#wendyl x marjorine
cybers-shithole · 8 months
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bye this one was REFUSING to upload
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kawaiichibiart · 11 months
Stendyl, but it's Wendyl helping Stan come to terms with their own gender. They help Stan realize things about themself and is there every step of the way.
(BTW, my HC is that Wendyl is nonbinary and uses they/he/she pronouns, and Stan is agender and uses they/them pronouns)
Wendyl is open to Stan asking her questions and is always the one they go to whenever they want to try something out. Wendyl has seen Stan explore their fashion (wearing wigs/extensions to see if they liked having longer hair (sorta, they'd have it long for a while, but short hair is their preference), going with them to buy dresses and skirts to try (depends, but for the most part, yeah, it's pretty nice), doing their makeup, etc., etc., etc.), he's used different pronouns on them (they originally considered he/they, possibly adding she, but in the end, they/them felt the most comfortable and correct), she's on the phone with them while they cry because they believe they ruined their family (their parents wanted a son and daughter, two kids, and they already fucked them over from having a son-). They stand next to them when they finally come out to their mom (just their mom, they couldn't stand telling their whole family, Sharon accepted them, saying she didn't care if they were a boy, a girl, or nothing at all, they will always be her baby).
Just, Wendyl being supportive of their partner discovering themself and being there for them, especially when it's hard for them to get through the day because he knows what it's like.
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pekejscatbed · 1 year
Take my Lungs (2/4) | Craig x Kenny
high school AU, profanity, Kenny uses he/she, Kyle uses they/them, Wendyl uses he/him, Marjorine uses she/her
1/4 | 2/4 | 3/4 | 4/4
south park masterlist
When Kenny wakes up in her bed, she almost doesn't remember what happened the day before. Almost. But, as usual, the images come flashing through her mind like lightning; he takes a minute to process, unmoving as he waits for the dizziness to fade and the creeping feeling in his throat to disperse.
"Fuck." He whispers once he comes back to his bearings, the memories now fresh in his head. "Can't believe Tucker remembers and my own damn friends don't."
(Kenny blinks away the stinging feeling in her eyes as she gets ready for the day.)
When Kenny arrives at school, she's surprised to find out Craig didn't get detention, after all, but instead a day of out of school suspension. Though she is a bit disappointed- she had been waiting all night to confront the other, wanting to know how Craig knew she was immortal and for how long; how long had he known and never said anything?
Guess I'll swing by Tweak Bros after work and see if he's there with the others.
"Hey, Kenny!" Stan pulls her out of her thoughts, greeting her when she arrives at her locker, Kyle and Eric standing next to him (Stan and Kyle had to be at school early for football practice and student council, respectfully, often driving to school together in the car Mr. Broflovski bought for Kyle on their sixteenth birthday and Erics mom drove him to school now, leaving Kenny the only one of the group to still ride the bus (which he only does in the morning, carpooling with Tweek in the afternoon, as their respective jobs at the local movie theatre and Tweak Bros Coffee sit right next to each other)).
"Hey, guys!" Kenny replies with a half-fake smile, still a bit bummed that he'll have to wait to speak to Craig again. "What's up?"
(Now that the 'kids' are in high school and aren't really kids anymore, rather hormone ridden teens, things have changed- for everyone, not just Kenny and his friends.
For starters, Kenny is genderfluid, meaning that somedays, he's a boy, while others she's a girl, or sometimes both or even neither; her pronouns change from day-to-day, sometimes week-to-week or longer, maybe shorter. To keep others from getting confused, she wears dog tags around her neck (she couldn't thank Marjorine enough when she gave them to her): pink for when she's a girl, blue for when he's a boy, and yellow for when their neither (yeah, the colors together represent the pansexual flag, hinting at Kenny's sexuality). And somedays, like today, he wears two or even all three tags. His orange parka has even changed to an orange hoodie now! Or sometimes a black dress, or even a skirt, given to her by Wendyl after he came out as transgender (today Kenny wears a black skirt with her hoodie, along with the pink and blue dog tags).
As for the other 'boys', Kyle isn't one. They came out as agender a while ago and now use they/them pronouns. As for their sexuality, they prefer to be unlabeled- which is totally okay! Their wardrobe is pretty much the same though, with an added skirt or two, gifted by Stan in an attempt to be supportive of his friends' gender, or lack thereof.
Speaking of Stan, he's bi now, having come to the conclusion after Wendyl (before his transition) broke up with him and Stan realized he had a crush on one too many male actors- and someone from school, though he refuses to speak on it (even to Kyle!).
