#well I want to force people to read the new one hahahha. I promise it's mostly the same just tighter and less stupid
wykart · 11 months
Against the Lightning full draft donnnnnnneeee. There's like, one scene that I need to switch the order of so it's floating. Other than that it's a smoooth narrative. Just over 260k, and while I hope I'll be cutting that down on the edit pass I know myself too well :[ Not sure when to expect the full thing to come out. I'll give myself a bit of a break to work on other things before going straight into editing. I'm going to be lenient with the editing though, not going to be a perfectionist about it. See if I say it, it might come true.
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kjmhj0429995486 · 4 years
Perhaps a small winwin and kun college au?
okay this took me forever to get around to oops! hahahha this is honestly way too many words for nothing to really happen but I had fun writing it. would love to maybe continue this eventually!
tinder!au i guess??
kun despised the idea of dating apps. absolutely hated it. he always criticized the vanity and impermanence of meeting people online and stood by his ground that you could only find the perfect match in person. when kun created a tinder account under the influence of a few drinks and some very resilient friends on a friday night in, he still hated dating apps, but he’d admit now that maybe he was being a little early to judge.
kun wasn’t like his friends. ten lived for nights out and meeting new people and kissing boys he’d only just met. in a similar vein, lucas was always in a relationship, whether it being a fling that lasts a few weeks before he gets bored or one of his longer, more emotional engagements, kun has never known the man without someone on his arm. but kun was different. since they started college over three years ago now, he’d only kissed a handful of boys, maybe a girl or two in the beginning, and he’d only been in two relationships, both pretty long term relative to his friends. with the last one ending nearly a year ago, he couldn’t help but feel a little lonely; however, it wasn’t until the alcohol settled into his veins as he listened to stories of his friends’ most recent passionate endeavors during their guys’ night that he expressed this to anyone else.
“oh my god and then afterwards, he literally just, left me there. on the couch, naked. he didn’t even leave a blanket for me,” ten was a few shots in, speaking dramatically and drawing the most genuine reactions from his tipsy bestfriends as he spoke. “but oh my GOD did I even care after what that man had just done to me.”
kun never understood the hookup culture that his friends subscribed to, but he was happy for them; and they knew that, even if his snide remarks came off a little judgy. “i really can’t believe the situations you get yourself into sometimes,” kun laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. “like you really can’t tell me it was worth getting treated that way to have sex with someone you’ll never see again.”
“kun,” ten began, placing his hands on kun’s shoulders and looking him in the eye, feigning as much seriousness as he could muster in his current state. “you really really need to get laid already,” this made kun immediately roll his eyes and laugh softly in ten’s face. “actually you don’t even have to fuck him right away, but like you could really use a cute boy in your life, man,” he ended with a slight seriousness that hit home more than he would’ve expected. kun knew exactly why ten was saying what he was saying. obvious to his friends, he’d been really stressed lately with midterms and club activities and whatever else he managed to find to keep himself busy enough to not have time to worry about how he felt so incomplete; about how much better all the stressful things in his life would be if someone else was there to experience them with him.
“wait wait wait,” lucas intergected, his normal deep voice even more boisterous with the drinks in his system. “you should make a tinder.”
at this, ten’s eyes widened and he immediately perked up with the biggest smile on his face.
“absolutely not.” kun intended to shut this conversation down before the boys got any stupid ideas in their heads. he was a little late.
“kun pleaseeeee?” ten begged with full on puppy dog eyes. “you never know, the love of your life might be on there right now.”
kun pulled away from the grip ten still had on his shoulders and raised his eyebrows at his friends in an attempt to get his seriousness through their heads. “no way. you guys know how i feel about dating apps. i will happily wait a thousand years for the right man to meet me face to face if that’s what it takes.”
lucas was not convinced. “dude you haven’t had a boyfriend in months. literally all you do when you’re not with us is study. obviously that’s not making you any progress soulmate wise so like.. what’s the harm in giving it a go?”
