#where humanity has to face a desert planet with nothing but their insignificant lives and ceaseless determination
osacreates · 10 months
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silencedminstrel · 4 years
The Revenant Collectives Trilogy Part 3 - Defeating The Dark Legion
“Looking back, the Revenant Collectives had had several peaceful decades of galactic plundering and making a name for themselves, dodging law enforcement agencies, endearing themselves to the downtrodden and exploring new sectors of space normal people wouldn’t tread without a triple layered force-field and high powered laser vapor grid. However the altruistic side of this band of space pirates is about to shine their brightest, thanks to efforts of this certain Chinese Triad Leader from a dump of a colony somewhere in the Horsehead Nebula by the name of Stanley Chan. Though a native of Xian Gan Prime, he always had eyes and ears on all things happening within the Earth Alliance government and, on this one particular day, he received the most shocking of news: one of the top ranking politicians is a Shudwa Dumanta Legion spy and he’s about to rendezvous with Shaik The Fallen One to give him some top secret information that will hasten his conquest of the planet.
Gathering all their resources, him and his old friend, Code Black Hacker (a dangerous class of IT saboteurs in the Galactic Union’s most wanted cyber-criminals list) and another Triad leader Bonbon Hai formulated a plan to intercept that snitch, put everything on record and then put a bullet in that traitor’s head, for the said restricted information is a blueprint to a galaxy-hopping starship that both the Earth Alliance and the Galactic Union had developed—The Sign Of Shairo—and they are about to commence its construction soon. Shaik already knew why and where that starship is heading to and, realizing if it reaches the ‘Root of Laniakea’ before the ‘Kal Merkaba’ phenomenon begins, all his eons of careful planning will be for nothing! And since the galaxy is currently firewalled by five supercomputers (Mother Matrix is one of them) he has to procure those schematics via the old fashioned way—plant a spy in the government to find them and make him deliver them to him personally. And after doing that, he ordered his minions to at first cause trouble in the underbelly of that divided galaxy to allow his Legion’s activities to go unnoticed. Later on he would make the Dark Legion’s presence officially known as their fated meeting drew near.
Rembrandt and Patrick knew about the existence of this Dark Legion several years back but they never knew how fast they gained a foothold in the galaxy until he met up with Stanley Chan. There Stanley Chan proposed to form an alliance to intercept the Earth Alliance traitor via a suicide squad made from both his Xian Gan Prime Triad and the Revenant Collectives, plus some help from a few of his friends from both the Galactic Union and the Synod. The space pirate duo were surprised at Mr. Chan’s humanistic side and, knowing the man knew what he is doing, they agreed to help him out of charity (piracy is a business after all). Thus with much difficulty, they managed to create not only the aforementioned squad but also an accompanying fleet of ships bound for the region just outside the galaxy, a realm of constant cosmic chaos (where matter and dark matter collides every second) where that meeting is to take place. Thus on that fateful day, a team made out of the Triad duo and company, a space marine force from the Earth Alliance, an elite militia from the Synod, two former soldiers of the Galactic Union, cyborgs from New Hesperion led by Mother Matrix, Saif Mintaka and a Psi-being from the Order of The Blessed, departed for the Outer Rim to rendezvous with Rembrandt and Patrick and volunteers from the Revenant Collectives. Alas, a month of violent galactic storms saw them unwillingly took up shelter on the galactic frontier planet Borobudor Fringe before a new launch window opened up and they resumed their journey. 
And what an eventful month that was!
