#weirdly enough that's one of the reasons why I enjoy good omens s2 so much
logosbot-tm · 2 months
I love how Incredibly Human fanfics can be. How some are literally about the most mundane things, about people falling in love in complicated human ways, how some is about going to school and the feeling of how shitty school is, whilst some is just "Yeah I met this person and now we're dating", people actually living how humans do and having small odd human quirks, etc etc.
I'm not the most fond of romance movies, it makes everything feel so...polished, out of touch and out of reach, but fanfics can sometimes make it feel very very real. Like "Yeah, if these two idiots can fall in love in this mundane way, then maybe it actually is possible."
But it's also about family, and family relations, and friendships, and reflection of queer friend groups that are so much more realistic than the type that is on TV.
Idk, I just really like how human fanfics are, or well can be, and I think that's p neat. The best fanfics I've read has always been were the emotions feel like actually human emotions, and not something made to be marketed.
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