age and underage female fans soared. With speedy removal of Harris post the 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' songwriters high note hitting IHeartRadio Festival performance, a succinct 13 song set compromising of current core classics 'Say Amen (Saturday Night)' and 'High Hopes'.
Gazing up to the sky high structure situated amongst the neighbouring streets of Downtown Los Angeles, subsequent to a borderline civilian belabour painting battle to the trails, tribulations and setbacks Brendon Urie has unambiguously endeavoured under the Panic! At The Disco music moniker, the self confessed London west end wannabe supernormally sets upon scaling the side of a modernist American sky high complex congregating a confounded crowd on earths gravitational ground.
Pushing on with anew sense of captured power, purpose and perspective Brendon beckons down to the solid surface below, as a building bridge and prompting pre-chorus builds up to spur the singer on into "Stay up on that rise and never come down" simultaneously pushing the Panic! frontman on to prove the fallacious critics untrue chiming "They say it's all been done but they haven't seen the best of me/So I got one more run and it's gonna be a sight to see" speculating the singular ensemble spearheads longevity, concealed by the cohort Panic! At The Disco and comparatively not soloist Brendon Urie, with sixth studio album Pray For The Wicked being the band's "One more run" record.
After a fast flicker and fierce flashback of pedantic belief that Panic! has exhausted entire repertoires of musical material, a moment of dignified realisation of accomplishment, achievement and appreciation is alluded to from the expressions of 'High Hopes' own 'Hey Look Ma, I Made It" moment Brendon and backing band burst into a sonic celebration, categorically evoked out of emotions of opportunity, outlook and optimism.
Watch Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy's Reading and Leeds Festival Sets including the music video for 'Bishops Knife Trick' and ‘High Hopes’ plus listen to First Time by Liam Payne on all major music platforms here:
Fall Out Boy Bishops Knife Trick Music Video - YouTube
Panic! At The Disco Reading and Leeds 2018 - BBC
Fall Out Boy Reading and Leeds 2018 - BBC 
Liam Payne First Time EP - Apple Music/iTunes
Liam Payne First Time EP - Spotify
Liam Payne First Time EP - Amazon
Liam Payne First Time EP - Google Play
Liam Payne First Time EP - Deezer
Liam Payne First Time EP - Tidal
Panic! At The Disc High Hopes Music Video - YouTube
(All photographic content curtesy of One Direction/Columbia Records/The X Factor (Instagram)/Capitol Records/Jake Chams/Panic! At The Disco/Elliott Ingham/Fall Out Boy)
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