The fatal attempt on the Supreme Chairman of the Galactic Union’s life while officiating the Galactic Union’s Founding Day celebration by an unknown fleet threw more than half of the galaxy into a time of uncertainty and power vacuum, with iron-clad curfew enforcements on all Union’s administrated systems and round-the-clock emergency patrols in every quadrant, it was a big inconvenience to both the galactic public as well as its dark underworld, where street protests and backstreet warfare became part of the daily news. This was when the panicked central government fell prey to hearsay and blamed the ‘previously non-existing’ Dark Legion behind the Chairman’s death, and all the sudden any unregistered cruisers and dreadnoughts were immediately considered a terrorist threat, busy interstellar trade routes reduced to a standstill, planetary economies plunged into recession and local governments lost control over their people. Few actually realized that the attack was orchestrated by the Dark Legion’s old adversary the Ephron Dantiaz Legion (the White Legion), risen from eons of obscurity as if guided by a sign and somehow gained full support from the governing rival (The Galactic Synod) to stem their dark counterpart’s advances. Shaik didn’t take this thing very well (because the Chairman himself was apparently one of his agents) and was forced to make his Dark Legion’s appearance earlier by confronting the White Legion in every sector of known space, angered by the fact they dared to ruin his plans and oblivious to the fact his fate is about to take on a turn to the worst real soon…
Barely a week had passed before the troubled government decided to do an impromptu general election, and both the news and its corresponding events affected the unlikely band of heroes differently. The previously cold relationship between Rembrandt and his estranged son Melvin seemed to have thawed out thanks to the help of his mentor Patrick. New Hesperion cyborg mercenary Remington Edwards began question his motivation when his only brother, City Sentinel Lieutenant Bradford, was killed in the line of duty (and was unknowingly brought back to life later on by Mother Matrix herself) by a fusion bomb planted by the Dark Legion’s unlikely agent—his own girlfriend. Saif Mintaka kept on traveling in and out of dimensions doing strange errands for the upcoming ‘Kal Merkaba’ event, even more so when his own protégé, City Sentinel/Guardian Captain Humoga Triakis went into a coma after surviving an ambush perpetrated by agents of the Dark Legion. The Human/Pibian hybrid and space pirate elder Patrick Escula faced a deep dilemma when his sworn enemy Purvustra Svem-Avika, a deranged Pibian sniper who blamed him for his girlfriend’s death and had been after his head for the past decade; came to him one day seeking help with his “otherworldly” problems. And the tank-bred Psi-being Gus Hanson begrudgingly accepted who he really is when his grandfather the Patriarch of the Blessed Order died and made him the only defender of all psychic beings in the universe called ‘The Golden Child of Future Past’. For the uninitiated it would seem that both the insignificant suicide squad and the galactic underworld alliance’s fate hang in the balance but in truth, it is not so…
Finally all the contestants for the empty Supreme Chairman of the Union’s seat had registered and shortlisted, with the vacant spot now hotly contested by two young politicians, twenty one year old Triakian galactic business mogul Kranov Charcharias (Humoga’s half-brother) and a twenty-six year old dark energy physicists Rmezon (no surname) evidently an agent of the Dark Legion sent by Shaik to take over the galaxy through political means. While most of the galactic eyes and ears were fixed onto the final day campaign between these two and (to a lesser extent) sporadic battles between the Dark and White Legion, the underworld alliance said their last goodbye to their loved ones prior to commencing the suicide mission. Remington was briefly united with his supposedly departed brother Gaius Bradford (thus rekindling his fighting spirit), Saif Mintaka formed an alliance with the spirit of a powerful prince during his many celestial travels, Union Army deserter and bomb expert Captain Tevork-Chi received news from his adopted son that their displaced race had just received a new planet, and the disassociating tank-bred Gus Hanson, mourning for his destroyed home world Haven-32B, found a reason to live again when he fell in love with another tank-bred while on Borobudor Fringe. And to top it all off, the Spokesperson of the Galactic Synod himself, Commodore Periz had agreed to join them, escorted by the Synod’s legendary military elite the ‘Pax Cabalis’ squad. As the heated campaign went on full-swing in the center of the Milky Way, the weary underworld alliance received news that they’ve been waiting for since forever: the month long galactic storm had dissipated and their launch window had been programmed and confirmed. Thus the fleet of Xian Gan Prime’s Stanley Chan, which consisted of two privately registered dreadnoughts with military grade trans-warp engine, a stealth cruiser with an Earth Alliance Marines logo and a Synod Class ‘diplomatic’ barge; departed from that frontier planet to meet up with the Revenant Collectives fleet of five souped-up destroyers and their infamous flagship “The Silenced Minstrel”, out near the heliopause. 
