#waterfall over earth photo manipulation
stillebesat · 3 years
Christmas Eve (4/5)
Sanders Sides: Janus, Patton, Roman, Virgil Pairings: Past Roceit (was toxic), Familial Moceit (Dad Janus, Son Patton) Blurb: Of all the barriers that Janus expected to have to overcome in order to get his son a pet for Christmas, encountering his Ex, Roman, working in the pet store had never once crossed his mind. Fic Type: Christmas!Eve Fic, Past Lovers to Enemies to ??? trope, Dad!Janus, Kid!Patton, Frogmin!Virgil, MythicalMin!AU, Frogmin!AU Overall Fic Warnings: Past Toxic Relationship Talk, Manipulation/Lying Talk, Human-ish Creatures kept as Pets Taglist in Reblog
To Catch Up: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Roman regretted the words as soon as they left his lips.
The Dameon he knew could spin the truth like a top. His stories sounding so believable that even now, years later, Roman still had very little idea what he actually knew about his Ex...besides the fact that he was a slimy no good lying viper. If he wanted to get a Frogmin for his kid, then Roman was sure Dameon could point to any cage on the shelf, and despite Roman’s years of experience, convince him that whatever cage he picked would be perfectly adequate to hold the Frogmin. 
Oh Crofters, would the Frogmin they picked out be okay going home with them?! He couldn’t remember Dameon being cruel to animals, but the guy had never shown an interest in them either. Sure, Pattey seemed sweet enough but if Dameon was his actual dad then what if it was all just an act. What if--
Dameon huffed, running his fingers through his curly hair, messing it up in a way that Roman had never seen him do when they’d been together. He straightened, briefly meeting Roman’s eyes as he slipped a hand in his pocket, moving a couple of steps down the aisle to give his kid some space to interact with the Frogmins without them hovering.
Reluctantly Roman followed, his attention split between ensuring Pattey wouldn’t reach into the cage and terrorize the Frogmins...and watching his Ex’s every move.
“You and I both know that I could just point to a random cage and convince you I’d bought it elsewhere, but I hope that the picture I took will be more than enough proof that I have the proper setup?” He asked, pulling out his phone and fiddling with it before holding it out to him.
Well...pictures could be faked….but considering Dameon had obviously not expected to see him here...would he have gone so far as to fake a photo? It was possible. He’d done it before to fake several incidents at college parties they’d gone to...but a cage for a new pet for his son? Who would think to fake that? 
Roman exhaled. No. He’d think himself in circles until well past midnight if he tried to read too far inbetween the lines. It was Christmas Eve. Dameon wanted a Frogmin for his son and Pattey seemed genuinely excited to have one. It had to be the truth. He had to believe that. 
For now.
“If you’ve bought some dinky little hamster cage, Dae, I’m not letting you leave here with any creature until you have a proper setup.” He said, taking the phone from him.
Dameon’s eyes flashed, his mouth quirking up in a half smile as he glanced over to his son who’d somehow managed to cox basically every Frogmin in the cage closer to him. 
Impressive for a child. It must be those soft honey eyes.  
“I did do some research beforehand.” 
“You know can’t trust everything on Google right?” Roman asked as he zoomed in on the image of the kid, Pattey, standing next to a cage as tall as he was. He had to admit. It was a nice setup. Not the most expensive home for a Frogmin he’d seen, but it was a good middling sort of cage. Multilevel, plenty of foliage, there was even a mister visible from the side to keep the place humid. 
“I did ask multiple store employees as well...but I got differing answers.” 
Typical. Ask more than one person and you’d get more than one answer. Still. It looked like Dae had managed to get the proper stuff. “What sort of pond do you have within? A bowl?” People always tried to use cheap tupperware to make a pond for their Frogmins, but it never worked out well in the long run. 
Dameon scoffed, taking his phone back, fidgeting with it as he turned his head away to stare at a nearby cage of little Nagas. “As if. It’s a filtered thing. Not a waterfall, I couldn’t risk the splashing, but it has running water. Fresh. Takes up half of the floor of the cage, the rest is moss and dirt.” 