Moving onto Eric... well, Cartman is Cartman. He doesn't confirm nor deny any label that may get pushed upon him, rather doing his own thing and being who he wants, when he wants (whether genuine or just another charade, no one knows))
"Stan and Kehl are being totally gay again!" Cartman whines in response to Kenny's questions, purposefully mispronouncing Kyle's name. Again. "They should just fuck already and get it over with!"
"Who says we haven't?" Kyle shoots back with a glare.
"What! When?!"
"But we haven't- yeah, when?!"
Kyle turns to Stan. "Just go with it! It'll shut him up."
"Nah, I'd know you if ya did." Kenny looks between the two of them and squints. "And ya haven't."
"How would you know?!"
The bell rings and Kenny only grins, saluting his friends before turning around and booking it to class, for once thankful that they all have different classes for first period.
Saved by the bell. Heh.
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kenny is 1 of the most shippable characters,in the WHOLE of sp,imo.
like,ship him with any of the other main 4? it works. (kenman can b slightly subjective-,but it makes more sense than other cartman ships.like idk stan x cartman.)
butters? yes,it works.
marjorine? literally,just bunny but straight.hell yes it works.
wendy/wendyl? hell yes.
bebe? HELL yes. (1 of the most underated sp ships,imo,,but thats another take.)
literally any of the other girls? yes,it works.
clyde? hell yes.
tolkien? odd,but hell,yes.
kevin stoley? it makes no sense…but it works!
any of the other boys? yes!!! it works.
hell,ud,prob b able to ship kenny with tweek/craig and itd still work.ALSO!! kenny canonically has 2(?) love interest characters/ships (kelly+tammy!!),but even those ships r underated as hell??
bunny is decent enough,,but errggh..its everywhere.idk!! i feel like theres so many opportunity for diff kenny ships/rarepairs,but none get explored/mentioned/exist ig.its always either kenjorine or bunny,lmao,but i can understand y..its bcz it works.no hate to bunny/kenjor fans btw!!! its literally the butters ship i draw the most fanart of lmao.
to throw my extra 2 cents in,,my personal fave kenny ships r:
•clyenny??? (clyde x ken)
•kenlly (kenny x kelly)
•kenny x bebe
•kenjorine (i like bunny,,but i prefer kenjor more idkk)
•kennie (kenny x annie)
•crenny (i used to b MAJORLY hyperfixatsd on crenny,lmao,idm it as much now.another take;idrc for creek,or craig n tweek ships in gen.)
my ken otp??? stenndyl (stan x wendyl x ken.stan has 2 hands.I DONT LISTEN TO OTHER OPS,ARGUMENT CLOSED 😡😡 /s.)
n prob sum other stuff i forgot.idk,,i js wanted to ramble abt kenny n ships.since i literally only see bunny lol,some variety wouldnt hurt.the art is always good asf tho soo
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spookymultimedia · 1 year
Some trans kids in my genderbent au
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I hc Marjorine as a trans girl so that would mean in this au Butters is a trans boy but everyone calls him Marjorine atm because he's in the closet. I don't think bunny will be in this au because I think Butters will be a gay boy here.
With Wendyl I just took the hair the she has in The Cissy and kept him in their usual clothes. Maybe Sam X Webdyl will be a thing in this au.
I don't have much to day about Jenny and Erica that hasn't already been said. I think this Jenny and Cartman drawing is my best example of their hair style. Jenny is letting her hair grow out a little so it's a bit waver. It's in more of a diamond shape 🔶️. Think Link from Zelda.
Cartman usually keeps her hair tucked into her hat. Its super greasy while Jenny's hair is super dry lol. Erica never grows her hair at shoulder length, she always chops her hair back short. Erica sounds exactly like Eric's canon voice. She sounds very masculine. Liane is the same in this au. She's constantly telling Cartman how cute she would look in a dress and sometimes it's a uphill fight to get her to wear something girly for an event. She had to wear a dress for a funeral. She hated every minute of it.
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c0untfagula · 4 years
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This was just going to be a sketch, hence the roughness of it
I rlly enjoy the idea of Marjorine and Wendyl getting together! Too bad theres not rlly any content for it qvq
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pekejscatbed · 2 years
Who he is and What he is Not | Clyde x Stan (main), Bebe x Marjorine
Ftm! Stan & Wendyl (he/him), mtf! Marjorine (she/her), panic attacks,
south park masterlist
"I still can't believe Butters and Bebe are dating."
"Marjorine." Stan corrects the other as he drops his both his backpack and football bag to the ground, immediately throwing himself onto Clyde's unmade bed. He does his best to ignore the stinging in his heart at the mistake; the doubt in his mind- what if he doesn't accept me?
