#we're disconnected as fuck and our government fucks us all over in some way that causes sharp social issues and more
saltypiss · 1 year
Men are disproportionately arrested in general. Or murdered. Or die in general.
What does it mean. What does it matter. There's hundreds of little topics everyone is discussing already that flood such sentences to the point there is no argument being made, just pointing out reality for the actual sake of doing so.
Women commit suicide far more than men, women are more likely to win in parental cases, women aren't arrested nearly as often.
Again, what does this do? We already have the mini topics being discussed, this is an amalgomation of everything that doesn't make you look smart.
I think that's what people need to realize. You're not smart for pointing out the obvious. You're not smart for mentioning it and running away. You're not smart when all you can do is point out flaws with no fixes.
So, I ask of you, what is the purpose, what is smart about it, and what does it accomplish, pointing out that all mass shootings have been by men.
Now don't misconstrue me here, I too see the statistic, and would like to be informed on why. Except I already am because since 2013 the internet has had a boner for discussing every topic into a political umbrella as possible.
So I know that Men have less mental healthcare, Men have less emotional resources, Men are belittled, mocked, and thrown away like trash for crying or showing anything other than masculine bravado. I know that Men are disproportionately arrested by police, I know that divorce is worse for Men. I've talked to men who's lives were upended by a false claim from a women and the court took her side until it became obvious it was a lie.
I've talked to men. Actually discussed and discourced with them. I actually know what a majority of men go through. Not just because it's been endlessly discussed since 2013, but because I and every possible male has lived it.
I don't hear about women losing their kids to an insane man who ends up killing them later after a court custody battle allowed the child to go with the obvious worst choice. I do hear about men in general getting their entire life upended over false claims of any variety. You know what else I hear about Men? Total lack of a support system.
Know what else I hear about Men? A constant struggle to not have the wrong perception of you, because that can mean your entire life.
Men have to pay alimony even in ridiculous circumstances. Men lose their kids more often than women.
So with all this said, that hardly scratches any surface, it's far closer to pointing at the moon, Why is it, that all the mass shootings this year, have been done by men?
I mean, it's not like our systems give a fuck about men. It's not like Men have any outlets. It's not like Men are allowed to emotionally process without a court of law calling it irrational when they mean unmanly. It's not like the economy is destroyed, and women have ample opportunities for housing and mental healthcare, friends that'll take em in. There's women only homeless shelters, for a reason yes, but it goes to show.
Is the problem men? Personally, not trying to "both sides" this shit, but personally, I don't think inherently Men are all shooters, murderers and pedophiles. I think, and stick with me here, this country is broken from culture to government, from social to independant, this country is fucked. And despite progress socially, men are still the breadwinners in a majority of families. They are also, culturally pressured to be successful, rich, leave a legacy, own property and capitol, etc etc.
Women aren't expected shit culturally but being birth machines, and as fucked up as that is, no woman is going on a killing spree because of it. It's simply no where near the same pressure as males have to deal with. That's not to be offensive or to put down women, obviously there's shades of grey, but culturally, what are women really expected to accomplish? Get with a man, have a kid maybe.
So no. I don't see any importance in kicking in a door, dropping the statistic with literally no follow through, and running away screaming. I don't see the importance in devilizing all men and putting this weight onto them as if it's in their control.
Tell ya what, when the council of women can stop other women from false rape reports, the council of men will consider letting one (1) women commit a mass shooting.
Fuckin ridiculous. Drop statistics just to demonize. Why not just drop "despite making up" too? Wanna just look at numbers and ignore context? Did anyone who read that tweet ever speak to a man about their mental health and other slew of problems? No. They don't experience it, so don't care. The hypocrisy of feminism is not understanding the injustices of men to the point that when they see any man that breaks, or is unmanly, they are childish and unreasonable. Potentially murderous. They have no problems, they're on top! Those on top never deal with problems! (You're thinking of the rich, not men)
Really the only question that comes to everyone's mind is "what is wrong with men" much like the 13% argument also only leaves the same question to those of african descent. So. Why is it okay now? Why is it okay to point at a statistic without any surrounding information, frame it as poorly as you possibly can, unless you're just wanting to cause division between multiple groups?