The confrontation was imminent…
The fleet arrived at the supposed rendezvous point of the Alliance mole and the Dark Legion, and rudely found out the traitor was none other than Earth’s Home Minister himself! Stanley Chan decided to get there before that politician does so that they could document the entire transaction and then disposes of both parties. They approached the site in stealth never realizing that Shaik the Fallen One had set a trap for them. Realizing this, the galactic supercomputer Mother Matrix quickly intervened, took over the cybernetic medium Melvin’s body and through him, she took control of the weapon turrets of the entire fleet. His father Rembrandt tried to stop him but Melvin was encased in an electrified force-field that nearly short-circuited him. The entire squad watched in horror as all the guns on each one of their ships aimed and fired upon both the Earth Alliance and the Dark Legion’s ship, blowing them up behind a fearsome blaze, and then the hapless cyborg fell weakly down the floor, where his father cradled him and Stanley Chan nearly put a bullet in Melvin’s head. Mother Matrix appeared out of the cyberspace for the first time and explained what she did, as she detected a fluctuation in the matter-dark matter equilibrium that suggested they were headed right into Shaik’s trap. Stanley Chan was placated by this and both ended up looking at the raging cosmic inferno for a moment before the entire squad got teleported into the Dark Energy Realm—and straight into the bridge of the Shudwa Dumanta Legion’s flagship itself! They awoke to find themselves in a vast, strangely lit hall filled with strange objects and intricate circuitry on every wall and even on the ceiling. Not soon after, an ominous red mist appeared out of nowhere and for the first time the identity of Shaik The Fallen One was made known to the universe, a humanoid in dark blue mask and poncho-like garment decorated with golden epaulettes, the all-too-sickening emblem of a flying black bird of prey lifting a sword while engulfed in a blazing fire (emblem of the Dark Legion) emblazoned proudly on his chest. A glowing red bladed sword floated effortlessly by his left side always within reach, and from his obsidian black visor aglow a pair of red eyes devoid of life! He grabbed hold of his sword, swished the red mist away and the confrontation began. Gus Hanson sealed him in a force-field generated by his psychic powers combined with a cybernetic field generator wielded by Bonbon Hai and Commodore Periz sealed his mouth via his own secret skill to prevent him from uttering any enchantments. Shaik the Fallen was understandably furious at this point; Gus grimaced in pain with each of the former’s hacking and slashing at his force-field and it wasn’t long before the Mad Wolf sprung loose and began to cast a powerful magick over the group. Saif Mintaka calmly drew out his sword, melded his powers with that of the dead prince and—to everyone’s horror—Stanley Chan confronted Shaik and lobbed a hand grenade full of the deadly Ofla Fever virus at him, and then he just stood there smiling as everyone in his team vanished from view via Saif Mintaka’s powers and right back onto Rembrandt’s starship, just in time to watch the formidable flagship of the Dark Legion erupted behind a catastrophic explosion. The starship then left for the nearest exit point of the Dark Energy realm for the Milky Way, leaving with a memory that will change their lives, forever…”
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unsaudi · 6 years
The Man with the Suitcase
He had nothing left to his name, not that he had much before, but now, it was all gone. He would wonder to himself when did it all go wrong, when did he allow himself to become this miserable. The Man never found an answer to his own question, and the more he asks, the more miserable he felt. It was an endless cycle of self hate and deprecation.
