#when it comes from newcomers to the franchise that only ever played botw I can excuse it
rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months
me everytime anyone on youtube begins their take about totk saying it's "one of the best stories in the franchise"
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wanderingfreeter · 6 years
Games in 2017....
While 2017 was a pretty crummy year in real world stuff, it was a pretty fantastic year for games In fact, there were so many releases I couldn't even keep up with every major and smaller releases. There was a lot I didn't play this year that I wish I had but there simply wasn't enough hours during the day, enough days in the year. It would be pretty unfair to make a top 10 for 2017 so I didn't a lot of contenders a fair shake. So I'll just name the 10  titles that I've enjoyed this year in no particular order
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Night in the Woods (PC, PS4, XB1) One of the earlier releases in the year and it really resonated with me. Thought a lot about it throughout the year Tackles themes of coming back home, disenfranchisement, that feeling of disconnect and estrangement of friends and families. I'm very familiar with that feeling of places you grew with just gradually disappearing, becoming empty husks and abandoned A lot about it really hit home for me and it's gonna be on my mind for quite a while
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Nier Automata (PC, PS4) I'll be honest, I was cautiously optimistic going into this one, even with Platinum Game's involvement.  It was mostly due to my disappointment with Drakengard 3. I had thought Yoko Taro had run out of cards to play. He knew how to shut me up
I was glad to be wrong. Thinking about the True Ending still gives me goosebumps
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Zelda Breath of the Wild (Wii U, Switch) Nintendo was making a big gamble putting all its chips on this one and it paid off One of the big problems I had with Skyward Sword (and most modern games) is absent in this Instead of stopping you every few minutes and overloading you with info, BoTW just drops you off and says "now go"
I really appreciated that Nintendo finally broke that rule of here’s a few dungeons, false end, here’s more dungeon formula. Gave me a great sense of exploration and my curiosity just kept me chugging along for the ride
Magical stuff
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Persona 5 (PS4) Stylish with a killer Jazzy soundtrack Right after finishing I felt it was one of the better entries in the franchise Months later, still feel the same way so I know it just isn't the Honeymoon Phase saying that-- the UI, cast of characters, battles and soundtrack were all superb. I was glad the tone of the game wasn't as saccharine as Persona 4
I admit there were some sour moments in the game that blemish the experience a bit for me but the package as a whole was fantastic
P.S. Faithful Boyfriend to Becky, reporting
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Yakuza 0 (PS4) Longtime Yakuza fan, been one since the first game in the series. Really happy to see the series finally get the recognition it deserves this year with this entry. Plus, it's a perfect gateway for any newcomers Great blend of silly and serious with a a ton of content packed in. Jump in now! Also pick up Yakuza Kiwami
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Thimbleweed Park (PC, PS4, XB1, Switch) Big fan of the old PC Point-n-click/Adventure games Takes everything I love about them and tosses out most of the annoying things, including dead ends Also one of the funnier games this year
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Splatoon 2 (Switch) Went in thinking it was gonna be more of the same Came for the Squids, stayed for the Salmon Runs
P.S. Mayo vs Ketchup Splatfest just looked like Blood n' Jizz
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Cuphead (PC, XB1) Being a fan Fleischer style animation, I was stoked for Cuphead the moment I saw it years back.  Had my fingers crossed it was gonna play as great as a it looked and it exceeded my expectations Absolutely fell in love when I heard that opening theme from Shoptimus Prime
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Dangronpa V3 (PC, PS4, Vita) It's hard for me to say too much but damn did Kaz Kodaka slapped me silly, flipped over my dinner table and walked away laughing madly. I expectations were swerved and my gut punched
Yoko Taro did the same thing except this one tripped me up even more All I can say is that it's divisive but color me satisfied
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Mario Oddysey (Switch) Was my most anticipated game of the year and it delivered Game was pure joy. Plus, Pauline's return was a very nice surprise
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Wonder Boy : The Dragon's Trap (PC, PS4, XB1, Switch) Great remake of the original title One of the coolest things you could do is mix n' match styles If you wanted to play with the original graphics with updated soundtrack you could do that at the press of a button
Other Mentions There were a lot of games I didn't spend enough time with Tekken 7 was one I ended watching more than I played. I also wish I had spent more time with ARMS Still haven't even broke the wrapper on my copy of Gravity Rush 2 Only spent an hour with Life is Strange Before the Storm. Heard a ton of great things about Horizon and Nioh. Lots of Handheld titles (Lady Layton, Samus Returns, Ever Oasis) didn't get enough time from me either
Here's to finding the time in 2018
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