#weve been aware we had a pirate arc coming up for a while now but ohhh my god it was even more fun than id thought
silverislander · 11 months
(radio announcer voice) last night at dnd! our intrepid heroes have stumbled into a pirate gig and are setting a course for waterdeep, but not all is well in the hold!
captain is hot
both the old man wizard and the twunk drow barbarian are trying to fuck him UNTIL...
he appears to know too much about the barbarians past in waterdeep
he seems to be lying about his cargo, or at least not telling the full truth
he flirts with both the ranger (idiot) and cal (dyke)
but we agreed to join the crew anyway, against our better judgement, because we were given a tip telling us it's the right way to go to finish our quest (and the pay is 40 gold a week, that's more than half of them have ever made in their lives). ranger is acting navigator, we've got the wizard helping the ship medic, the barbarian doing whatever the fuck w the sails bc he's strong as shit, and cal and the monk (previously a pirate himself) acting as powder monkeys. things only got weirder from there
ranger has never seen barnacles before. he quietly tries to speak to them, in awe of this new creature, only to be sung at barbershop-quartet style
he's also hungover and has never been on a boat he's about to invent new kinds of seasickness
cal isn't great at being a powder monkey- gets fed up with how big and inconvenient the cannons are bc she can't clean them right. monk says they have to be that big to do damage to other ships. cal retorts that maybe there should be smaller cannons, like hand-size, but they could just use more of them instead. monk and cal invent the world's first gun
the captain calls cal calliope. she corrects him because she doesn't go by her full name. nobody told him her full name how the fuck does he know her full name.
(cal joined in part bc she thought you couldn't get arrested on the ocean if this motherfucker knows her or god forbid has met her enemy on the guard she's so fucking dead)
a storm rolls in and almost knocks cal and another sailor overboard. an octopus is flung onto the monk's face. she's screaming about almost dying, he's screaming about the kraken, the barbarian is rescuing people left and right like the cover of a romance novel
... and after it's over, a coffin bound in heavy chains is laying on the deck of the ship
it's gonna be a long way to waterdeep.
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