He decided to search for a mysterious person who goes as “Uncle Saleh.” He was considered a social myth that nobody had actually made the effort to look for, let alone look for in the middle of the desert, but the Man decided to do it. He needed to do it, finding Uncle Saleh would be the only solution left to all his problems.
As he went about wandering the big open desert endlessly, thoughts giving up would enter his mind, but he would shake them off. He wasn’t going to give up, either find Uncle Saleh or die trying. To return home is to commit suicide.
On the third day during his search, he ran out water and decided to lie down in the middle of the desert at night. It was empty and quite. It felt like home to him, not that his home was the same as this, but his had a nostalgic feeling to it. The Man lied down, dug the tip of his fingers in the cold sand and stared at the dark starry sky. What a beautiful scenery it was. He caught himself tearing up at the look of shooting stars. It never occurred to him that such a a view could be seen in real life. It was beautiful.
He woke up in a large tent filled with ornaments and frills. As he looked to his right and left side, he smiled, knowing that this has to be Uncle Saleh’s place. The Man was confident, he got up smiling, patted his clothes and looked around for the man himself, but he could only find two men sitting next to a fire in the middle of the day, it felt strange to him, and soon after, day turned into night, and the two men, wearing bedouin clothing, stared back at him with a grin. They got up and grabbed him all the way to their fire, he tried to get out of their hands to no avail. He was shoved into the fire, and suddenly everything turned back, all the way back to where it all begun.
Mohammed found himself back in his childhood bedroom, his mother was calling him to come eat lunch. It all felt strange, he would look around in his room to make sure everything is real, the T.V, closet, two beds, two desks. Everything looks about right, even touching those objects feels real.
“Son, it’s time for lunch, come over here NOW!” mother would shout while clapping after each word. Mohammed couldn’t help but cry, was it joy that he’s back to the simply old days? No.
He knows exactly those days, they were not simple, no matter what, nothing will become “simple.” He wiped off the tears and laughed, oh he laughed so hard.
“Is this your solution? Throw me back in time? And for what, for me to fix whatever mistakes I’ve made?” Mohammed said, shouting.
He heard nothing back, even Mother stopped calling for him. Mohammed kept talking, “I’m the mistake, and I don’t know why, it’s all in me. I am destined to keep repeating the same mistakes everywhere I go, and no matter what I do, everyone ends up leaving me alone. It’s all my fault, and going back in time isn’t gonna help me fix anything, because even if I fixed my problems, I am simply BOUND tp create MORE. It is in me to make mistakes and never learn from them, to keep repeating them is my destiny! I am here to ask you, I am here for you to help me stop! Help me cleanse myself of the demon inside of me.”
Mohammed’s surroundings turned to sand, and from deep below, a strange figure emerged. Initially, it looked non-human like, it then transformed into a human looking man. He was dark skinned with traditional old bedouin clothing, wearing white all over, with ornaments perfecting the look, and a knife rooted in his waist. Mohammed assumed this man be Uncle Saleh, so he asked if he was, and the man nodded.
He expected him to never reply, let alone nod. But Uncle Saleh responded to Mohammed. He reached his hand over to the boy, Mohammed grabbed it, and as soon as he did, everything collided. Reality has become part of the imagination, and the human emotion manifested itself into a shapeshifting being.
Quietness ensued. Mohammed was confident in what he wanted, so he asked “Who am I?”
He found himself breaking down. Every part of his body trembled and broke down, detaching. There was nothing left but the soul, weak and ugly. Mohammed was able to look at his current state, and he wondered how and why..
Finally, Uncle Saleh spoke. He was stern looking, and he said “Am I allowed to speak now, boy?” Mohammed felt frightened, he wanted respond but couldn’t out of fear.
