#what i wanted lilac to be about instead of just some pretty boy moose guy
toxooz · 4 months
So uhhh...how ruthless and dark can lilac be?
me seeing the name Lilac in my ask box tbh pfft😭
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UM boi its been a minute and all my love for Lilac resurfaced i gotta draw him soon AAAA(and honestlyy redesign him a bit) but anyway I'd say Lilac is a pretty kind spirit but at the end of the day he's meant to represent the whole notion of nature, life, and the innerworkings of ecosystems and how that must stay balanced by any means necessary and, from the human perspective heavily influenced by empathy, may seem cruel and uncaring at times but it is simply his duty as a spirit of that world. Like in this world nature may seem cruel ei. a male lion killing any male lion cubs to prevent future competitors, or a mother stork throwing her own young out of the nest because it's chances of survival would be hindering to the rest, a monitor lizard biting prey and following it as it slowly dies from the infection, how typically large prey animals Will obliterate Anything that it feels threatened by, the list goes ON and on but that's simply how life works on this planet and how certain animals are designed to live and survive in their own way. Lilac may assist and can create life ( his specialty is plants, more complex organisms are a little more complicated for him) and can take life away, but he typically keeps his hands off and lets nature do it's own thing. Any territorial battles amongst harpies he *usually* stays neutral since in his eyes it is merely territorial disputes which again is natural as certain territories can cycle through with time. If there is a species that is overrunning the ecosystem Lilac will eliminate however many members of said species until it is balanced again, if there is a forest fire from a lightning bolt he will reside in that area and help the harpies rebuild and survive until it's as if it never happened that's just How He Is. So ig he can be as ruthless and dark as nature can be, in fact Valon's main resentment toward Lilac is that Lilac shows no outward remorse for how Valon got his cards dealt- Valon was the runt of the nest, as a result was bullied and singled out by his siblings(even tried to be killed by them) and was ultimately thrown out of the nest whenever difficult times arrived, but managed to survive the fall and grew up carrying that bitterness of 'why didn't you care enough to help me live you were just going to let me die a miserable death if it meant 'keeping the balance through natural selection??'. He hates that he can't get a reaction out of Lilac when it comes to that topic which ultimately leads to him only half accidentally waking up Gracrux and surprise surprise throwing off the entire ecosystem with the mass destruction from Gracrux's wrath which all that lore abt the harpies n such can be read here>> X
Even if Lilac does feel bad for Valon or any other creature that doesn't make it, the bottom line is it is what it is and there are a multitude of reasons why he cant help every single harpy out there just because he feels bad so he prefers to stay stoic and unwavering about it. However if anyone from any other world discovers the harpy portal and Lilac finds out he Will be as cruel as a territorial hippo if he must😳 so Cinder better watch his everlovin asssss lmfao
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