#we don’t judge a-spec hcs
yjhgvf · 3 years
Question: Why is Zeg eternally single in BATMM fanon?
Fr the only Zeg ship I’ve seen to date is my own ship with him x Darry x Starla lol
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Hey there, it's me again! We didn't expect you to answer our request about Gaia, Shibukawa, etc. I glad, that you're done and we really liked it like your other works. Can I ask about reactions on non-binary character, that tries to act brutal and masculine(even swears) but actually does it so cute. And than it turns out that they is strong enough to withstand them. Please, if u notice me again use characters from Baki the Grappler (5 prisoners, Muhammad Alai junior, Gaia, Shibukawa for us and also if you want use other). Again, thank you very much for your works.💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
Hello again my friend!!! Thanks so much for sending in a request! I love that you always send in the most fascinating requests! I hope you enjoy!! As a non-binary person myself I had a lot of fun writing this!!
• I HC that Doyle is Genderqueer himself. He dresses in both male and female clothing. And portrays himself as male and female at times and can pass as both, he probably prefers any pronouns.
• So he won’t mind meeting another non-binary Person at all. He doesn’t mind if they’re more masculine or feminine. Either way is good with him.
• He does find it cute that they cuss a bunch in every sentence. He’s not one to curse that much. Though he does like the fact they they’re physically strong and can take a few punches then get back up and brush their shoulders off.
• He does not know what non-binary means. It would take a looooong time to explain to him what it means. He’ll nod his head and act like he understands (he doesn’t)
• He curses a bunch to (mostly in Russian but in other languages as well) he finds it funny when they act brutal and masculine and swears a bunch (it would be even more cute if they were small)
• It was probably their strength to withstand him that caught his attention first hand. He probably challenges them to a battle of strength.
• He doesn’t know what non-binary means. After some explaining he’ll catch on. He’s probably crossed dressed before. I can see Spec having a thing for wearing lipstick and makeup.
• He likes it when they act all masculine and tough. He’d find it adorable. He’s so big, he’ll throw his arm around their shoulder. His whole body is enough to engulf anyone
• Once he notices this person is strong enough to take some damage he’ll probably be a little rougher with them. He likes roughhousing. He wants to see how much damage this person can take.
• Yanagi is an older man. He doesn’t really understand what non-binary means or what a non-binary person even is.
• He just sees this masculine presenting person. He assumes genders if he doesn’t know. He’s not one to ask for a person’s pronouns. But he will apologize if he gets a person’s pronouns wrong.
• He definitely notices this persons strength right off the bat. He is normally a very good judge of strength.
• non-binary? He has no idea what that is. He probably thinks it’s a food or some kinda dance move or something.
• He’s an old man with oldschoool values. Don’t expect him to know too much about gender or even gender non-conformity. Expect to be dead-named and misgendered constantly.
• He surrounds himself with more masculine people. He prefers people who aren’t weak. Weaklings only succeed in pissing him off.
Muhammad Ali-
• Ali knows little about non-binary people. He’s heard the term before and he’s met NB people before. If he’s sat down and educated about it he’ll be able to catch on and is actually very accepting.
• As for this person actual more masculine and acts all rough and tough but comes across cute- he adores it! He probably teases them just a little.
• Ali gravitates towards stronger people naturally. So he gets excited seeing someone that’s able to keep up with him.
• I can see Gaia gravitating towards being non-binary as well. He is gender-nonconforming. He would like a non-binary friend to discuss this with.
• As for someone acting all masculine and rough/tough but comes across actually cute- he finds them very amusing. He watches them closely- I highly doubt he’ll tease or make fun of them.
• Gaia gravitates towards people who fascinate him. With someone as interesting as that his, attention has been caught!
• Shibukawa is 75 years old. The term non-binary is new to him. He’s never met someone that is NB before. However Shibukawa is a very accepting individual.
• like Gaia, Shibukawa gravitates towards people who he finds interesting. He thinks this person is quite cute and funny in their own way.
• He especially likes that they’re adorable while they act masculine and curse like a sailor. He probably pokes fun at them.
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takonei · 3 years
Panromantic Shuichi, Agender Kirumi, and Trans Korekiyo?