neither was ten. “exactly. kun you deserve to find someone, you really do. worst case scenario you go on a couple of bad dates and we have something to laugh about, best case scenario you find someone you think you can fall in love with,” kun softens, just a bit, at the sincerity of ten’s words. for a second that is. “and yeah most of them suck but i promise there’s some high quality, top notch men on there if you look hard enough. trust me, i’ve found a couple myself,” he adds with a quick wink. when kun’s scowl returns to his face ten reverts to his previous tactic: puppy dog eyes. “pleassssse kun. you know we really just want the best for you.”
kun sighs, rolling his eyes begrudgingly at his defeat. “i can’t believe i’m saying this out loud but i guess i have been kind of lonely lately,” he begins, catching his friends’ hopeful attention. “not in like a sad kind of way but maybe in a ‘this would be better with someone else’ kind of way.”
that was enough for lucas to grab kun’s phone from its place on the coffee table and download the app before kun even had time to protest.
“awww he’s kinda cute.” ten said, clicking to view the full profile of a boy just a year younger than kun.
“he’s holding a dead fish.”
“you know what they say, the bigger the dead fish the bigger his...”
“literally no one has ever said that.”
“ugh fine. next.”
kun went to bed that night disappointed about to his expectations, if not a little more.
it wasn’t until three days later when kun was laying in bed after a busy school day that he even remembered he had downloaded the stupid app a few nights prior. after a brief battle between his strong opinions towards the dumb application sitting almost mockingly on his home screen and his skeptical curiosity, he unlocked his phone and opened the neglected app, the latter obviously winning out.
kun spent a few minutes swiping. he clicked each individual profile to get as solid of a read as he could on each guy before making his decision with a careful consideration, something he had definitely never seen either of friends apply to their tinder boy sprees. left. left. left. kun was growing ever more frustrated, none of the boys striking a chord with him. perhaps he was being a bit harsh with his standards but he really truly felt that he couldn’t see himself in a relationship with any of these men. left. left. left again. and that’s when he stopped. almost instinctively swiping on the next boy before a picture loaded before his eyes that made him rethink every criticism he had ever given his friends or their dumb app. this one was cute. more than cute. kun never really understood what the phrase “boyish charm” meant, but he knew this boy had it. he was beautiful in such an understated way. not aggressively attractive by conventional standards, but gorgeous and delicate and handsome in a way that kun thinks he could stare at for hours.
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with a breath of fresh air, kun finally swiped right. he felt a brief wave of something akin to panic, or maybe excitement, wash over him when a screen he had yet to see appeared. “it’s a match! sicheng likes you too,” the screen read. kun couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on his face for a split second before he forced it into a scowl, unhappy that he had fallen into the trap of these dumb apps. soon after, kun put his phone down and went to bed. he hated the lingering curiosity about the boy that he knew nothing about, but let himself indulge in his own imagination for just a little while before falling asleep to the thought of having someone to call his.
the next day was busy for kun. between his four classes and studying for his upcoming midterms, he hadn’t even had a second to consider swiping mindlessly through tinder or messaging the single boy he had deemed worthy of his swipe. that was, until he was sat outside the dining hall, letting himself enjoy a few free minutes to eat dinner with ten and lucas. amidst lucas’ downward spiral into the stress of his classes and how much work he has to do, kun’s phone buzzes. he doesn’t want to be as distracted as he is from his friends’ problems by the notification his phone lights up with, but he can’t seem to fight the curiosity of what the tiny words that read “sicheng sent you a new message.” would reveal. kun decides to wait until he can give his full attention to the weird little crush that’s already begun brewing on the total stranger living in his phone. he locks his phone and puts it in his pocket before returning his attention to the people in his life he knows are actually real.
back in his dorm, kun immediately flops onto his bed. he scrolls aimlessly through twitter and instagram before finally landing back where he was last night. knowing that he has a ton of studying to do before bed, he clicks on the messages tab and indulges himself, maybe for a little longer than he means to.