It's not frustrating that it's men, I'd be annoyed regardless, animals, women, PoC, real statistics or not, what's frustrating is thinking you're smart for noticing a statistic, but not actually smart enough to offer anything but the number. Why? Answer that then post. Otherwise, it's just divisive and immature.
We went backwards because of that dipshit's tweet. It singlehandedly pushed republicans back further being posted unironically by lefties and to various lefty forums. Nobody. I repeat. N o b o d y, learned from this tweet. Nothing was gained by hostility. Just so they could feel smart. Totally worth the tweeter points...
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demontruth · 3 months
Sorry to all my followers. Yes unfortunately I'm going to get harsh, mean, maybe even cruel. I didn't call this Demon truth for no reason. This also why I separated this from my main blog. Politics, particularly politics in the US have become a naughty business. Before for me at least, before Trump become President I was fine to let that naughty business stay in DC and just heard about on the news. But the night of 2016 Presidential election, I with so many others watched in horror as the map of the US turned blood red as state after state went for Trump. A fear I've never felt exploded inside me because I had no idea what was about to happen in our country. I just knew it wouldn't be good. I'm a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and I'm a woman. I remember that night there was a newscaster on national channel that was covering the election results, he was an African-American gentleman when he spoke of the fear he had of the results of a Trump president there was true terror in that man's voice. It's something I never witnessed from a newscaster in my life. It's stuck with to this day.
Because of that and everything that came after. Now the true terror of what the fuck might happen because we're here again. But this time no one seems to taking this shit seriously because so many have forgotten how bad is was when Trump was President. Seen that yes Biden isn't the best-suited, strongest, President we could have or need right now. But he's 1000 times better then a Trump presidency so we, including me have been lulled back to a place of being complacent Americans. Until recently for me because what's happening in Palestine, the fear of Trump getting into the White House again, the war in Ukraine...
So I apologize that any gloves I once had are off I'm bare knuckle boxing here for our democracy, our country, our Constitution, our way of life. Yea our country needs help, but it's not a fascist authoritarian regime under Dictator Trump. I've been telling mostly the void since before 2016 Trump was, is a wannabe Dictator. (He idolizes Dictator all over the world. He fucking love Putin remember!)
The people that support Trump... I've talked to some in real life to try to understand why their on his side. Not the full gone nut jobs, but just normal people. I spoke to this old woman on the bus once. I ask why she supported him, what she told me was insightful for me but also hard to completely understand. Now this woman was in I'd say her late 60s, early 70s so she not pigeonhole under what some think is Trump supporter, she's hispanic, was a teacher (that's how we got to talking actually because she taught at my old elementary school after I went there), had been married, her husband away passed, had 2 sons. I think the only reason she was so forthcoming telling me about her life was that I went to the school she taught at. What she told me was Trump as President for her made her feel safe. And felt he'd make sure older people like herself was taken care of. Just listening to her as we ride the bus, truthfully trying to understand how she could possibly get that from him. In that light I could understand why she'd vote for Trump. But I knew as we all do that it not true not in anyway. There's this complete disconnect from the truth that standing right in front of them. It's so literally like the Wizard of Oz. That MAGA, some Republicans and anyone else that like him and vote for him see him as the Great Wizard, but the rest of have always been able to see the real Trump that's behind the curtain. The con artist, the lair, the criminal, also now the traitor, the wannabe Dictator.
That would ok fine, if Trump hadn't controlled our government and doesn't want to control it again. For me that's where the train goes off the rails. I get angry, I feel the rage coming, I no longer have any, zero patience for anyone that supports him or anyone that has anything to do with him. Because when I say hate Trump I'm not exaggerating in any fashion. I hate him with every fiber of my being!! He could literally destroy democracy as we know it if he get back into the White House!
