#what does the new testament and old testament say about deifying yourself?
mingzisdrgongxuo · 8 months
Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma - Wikipedia
How royalty works?
(Attn. - Personal Life.)
Mountbatten admitted: "Edwina and I spent all our married lives getting into other people's beds."[118] He maintained an affair for several years with Yola Letellier,[119] the wife of Henri Letellier, publisher of Le Journal and mayor of Deauville (1925–28).[120] Yola Letellier's life story was the inspiration for Colette's novel Gigi.[119]
After Edwina died in 1960, Mountbatten was involved in relationships with young women, according to his daughter Patricia, his secretary John Barratt, his valet Bill Evans, and William Stadiem, an employee of Madame Claude.[121] He had a long-running affair with American actress Shirley MacLaine, whom he met in the 1960s.[122]
Sexuality and child abuse allegations
Ron Perks, Mountbatten's driver in Malta in 1948, alleged that he used to visit the Red House, an upmarket gay brothel in Rabat used by naval officers.[123] Andrew Lownie, a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, wrote that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintained files regarding Mountbatten's alleged homosexuality.[124] Lownie also interviewed several young men who claimed to have been in a relationship with Mountbatten. John Barratt, Mountbatten's personal and private secretary for 20 years,[125] has said Mountbatten was not a homosexual, and that it would have been impossible for such a fact to have been hidden from him.[121]
In 2019, files became public showing that the FBI knew in the 1940s of allegations that Mountbatten was homosexual and a paedophile.[126] The FBI file on Mountbatten, begun after he took on the role of Supreme Allied Commander in Southeast Asia in 1944, describes Mountbatten and his wife Edwina as "persons of extremely low morals", and contains a claim by American author Elizabeth, Baroness Decies, that Mountbatten was known to be a homosexual and had "a perversion for young boys".[124][127] Norman Nield, Mountbatten's driver from 1942 to 1943, told the tabloid New Zealand Truth that he transported young boys aged 8 to 12 who had been procured for the Admiral to Mountbatten's official residence and was paid to keep quiet. Robin Bryans had also claimed to the Irish magazine Now that Mountbatten and Anthony Blunt, along with others, were part of a ring that engaged in homosexual orgies and procured boys in their first year at public schools such as the Portora Royal School in Enniskillen. Former residents of the Kincora Boys' Home in Belfast have asserted that they were trafficked to Mountbatten at Classiebawn Castle, his residence in Mullaghmore, County Sligo.[128][129][130] These claims were dismissed by the Historical Institution Abuse (HIA) Inquiry.[131][121][132] The HIA stated that the article making the original allegations "did not give any basis for the assertions that any of these people [Mountbatten and others] were connected with Kincora".[131]
In October 2022 Arthur Smyth, a former resident of Kincora, waived his anonymity to make allegations of child abuse against Mountbatten.[133] The allegations are part of a civil case against state authorities responsible for the care of children in Kincora.[
Leisure interests
Mountbatten was passionate about genealogy, an interest he shared with other European royalty and nobility; according to Ziegler, he spent a great deal of his leisure time in studying his links with European royal houses.[137] From 1957 until his death, Lord Mountbatten was Patron of the Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society.[138] He was equally passionate about orders, decorations and military ranks and uniforms, though he himself considered this interest to be a sign of vanity and constantly tried to distance himself from it, with limited success.
My thoughts on the matter?
Biographies about a person's life, after they have died,...
is not a whole lot of justice for a person who has already died.
Honoring me in memory after all the "raw deals" in life I got, does nothing to make things "just" for me so I can be honored or respected while I'm still alive.
"Telling a nice fluffy story after I'm dead, isn't going to save my ass from Herod ruling over Jerusalem, Israel, and ordering my public ritual murder and human sacrifice on a borrowed throne"
- Jesus of Nazareth. the heir to the throne.
(SATANISM IN MY OPINION. biggest middle finger one could give to ALL OF LIFE'S "divine creator." Then selling the lie and decieving the world into believing that what they did was righteous and good.)
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