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kun: hmmm maybe if i deem you worthy
sicheng: and how do i obtain your approval oh great magician?
kun: well for starters
kun: you’re really cute so that gets your foot in the door
sicheng: 😳
kun: but it’s gonna take a little more than that unfortunately
sicheng: i can dance
sicheng: does that help?
sicheng: ooh and i have a dog
sicheng: but he lives with my parents :(
sicheng: or i can show you my anime figurine collection it’s pretty impressive
kun: haha honestly?
kun: i think you just might be worthy of two magic tricks😂
sicheng: you mean to tell me you know more than one magic trick????
sicheng: wait
sicheng: are you a wizard?
kun: not last i checked
kun: but i guess you’ll be happy to know that i actually know like
kun: 10 magic tricks
sicheng: whaaaaaat
sicheng: lol what point in your life did you not have any friends?
kun: middle school😔
kun: but it’s okay i came out stronger
sicheng: so now you have friends AND know magic?
sicheng: AND you’re hot??
sicheng: sounds kinda op to me
kun: well i’d say all of those are only kind of true
sicheng: i’m still impressed
kun: thank you
sicheng: ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
kun absolutely hated the stupid smile that wouldn’t leave has face as he read back the boy’s replies. but, as he continued to slowly learn bits and pieces of the boy that didn’t exist to him until last night through conversation that came way more easily than he ever would’ve imagined, kun decides that maybe something special really could come from this after all.
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foreverhakyeon-blog · 6 years
Wake Up
pairing : Hakyeon x Taekwoon | Neo
word : 2460
Oneshot of bestfriends Hakyeon and Taekwoon, whereby Hakyeon got into accident and in coma.
"Hakyeon, wake up" Taekwoon whisper as he shakes Hakyeon faintly. "Please"
"How am I going to live without you" his eyes starts to water, "I can't"
Hakyeon was still lying helplessly on the hospital bed.
Taekwoon's POV
Im not mute. I can talk if I want to. I talk if I need to.
It's just that, I refused to do so. I chose to observed instead of talking. It's comfortable being like this, observing the others.
But that's not what the other thinks.
'Taekwoon is a freak'
'Look at how he look at us, is he planning something'
'I've never heard his voice'
'Taekwoon is weird.'
I'm used to hear things like that. There are times when they act like they were whispering but it was loud enough for me to hear what they said about me. I hear it all. Sometimes they just say it in my face. I don't really care though. Let they say what they want. People are free to say what they want to say anyways.
After a while, people start to take advantage on me.
'Taekwoon will lift that heavy thing'
'Taekwoon will clean the classroom'
'Taekwoon will never say no, he don't talk anyway'
'let Taekwoon do it'
I just nodded and do what they ask me to do. It's not hard anyways. It felt helping them. I don't mind.
But after that,
They started to do more.
Sometimes they beat me without a reason.
'he won't say anything'
'Taekwoon can be punchbag for the day. He'll never report it to anyone'
'because he don't talk'
"Stop it. Why are you doing this to him?!" I heard someone yelled from a far. I saw he ran to us ; me and the three boys. Jay, minki and Junho. They used to be my friends. Well, I thought they are. Until one day they suddenly starts to beat me without a reason.
"are you okay?" the boy asked me in concern. I have never saw him face before.
"oh. new kid. seems like you wanted to get beat to. you need some teaching" Jay said, his fist are ready to punch the boy.
"Try if you have the gut." The boy said bravely. He is a lot smaller than the three boys, can he fight them?
Jay started to launch a punch to the boy but he was fast enough to dodge it. Seconds after that the guard came. The three boys run away. The boy then report to the guard "They bullied my friend!" Since when I became his friend? The guard nodded his head as he look at me with pity. "Bring him to the nurse's office" The guard said before continue chasing the three boys.
"Hey, are you okay?" The boy ask me again. He help me stand up. I nodded.
"What is your name?" He looks at me. I showed him my name tag. "Ohh~ Jung Taekwoon" he smiled.
Hakyeon extended his hand, "I'm Cha Hakyeon"
"Taekie you're back!!" Hakyeon cheered happily as I walk in the house. After that day, Hakyeon and I had become really close. We even went to the same university. Hakyeon had always been there for me. He protects me with all he have. He is cheerful and fun to be with, but sometimes I wish he can control his anger.
It's not that he ever beat me when he is mad or something. Hakyeon will never hurt me. He rarely gets mad at me. But he tend to hurt those who hurt me.
If only I didn't bumped into Kangin on the way home today, it will not turn out this way. "Taek?" Hakyeon called me as he noticed that I was avoiding him.
I covered my face with mask and wear my favorite black hoodie. "I'm tired." I said, hoping that he will understand and leave me alone.