So yea I'm going to fight and claw and bite and snarl and punch and hit and kick and beat and scream and tear and rip and break noses and be mean and evil and anything if it means Trump loses the election!! I will be as bloody as I need to be (metaphorically).
I will use this to wake people up, to make the undecided, decide because truthfully at this point how can anyone not have decided by now! Make those who shouldn't vote (MAGA) stay the fuck home. Because the Republicans cheat to get votes what does everyone think gerrymandering is about. So about time we do to, by we I mean fucking everyone against Trump. Fuck he bitch enough about the election being rigged anyway.
My point is the time to be nice unfortunately is over. We have to remember how bad the 4 years Trump was President. Yes I thought I could just wipe that from my memories too but nope. The fucking villain in horror movie wasn't dead after all... motherfucker!!!
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andromedasummer · 2 years
Hi! Is the thing with Mitch being far right real? I've looked through his Twitter and there seems to be nothing on that. To be fair, I'm not really on Twitter much so I might be missing something big time
oh hes not far right as far as i know, (i hope not) but he retweeted anti-government sentiments from the ACT party last year in regards to our lockdown rules and made anti-labour and jacinda ardern instagram posts (full on rant about how the government was "destroying this beautiful country". the reason being he was upset he could not enter into new zealand until this year because of our lockdown requirements. there was, however, a period where he could have returned here at the start of the pandemic and later on in 2021 had he taken the time to apply and wait a few weeks in a hotel to be cleared if covid. he chose to stay in monaco.
most the people supporting ACT and anti-labour protests that have been rife around the country are far-right. qanon types, anti-vax, anti-"communism", supporters of Brian Tamaki (notorious church leader with bigoted beliefs in the name of "Freedom". blamed the Christchurch quakes that killed like 300 people on god punishing us for trying to make gay marriage legal. held a protest a few weeks ago at parliament. i cheered for counter protestors pointing out their hypocrisy when i walked past on my way to work and got called a f*ggot. real charmers that lot.).
they believe jacinda is attempting a full on dictator style takeover with lockdowns (no longer in place) mask mandates (not a thing) and vaccine mandates (not a thing). call her a communist and edit her to look like hitler. they blocked our public transport for a month back in feb when they occupied the parliament grounds. assaulted multiple people including young teenage girls, some of which were my coworkers and when they finally got chased away they set fire to tents and playgrounds.
a lot of them are tied into the anti-1080 movement, something personal to me as i have had friends and family members threatened with violence and break ins for working in the environmental sector and seen the violence these people have attempted (massacre of native birds, shots at the DOC vehicle, DOC worker chaser with a machete etc). theyre all very conspiracy prone and downright dangerous. ACT find an easy target for support in them even if they wont admit it. and unfortunately for Mitch he was made an easy target as well.
i very much doubt mitch is paying attention to anything happening here and only retweeted comments that aligned with his want to go home. something selfish considering his ability to when this all started, and many less wealthy new zealanders who didnt have the money to stay in monaco when they didnt make it back in time. hes likely uneducated on the kind of people supporting these movements and so disconnected from nz all he saw was a blocker to him coming home and got mad and had a rant.
either way i find it worrying hes willing to talk about nz politics so loudly and quickly like that, apparently without looking deep into the situations we're in or any of the context behind these ideas and conflicts. im no fan of jacinda and fucked off with the neolib half-left full-useless policy and idea bullshit that labour are pulling for sure. but i'll take that over national and their new leader who was in charge of our only airline while they were supplying plane parts to countries who used them on innocent, protesting civilians.
all this to say i think he pretty much can risk retweeting whatever party he wants and supporting whatever views he wants without looking deep into their ideals because ultimately he wouldn't be affected by their ideas or policies. ACT, the people whose anti-lockdown tweets he supported, come into power? (as if lmao) he lives in another country, and even if he lived here they wouldn't be enacting policies that affect him with the money he has. on the other hand as a bi nonbinary, person I'm not so into their idea of unbanning conversion therapy in the name of free peace.
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