Huh. Despite his reluctance to give his Ex any credit...he really hadn’t done half bad. Roman crossed his arms. “Hideout?”
Dameon shrugged. “There’s a rock cave on the ground, a wooden one higher up, and Pattey had me grab a moss hammock four stores ago. Just in case.” 
Four? “....And just how many stores have you been to today?” On Christmas Eve. Shouldn’t he be like...going to some big fancy party or something? Or…at least getting ready for Santa’s arrival? 
Dameon grimaced, slipping his phone back in his pocket. “Fifteen.” He admitted, keeping his attention firmly on the cage in front of him. 
Roman whistled. Talk about dedication. “Ouch.” 
“Mmm.” His fingers twitched as he glanced to his son, wearing that half smile of his. “No one else in a hundred and fifty miles has them.” 
Roman’s eyebrows shot up. A hundred and FIFTY miles? Dude. Good news. It meant there was a low chance of him ever having to encounter his Ex again after tonight if he drove this far. But Dude. He drove this far? For his son? The Dameon he knew wouldn’t have gone through half as much effort. He would have convinced someone else to do all the work for him instead and then take the credit. 
“Talk about a Hail Mary then coming all the way out here without calling first.” Especially since his store was closing like...right now. “The Mythical Mins have been quite popular this year. You’re lucky my store had the foresight to quadruple our orders.” 
“I did try calling.” Dameon said, holding out a hand to the Nagamins, a flash of wistfulness crossing his face as he watched the minis leisurely slither about within. “After the first two failures...I called the next--oh, six?” He grimaced. “Those who actually answered assured me that they had them in stock--only for us to find that they’d sold out by the time we showed up. I stopped calling after that point. Just looked up the next pet store and drove.”
Wow. That was--- “I didn’t think you’d ever be so persistent. Especially for some kid.” Wait. Roman blanched. That came out so wrong--
Dameon’s eyes flashed with all too familiar anger as he whirled to him, his hands clenching. “He’s not some kid, Roman, he’s my son. And as cliche as it is...I would move heaven and earth to make him happy.” 
Roman jerked his hands up. “I didn’t mean--” Yeesh. And he was hoping to avoid triggering Dameon’s temper. He just hadn’t expected his Ex to be...that protective. Of course, he just hadn’t ever seemed the type to...settle down either. “That came out wrong.” His words were usually wrong in some fashion when Dameon was present. “Honestly, I’d be more surprised if he wasn’t.” 
Dameon exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck, the anger unexpectedly vanishing as quickly as it had sparked. “The eyes right?” He raised a hand to his own golden ones.
“Well...yah. They’re practically the same.” Unfortunately. Though on the kid it was cute instead of terrifying. 
He dropped his hand. “Yah...well you saw it quicker than I did.” He looked back to Pattey. 
Roman blinked. “Wait. You--”
Dameon huffed, shaking his head. “It took me...a bit...to believe he was mine.” He said in a low voice.
Roman scoffed “You saw his eyes and you didn’t--weren’t you expecting him?! Weren’t you there for his birth?”  Hadn’t Dameon just said he would move heaven and earth for the kid? He would have thought--
His Ex ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up further before he gestured to himself. “Do I look like--No. I--I’d--I’m---” He exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You know how I was, Ro--I didn’t--” 
Was. Roman raised an eyebrow. He’d never heard Dameon stutter this much since...well, their first meeting. “And you were always so eloquent.” Flowery words, hidden meanings, barbed compliments. He’d lost more sleep to figuring out just what Dameon had actually said to him and what potential meanings his words held during college than he ever had over studying for finals. 
Dameon rolled his eyes. “Shut up.” 
“Make me.”
Those were fighting words, Roman knew. 
Yet his Ex didn’t rise to the bait. He hunched his shoulders, visibly taking a deep breath before relaxing his hands. “I’m not like that anymore. I’ve chan--” He cut off grimacing.
“....You’ve changed.” He’d heard that particular phrase a dozen times in college. Yet this time...it seemed just a tad more...believable. 
