#what 4 years in dttwt does to a mf
vnzndt · 6 months
Honestly like this is gonna sound really annoying or whatever but finding out that he doesn't run the fanart acc after the initial sort of disappointment it was like. Kind of really relieving for me because I left twitter completely a few weeks ago, and it was the only thing that made me wanna go back was the sliver of a chance he might see my shit but. Idk. It makes me feel better about leaving. I got my rt and my reply I think that's enough :)
nooo i don’t think it’s annoying at all
imo there’s been a lot of unspoken jealousy and competition in the fanartist community when it came to the dranart account and i think it clouded a lot of artist’s vision and motivation when it became such a driving factor in posting fanart. it definitely was not dream’s fault and it’s also not any artist’s fault because jealousy is a very natural emotion which is bound to be triggered ESPECIALLY when posting on a platform as toxic as twitter (which essentially feels like literal high school with its cliques and popularity and weird hierarchies, not a dttwt problem, but an every fandom on twitter problem)
all in all i think relief is a super valid reaction to all of this and i definitely feel it too even if i don’t plan on leaving twitter. the need for validation via a dranart like was affecting me a lot more than i realized and that sliver of hope he would notice it was definitely a driving factor behind my motivation & how it somewhat shifted from drawing for fun -> drawing for attention
i think it’s been both disappointing and eye opening and i hope more artists feel comfortable enough to talk about the burnout that was unintentionally caused by the nature of twitter & its algorithm, including how that swayed who got a dranart notice or not, not wether dream actually “liked” your art or not.
i also hope this is an opportunity for growth when it comes to the community uplifting artists, not just dream, which i think is something we’ve struggled with as a fanbase in the past. i think that alone plays a big part into the toxic mindset a lot of us have developed where dranart notice = huge boost from the community, huge boost from the community = feeling insecure about a lack of interaction on posts that didn’t get a dranart notice, when it could easily be somewhat avoided if non-artists uplifted art by simply looking for it out of their own volition and not because dranart put it on their timeline
i’m yapping so much but my point is it’s okay to be relived and i think we should embrace it & acknowledge that there’s a reason as to WHY we’re relieved, because that relief doesn’t just come from nowhere 🥸
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