#we can argue but like. thats just straight up bc u hate women
grendelsmilf · 2 years
normally I find it silly when ppl act like shipping is activism and women (esp queer women) who ship m/f & m/m over f/f are betraying their kind and are bad feminists or whatever. like it’s just a laughably trivial, extremely online thing to care about. that said, people who were more emotionally invested in the ship of “prince gumball” and “marshall lee” than it deserved (which is to say, a degree of caring anywhere above 0), people who drew equal if not more fanart for “gumlee” than bubbline, cared more about this hollow parody than the real thing for the sole coincidence that these irrelevant nothing characters were men, as opposed to the beautifully fleshed out, nuanced women of whom they were just ridiculous simulacra, well. that IS misogyny and you ARE going to hell for that
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piraticalpsyche · 6 years
tbh thin and veiled promises of ‘rep’ arent fucking enough for me anymore lmao
either its canon or its not, and someones sexuality shouldnt be a guarded spoiler. treating it like a dirty little secret is kind of dehumanizing in its own right lmao so like just tell me which characters are gay!!! 
you dont have to spoil a characters entire romantic arc to tell me that they arent straight, bc it assumes everyone is straight and thats The Norm and thats not fucking progressive at all lmao
if u cant just tell me theyre gay you havent given me any rep and i cant believe that you actually have any to give. being dragged thru seasons and seasons of vague hints about how a character Might Be LGBT with cheeky comments from creators about how ‘there is rep’ that is going to make us happy is bullshit.
if there are zero clear inarguable moments in canon that make it clear that ur character is LGBT then you didnt do shit, whether u address it outside of the canon or not
#these vague hints before a show comes out about how Someone is going to be gay and then making u wait years to maybe here a dev say it#is fuckng.......... queerbaiting..........#these series come out and get heaped w praise  for their gay rep but where is it???#point to me in canon where it is really happening and not something a creator can wave away if they dont get the greenlight to be gay#i even hate seeing the word 'rep' now bc its just bullshit#ppl on this site are performative but while u were all#arguing about how drawing spicy fanart of cartoon characters hurts kids#a real like unprecedented amount of cp was gathered on this site lmao#bc u were too busy trying to police fandom a space largely fleshed out by women and lgbt ppl#and just let men do whatever they want online and hurt as many ppl as they want irl bc u wanna be right abt a ship u dont like#just all of this is bullshit straight fandom whites pay lip service and show runners run their mouths but then what rly happens?#all diverse shows without white favs get cancelled#like i cant believe in 2018 u guys are out here losing it over a fucking#screen cap of a crowd shot where if u zoom in u can see two ladies holding hands#thats kid shit we should be leagues ahead of that#if a character in your show is gay and you want to hype it up and get all of the gays to throw their money at ur product#just FUCKING tell us WHICH ONES ARE GAY#put ur money where ur mouth is or dont FUCKING ask for mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#unsolicited pirate angst
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menalez · 3 years
I just find it so annoying the time, energy and debates the discussions like this usually turn into. Something nasty or then crazy gc discourse or someone calling you a fake lesbian on rf gossip. The nitpicking is ridiculous. As soon as I saw this thread I knew someone was gonna call you bi or get mad because she didn’t get by you saying looks you mean aesthetic. You can like a character or actors personality or acknowledge they have a nice aesthetic or be a fan without being into them. Just from now maybe use aesthetic and not looks because looks to most people means physical attraction.
So many people get so hostile and are just waiting to call some actual lesbian bi. I don’t think white fems even think about how much harder it is for lesbians of color to get where they are and how bad the pressures and socialization is. Radical feminists are massive hypocrites with their own works and beliefs. Cognitive dissonance of their own going on about how women are socialized and sexuality. Their empathy, perspective and analysis seems to disappear when it’s needed the most. Liking men can put your life in danger and women of color are especially not allowed to desire only be desired by men.
We exist as business transactions all over the world, denied so much and barely allowed to be our own person. Sexuality can be deeply suppressed. Women aren’t taught or allowed to have their own desires and to know their own bodies or orgasms, just how to please men. In high school every discussion amongst girls involved blowing men or how cum is good for your skin. No one talked about pleasing a girl ever. I hated having to hear it & girls doing it because that’s what they’re taught. even bi women I’ve met have just blown men for years and never been sexually satisfied or reciprocated by men once. Then they got lucky and realized they liked women and fell for one. So yeah I think no lesbian actually obviously fantasizes about males in anyway fictional or not. Plenty bi women feel like that and don’t want a male irl. Penis repulsion is thing. A fantasy is representative of a desire or scenario of something or someone you find pleasant and makes you feel things. I know lesbians who love anime and cartoons who just love butches and they still never fantasize about a male because it isn’t what a butch is. That anon is fantasizing about male characters and I think that’s not lesbian period. No lesbian is excited by maleness and depictions of it. I think it should end their.
