#well im reading mahoyo rn but the guda thoughts possessed me
mako-neexu · 1 month
i still can't let go of what aoko had just said but its really interesting.
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"Summoning magic is highly complicated but you're still able to easily wield it."
"The stronger your familiar, the more stressful it could be to your physical and mental stamina as well as your sense of self - your very identity as a person - to the point of being weakened." (<-this and it could be tl'ed as consumption and can be two different things so if its the latter, that would be terrifying to interpret)
Another thing aoko said is that being able to handle Summoning and even maintaining Servants requires a heart that is light just as it is heavy. With that heart, you are resistant to desires - greed that stems from your own familiars.
this piece of information is shared before they introduce each other as well as Chaldea's objectives etc, aoko doesn't know guda uses Chaldea-style summoning compared to what is normally used in GWs so it could be different... but i think it really is in general and in an emotional-based handling of that kind of magic.
Normal GW compared to Chaldea is in terms of the burden of mana iirc. The latter uses equipment and tech but a Master can simply be the 'anchor' for the familiars meanwhile normal GW all falls onto the Master and having their own methods to procure mana from surroundings and other lifeforms.
Moreover, in terms of mentality and your sense of self, it makes sense. As "You" are connected to your own "Force of Providence", and only a force greater than you, aside from you - connected to you - can possibly change it. In the face of Heroic Spirits that not just anyone can summon, having lived their lives already and are fighting alongside their Master, its been proven in all the stories that a lot of their "fates" have been irreversibly changed.
In a way you could look at it as identity consumption (exhaustion?) = influence of a Servant. The 'you' now could be replaced because you met that Servant...
prime example in my brain is Waver met Iskandar. He had inferiority complex and was always doubting- and along the way he trusted him and gained a bond that changed his life forever. Shirou's case depends on the route... but he can let go of his seigi no mikata mindset - something that is just extremely rooted into his being ever since kiritsugu's GW which is impossible to imagine but it happens anyways.
So Guda's ability to be able to handle Servants is a feat in and of itself. Summoning magic - being able to control Heroic Spirits themselves - is considered extraordinary to a mage as amazing as Aoko and Alice. Their sense of self as a person to remain themselves is just really strong as we see throughout the very start of FGO to now that there have been a lot of temptations and forces that could irreversibly change Guda. There's been people who have had impacts in their life that can't be denied and even with such an influence, they continue to be themselves.
If the heart is to heavy or if the heart is too light, you can easily be influenced by that which connects you to practically on a spiritual level. Depending on the relationship, i guess you could say it could be mutualism or parasitism.
You need to have that kind of mentality where you are neither subservient nor domineering, too stubborn nor too docile- just the amount of light and dark perfectly balanced in your heart.
...That's just so impossible... But guda exists anyways. A very ordinary human that is so unremarkable that they're extremely unique at the same time. (Are you sure you're human????)
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