#we’re cool enough that our moots want to flirt with us??????????
falloutboyyaoi · 1 month
rose, blue, gold(ish)
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feel free to talk to us we’re nice i promise
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farklelucas · 7 years
Hey could you write a jaylos fic where they like each other but are oblivious to each other's feelings and no one can make them realise until chad 'comes onto'/flirts with Carlos and jay gets jealous please? xxxxx
oh anon…. u found it… my secret kink… mutual pining
the pov switches many times in this story, but it’s pretty easy to follow. i think so anyway. but i wrote it so? let me know if i did a good.
always taking fic prompts
“He loves you, you know.”
Jay glances over to Mal. She’s leaning up against the wall, and she’s staring at Carlos too. Is he that obvious? He scoffs and ignores her, going back to staring. God, he’s a creep. He wishes Carlos would just hit him or something; maybe that’d magically solve all his problems.
The problems in question? Oh, just that Carlos looks beautiful doing literally anything and everything. Dancing, singing, playing tourney, staring out the window. You name it, Carlos looks good while doing it. Take now, for instance. He’s working on homework with Evie, and the sun is dancing off of his beautiful white hair and Jay is pretty sure that if he was drunk, he’d be crying and lamenting about how beautiful Carlos is. (He’s a poetic drunk.)
Mal pushes off the wall and rounds herself to stand in front of him. “I mean it,” she says firmly. “He’s in love with you.”
He feels himself hold back a scoff. “Yeah? If he’s so in love with me, why has he never said anything?”
“You need a serious dose of common sense,” she mutters. Then she shakes her head. “Listen, can’t you just trust me for once? He’s so in love with you, and he loves you so much that he convinces himself that you could never love him and so he doesn’t say anything. And you?” She reaches out and pokes him in the chest. “You repeat the cycle.”
He swallows, hard. Somehow, he’s let his walls down around Mal so much that she sees every part of him. He has no idea how she did it.
Gently, he takes the finger she still has pressed to his chest and pushes it back towards her. “You’re wrong, Mal,” he says firmly. “Now drop it.”
She rolls her eyes, but, like a good friend, does as he asks. Her shoulders slump and she goes back to leaning up against the wall, looking at Carlos and Evie.
Carlos groans and puts his head on Evie’s lap. “Why,” he says. “Why, of all the people in this world I could be in love with, did I pick Jay?”
Evie smiles and reaches down to play with his hair. “I don’t think you picked him, sweetie,” she says. “I think your heart did.”
Another day, another time that Jay was wonderful and beautiful and kind and turned Carlos into a useless pile of mush. Today, Dude grew wings (potion gone wrong - long story, blame Doug) and flew into a tree. Who climbed up there to get him? Jay. Who is terrified of heights? Jay. But he still climbed up into the tree, retrieved the dog, and put him safely back into Carlos’s arms. Carlos doesn’t want to say that Jay is the best guy he knows, but…
“He’s the best guy I know,” he complains. “He’s great.”
There’s a pause where Evie plays with his curls and Carlos pouts. Eventually she succumbs and asks, “And?”
“And I’m absolutely in love with him! And if I told him, he’d be all, ‘Oh, that’s cool bro, wanna go get some pizza?’”
Evie laughs at his absurd Jay impression. “Carlos, I don’t think you’re really seeing the big picture here,” she says. “I think you might be missing that Jay really likes you, too. I mean, who wouldn’t? Handsome, heroic, good with dogs. You’re everybody’s dream boy.”
He smiles up at her, and she smiles back. “Thanks, Evie,” he says softly. “You’re really nice. But…”
She groans and flops backwards, laying her head against the dashboard. He rolls his eyes. “Carlos, I know you love to think Jay could never love you back,” she says. “But can’t you just ask him?”
If the pizza response was not a very real possibility. But it is. So he just continues to lay his head on Evie’s lap and drifts off into a nap.
“So, the winter ball is coming up.”
“And… you should ask him.”