So anyway, no one also does this with gay men. gay men don’t argue about this and call other men fake gay men. Maybe that’s because it’s so different being a woman and experiencing misogyny and homophobia with sexuality and the fact that bisexual men aren’t saying they’re gay or being problematic and annoying in the same way bi women who are always lesphobic do. idk. Gay men don’t go through female socialization and are taught to be submissive so it’s easier for them to be confident and at least know or realize their desires much more easier than lesbians. Some things to think about. bi women are so annoying to us and love to hate lesbians and wanna be one but this shit doesn’t happen much or in the same way or extent with gay and bisexual men. I think people need examine the misogyny and double standards here.
it’s kinda bizarre to me bc i straight up said repeatedly that i don’t really get it and that i personally have always just gotten extremely bored when male characters are involved n don’t care for anything about males.. yet bc i said i don’t think someone’s not a lesbian if she likes anime guys or w/e it means i also like fictional men in any sense 😐
u did lose me in some parts tho and the part where u said no bi men claim to be gay, thats untrue. there’s plenty of bi men that call themselves gay men, it’s just never turned into a discussion of Some Gay Men Can Be Into Women or w/e and it’s not used to prove that gay men can be attracted to women to the same degree. but unfortunately plenty of bi people of both sexes claim to be gay. some will call themselves gay bc they genuinely think they are exclusive same sex attracted while some will say they’re gay bc they’re primarily same sex attracted and think that’s the same thing. it’s terrible bc it rly makes it harder for gay ppl to communicate our sexualities and also to form communities around our shared sexual orientation
anyways i think u may have sent me the longest anon ive ever had,, i wish i could give u an award for that
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ronanlyncx · 7 years
the best parts of the dream thieves (featuring me crying pt. 2)
part one
- “Ronan was everything that was left: molten eyes and a smile made for war” 
- Ronan’s second secret #gay
- Gansey: “i would have thought you had more muscles. Don’t feminist have big muscles?” i just want to punch him can someone please punch him
- gansey calling ronan an incredible creature #gay 
- “The elderly made ronan anxious” bitch me too!!!
- Ronan wanting to race kavinsky in the pig and adam is like dude no there is like 5 people in here we weigh too much and ronan goes: “noah doesn’t count” “Hey!” “You’re dead!” i love these nerds
- Gansey: “am I in your dreams?” Ronan: “Oh yes, baby” i hate him jsjksksk
- “Ronan sometimes dreamt of Adam, too” #gay
- Gansey and Ronan going to get orange juice at 3:32 am 
- “Unlike some people, my sense of worth isn’t tied into my occupation.” “Ooooooh,” Orla crowed… she traded her Henrietta accent for a gloriously snotty version of the Old South. “Someone’s been hanging out with Richard Campbell Gansey the third too much.” orla just came for blue’s life holy shit 
- “Jane!” “It’s a wizard in box.” “It will do your homework.” “And it’s been dating your girlfriend.” “Are you all drunk?” hey quick question wtf am i reading
- “Why is the tea so good here?” “I spit in it” Blue Sargent is an icon
“Blue Sargent was pretty in a way that was physically painful to him. He was attracted to her like a heart attack.” not to sound like a cheesy white lady or anything but this shit breathtaking bro
- “What do you want, Adam? What do you need, Adam?… Freedom, autonomy, a perennial bank balance, a stainless steel condo in a dustless city, a silky black car, to make out with Blue, eight hours of sleep, a cell phone, a bed, to kiss Blue just once, a blister-less heel, bacon for breakfast, to hold Blue’s hand, one hour of sleep, toilet paper, deodorant, a soda, a minute to close his eyes. What do you want, Adam? To feel awake when my eyes are open.” PROTECT THIS ANGEL GET HIM SOME TOILET PAPER WTF (also notice how what he wants continues to drop in difficulty to acquire this is so sad i’m literally a mess) 
- “You be careful, Adam Parrish. ‘Cause one day you might get what you ask for. There might be girls in Henrietta who’ll let you talk to them like that, but i’m not one of them.” i really love this woman
- “He [Gansey] was bare-legged and sockless in his Top-Siders and very clearly a real human, an attainable human, and this, somehow, made Ronan want to smash his fist through a wall” #gay
-  “Adam thinks he saw an apparition at his place” Ronan eyed Noah, “I’m seeing an apparition right now.” this entire relationship is just ronan roasting noah have you ever seen anything so pure
- Noah freaking out about the glitter in the snowglobe #angel
- Ronan paying Adam’s rent i am alive
- Gansey comparing Blue to a platypus
- “He threw me out the window!” “You’re already dead!” amazing
- Blue wanting to get Adam high so he can relax seriously someone let this boy take a nap
- Noah: “Is crack the same thing as speed?” 
