#when i say chapter 22 of soc ruined me for life
alicntsdnce · 1 year
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Together, they drifted, Jordie's distended body acting as a raft. Kaz kept kicking, trying not to think of his brother, of the taut, bloated feel of Jordie's flesh beneath his hands; he tried not to think of anything but the rhythm of his legs moving through the sea. He'd heard there were sharks in these waters, but he knew they wouldn't touch him. He was a monster now, too. [..] When he reached the top, he flopped down on his back on the wooden slats, then forced himself to roll over. Jordie's body was caught in the current, bumping against the pylon below. His eyes were still open, and for a moment, Kaz thought his brother was staring back at him. But Jordie didn't speak, he didn't blink, his gaze didn't shift as the tide dragged him free of the pylon and began carry him out to sea. I should close his eyes, thought Kaz. But he knew if he climbed down the ladder and waded back into the sea, he would never find his way out again. He'd simply let himself drown, and that wasn't possible anymore. He had to live. Someone had to pay.
SIX OF CROWS, Chapter 22 SHADOW AND BONE, Season 2
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