#we ourselves may become disabled one day. i already have joint pain. its super easy to break a leg
neonacidtrip · 10 months
I am home from apartment hunting and I would just like to say I am extremely disappointed, as an able-bodied person, to learn only 1 out of the 13 complexes we visited had an elevator.
#like i can take the stairs its whatever i guess#but something i had on my checklist was accessibility#one place had wheelchair ramps but it doesnt do much when you have no elevator#apparently its florida law that a building less than 4 floor isnt required to have an elevator#but then all the buildings are less than 4 floors?!?!?! disgusting#my boy tried to placate me by reminding me that we are able-bodied which turned into me lecturing him#that able-bodied people have to advocate for disability rights#it also pissed me off because both his mom and my mom have issues with stairs#and ive told him many times i dont like using the stairs because there are never cameras in the stairwells#not to mention one of our main goals is to make new friends once we move and those friends might be disabled#we ourselves may become disabled one day. i already have joint pain. its super easy to break a leg#its sickens me that disabled people either have to pay more to live in a place with an elevator#or they have to pay more to have a first floor unit (yes in florida 1st floor units usually cost more)#also! most of the stairs were just plain gross! dirty and rusty and covered with mold#anyway apartment hunting is fun but largely sucks because theres so much to be disappointed by#several places just had trash everywhere. multiple wouldnt answer phone calls. one wont answer emails#none have cameras in the parking lot and had no policy regarding crime that occurs in their parking lot other than 'file a police report'#one place tried to convince us its normal to have roaches in the unit in florida even though only one place had them#we didnt even go into all 13 units because by the end my standards had gone up and my tolerance had gone down#so we left two places without completing the tour just because our reception was nonexistent and there was trash everywhere#my boy fell in love with a place with 1star ratings trash everywhere and a raccoon problem. send help#neo rambles#neo speaks#neo apartment hunts#apartment hunting#tw mold mentioned#mold mentioned#accessibility#disability advocacy#ableism
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