#when he crawls around super fast or slowly and it kind of evokes the same ‘oh jeez’ feeling when spiders do it
instinctsxbad · 9 months
​this may not be very coherent bc I have a narsty cold but it’s something I don’t see talked about much— I’ve been thinking about how much I enjoy the fact that Peter Parker/Spider-Man is kind of creepy. Like. I love that he’s got that freaky “teleport when you’re not looking” ability spiders have, the creepy crawling, the fast and unpredictable movements, the eerie stillness, the hanging, the warning that they’re around with entangling traps or even just dissolving cobwebs that let you know they’re in the area. the kind of animalistic, unnatural, disturbing parts of being a spider that makes spiders, and spider-man, so cool
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