#wcifs are open btw!! i'm not gonna list everything she wears bc that list would be Too Long but i'll answer asks about stuff <3
goblin-simming · 7 months
it's time. Meet Liesel Edgeworth, my most specialest girl of all time <3
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Young Adult (24)
Aspiration: Legally Sim (This sim wants to pursue a law career.)
Traits: Cheerful, Geek, Clever, Kind, Soft
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Teen (17)
Aspiration: Valedictorian (This sim wants to become a valedictorian! To do this, they'll need straight A's and some luck.)
Traits: Cheerful, Geek, Clever, Kind
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Child (11)
Aspiration: Whiz Kid (This sim wants to be the smartest kid in school.)
Traits: Cheerful, Geek, Kind
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Toddler (5)
Traits: Clingy, Inquisitive
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Infant (1)
Trait: Wiggly
This post is long enough already but I desperately need to tell you about her so i'll go ahead and cut the post :p
Note for readers: our ocs exist in a universe that canon-adjacent at best. We change so much so far back that it's frankly absurd so just. keep that in mind while you read <3
She was born in Munich, Germany to a prominent prosecutor and his wife, their first child. Her mother died during childbirth, leaving her and her father alone and upset over her passing.
She was born with a birth defect that left her legs weak, making it difficult for her to stand and walk on some days, while other days she is largely unaffected.
Her father did his best to raise her himself, making sure she had the mobility aids she needed, and her childhood was happy. She inherited her father's passion for the law, often accompanying him to the courthouse when permitted, and excitedly insisting he tell her about the cases she wasn't able to see play out in person. She also adored her neighbors, and spent much of her time bothering hanging out with the older neighbor boy who wanted nothing to do with her and his baby sister. The spring after she turned eleven, her father's health took a turn for the worst, and in the early summer, he passed.
With no other family to take her in, she was taken to an orphanage, where she spent the next few months. Most of her free time, she was permitted to spend in the records room of the courthouse, taking in any and all cases the records-keepers would let her access.
That was where she met Edgeworth, who saw the similarities between her and himself, and, in an uncharacteristically spur-of-the-moment decision, adopted her himself.
She spent the next six years traveling Europe alongside her adoptive father, excitedly taking in foreign legal systems and studying thoroughly, with the plan to eventually become a prosecutor as well.
During this time she also had the opportunity to meet Phoenix Wright and his daughter, Trucy, whom she bonded quickly with.
When Liesel and her father returned to the United States, with no plans to leave again, Liesel threw herself head-first into Themis Legal Academy, using her knowledge from Europe to spur her focus into the way things are done in her new home.
During her time at Themis is when she met Nora Spect, her self-proclaimed best friend, and Athena Cykes, another close confidant. She was also given the opportunity to reconnect with her childhood neighbors, the Gavins. Things had changed drastically between them, since she'd last seen them, and she got along much closer with Klavier than she had as a child.
She graduated second in her class, and started her career shortly thereafter, facing off for the first time in a real courtroom across from her best friend.
She prioritizes truth above everything else, leading her to have very few wins on record against Nora, though that hardly stops them from celebrating each case they work together, inviting friends out for drinks and karaoke.
okay i'm gonna stop rambling here bc actual events get really shaky from here on but!! other stuff to mention
she's autistic as fuck (she caught the Lawtism, as I've been calling it)
she's cishet & polyam
she's 18 during the events of aa4 and saw all four of the cases in person (4-1 from the gallery, and 4-2 through 4-4 while working alongside Klavier)
she had a crush on Klavier when she was a kid and it kinda faded while they weren't in touch but it comes back full force when she meets him again (and she's exceptionally awful at hiding it)
she has been asking for a cat since she was a child and only gets one after she moves out of her family's home because she was always either moving around too much in Europe or, once in the states, phoenix moves in and he's allergic
she's legally 5 feet tall but medically she's 4'11". she lied on her drivers license and her id and doesn't feel bad for it.
she spent a good portion of her life thinking of gay as the 'default' because so few of the people she interacted with were straight. she came out as straight to her family and is still embarrassed about it years down the line
she gets into a relationship w/ Klavier and Apollo at some point. still workshopping when exactly i just know she ends up w them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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