Panromantic Shuichi: 10/10
"Fuck canon", episode 4. However the sole reason I made him heteroromantic in canon in the first place is so he could be a confused bean. "Men sexy, women sexy but... Only?? Date?? Wamen?? Help"
So any m-spec romantic orientations are fantastic headcanons. Ship Tojosai. Ship Saimota. Ship anything else, really. Go wild you crazy little fucks.
Anyway, panromantic Shuichi rocks.
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Agender Kirumi: 8/10
Huh, I can see the similarities between the color palettes, now. I could have just picked the agender flag colors directly on her and no one would have noticed.
At first I was a bit hesitant, but now I can see it, somehow? It’s a headcanon I can vibe with.
I don’t have much to say, aside from the fact that whatever gender identity Kirumi has, they will be confident with it. Hesitation and doubt were never in their vocabulary and they will probably never be.
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Trans Korekiyo: 9/10
Not the HC I consider god-tier, but still a very good one.
We got a therapist who can now help when it comes to questioning one’s gender identity, which is really cool!
He would absolutely let anyone rant about their gender-related worries in case they need to, or just give advice! Not like they couldn’t do it without him being trans, but at least he has a personal experience with it now as well as a much better understanding of everything that comes along with it.
And hey, if we got one person who can give good and healthy advice when it comes to dealing with dysphoria, transphobia and other issues, then I can only see it as a win.
Overall, very good take, anon!
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Suggest a Beta AU pride HC and I’ll judge it!
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robbie-lee-zombie · 5 years
Random thing, will be edited and added on when Robbie finds more of the random stuff Robbie has sent to @thetickleeraven
Adding a ‘Keep Reading’ because this will get VERY Long. Might copy/edit/paste this post with every add on so it won’t glitch out too much, and if you’d already seen the first few paragraphs of an idea, just scroll until you see one of the numbers (like #2) that you haven’t seen before! 
Hope that helps, anyways enjoy the rambling of HCs and Ideas
Edit/Add-On #1 
Taking place in Raven’s recent couple of fics with Prince Roman and the magical Logan (since we can’t spell mid-evil) that AU. HC: Pat is either 1. The king of the place, and Roman’s dad figure still. OR 2. (HC I use more) Patton is the news-reporter-writer-helper-etc guy. He orders the seeds for farms, sets up meetings for Roman and other lands, making sure things work and stay kinda organized. You’d never think of someone so dad-like to have that kind of job, you know? Good HC tbh-
Imagine Patton’s first couple of lessons were a tour and knowing the potions and ingredients around the place. He writes everything down, admitting to Logan that he’d have a bad memory if he didn’t write it down. He was trying, though, and Logan respects that to the fullest. When Logan flips through the beginners spells, the one Roman had used caught Patton, of all people’s, eye. He smiles. “Mirth brought to light? Aw, that sounds adorable! Making people happy is the best spell I’d say! But you don’t need magic for that!” He glances up at Logan. “What do you mean, Pat?” “I have you to make me happy, you dork!” Commence Logan to be slightly flustered as he continues to flip through and explain the spells. Including the Mirth of Light one. “So it just makes people more aware of how ticklish they are? Gosh, that sounds amazing!” “How so?” “Well, it doesn’t hurt anybody, and it could probably be used on thieves or villains instead of slaughtering them, you know? Have them cough up where the money is!” “That’s… rather childish, but pacifistic, I must say.” “Good thing I’m no criminal! I’m insanely ticklish.” Okay, wow, no one probably met someone so blunt and honest with statements like those. “Really? You say that to everyone you meet?” “Hush! It’s not that bad!” “Not that bad? You mean you enjoy the sensation?” “You mean tickling??” “Yes. That.” “Of course!” Logan paused, giving him a puzzled look. “Why wouldn’t I? What’s not to like?” Patton’s eyes lit up. Not like the time he first saw the room of potions, or when Logan drones on, but still lit up with joy. Huh. Never thought this would happen, Logan thought.