 Dameon exhaled, giving a slight shake of his head before meeting his eyes. “I’m trying to be a better person...and even if I wasn’t,” he gestured to his son, “I would much rather walk out of here with a Frogmin than without one for his sake.” 
Wouldn’t any parent? At least the ones who wanted to prevent a meltdown. Roman tilted his head to the boy. “He is a cute kid.” Despite who his Father was. 
“He is.” Daemon said, that fond half smile appearing on his lips again without any sign of the malice Roman was familiar with. “Some days...I wonder how I got so lucky.” 
Yah...karma had obviously gotten mixed signals there. 
Mentally Roman kicked himself. And that was how he’d end up getting the three Christmas ghosts visiting him tonight. Sure. He was still obviously bitter about his Ex. But he knew people could change. Just because he couldn’t picture Dameon being a good Dad, didn’t mean it wasn’t possible. Not when the apparent proof was standing right before him. “Well...it seems like Fatherhood has done you some good.” 
Red tinged Janus’s cheeks as he raised a single eyebrow. “Is it really that hard to believe? That I could be a good dad?”
Had he ever looked back on their college years? The list of why he wouldn’t be a good dad could easily fill three books. 
But. Roman tilted his hand back and forth. “I only ever knew Liar Dae.” He said simply. 
There was still a chance he was still talking to him right now, though from what he’d seen so far he’d like to believe otherwise.  
Dameon grimaced. “Right.” He ran a hand through his hair again. “Right. I--” 
“DADDY!! PRINCEY!!!” Pattey squealed as he rushed towards them, his hands held up high to show them a tiny figure with purple and black spots hanging on to his fingers for dear life. “I GOT MY FROGMIN!”
Roman blinked, mouth dropping open as he recognized the rebelliously reclusive Frogmin who had sworn over a year ago that he would never go home with any human.
“Virgil?” He whispered taking a half step forward as Dameon dropped to his knees in time to catch his son before he could run face first into their legs. 
“He picked me, Daddy!!” He picked me!” Pattey cried, practically vibrating with excitement as Dae quickly brought his hands up to surround his son’s, keeping the little emo Frogmin from being jostled further. 
“That’s great, Pat!” His Ex said as his cool golden eyes gave the Frogmin a once over, his fingers twitching on his son’s hands. 
Roman made a soft sound in the back of his throat as the Frogmin hissed, ducking down out of sight. 
Yah. That was Virgil alright. The hiss was his trademark sound after he’d learned it from Roman’s own Min, Logan. But why would he come out of his dark little corner to--how had Pattey even convinced him?! Roman himself had tried every trick in the book to warm the dark and stormy emo of a Frogmin up to the idea of being owned by a human.
Nothing had worked.
Though Roman couldn’t remember ever offering spiders as a bribe before. Was that honestly all that it would have taken? A different food source? 
“Virgil?” He asked again, biting his lip as his voice elicited another hiss from the Min and the unwelcome attention of his Ex. 
Dameon looked up, eyes flashing. “Is there a problem?” He asked in such a Karen tone that Roman automatically bristled at it. 
“Ye--No? NO!” He said slashing his hand across his chest in denial. 
Dameon huffed, his hands remaining steady on Pattey’s as he half turned to him, giving him the look. “Roman.” 
Roman glowered at his name, baring his teeth in what could barely be called a smile. “I said, NO, Dameon.” He said working to keep his tone even and obviously failing by how his eyes sharpened. “It’s just that Virgil’s never wanted to go home with anyone before. I’m--” Worried. Surprised. Concerned. Curious. The list could go on forever. He knew Virge after all. And there had been plenty of kids just like Pattey -besides the golden eyes- who’d wanted Frogmins before and Vee had never shown himself to them.
A variety of emotions flashed across Dameon’s face too fast for him to process as his Ex tilted his head, staring at him in such a way that Roman was sure he was analyzing every word he used and movement he’d made. “Worried he won’t be a good fit?” He asked, his tone more mild than Roman had been expecting as he dropped his hands from his son’s, though he could hear a hint of bitterness to it.