“You asked me who am I. I will answer your very human question. You are a human being who has lived on this world 23 years, insignificant, petty, worthless, and will never amount to anything. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, it will never result in anything but sadness from the failures you’ll experience. A sadness caused by failing to understanding your whole being. The human soul was created for the purpose of provided power to the its creator, God, and each soul has a limit. Your soul is limited, it is weak and ugly. You try to be something that you’ll never be able to achieve, as your soul wasn’t created for that purpose. You try your hardest and end failing, for an obvious reason. It is not how hard you try. Simply put, it is “Is it meant for you or not?” And it’s not. Boy, nothing is meant for you, your soul an unfortunate soul, it helps in providing deep emotion for the creator of all. That purpose in itself is big, and you should accept as is, because it will never, ever, in a million years, change. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, your purpose will not change. It might not seem as big or as important of a purpose as others’ but it is anyway.“
After he had finished talking, Uncle Saleh let go of Mohammed’s hand, and everything around fell into a single dot up until the moment when Mohammed opened his eyes wide. He was back in the middle of the desert. He had thought to himself if what he had just experienced was real, and he had come to the conclusion that is has to be. 
Uncle Saleh’s words brought an odd sound of joy to Mohammed. It was unexpected, but of course, much needed. His new reason to live is challenge his soul, his purpose is to not provide what’s required of him. He didn’t want to appease the creator, and so he strived to be happy. He volunteered and did so much unpaid work. He helped everyone in need. It made people happy, and return it made him happy, even if it was short term happiness. He kept doing the most he can.
On the night of his death, as he had turned 30 years old few months ago, he stared at the wall of his bedroom smiling. He didn’t look up at the sky, God isn’t up there, not down, left or right. God is everywhere, no matter where you look, he is there. Mohammed’s soul slowly departed his vessel, the body. He was found “dead” by his mother. It was a sad day for everyone in his family, as they all had loved him dearly. He was extremely nice to them and helpful. Losing him wasn’t easy to accept, but with time, everyone had moved on. They would remember him from time to time, but would glance over those memories; they are useless to them, they bring nothing but sadness, and nobody wants to feel such a terrible, heart-wrenching feeling.
Mohammed’s soul was dissipated. All work he did is remembered by people on Earth. And when those people who loved him and remembered him die, his memory will slowly disappear completely. All gone.
Ninety years later, when a teenager from future generations looked for old family members to find the best suitable DNA sample to use from the past, he looked at Mohammed’s profile. His physical attributes weren’t wanted, but his emotion and nature is much needed in the new world, and so the process of copying his brain cells started. A code was made completely functioning the same way Mohamme’s brain functioned. They downloaded the brain data to a healthier body, and named him Mohammed.
Everyone in the future loved him, they all wanted to associate with him, learn from him, and be him. They held him at a high regard. When the moment came where the second meteor showers were about to hit the planet, everyone chose Mohammed as the new Adam, and so his consciousness was 100% copied  and stored until years later, him and the new Eve were retrieved by the New Inhabitants. A group of Aliens who searched around for new life to examine and preserve if they are facing extinction.
They managed to make contacted the new Adam and Eve. Recording their teachings and spreading them around the galaxies. Those teaching slowly became a religion for some creatures, not that many of them are aware of such a thing as religion, but it has become a way of living, a moral code for everyone to abide by.
When the war for the planet had begun, all devices were destroyed, and codes were lost forever. New Adam and New Eve were erased. Their teachings still reside in the minds of all that is living. They taught understanding and patience above all else. 
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The Heart is Not a Technological Construct
Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times 
Post industrial mankind’s fascination with material progress has, since the industrial revolution, played the dominant role in the direction taken by Westernised societies. ‘The machine’, along with the material and financial wealth necessary to own and operate it, has steadily subsumed more human centred values that preceded its dominance.
Fascination with so-called modern technologies of the present day, represent an extension of the general obeysance paid to the rising totem of technological ‘advances’ over the past three centuries.
It has led to the point where such innovations no longer claim to be about ‘lessening the work load’ , but almost openly proffer the claim of being convenience drugs without which much of Westernised society could barely function at all.
