#when the lies run out: the ian spiro story
goodoldcharley ยท 8 months
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Mutuals and visitors, please take my simple offering which I place on today's altar of thirst... ๐Ÿ˜‰
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illiana-mystery ยท 2 years
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This screenshot is from an old 90s BBC called "Crime Story". This was the second to last episode of the short lived series called "When the Lies Run Out": The Ian Spiro Story.
Alfred plays Ian Spiro. I finally found the whole episode on the BBC streaming series, Britbox, in case you were interested in watching. I just did the free trial to watch it. (Although if there is another way to watch it, let me and the mutuals know.)
Anyway, I recently watched it with my brother and we were laughing at the cheesy 90s editing, but Alfred's acting was amazing as always also they had a lot of nice closeups on his gorgeous face. And he had like five different looks throughout the episode. So just thought I would share the treasure with the rest of all. ๐Ÿ˜‰
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