"Something is wrong with you" I heard Hakyeon muttered. We have been for so long that he can notice even a slight changes of me.
"Wait!" He hold my wrist, preventing me from running away. He forced me to face him. He reach my mask and in a second the mask are off my face. Hakyeon observed my face.
His face slowly turned red, boiling with anger. "Who did this?" He touch my purple cheek. Obviously someone has hurt his bestfriend and Hakyeon wouldn't let that person go.
I flinched. This is not what I want. Last time someone had accidentally punch me at the stomach, Hakyeon punched him back and the boy had to stay in hospital for three days.
"Tell me who. I'll kill him with my own hands" Hakyeon said again. He punch the wall angrily.
"I promised to take care of you didn't I? I'll protect you. Tell me who! I'll search for him. I'll kill him for you. who the fuck-"
He punch the wall again
and again
"I'll kill-"
Hakyeon hand starts to bleeds
I reach him, locking his hand in my grip and hug him to cool him down. "It's okay. It's okay. Calm down." I whispered and patted his back. "I'm okay. I'm okay"
"Taek, what are you going to do if I'm not around anymore? Who's going to protect you?" Hakyeon asked one day when we were watching his favorite drama.
I stop crunching the food in my mouth and look at him. Hakyeon is strange like this. Sometimes he would ask weird questions all of sudden. "Are you going anywhere? or you have incurable illness? are you dying?" I asked him back. I had never dream a life without him.
"No. What? are you happy if I have that kind of illness? What kind of friend are you?!!" He punch me playfully "answer me"
"I think I'll live peacefully. I can protect myself. plus, I don' have to cook for you too hahahha" I laugh as I said it. Hakyeon pouted. "I hate you. seriously" He stand up and walk to his room.
"yah! are you sulking? I'm kidding" I laugh. He is so sensitive nowadays.
Hakyeon started to play his ukulele
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my hair You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my walk You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
"No I'm not" I said playfully. He sang louder and almost shout at me
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my hair You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone, when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my walk You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
'When are you coming back?' I messaged Hakyeon. It's been six days since he goes back to his hometown, Changwon. I admit that I felt a little bored alone at the house. Usually I would go back to my hometown too but my parents are on vacation so there's no one at home.
After five minutes I heard my phone rang, I pick it up
"You miss me don't you? I knew it you can't live without me" I heard Hakyeon loud voice on the other side of the phone. He is cheerful like always.
"no, I'm not. I'm just bored"
"You are so egoistic Jung Taekwoon. But whatever I took that as you miss me" He stated.
Seriously. Why did I pick up his call?
He is soooo full of himself.
"I'm hanging up" I warned him
"Jeez. I'm going back tomorrow. Happy?"
I ran into the hospital as soon as I reach there. "Taek hyung, wait for me" I heard Hongbin shouted from the back, but I can't. I have to hurry. I head to the counter "Yes, can I help you?" the nurse asked me.
"I..I..I" I keep stuttering as I can't form any word to say. My face was bloodless. This can't be happening. Tell me this isn't happening.
"We're looking for a patient name Cha Hakyeon" Hongbin panting, he said and catching his breath. "Okay, give me a sec"
We headed to the room the nurse had told us. Hakyeon lying unconscious on the bed. His face was pale. There's scratches all over on his face and his body. His leg broke and being supported. His head were bandaged.
"Ha-Hakyeon" I rush to his bed. "Ha-Hakyeon, wake up" I shake his left hand softly. My tears fall down like razor blades. "Wake up" I said again, crying.
Hongbin touch my shoulder from the back, he was crying too.
I told him to go back the next day, because it was raining so bad that day. But he said he promised his friend to come back early. I still remembered he smiled, saying he can't break his promises. He is so stubborn. If only he listens to me....
I recall what Hakyeon's sister told me.
You still broke your promise.
You said you're going back.
It's been a week.
You said you're going back.
You're a liar Hakyeon.
It's been two weeks since Hakyeon's accident. The doctor said that he was healing but he still haven't open his eyes. The doctor said everything is okay. but he isn't waking up.
I visited Hakyeon every single day. I even take turn with his family staying overnight at the hospital, taking care of Hakyeon. Sometimes I would bring flowers. Sometimes I bring book to read it to him. Sometimes I even talk to him, I tell him stories even though I know he'll not react to what I say. But somehow, deep in my heart I know he can hear it.
or maybe I hope so.