Controversially, each step along the way to this point of abstraction has involved leaps of imaginative thinking that draw upon universal energetic principles. The genius of Nicholas Tesla  being an example of such. Yet, simultaneously, each ‘advance’ has brought with it a swathe of deficits to the health and welfare of the natural environment, man, animals and insects; threatening to undermine the very fabric of planetary sustainability.
The synthetic microwave energy that has gained such prominence over the past twenty years, has aped the rhythm and pulse of universal energy, and in so doing it has offered mankind a parallel model to live by. A synthetic reality, not our true reality as spirit-energy led beings.
I am putting the question of whether such ‘innovations’ take mankind – closer to or further from – the place which our hearts call upon us to go? That enlightened state which our deeper consciousness constantly calls upon us to express and live by in the here and now.
If it takes us closer, then why is the incremental price being played by people, plants and insects, so high? Quite possibly so high as to undermine the living fabric of the planet to a point where no natural return is possible. To a state where planetary life becomes a ‘virtual’ copy of the original. A gene modified substratum of real life.
The contradictions stare us in the face: distort natural ecological and human rhythms in order to reach some form of technological enlightenment?
What in the West we call ‘a high standard of living’ now demands access to a whole range of electromagnetic, microwave and electronic gismos that have exploded onto world markets in the past two decades – creating a permanent cloud of electromagnetic smog – and fitting neatly into ‘the hidden hand of control’s’ preferred form of imprisonment of mankind.
A key component of this take-over of the human brain is the so-called ‘singularity’ event: a cross-over point in which computerised power overtakes the capacity of the sentient human brain to exercise normal daily decision-making procedures. A place where genetic engineering and nanotech synthetic realities become the norm, and humans cross the red line that keeps humanity separate from being subsumed into a race of technologically programmed cyborgs. At which point the human race will have lost touch with both its cosmic and earthly reality altogether.
Let’s consider this straight-on. How do you stand with the cell phone/Ipod/Wifi revolution of the past two decades? Do you own one of these inventions? ( I did, but I dumped it)). Where do you want these ‘oh so clever’ technologies to take you? Is it really worth cooking your brains and interfering with the natural rhythms of wave form universal energy, just to be a more ‘smart’ business man or woman?  Just to have almost instant access to friends, family and associates? Just to make it possible to hold mindless conversations that achieve nothing other than a vague sense of comfort – and are just about as useful as the processed junk food in a typical supermarket chain store?
For those dimly aware that the electromagnetic microwaves that emanate from these gismos –
and from the sinister towers that provide their pulsed signals – may also be disrupting the background resonance (Schumann Resonance) that provides balance to the human brain and heart, the flight of birds, bees and other insects, plant growth and the very stability of the atmosphere itself  – is it too much to expect that those who possess these gadgets will work at freeing themselves from their toxic convenience addictions?
Are we allowing our lives to be dominated by a simulated electronic pulse that is the perfect tool for mass mind control? Or, are we seeking to attune ourselves  a natural pulse which is guiding the subtle sensibilities of our very own hearts?
To which of these do you give priority in your daily life?
The heart is not a technological construct. It operates on a wavelength which is critical to the flowering of our spiritual path. It responds to a Universal rhythm of which man is an integral part and which is every individual’s birth-rite. Had we been consciously operating on this heart and spirit led frequency over the past centuries, mankind and planet Earth would not be in the perilous psycho-physical state of imbalance it is in today.
If all technology had been kept to largely benign and human scale proportions, it would have been inconceivable to have come up with weapons of mass destruction our nations arm themselves with today; or indeed the uranium fuelled nuclear power stations that provide their fissionable materials.
As we stand today – at the eleventh hour of our demise or possible reprieve – these issues stand starkly in front of us. Something has to give.
The rapidly approaching threat of a WiFi 5G roll-out, with its violent, volatile microwave transmissions tuned to almost exactly the same wave length as the human neocortex, must serve as the red line technology that simply cannot be allowed to happen. For it quite literally cannot be tolerated by our living organism: physically, psychologically, mentally or spiritually.