Looking up at her from his salad, Carlos glares. Mal raises her eyebrows, challenging him to fight her on it. His crush on Jay has only been getting worse and worse, and Evie and Mal think they’re helping, but definitely aren’t. “Mal, it’s none of your business,” he mutters. “Plus, how do you know I don’t have a date?”
She mulls this over for a moment. “Do you?” He says nothing, which she must take as a sign of victory, because she smiles wickedly. “Ah, I see. Just being stubborn.”
“You’re the worst,” he says. “Besides, he doesn’t even like me like that. I don’t even like him like that.”
“Well, then how do you know who I’m even talking about?”
A quick recap of their conversation reveals that she never explicitly said Jay’s name at any time. His ears burn. “Okay, so maybe I do like him,” he concedes. “But he doesn’t like me back, so it’s all moot.”
“You’re underestimating his ability to emote,” she says. “He doesn’t do it often, but sometimes, he does feel things.”
That makes Carlos laugh a little. Mal gets serious, though, and leans across the table to cover his hand in hers. “Promise me you’ll at least think about it?”
About how terrible of an idea that is? Sure, he can do that. He nods just a little and she smiles, patting him on the hand gently before leaning back to his side of the table, going back to her own lunch.
The winter ball, for people going alone, is hell. First of all, you have to go through the singles’ line (which is separated from the couples’ line by almost an entire football field’s worth of space). Then, you get a solo prom-type picture, except it’s you standing there looking entirely uncomfortable while the Fairy Godmother snaps a photo of you, commenting on how beautiful/handsome you look this evening. Then, you finally get to go to the dance, suffering all the while. Alone.
Luckily, Jay is not alone. Carlos is there. He came stag, too, and he’s being his usual goofy and fun self. He’s cracking jokes and bouncing excitedly and talking about various things and just being generally very adorable the entire time they’re in line. Jay always thinks he couldn’t possibly fall more in love with Carlos, and then things like this happen.
By the time they get to the front of the line, Carlos has him engaged in a story in which Carlos was chased by Dude throughout the entirety of campus, Ben hot on their heels. Jay is mid-laugh when the Fairy Godmother’s voice cuts through. “Oh, I’m so sorry, gentlemen, but you got in the wrong line. This is the singles’ line.”
Carlos and Jay glance at each other. Carlos has wide eyes and Jay sighs internally and eternally. “No, we’re singles,” he says. “We’re not together.”
She blinks and looks between them, frowning. “Oh, but I thought… Well, okay. No matter. Jay, would you like to go first?”
He steps up first, face still burning for him and Carlos getting confused as a couple, and tries to smile for the camera. “Oh, you look so handsome!” Fairy Godmother says, and takes the picture. He doesn’t bother waiting for Carlos, just excuses himself into the main dance hall.
At least the dance hall is filled with people. Mal and Evie have already made it through the couples’ line, and are sitting at a table they grabbed for the four of them. They wave him over, and he shuffles over with Carlos, apparently, right behind. “Hey guys,” Mal says, weirdly cheerful. “How was the singles’ line?”
Jay shrugs. “A pain in the butt, like most things at a school-sanctioned event,” he replies. “And the couples’ line?”
“Magical,” Evie gushes. “The photographer was wonderful. He gave us roses that matched our color scheme and everything!”
For a moment, he imagines what his and Carlos’s color scheme would have been. Red, he decides. Red and white. And roses that matched that were simply not as impressive.
“I’m going to go get some punch.” Everyone turns towards Carlos, who smiles a little and then turns towards the punch bowl at the other far end of the room.
When Jay turns back to Evie and Mal, he does not expect to see two seriously annoyed faces looking back at him. “Why didn’t you ask him again?” Evie asks.
He rolls his eyes. The amount of times the three of them have to have this conversation is awfully high. “He doesn’t like me back is the best one I can think of,” he says. “But I assume you’re tired of hearing that one?”
Evie rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to say something else, but Mal interrupts. “Uh, well, if you want to test that theory, you might want to do it now.” She points across the room. “Looks like Carlos is getting swept off his feet by literal Prince Charming.”