~Continuation type deal of the first paragraph of ideas~
Patton is the town/castle news/reporter type deal at first, running around making sure everyone has everything they need (surprising Virge didn’t have that job-) and that’s when Logan saw that sparkle of look in Patton’s eyes when things got done. Patton never showed his whole adoration and appreciation of work and order much, since he felt geeky. Logan took a step up to Pat as the dad took the pencil out from behind his ear to write a few things down in his note-pad, scribbling random messy ideas. “You. Come with me.” Logan orders him to follow. Once they make it to Logan’s specific tower, You can just… tell. Patton looked at every potion with detail, even drawing a few mini sketches of each one to take notes like ‘purple round potion bottle:’ and 'blue triangle bottle’ and etc. Patton’s eyes just… light up! You’d never expect someone so loving and innocent outside the castle to be into such geeky and dorky stuuuuff, clearly Logan thought it wasn’t geeky… much. “You. You’re going to be my assistant from here on out. I will teach you everything I know, and even after that we will continue to work together. What’s your name, sir?” “Sir?? I’m not that old, not even much older than you, but a lot of people think I’m Roman’s father, how funny is that??” Patton giggles, holding out his hand. “I’m Patton, the castle reporter and document-er!” “Big job, huh?” “Eh, I mostly just take care of the village complaints and problems, order stuff like seeds for the farms, plan the meetings, boring stuff-” “It’s not boring, it’s very intriguing. Tell me more.” Patton’s eyes lit up again. No one’s ever wanted to hear him talk this much before.
Edit/Add-On #2
“It Came From The Trees” Gives me so many little t-fic ideas like, Virgil would hang upside down from a branch right when Princey is heading back to the treehouse since “I caught a fish by myself omg Virgil will be so happy-” Virgil’s face is right in front of him popping down. “SUPER-CALA-FRAGI-FUCKER–” And Virgil’s just laughing.
Imagine the life style of him and Roman over the time in the woods!!!!!
“I found these little red berries they look like cherries they can’t be that bad-” ate two Virge is carving a stick with his blade he’s had for years, not looking up. “They’re poisonous, Ro” Roman freaks out and almost faints, tossing them all away and sitting on the ground like “that’s a relief-” “…Dude I was kidding they’re just little red berries, I’ve ate them for years-” “I will destroy you-”
Raven’s fics of Roman being that one Prince and Virgil being his guard, what if WHAT IF HOLY CRAP- What if It Came From The Trees is set like, waaay before Virgil was his guard??? And when Roman came back to the Palace, maybe even 2 years later (He’s wearing whole other clothes Virgil’s taught him how to sew) and Pat (king or intern or whatever he wants to be) Is just like “HOLY CRAP MAN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WE THOUGHT YOU DIED-” Logan, ironically, is also freaking out. He’s doing that classic thing in cartoons where they’re at his arms, legs, checking him for bites or scratches and etc, like a mother (ha-) and he’s like “Guys, really- it’s cool-” But Virgil’s still at the Tree House, since Virge thought they’d think 'hOLY CRAP ROMAN WHO’S THAT WE GOTTA KILL HIM-’ so Roman said “I’m just going to go tell them I’m alive, K? I’ll be back. Promise.” A day-ish later, he comes back to Virgil who got jump-scared when he did, not expecting the PRINCE to be so good at sneaking around in the dark, so it was startling. He’s rambling about how he’s told his closest friends about Virgil and that he’s allowed to apply for a position in the village, whichever position he wants! Virge thinks about it for maybe a week and is like 'dude, what if you were my guard? You kind of saved my ass seven times when we first met!’ “It’s not my fault you’re so fancy-” “Excuse me-” “You had NO IDEA what you were doing-” “I’ll have you know–” “You thought the leaves growled in the wind~” “…Okay, yeah, whatever-” Anyways, Virgil works up the courage to jump through the trees, Roman still not the best at it, but able to keep up with Virgil to do so, and they jump to the walls of Roman’s land. “You sure I’m… allowed in? They won’t attack me?” “Of course!” Getting through the gate, of course, Logan and Pat are both there waiting for Roman, and Logan (like with Roman) examines and pokes and prods at Virgil with questions and his eraser/pencil, Virgil’s slightly pink like “YOU SAID THEY WOULDN’T ATTACK ME!” “He’s not! ..Specs, please get out of his mouth, he has one row of teeth-” Since that nickname, before Virge knew their real names, he called them nicknames for months never asking them 'what’s your name?’ since Roman told them to go with it and it was hilariously cute. When Virge first found out Logan’s name he glared at Roman like “Wait so his name isn’t Specs?” “Nope.” “It’s not Nerd either? Not Four-Eyes, Harry Potter, Geek-a-zoid, none of those??” “Nope.” “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME-” “Because it was cute watching you get used to it~” “…Is it too late to be an outcast again-”