The entire animal and plant kingdom, already battered by 2, 3 and 4G microwaves, cannot survive any further bombardment and retain any chance of remaining sentient, sensitive and truly alive. All those who are aware, however dimly, of the harm we are doing to ourselves, others and our shared environment by carelessly adopting the latest pocket-sized weapons of mass destruction and the ‘internet of everything’ which they plug into – have just a few months to join in a mass protest to prevent the 5G horror from becoming reality.
We are at a turning point in the affairs of man. A new ‘awareness-energy’ is emerging within all of us; an energy which is the antithesis of the synthetic variety. It is a God-given energy, a gift which is bestowed upon us as an integral part of our condition of being human.
Now is the time for us to use this gift and to turn the tide on our misadventure. A misadventure under the jackboot of a centralised global cabal that cares not one iota for the fate of our planet, other than the fact that it is held captive and submissive. However, it is a force which pales into insignificance when compared with the full power of awakened consciousness. Yet it has nevertheless been allowed (by us) to turn this planet into something approaching an emotional, spiritual and physical desert. 5G is perhaps the ultimate tool of repression, because it comes disguised as a seeming technological break-through that the unknowing will adopt without giving a thought of what it actually is.
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5G is scheduled to be put into affect next year, 2019. The plan is for more than four thousand satellites to be launched into the planet’s upper atmosphere over a two-year period. These satellites are designed to blanket cover every square inch of the planet with a Wifi web of unparalleled output. Nowhere will escape the affects of the 360 degree microwave grid. Meanwhile millions of new ‘masts’ will be constructed to transmit the extra short Wifi pulses to cities, towns and countryside locations throughout the planet. 2,3 and 4G transmissions have already raised deep scientific worries about their affects on humans, animals, insects and plant life; 5G is set to vastly escalate existing concerns. It presents an almost unimaginable danger to life on Earth.
Should such a scenario ever be fulfilled, mankind will have ‘souled-out’ to a lethal technological toy whose only claim to fame is that it will provide ‘instant’ access to fake news and mega volumes of corporate enriching junk information.
Are we going to continue to allow ourselves to be led into a world dominated by a processed Wifi microwave pulse tuned so as to directly interfere with our natural communication channels? Channels to and from the Divine source of all life on this Universe?
Are we going to completely submit our God-given creativity to be hacked by a ‘smart’ mechanical construct controlled by a less than human corporate cabal? Are we going to continue to idly flirt with a Cyborg Transhumanist agenda that promotes a technology that ‘does our thinking for us’? Are we seriously ready to abandon ourselves and our planet to the neutering, sterilising affects of the engineered electromagnetic microwave?  I ask all these questions because that is the way it looks like going – unless a big wake-up call swings humanity into a another trajectory.
That trajectory involves us seizing hold of the genuine creative upsurge that fuels our quest for truth – and  learning to align ourselves with the synergistic harmony of our quantum universe.
The road of truth cannot be walked by following the ‘convenience script’. So kiss goodbye to the toxic cell phone; throw out the mind control machine called television; start the process of saying bye bye to the corporate controlled energy grid – and start a new life – while you still can.
Whatever you do, get involved in all efforts to block 5G from gaining momentum – or start your own initiative. As a precondition for the sanity of human kind – it must be stopped.
Take back control of your destiny as an individual able to think outside the box, and learn to retune yourself to the infinite wavelength of conscious awareness. Let it direct you out of the godless prison so cunningly devised by our oppressors.
About the Author
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, actor and international activist.
He is President of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside. Julian is the author of two acclaimed titles: Changing Course for Life and In Defense of Life, which can be purchased by visiting www.julianrose.info. He has just completed his third book ‘Overcoming the Mechanistic Mind’ for which he is currently seeking a publisher.
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