Everyone looks to where Carlos is practically backed up against the punch bowls, talking to Chad over a glass of punch.
Then, a weird feeling bubbles up in Jay’s stomach. It feels as if he’s gotten punched there a few times, like any moment he’s going to remember that he’s in pain and double over. It feels like a hot iron there, poking him relentlessly. It feels oddly like jealousy.
Without really consciously recognizing it, Jay walks forward, hands in his pockets, towards Chad and Carlos until he can hear what they’re saying. “I’m expanding my horizons,” Chad is saying. “Why only stick to princesses when princes are just as lucrative… I mean, charming?”
“Uh,” Carlos responds.
“So I figured it was about time that you and I resolve this… chemistry we have going on?”
“What chemistry? You mean, like, the class?”
“Uh. No.”
“… Um.”
Jay has heard enough. It’s pretty clear, even to him, that Carlos is uncomfortable. The feeling in his stomach settles, just a little, but he still needs to save Carlos. So he walks towards them and impulsively throws his arm around Carlos’s shoulder. Carlos jumps and Chad furrows his brow. “Hey, babe,” Jay says. Then he turns to Chad and smiles. “Chad, what’s up?”
Chad looks between them, frowning. “Oh, are you two, like, a thing?”
“Yep,” Jay says, “totally a thing. Right, babe?”
Luckily, Carlos seems to catch on. “Yeah, very together,” he says, nodding vigorously. “Sorry, Chad.”
After a long pause, Chad shrugs. “That’s alright. There’s other royalty in the sea looking for some Charming action.” Then he turns and heads the other direction.
Carlos turns to Jay and puts a hand on his arm. “You are a life saver,” he says. “Seriously, I had no idea how I was going to get out of there.”
“Luckily, you’re semi-intimidating boyfriend came to the rescue,” Jay jokes. Okay, he’s only half-joking.
The resounding smile from Carlos’s face is so bright and powerful it actually melts his heart. “Yeah, I’m lucky,” he murmurs.
Jay glances out on the dance floor. It looks like things are slowly beginning to wind down to a slow dance. “Uh,” he says, “hey, I don’t know if you… dance?”
There’s a pause, and then Carlos simply raises his eyebrows and says, “I do dance.”
His brain is short-circuiting. He keeps yelling at it: Ask him to dance! Ask him to dance! But all that comes out is, “Oh, cool, me too.”
Carlos laughs at that, a bright and infectious thing. “Jay,” he says softly, “would you like to dance?”
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask,” Jay says thankfully. Carlos laughs again, and Jay thinks that he could probably get pretty used to that sound.
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aundreadoris-blog · 6 years
i love abby winters - What The Experts Aren't Saying About Abby Winters Yoga Girls And How It.
DISCLAIMER everything is true but I've changed names and some location details for privacy. Also, this first part isn't very sexy. It took place over consecutive days so I'll tell it in three parts. You can skip this if you're just skimming for the sex One year during grad school I took a summer internship in a completely different city. But it's background for the next two steamier parts.
I'd recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend and intended to use that summer to really "find myself" xxx abby winters in all the best and worst ways. We made plans to stop and stay for a night at my uncle's house which was about / of the way there so we wouldn't have to drive straight through. We had so much fun we ended up staying for two nights before heading off to our destination.
I was recounting the short abby winters girl girl abbie winters shoots version of this to a friend yesterday and remembered that I'd been meaning to post the long version here, for all of you lovelies. The city I was moving to for the summer is about hours drive from my home so a good friend of mine and I packed abby winters peachy18 up the car and set out for a crazy summer.
My girlfriend and xxx abby winters I were pleasantly surprised apparently there was a rugby tournament in town because the bar was filled to the brim with rugby players. My uncle lived in a coastal town and his roommate was a bartender. I wasn't aware of this at the time, but I think its common in the rugby world for teams to go out at night "dressed up. But that stopover is where the story begins.