"Shit- yeah, Marjorine. My bad, dude." The brunet copies Stan's motions, his bags falling to the ground, and lies down on the other side of the bed, shifting to his side: he props his head up on his hand. "Can't believe Marjorine and Bebe are dating. Like, totally was not expecting that, y'know?"
Stan smiles into the pillow, the stinging sensation fading, then turns his head to look at Clyde. "Yeah. I kinda thought Bebe and Wendyl had a thing going on."
"Wendyl? Bro, no! Have you seen the way he looks at Tolkien?"
"Well, yeah, no shit! But Tolkien's straight, dude! And he's dating Nicole! You're like, his best friend, shouldn't ya know that?" Stan lightly flicks his boyfriend on the forehead, who pouts at the action.
"Ow. Meanie." He fakes a sniffle, only to grin a second later when Stan rolls his eyes and grabs the brunets hand. "I know that, but Wendyl still has a thing for him! It's totes obvious!"
"Dude. Babe. Bro." Stan fake gags. "You've been hanging out with Kenny and Bebe too much."
Clyde giggles and guides the raven-haired teens hand up to his lips, gently kissing the skin with a soft "mwah!". "You know ya love it, babes!"
"For some reason." Stan moves to get closer to Clyde, planting a short kiss on the other boys' lips.
"Aw..." Clyde lets go of Stans hand to gently grab his face, rubbing the other's cheeks with his thumb. "That's all, Stanny?"
Stan pushes the others face away with a scoff, then shifts onto his back. "Brush your teeth first, pretty boy, then we'll see. Your breath is rancid."
"What?" Clyde breathes into his hand. "What's wrong with my breath?"
"Smells like school bologna. I swear that shit is made out of human meat or something."
"Hmpf." Clyde pouts again though gets up, making his way to the bathroom. Over his shoulder he calls out, "School bologna is good, dude! You don't know what you're missing out on!"
While Clyde is in the bathroom, Stan tries not to think about who he is and what he isn't; tries not to think about how Clyde will react when he finds out.
Him and Clyde have been together for only a few months now, and while Stan is... mostly confident that Clyde will accept him as the brunet has no qualms with Wendyl or Marjorine, the lingering fear and uncertainty that resides in the back of Stans mind disagrees.
It did take Clyde years to finally overcome his internalized homophobia and accept that he isn't straight, after all, and even longer for him to finally be comfortable coming out as bisexual. What if Clyde knowing about Stan makes the brunet feel tricked and he realizes he's actually straight? What if he starts to see Stan as something he's not? What if he breaks up with the raven-haired male? What if Clyde lashes out against Stan and tells everyone?
"Stan?" The sound of Clyde's voice breaks Stan out of his spiraling thoughts. "Dude, are you okay?"
Stan realizes his breath is ragged and his chest is heaving up and down, tears pricking at his baby blues. The teen tries to calm himself down, practicing the breathing technique Kyle taught him. In 4, hold 7, out 8. In 4, hold 7, out 8. It takes him a few tries, but after a couple of minutes, Stan is able to steady his breath enough to realize that he never answered his boyfriend.
Speaking of... Stan looks over to the brunet who's standing in the doorway, making eye contact with him only to notice the tears building up in Clyde's eyes.
"...Stan?" The brunet's voice is soft, full of caring and concern.
"I need to tell you something." Straight to the point. No backing out. Stan stands up from his spot on the bed. I can do this. "I'm-"
"Oh my god, you're breaking up with me!" Clyde's voice breaks and the tears gathered in his brown eyes fall, cascading down his chubby cheeks. "You are, aren't you?"
Stan blinks, then shakes his head. "No! No, I'm not breaking up with you, Clyde. I just..."
Clyde sniffles, wiping at his reddened eyes with his sleeve, then his runny nose; Stan sighs.
"I'm trans."
Now Clyde is the one to blink. "Like Marjorine? You wanna be a girl?"
"No!" Stan's voice is firm, and Clyde almost jumps at the tone. "Like Wendyl."
"Oh. Oh!" Clyde smiles as the realization sits in. "Thats cool, dude! But like, you aren't breaking up with me, right?"
Stan smiles back, happy that all his doubting thoughts were wrong. "No, dumbass."
"So... does this mean we can make out now?"