- Ashley not going into St. Agnes bc she “refuses to participate in a ceremony that doesn’t allow equal spiritual privileges to women”  NICE
- Ronan dreaming kavinsky a replica of his white sunglasses after kavinsky gave him a copy of ronan’s leather bands #pettygay
- “and he was the boy with the most beautifully interesting car and the most savagely handsome of friends, Ronan Lynch” #gay
- Gansey: “I love this car. I should buy four more of them. I’ll just open the door of one and fall into the other. One can be a living room, one can be by kitchen, I’ll live in one…” what...the fuck
- Declan coming to give gansey a new battery for the pig and Ronan actually doing the most™ “He hurriedly sprawled back in the seat, throwing one jean-covered leg over the top of Adam’s and laying his head in a posture of thoughtless abandon. By the time Declan arrived, Ronan looked as if he had been asleep for days.” this is so extra omfgggg
- “His [Declan’s] gaze followed his brother’s leg to where it rested on top of Adam’s, and his expression tightened.” dude ronan even your brother is noticing your crush u gotta do better
- Gansey thinking that Ronan tried to kill himself after all this time and then finding out that Ronan was attacked by a dream demon thing #shook
- Gansey and Ronan fighting a different dream demon thing with a box cutter and a crowbar how are these children alive 
- “She [Blue] wore a dress Ronan thought looked like a lampshade. Whatever sort of lamp it belonged on, Gansey clearly wished he had one. Ronan wasn’t a fan of lamps.” This is the least subtle homosexuality metaphor i have ever read in my life (also: Gansey crushing on Blue #nice)
- refer to this post 
- “Let’s just go on before Gansey has time to say something that makes me hate him” lmao
- “The air was stained permanently with the pleasant odor of Ronan’s childhood: hickory smoke and boxwood, grass and seed and lemon cleaner. ‘I remember,’ Gansey said thoughtfully to Ronan, ‘when you used to smell like this’” #gay
- Dream toaster
- “I am being perfectly fucking civil” #iconic
- “Don’t fucking swear” #iconic pt 2
- Calla preforming arial yoga through the continuation of Ronan’s reading 
- The entire time they are on the boat adam and gansey have the biggest hard-ons for orla and blue wants to die/kill them and ronan is disgusted 
- ronan complains about the heat like 600 times i love my dramatic son
- Gansey finding the skin of blue’s calf more “tantalizing” than orla’s entire torso boiiiii if u dont get!!!!!
- “Blue cheerfully spit a mouthful of brown water on his boat shoes.” she’s doing god’s work
- “He was struck by what a glorious and fearless animal Blue Sargent was.” I’m emo
- “Gansey, pacing next to his ruined miniature Henrietta, set his eyes on Ronan. There was something intense and heedless in them. There were many versions of Gansey, but this one had been rare since the introduction of Adam’s taming presence.” The fact that adam calms gansey down is so pure and i cannot believe this is canon (also: blue also calms gansey down... i love my bisexual son)
- Gansey being badass asf when him and ronan go to confront kavinsky about breaking in the apartment and ronan going super heart-eyes 
- also i am convinced that this scene is dick’s bi awakening
- “…Gansey leaving for D.C. without him was unbearable. They had been a two-headed creature for so long, Ronan-and-Gansey. He couldn’t say it, though. There were a thousand reason’s why he couldn’t say it” #GAY
- “While i’m gone, dream me the world. Something new for every night.” #REALLYGAY
- no one in fox way can work a cellphone maura literally had to get blue to make the gray man’s voicemail work
- Ronan blowing a kiss to gansey and adam when they are flying away in the helicopter i fucking hate him jsjsjs
- Helen asking if Adam wants to go into the whole foods with her and adam just stares at her. me too buddy
- “’Pigmy Pouters. Feisty ones!’ Gansey mouthed Blue at Adam. Adam let out a little wail of helpless laughter.” adam parrish laughing: a concept
-  Blue finally admitting to herself that she likes Gansey while laying in his bed
- “I’d ask you out, if i was alive” “i’d say yes” :(((((
- the fact that adam’s dad actually pushed my manz down the stairs at one point i will personally fight robert parrish
- “This is Adam Parrish. Shake his hand. He’s more clever than I am. One day we’ll be throwing one of these shindigs for him.” MY HEART
- Adam literally filling up a whole page describing helen #bi
- when helen asks why ronan wasn’t with them, adam and gansey both get the mental image of the house burning down lmao
- “you gonna race with those shades on, you Bulgarian mobster Jersey trash piece of shit?” he’s so elegant with words!!!1111!!!
