#we were playing a doraemon balance game where you use chopsticks to place doraemons on his time machine
nordic-language-love · 6 months
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Italki lessons (30m + 45m)
Minna No Nihongo (1 chapter, read aloud)
Writing practice
Rødstrupe (20%)
Italki lesson (60m)
Kveldsnytt x1
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Feeling hella burnt out this week. Relationship things have been keeping me up at night and my brain's still racing from NaNo. And I've been ill as well, having some really awful stomach pains (which, now that I think about it, may well be as much attributable to stress as they are to my diet).
Anyway, I won't go into details here; that's not what this blog is for.
It does seem like I've not done a lot, and I haven't varied my studying very much this week. But I've done something every day! Reading in Norwegian is so much slower than reading in English lol. Feel like I'd have finished this book already if I were reading it in English. I can see why people say it's better to start with book 3 of Nesbø's work; this book is a lot better than the first two. But it's still reading in my second language, and Nesbø does like to use some fancy words. I'm gonna have a lot of vocabulary to go through once I finish!
Had another moment this week where Renshuu was constantly throwing this one word at me in my vocab quizzes and I could not remember it for love nor money, but then I heard one of my students saying it a couple of times while playing a game and I was like OH. OH THAT'S THE WORD. OH I GET IT NOW. And there were other moments where at first I didn't understand what the kids were saying but then after about 5 seconds it clicked.
This coming week I'm hoping to finish Rødstrupe, but it may be a challenge given how slowly I'm getting through it. Still, now that it's picking up a bit more I'm starting to read faster. As for Japanese, I'm planning to review all the grammar I've learned over the past month and maybe make some posts about it.
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