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pekejscatbed · 2 years
Man, you are Beautiful | Clyde x Stan (main), Craig x Tweek, Kyle x Kenny
High school AU, drinking, brief mention of weed, implied sexual content, implied cheating, ftm! Stan & Wendyl (he/him), mtf! Marjorine (she/her)x agender! Kyle (they/them), genderfluid! Kenny (he/she)
Side Ships:
Kyle x Kenny, Craig x Tweek, Kyle x Kenny x Craig x Tweek, Wendyl x Tolkien, Nichole x Tolkien, Bebe x Marjorine, (past) Stan x Wendyl
south park masterlist
It's a late Friday night and Roger Donovan is away for the weekend on another business trip, leaving his son Clyde home alone. Well, he would be alone, if it weren't for the whole of South Park High being inside the Donovan household; just another one of Clyde's famous parties (there's not as many people as you'd think, as South Park has always been a rather small town, though it is still a wonder that so many young adults can fit into one house).
Stan Marsh happens to be one of these party goers and, in true Stan fashion, said teen is drunk off his ass (then again, so is every other teen at this party- or high) and yelling as his super-best friend, Kyle Broflovski.
"Fuck You, Kyle, you're a piece of shit!" With a defeated sigh, Kyle begins to walk away, only to turn around when Stan speaks again. "...Kyle, I love you."
"You're a piece of shit though, fuck you!"
Kyle once again walks away, though this time they don't turn back. Instead, they make their way over to Kenny, Tweek, and Craig (Kyle's pretty sure their girlfriend is trying to get into the couple's pants again), who had been watching the whole ordeal go down, knowing Kyle has never been able to stand an intoxicated Stan.
("He yell at ya again, babe?" Kenny speaks loud enough for Kyle to hear her over the excessive music and throws an arm over his shoulder; Kyle nods.
"Same thing as always." Kyle leans into the dirty blond only to realize a second too late- "Dude! Get your hand off my ass!"
"Heh. Sorry, Ky." Kyle knows by Kenny's tone that she isn't sorry, that and the smug grin on his face that shows off his tooth gap. Perv.)
Stan watches as Kyle walks away, then makes his way to the kitchen muttering to himself. "Fuck this, I need a drink. Fuckin' dick."
As the raven-haired male opens another can of beer, he sees Wendyl kissing Tolkien and scoffs.
"Daaamn, that's gotta hurt, dude." A voice speaks from right next to Stan and he jumps, accidently splashing his beer on himself. "Oh shit!"
"Jesus-fucking-Christ!" Turning to the side, Stan sees Clyde standing there with a sheepish grin and has to hold back the urge to punch the brunet. "The fuck, dude? Warn a guy."
Clyde lets out a little laugh- holy shiiit, he's cute! "Sorry, bro. You can borrow one of my shirts, come on."
Ignoring his thoughts and blaming the alcohol, Stan follows Clyde out of the kitchen and up the stairs, only needing to push through a handful of drunken teens sucking face (Stan thinks one of the couples are Bebe and Marjorine). The two make it up the stairs with no problem, though Clyde did almost step on someone who looks oddly like Cartman in a dress passed out on the top few steps.
"Sorry about Wendyl, dude." Clyde leads the other to his bedroom. "Nichole is gonna be so mad when she finds out."
"Whatever. I though Tolkien was straight though?" Stan tries not to sound pissed off; the grimace on Clyde's face lets him know he failed.
"He is."
The two males don't say anything else to each other as Clyde rummages through his closet before finally pulling out a blank white shirt that looks a size or two too big for Stan (Clyde is 200 pounds of center, after all), though the raven-haired boy doesn't comment on it, happy enough to just change out of his beer-soaked t-shirt.
"Thanks, man." Stan peels off his old shirt and drops it to the ground, reaching out a hand for Clyde to hand him the other shirt, only to notice the other staring at him. Crossing his arms over his chest in a sudden self-consciousness of the scars there, Stan raises an eyebrow. "What?"
"I think I drank too much. Or you're just like, really hot, bro." Clyde is looking Stan up and down with wide eyes, running his tongue over his bottom lip. "Fuck, I might be gay."
Oh fuck.
Before Stan realizes what he's doing, the male is already Infront of Clyde, leaning down and gently grabbing his face between his slender hands to press his chapped lips against the others soft, plump ones. He feels the shirt in Clyde's hands fall and then the other is leaning up to kiss him back, his full hands settling on Stan's thin, yet built, waist and gripping at his hips.
A few hours later, deep blue eyes open to a poorly lit room and blaring pop music that only makes the growing feeling of needles piercing through Stan's skull worse. With a groan the male slowly sits up- not slow enough, he finds as he clutches at his head with a pain hiss and shuts his eyes. After a minute or two, the pain fades enough so that Stan can open his eyes without wanting to shoot his brains out and the teen takes in his surroundings.