He’d be lying if he said the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. But--- Roman exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck as he held out his other hand, tilting it back and forth. “Honestly...Virgil probably likes me about as much as I like you.” He said, watching as Dameon winced.  
“And that means...?”
What else did Dae expect him to say? Their relationship had been toxic. Before ten minutes ago, Roman would have said that all he felt for Dameon was utmost hatred.
Now though? 
It was...it was all so muddled. He was seeing a side of Dae that he’d never seen before. He didn’t know what to think. “Soo--” 
“It means we’ll be besties!!” Patton cried, honey eyes positively lighting up as he bounced in place, eliciting another hiss from the Frogmin. “I’ll be the Prince and Virgil will be the Dragon Witch and together we’ll defeat the evil Aaraog and we’ll all live happily ever after! Right Prince Roman?” Pattey beamed at him, holding his hands out, fingers uncurling so that he could see Virgil. 
The Frogmin growled, dark hair falling in front of his mismatched eyes before he adjusted his legs, jumping to the boy’s shoulder.
Pattey let out a giggle, scrunching up his shoulders. “Vee, that tickles!!”  
Roman let out a breath as Virgil ducked down into the collar of the boy’s jacket. A Happy ending huh? “...Right….That.”
Daemon’s own smile was rather brittle as he stood, ruffling his son’s hair. “Soo…” He said echoing Roman’s tone of voice as he looked up, eyes for once not looking cold and calculating, but...resigned? “It looks like Virgil here wants to come home with my son.” He said, gesturing to the Frogmin peering out from Pattey’s jacket. “Is there paperwork or something I need to fill out for him or--?” 
Right. No need to drag out this conversation any longer now the kid had chosen his new pet. “Yes. You’ll need to fill out forms and Virgil--” He cut off as the Frogmin hissed giving him the middle finger. He tsked. Now that wasn’t appropriate for a child to see.  “Virgil.”  
The Frogmin shook his head, spots slightly glowing as he glowered at him. “No Box, Princey.” He said, with a slight echo to his voice. 
Princey? Roman pursed his lips together. Of course the Emo Nightmare chose to finally speak to him now that he was leaving the store. Typical. A true Christmas Miracle. Logan would be so proud to hear that the little EmoFrogmare had finally broken his silence to Roman. 
Pattey reached up, cupping his hand protectively around the Frogmin as he gave Roman the saddest puppy dog look he’d seen this holiday season with the watery eyes, trembling lip and everything. “Vee can stay with me right? I’ll keep him warm.” 
Yes, but-- “You know that’s not our policy, Vir--” He exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose as Virgil let out an even longer hiss sounding like an agitated rattlesnake. “Fine. Fine. But if you fall and break your leg it’s not my fault.” 
Dameon coughed into his hand, doing a poor job of hiding his smile as Virgil flashed him a thumbs up, curling up against Pattey’s neck as the boy gasped, eyes going wide. 
“No! No breaking! He’ll stay Safe!! Virgil is MY PROTECTOR!! He’s eating the spiders!” He said, shaking his head hard enough that the Frogmin would have fallen if the kid’s hand hadn’t been right there for him to cling to with his little sticky fingers. “Promise!” 
And this was the boy EmoFrogmare wanted to go home with? Roman didn’t understand at all. He raised an eyebrow as Vee settled once more on Pattey’s shoulder. “That’s good. Just be careful alright?”  
Virgil hissed in response, baring his teeth at them.
“He really doesn’t like you does he?” Daemon commented in a low voice.
Roman rolled his eyes, gesturing for his Ex to follow him to the checkout counter so he could grab the proper forms. “Nope.” He said, popping the P. It was kinda irritating too. He could charm all the other Mins in the store and get them more comfortable and out of their shells before going to their new homes, but Virgil had never warmed up to him. 
Dameon gave him a crooked smile. “I’m sorry.”
Roman stiffened at the unexpected third apology falling easily from the snake’s lips. How could he say it now for something that wasn’t even his fault when he couldn’t even apologize for--for...everything that had happened between them back in college? 