~Continued of the last mess of a paragraph thingy, yes, very aware of some grammar mistakes and mess ups. If it says ‘you/your’ when it shouldn’t, it’s probably because these were just copy pasted when I rambled to @thetickleeraven and said ‘you/your’ to them so don’t freak out about that~
Pass a week or two, put Virgil in that one dorm area you talked about where he almost died in that fic I can’t remember the name of- maybe it wasn’t your fic I don’t remember– Anyways- Put him in the dorms area, he got used to it, even let Roman help him decorate with so so so many things he’s like “Dude I don’t need posters they’re just paper, you could’ve used that for something else-” “It’s not a crime to treat yourself, Virge. Plus you love the Nightmare Before Christmas!” “..True-” And even when he first signed up to be a guardsman he had to go through the training. Since he lived in the woods for so long, he passed the agility and strength tests no problem. The hardest part was the test that most guards are good at. This was the hard test Virgil knew he’d fail at as soon as he heard it. Endurance Test. Not only did they have to stand in a line, A-Z, standing up straight and all (ouch for his back-) but Roman was the judge of the test. He walked to people randomly, doing anything he saw fit to make the others 'snap out of character’ like laugh, smile, the smallest thing would make Roman grin with victory. It’s not that it was a bad thing, of course, but first hearing the TEST part, Virgil did EVERYTHING HE COULD not to fricken mess this up. So as SOON AS ROMAN GOT TO VIRGIL, he just gave him that snarky little face of a grin and raised eyebrows. They had… so many inside jokes, it was easy for him. “Remember that time I tried to eat your shirt in my sleep because I hadn’t learned how to catch a fish yet?” Okay, Virgil snickered. Quietly though. Roman noticed, however, and he was going to focus on Virgil now. Once someone broke completely, they stepped off to the benches or bathrooms for a break, but Virgil, with Joan and Talyn, were the last three still 'Mature’ or in this case in the Test. Virgil was in the middle of the other two, and you can sense the other two thinking “Wow, what’s their story?” Roman continued. “Remember I tried to eat a worm? You told me if I couldn’t climb that tree in 30 seconds that would be my dinner. I had it in my mouth, you pleb!” He put a hand on his chest, dramatically, going on and on about how Virgil almost 'made him’ do these things. Luckily, Roman didn’t eat the worm, he got real dinner, but Virgil got a kick out of watching him try and almost release it into the wild with a “Virge, this thing has a family, come on-”. Virgil let out a snort, okay, it was super hard. ROMAN STOP BEING FUNNY! WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE! Since Roman didn’t know Virgil was ticklish (until the potions fics) he relied on his cunning charm and humor to spite Virgil, which of course was the same Virgil did to Roman. It was so close, he could pass the test! He’d make the guard if only- “Remember the porcupine incident?” Virgil fell to his knees laughing, it was so stupid and unfair! The others had no idea what Roman said, since they couldn’t hear, but Talyn and Joan shared a look like “?????” along with a look of “..awww they’re friends-” Virgil, the next day, thought he failed. Roman came back with the results. “Virgil, Talyn, and Joan. You three are the head of squads A, B, and C.” Virgil was shocked. After Roman finished, everyone but them two left, and Virgil was like “But- But I thought if we weren’t serious enough we’d fail-” “Oh please! You think I’d fail you just because you laughed at something I said?? Virgil, I don’t want my guards to be losers! I don’t want them so stuck up about the rules and court, the way we do things, that stuff is so boring! I want guards who are more than just that, they can /have a sense of humor!/” Virgil was about to tear up before he turned bright red and glared at him. “YOU LITTLE SHI- YOU MADE ME LAUGH IN FRONT OF EVERYONE WHY–” “It was adorable, stormcloud!” “Storm..cloud?” “..Do you not-” “Nah, it’s actually cool. I’ll keep that nickname over pleb, thanks.”
Edit/Add-On #3 Not Yet Here
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