Medium blue walls adorned with various movie and playboy posters; a long, white desk with a thin, open laptop atop it on the opposite wall of the bed Stan woke up in, and an old blue and green toy chest with the word "football" poorly written on the front sitting to the pristine desk. Next to the bed, on Stans left, is a wooden dresser that also acts as a nightstand, as shown by the half-empty water bottle laying on its side that sits on top of said dresser; in the corner of the room, right next to the dresser/nightstand, is a huge full-length mirror outlined in a yellow gold. There's one window in the room and its closed, though the blinds are open, letting moonlight seep into the room.
As for the bed Stan currently resides in, the sheets are a dark red wine color and there's a lumpy Red Racer blanket on Stans right- suddenly the blanket shifts, revealing chestnut brown hair and a chubby face.
"Clyde?" The blue-eyed boy whispers with confusion, though the male in question doesn't stir. What the fuck...? Why am I at Clyde's- oh. Oh- "shit!"
Putting the pieces together, Stan is quick to stumble out of the bed and grab his shoes (which are conveniently placed next the bed). Next, he searches for his jeans and shirt (he almost trips over the latter, though catches himself in time (Clyde must be a heavy sleeper)). Stan quickly notices how his shirt is damp and grimaces, deciding he could go shirtless for the time being and then exits the room and rushes down the stairs (is that Cartman? and is he wearing a dress?), careful not to trip over any passed-out teens or half-crushed cans of beer.
When Clyde wakes up a few hours later, his head is pounding, and he internally curses the sun for existing. Too damn bright.
The brunet slowly stumbles out of bed and closes the blinds, briefly relishing in the newfound dimness of his room before throwing on the first clothes he pulls out of his dresser drawers. Clyde then heads downstairs to rummage through the pantry, taking notice that everyone who attended the party last night must've gone home.
Hmm, gummy snacks? Nah. A muffin? No, those are dads. Pop-Tarts? Score! Clyde grabs a package of cinnamon and brown sugar Pop-Tarts.
"Hey, Clyde!" The male in questions shrieks throwing his breakfast in the direction of the voice. "Ow! Oh- sweet, Pop-Tarts!"
"The fuck, dude?!" Looking at the "intruder", Clyde realizes it a parka-less Kenny, who is now eating what was supposed to be the brunets breakfast. Grumbling to himself, Clyde turns around to grab another Pop-Tart. "What're you still doing here?"
"Got lucky last night." Kenny speaks through a mouthful of his- Clyde's- food. "Ya might wanna clean your dads' sheets, bro."
Clyde takes a moment to process what the dirty blond says, a bit confused. Clean dads' sheets? Why would I- "Sick, dude!"
Kenny only laughs as Clyde glares at him and gags.
"You got lucky too, yeah? Who was it?"
"Huh?" The brunet squints his eyes, having no clue what Kenny's going on about. "Man, I can't remember shit from last night."
Kenny raises an eyebrow. "Dude, whoever it was must've been good, you were so loud I could hear ya over Craig. And he's the loudest dude I've ever been with- hell, he's louder than any girl I've been with."
Clyde tunes out the other, not wanting to hear about how loud his best friend is in bed and tries to remember last night. Short, black hair, tiny tits and scars, tall- "You were with Craig last night?"
"Uh, yeah?" Kenny is the confused one now. "Kyle and Tweek, too. Why?"
"Because whoever I was with looked like Craig, but like, if he was a girl with the smallest tits I've ever seen. And scars."
"Yeah, she had scars on her chest, like right under her tits." Clyde goes quiet as the realization sits in and Kenny looks ready to tell him off. "Oh fuck. I hooked up with a trans guy, didn't I?"
"Probably, dude." Kenny doesn't look as mad now, though her voice holds an ounce of annoyance and cautiousness.
"That means I fucked a dude... I had sex with a- but I- I'm not..." Clyde is pacing now, walking circles in his kitchen as he begins to panic. "I'm not gay, Kenny."
"Never said ya were, Clyde." Kenny sounds concerned, feeling like he's just gone through the stages of grief with how fast his emotions have changed throughout this conversation. "Y'know, ya could be bi."
The brunet stops his pacing and stares right at the blond, who seems to be typing something on her old phone. Clyde blinks. "What?"
Right as the word leaves Clyde's mouth, a shirtless (covered in hickeys) Craig walks into the kitchen.
"Craig! Thank God you're here!"
Craig immediately turns around.
did u hookup w clyde last nite ?
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