He shook his head, waving it away. “Don’t be--well you can be once you pay for him.” He said, jabbing a finger in his Ex’s direction before pulling out the forms and a pen. “Then his bad behavior is on you, not me.”
To Be Continued.  Part 5
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
Talentswap-DR1 Kids with V3 Talents
So I came across a post made by @mythgirlimagines who gave some headcanons that featured the kids from the first game with talents from the V3 game. I really enjoyed the idea and I began to think of my own headcanons for each kid and how their lives would be different with their new talents. So with their permission, I was able to come up with this. I hope you like it!
Sayaka Maizono as the SHSL Adventurer
As a kid, she spent all her time at home since her dad was always working and her mom passed away.
She found comfort in watching TV programs that showcased different countries and cities and loved seeing the people having fun together.
Wanting to find happiness like those people, Sayaka began to secretly wander around her home city and partook in sight seeing and trying new foods.
She also practiced interacting with the people and asking them different questions.
After getting enough practice, she began traveling around different parts of Japan before making her way through the Asian countries followed by the rest of the globe.
She vlogs her travels by uploading pictures and videos of the food, fashion and festivals in each place she visits.
The popularity of her vlogs has resulted in her gaining contracts with multiple tourist companies who want her to visit their cities to boost tourism.
Mukuro Ikusaba as the SHSL Pianist
Mukuro doesn’t really care about playing the piano. She only took it up because her sister insisted that she do something useful with her life
She spent most of her freetime practicing the piano and would perform for hours on end to see how far she could go before exhausting herself.
She’s won multiple awards and critical acclaim for her performances but they mean nothing to her if they didn’t come from her sister.
When Junko decided to become SHSL Despair, Mukuro began to channel her talent to her sister’s instruction.
Her music can manipulate the emotional states of anyone listening to her and increase it based on the melodies she performs.
Ex. A somber tune can make people into sobbing messes while an aggressive song can make listeners become hostile and violent towards each other.
Junko would use her sister’s talent to either influence new followers or to dispose of unlucky victims.
She mainly wears a slim black dress when she performs on stage.
Leon Kuwata as the SHSL Tennis Player
Just like in canon, Leon doesn’t like his talent. Particularly the heavy training that’s involved.
He mainly uses his tennis player image to become a celebrity.
This involves staging photo sessions with him posing in his tennis uniform or performing cool moves for the camera.
He mainly performs solo and the few times that he partakes in a doubles match is if his partner can boost his image.
This has resulted in him getting into arguments with them because of his lazy nature.
He ended up in multiple flings with various fangirls which tarnished his image as a celebrity.
His wardrobe consists of a white polo shirt with orange stripes, shorts and a red sweatband. 
Chihiro Fujisaki as the SHSL Maid/Butler
(As to avoid potential discourse, I’m going to gloss over their backstory and headcanon them as genderfluid)
They find cleaning and organizing rooms to be mentally relaxing.
They take pleasure knowing that a clean house or room will become much refreshing and comforting to their client(s).
Most people are surprised that someone as small and fragile like them is capable of doing multiple chores and duties in a single day.
They prefer to work behind the scenes or with as few people watching over them.
Chihiro often has difficulties when it comes to making public announcements to large groups.
Some days they dress up in maid uniforms while other days they dress up as a butler.
Their specialty when it comes to cooking is making perfect creme brulee. 
Mondo Oowada as the SHSL Artist
As a professional artist, Mondo can make a variety of artworks.
His area of specialties include sculptures and murals.
Despite making tons of money with his artworks, he secretly dislikes the rich people who buy his pieces due to their snooty personalities.
He initially hated his talent because he was hoping to be good at something that was more manly or cooler.
His big brother was the reason for why he became an artist to begin with.
Having been Mondo’s main parental figure their whole lives, Daiya wanted to ensure that his brother would have a secure career that he could be proud of and that he wouldn’t have to risk his life for. Just like he does as a gang leader.
After his inevitable death, Mondo took his art career more seriously to honor his big brother.