"You're a good friend Taekwoon" Hakyeon's sister patted me on the shoulder one day, she hand me an apple."At least eat something. When was the last time you eat?"
I take the apple and smile at her. I couldn't even remember when was it. I look at Hakyeon again. I look at the wire that being painfully connected to his body.
I suddenly remembered Hakyeon cheerful voice when I come back after having a rough bad day. 'Taekwoon are you okay? Let's do something you like! Remember that movie you liked so much? Let's watch it again! Taekwoon I bought your favorite meat. Let's eat it!!
"Hakyeon is a good friend" I replied after a while.
Hakyeon always love watching drama. I remembered that one day he forced me to watch his favorite drama with him. I end up accompany him watching the dramas almost all the time.
"Hakyeon, guess what?" I said as I took a sit beside his bed.
He didn't reply, but back then he would always asked me back, "what?" excitedly. I miss his excited face that would glitter as he want to know what I'm going to say.
I open my laptop, "I downloaded your favorite drama. Remember that drama called cheer up? You love it so much right? We haven't finish the drama yet you know?"
I open a folder named 'Cheer up' and click 'play' on episode 8. "Let's watch it"
After two hours of watching the drama I get tired. I look at Hakyeon that was still lying peacefully. "Hakyeon, why are you still sleeping? Wake up."
"You said you'll protect me. How are you going to protect me if you're lying like this" my eyes starts to water again. I did not bother to wipe my tears. I hold Hakyeon's weak hand and squeezed it lightly, "I miss you"
Suddenly I remembered all Hakyeon's words. My memories with him being played again like a flashback. I remember the first time we met. Our graduation day. The day when we both got into the same university. The day when we first time drank liquor and get drunk together. The day when we begged our parents to let us rent an apartment near the university. The day when we went to Jeju Island for vacation. Everything being played back.
'Hi, I'm Cha Hakyeon'
'I promised to take care of you didn't I? I'll protect you'
'you're my bestfriend Taekwoonie'
'You miss me don't you? I knew it you can't live without me'
'You are so egoistic Jung Taekwoon'
'I'm going back tomorrow'
Hakyeon's POV
It hurts. My body hurts.
I look around. It was dark. I was left alone in the dark.
Where am I?
Am I dead?
'Hakyeon, why are you still sleeping? Wake up.'
'You said you'll protect me. How are you going to protect me if you're lying like this'
'I miss you'
Is that you?
Where are you?
I look around, searching for Taekwoon.
Suddenly I saw a light beam in front of me. I ran and ran, chasing the light
"Taek!! Is that you?" I scream wholeheartedly.
"Taekwoon!!" I yelled. The light slowly fading. I felt my body slowly started to weaken.
I close my eyes.
I'm scared.
Taek help me.
I open my eyes when I felt my hand being squeezed.
It's so bright that it hurts my eyes.
I look around to the unfamiliar place.
Where am I?
I try to move my hands and legs.
I thought I was, I thought I could move them.
I couldn't.
I desperately try to move my toes, but it felt like there was nothing there.
What happened? I started to panic. I tried again, slowly and steadily, I gained some control over my fingers. I could move my thumb. I sighs in relief.
I then notice someone crying while holding my hand. I squeeze his hand, and suddenly he look up.
He look at me in disbelief.
I wanted to ask what happened but I'm too weak, my voice won't go out.
Taekwoon. Taekwoon.
He look at me and cried. He cried and cried. "Hakyeon" He said
I nodded. I look at him warmly. I observe Taekwoon that look like a mess. His hair was all over and his face are swollen.
"You're back. I thought I lost you. I thought you left me!" He cried again.
"You promised to protect me but you didn't wake up. I'm afraid. I thought I lost you" He cried so bad.
"It was so hard for me. I miss you so much I felt like dying"
Seconds after, the doctor rush in, checking me all over.
After a while the doctor smiled, looking at me, "Welcome back"
I turn my head, looking Taekwoon. He was still crying.
I smiled at Taekwoon. “Taekwoon-ah”
"W-Welcome back Cha Hakyeon"
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