Longtime lurker, first time poster. Some locals, but mostly Europeans visiting. So here's my friend and I just thinking we're going to get a quick drink and take in the view and instead we land on a gold mine of hot, athletic, European men in ties. Another tradition that's common is their rugby drinking songs.
Some of the raunchiest stuff you've ever heard set to a tune. We got in from our long drive and relaxed for a while before we decided to head to the roomie's bar for some drinks. My friend and I had winged for each other before we knew each other's type, our habits, our games.
This is probably a good place to stop and describe myself. It was custom for us to each select a "mark" early on, and while that target could change, there's just something more fun about the hunt. I may have literally proclaimed "JACKPOT" as I entered the bar. She tends to pick the best looking guy in the room, and then by the end of the night end up chatting with the oldest, or the saddest (she's a magnet for sad that girl, I think she likes to play the healer).
Me on the other hand, I like the smartest guy in the room. " Some were in shorts but they all had on dress shirts and ties. My friend is shorter, more of a tomboy, but she doesn't make any sexy appearances in this story so it's a bit moot. I need banter, fun, a challenge to keep me interested.
But smart is not always easy to spot in a bar. abby winters girls winters masturbating But of course, to a girl looking for a good time, it was the best soundtrack there could have been. The one cracking everyone up. I'm '", long brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, curvy (was heavier then come to think of it, but not BBW, just big in the right places). That's how my eyes landed on Billy.
So I tend to go for the loudest. well I mean I've yet to meet a rugby player with a bad body. The one who thinks he's the most clever. ), buff arms, strong hands, those muscular rugby thighs you see on all the players (I never thought I'd be attracted to a guy's thighs but damn! Curly brown hair, bright eyes (I would say hazel? Billy was not the tallest on his team but his body.
The life of the party. I wanted him and I wanted him bad. And he was loud and brazen with this infectious laugh. Dimples when his face lit up (which was nearly always). Not beer pong, it was more subtle. In retrospect, this was not the most sanitary game and perhaps not the wisest to invite something slipped into my drink, but it was an in.
We positioned ourselves on the edge of their group and just kept chatting up whomever was around or passed by, biding our time. If they got you, you had to finish your drink right there and then. Whoever had the ball would try their best to slip it into someone's cup without them noticing. We introduced ourselves and asked about their travels, the tournament, etc.
At one point one of his mates got Billy with the ping pong ball and he pounded his beer, which was quickly replaced by another. Eventually we "caught" a player from our targets' team and got the conversation going. In my mind I was just reeling him in. I'd forgotten he had it but this was all coming together nicely.
I chugged my beer (not too unlady like, but fast enough to show I was down for some fun) and smiled. Our strategy was correct once Billy saw one of his mates talking and laughing with two unattended girls, he came prowling. They were playing this game with a ping pong ball. I was genuinely engrossed in conversation with him (loving that smile) when he paused, held my gaze and said simply, "Drink.
" The fucking ping pong ball was in my beer. Now I should also mention that obviously these guys had their agenda. My beer was also quickly replaced. Or better yet, do more if we hit it off. I wanted to make out with a naughty rugby player with a sexy accent.
I was under no delusion that they didn't travel the country getting girls drunk and hooking up with them. Bang silly drunk American girls, right? Billy invited us to come watch their game the next day and mentioned what bar they would be celebrating at the next night. I played it nonchalant, didn't want to come off too "groupie," said we'd try to make it. I would end up doing much, much more.
Billy and I continued drinking, talking, flirting but he was surrounded by his team and my uncle was feet away. But I was young, newly single, and but for making sure I didn't catch anything I really didn't give a damn.
My friend and I headed home with my uncle and announced that we were staying for an extra night before heading to my summer spot. I'd decided I was going to see it, hopefully taste it, and make him mine if even just for a little while. Parts II and III soon.
He's a cool uncle, he wouldn't tell on me, but he probably would snatch me away from a random guy or stop me from doing anything too public when I was drunk. We explained that I really wanted to have some quality time with my cousin the next day (which was true) but naturally, what was really motivating me was the thought of Billy's cock.
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