He wears cargo pants with a white tank top and has a paint splattered bandanna around his neck.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru as the SHSL Aikido Master
He took up aikido believing it to be an ideal practice of mastering self control
He devotes most of his freetime to studying the different forms of aikido aswell as the religious aspects tied to the skill.
At his old school(s) he became popular for taking down various delinquents who would terrorize his defenseless classmates. But what really moved everyone was how Kiyotaka invited each delinquent to join him so that they can master self control and change their lives for the better.
He ended up becoming the president of a large club dedicated to aikido.
Despite his popularity, Kiyotaka is still very awkward at friend making as all he can discuss is his general studies and aikido. 
All of his relations with his peers are purely professional.
Hifumi Yamada as the SHSL Anthropologist
He started out by watching foreign cartoons and dramas and wondered how different they were compared to the ones shown in Japan.
This led to him binge watching multiple foreign shows while taking notes and analyzing the cultural norms displayed in each show.
His hard work paid off when he landed a spot on a TV show where he showcased his research and the popularity for each show in their respective country.
He does most of his research in his hometown but sometimes he’ll travel to specific cities either to showcase new research or to analyze a TV show/movie production.
He dreams of being remembered as a hero who was able to connect every culture and bring world harmony.
He often reaches out to Sayaka in the hopes that they could do a travel collab together but she politely denies his requests using various reasons.
Celestia Ludenberg as the SHSL Inventor
She uses a steampunk lolita ensemble whenever she makes public appearances and speaks with a Victorian accent.
She’s able to maintain her composure when she’s in an environment with an exceptionally hot temperature.
Celestia takes pride in being able to take apart the most mundane of household appliances and rebuild them into something better and praiseworthy. 
Several companies have already commissioned her to make service drones.
She’s willing to make any invention that’s requested provided that the client can afford her extravagant prices.
There’s rumors that she’s been secretly making inventions that can brainwash people and turn them into her obedient servants.
She’s openly expressed interest in studying Kyoko’s existence but the robot makes it clear that she doesn’t want to be involved.
Sakura Oogami as the SHSL Entomologist
While she underwent extreme training thanks to her family’s profession, she has caused conflict among them for refusing to continue the fighting legacy in favor of her true passion.
She’s earned the nickname “The Mountain Woman” on account of how she’s always spotted hanging out in the mountain range studying bug life.
Sakura earned publicity by researching every individual insect found in Japan and how they interact with one another in their ecosystem.
Sometimes she allows the more dangerous insects and arachnids to bite/sting her so she can develop an endurance towards their toxins.  
She also does environmental activism by stopping companies from illegally destroying the forests.
In her spare time, she enjoys meditating in the middle of the woods or by waterfalls.
Aoi sometimes asks if Sakura could lend her some of her butterflies for her magic shows.
Junko Enoshima as the SHSL Supreme Leader
She’s a cult leader. Plain and simple.
Using her analytical talent, Junko can analyze any person who’s unfortunate enough to talk to her.
By lending her ears, she gives them the impression of a person who genuinely cares about them and their problems no matter how pathetic they may be.
Most of the people who are drawn to her are often poor unfortunate souls who have been hurt by society or loved ones.
Wanting to fight boredom, she used her initial members for manipulation games and mental torture to see how powerful her charismatic personality can be.
She uses her findings to establish herself as a prominent figure of the 21st century.
A figure that can guarantee dramatic change if her subjects are willing to follow her commands.
When she decides to become the SHSL Despair, she uses an alternate persona via Monokuma to broadcast messages of despair and hard truths to the listening audiences.
And to keep Hope’s Peak and the police from catching on about her plans, she makes it so that she runs an exclusive club for intellectual and high class individuals. 
Makoto Naegi as the SHSL Astronaut
Despite being average, he wanted to show everyone that it’s possible to accomplish the extraordinary even if you’re ordinary.
He loved the idea of going to space and seeing the beauty of the stars and the Earth down below.
Ever since middle school, he’s been training his body so he can be prepared for space travel.
He’s studied different star systems but he has difficulties when it comes to mechanical engineering and repair.