- Ronan thinking Kavinsky is beautiful um this is gross but #gay 
- Gansey calling Blue to calm him down just because she makes him feel “uneven and shattered” im fucking emo
- Kavinsky calling gansey literally anything BUT his name: “Dick three” “dick dick dick” “Dickie”
- Ronan figuring out how to master his dreams and then leaving kavinsky #scammer
- to be honest i cannot believe helen and gansey managed to convince adam about the hondoyota with the literal SKIT they used 
- “HEY, OLD MAN!” “Ronan!” ANGELS
- ronan apologizing for wrecking the pig and Gansey actually not believing his ears.
- “Hey, Churchill tried to negotiate with hitler.” “Did he?” don’t argue with boat shoe about history this man will rip you to shreds
- pink switchblade
- “Times circular, chicken”
- THE WHOLE ROAST: “Politics! I have no interest. Voting? What? I forgot my apron. I think I ought to be in the kitchen right now, actually. My rolling pin-” “i didn’t know that you-” “thats my point! did it even occur to you? You wouldn’t have gone someplace without Gansey, though. You two make a grand couple! kiss him! (lmao) Well, i don’t want to be just someone to kiss. I want to be a real friend, too. Not just someone who’s fun to have around because- because I have breast!” GO OFF BITCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Adam calling Blue a raging feminist like do boys not know that this is a complement like yes this is the angle i am going for thanks for noticing
- Gansey and Blue’s first drive together #i #am #emo
- “Jane, in this light you... Jesus. Jesus. I’ve got to get my head straight.” MURDER ME
- When Adam woke up at fox way after being asleep for 24 hours or whatever he drank four glasses for pomegranate juice and three cups of tea and then left in the span of ten minutes. i know sometimes these kids act like they are 50 years old but....this is a teenage boy 
- “It was against Ronan’s nature to appear overly interested in anything.” HES SO EXTRA 
- Grey man: “But it wasn’t personal.” Ronan: “It. Was. To. Me.” :((((((((((( also i’m pretty sure neil josten said the same thing to that police officer one time i love parallels. 
- “when ronan thought of gansey, he thought moving into monmouth manufacturing, of nights spent in companionable insomnia, of a summer searching for a king, of gansey asking for the grey man for his life. Brothers.” kill. me. 
- kavinsky dying #goodshit 
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menalez · 3 years
1. Have you seen any pictures of protestors with signs implying the Atlanta shooting had anything to do with male violence or was an issue regarding women's safety? All the signs I see are about race. Which is valid since it was racist and misogynistic. But it gives me such a sinking feeling that the entire country seems to be gaslighting itself by pretending this has nothing to do with misogyny and by saying this has only scared asians and not also terrified women everywhere, especially asian women or women working in massage parlors.
2. The post about gay people not being visibly gay bc we can pretend we're straight, even if other people can still tell we're gay, reminds me of all the people I've seen either imply or say straight up that gays have less of a hard time day to day than trans people because trans people stand out more or some shit. That we dont have to worry about our safety as long as we actively censor our self expression, mannerisms, and body language. As if none of us are emotionally damaged from doing that our entire childhoods and teen years. Were none of yall told "I knew that" when you came out to friends or family? Cause I was and I'm pretty gender conforming so...you dont have to be super gnc for people to notice you're a lesbian
1. tbh i havent seen any protests relating to the atlanta shooting to begin with,, but almost all shootings are to do w male violence & thats hardly ever touched up on, whats usually brought up is that mass shootings tend to be done by white people, but theres never any comment on the fact that they also tend to be done by men. i feel like people are scared to comment on the fact that male violence is an issue and an epidemic and the root of a lot of these mass killings, maybe bc men make up half of the general population or bc of the fact that men harass, demean, and degrade women for saying far less. 
2. whoever argues that is stupid as shit, if gay people don’t need to worry if we censor our self expression, mannerisms, and body language (among many other things)..........then how is that different from telling trans people to just not transition and be gender conforming (which a lot of self-proclaimed trans people arent doing now anyways) to avoid violence? at the end of the day, gay people are at higher risk of hate crimes and face hate crimes more frequently statistically speaking and thats only one of the many ways we’re oppressed. and besides all that, as u said, that shit is damaging. i don’t like that argument coming from either side tbh.........people shouldnt have to conform to gender roles to avoid facing violence, people shouldnt have to try to pass themselves off as straight to avoid facing violence, to argue that is to defend those that harm gnc people & gay people. also as a lesbian thats probably more on the feminine side..........yeah most people in my life weren’t particularly shocked by my coming out
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