#what musk is being accused of is for his pay package to have been so easy as to be guaranteed to him
powdermelonkeg · 2 years
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Elon: *being taken to court after arranging for Tesla to pay him $56,000,000,000* This is why your insulin is so expensive by the way.
Image ID under the readmore
[Image ID: A string of tweets. The first is from Reuters Pictures and reads "A person transports boxes with documents for the trial of Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter, regarding his Tesla pay package at the Delaware Court of Chancery in Wilmington, Deleware." The tweet is accompanied by an image of someone pulling a pallet cart holding over 20 boxes of papers.
The second tweet is from Elon Musk, and reads “The actual attackers in class-action lawsuits are the law firms. They just find someone in the class to be their puppet.”
The third and final tweet is also from Elon, and reads “Current class-action-law is actually a massive tax on the American people and desperately needs reform. It is one of the reasons medication is so expensive in the USA. Somehow, other countries do just fine without class-action law.”
The final tweet is dated Nov 17, 2022, at 10:53 AM, sent from Twitter for iPhone. End ID.]
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