The closest he’s been to space was traveling in ships that reach high enough for him to experience zero gravity.
Despite being the youngest member of the space program, all the staff members adore him for his bright personality and his eagerness when it comes to completing missions.
In his free time, he tries to learn English and Russian should he be assigned to work with astronauts of the US or Russia.
Kyoko Kirigiri as the SHSL Robot
Her creator was her grandfather Fuhito who wanted an heir for his engineering business.
Her design was modeled after his young granddaughter who had died alongside her mother.
Having familiarized herself with the ongoing grudge between Fuhito and Jin, Kyoko can’t help but wonder if her creation was born out of spite.
She’s willing to follow along with her grandfather’s wishes but she does question if her actions are because she was programmed to follow them or because she herself wants to do it.
She’s built with a titanium body armor that can endure any extreme forms of damage along with providing her with super strength. 
Given the right resources, she can also hack any computer system and gain access to any information found in said system.
Jin had conflicting feelings about allowing Kyoko to enter Hope’s Peak due to her bringing up feelings of anguish for his lost daughter and needed to be pushed by his dad to accept her.
She prefers to stay in the background analyzing the actions and behaviors of her classmates but she will show no hesitation in using force to resolve potential conflicts. 
Byakuya Togami as the SHSL Cosplayer
In this reality, he lost his chance of becoming the Togami Heir and was banished from the family.
He still wanted to make a name for himself and decided to pursue a career that no one in his family would cross paths with him in: cosplaying.
Initially, he was depressed for a month after losing his big chance and immersed himself in anime shows to drown out his depression.
In a way, he found inspiration by watching the protagonists who continued onward and decided to make new paths for themselves despite failing to achieve their initial dreams.
If he wanted to be like them, then he could try dressing like them.
He only watches anime that has an enriching fantasy setting or has historical themes
Using what was left of his money, he funded a public fashion show that displayed the elaborate costumes of famous anime characters.
He became a big hit and was given sponsorships to produce more cosplays. 
He has a love/hate relationship with his talent. On one hand, he prides himself in being the best at cosplaying. But on the other, he hates it because it’s a reminder that he lost his right to be a Togami.
Touko Fukawa as the SHSL Detective
Having grown up reading mystery novels, Touko became familiar with the cliches and expected tropes found in each given mystery.
Before going freelance, she served as a secretary for a private detective.
When looking over his cases, she pointed out the familiar patterns for each case while explaining her reasonings behind her deductions. She ended up being right 9 times out of 10.
The PI decided to give her simple cases that involved family drama and cheating spouses to test and expand her knowledge.
Eventually she would be hired for more extreme cases involving drug rings and murder.
Because of her abusive childhood and upbringing, Touko still has Dissociative Identity Disorder and created Genocider Syo as a coping mechanism to protect her.
But rather than killing people like a cliche yandere, Syo shows up whenever Touko ends up cornered or captured by dangerous criminals.
While she has no idea what gloomy got herself into, Syo has no issue with thrashing the low lives who would threaten her existence.
This has often led to the criminals becoming seriously injured or even being killed as a result. When it comes to the latter, Syo takes special care to ensure that it looked like an accident or that the criminal died by someone else’s hand.
This unfortunately resulted in Touko having a bad reputation as a loose cannon detective.
The detective decided to cut ties with Touko to maintain his business but ensured to tell her that she has what it takes to be a true detective.
She still thinks badly of others and is quick to point out the negative qualities associated with that person.
Yasuhiro Hagakure as the SHSL Assassin
The reason he got into assassination was to own up for his mistakes.
When he was 13, his gambling habit led to him and his mother losing their house and having to live on the streets.
Wanting her son to learn responsibility, Hiroko called in an old friend who had ties with the local yakuza and requested that he give her son a job.
Unbeknownst to the two, the only job that the friend could offer was being an assassin. And wanting to make his mom proud of her boy, Yasuhiro accepted the job without telling Hiroko.
After years of brutal and life threatening training, Yasuhiro became the clan’s go-to hitman and was handsomely rewarded every time he successfully got rid of a clan enemy or someone who couldn’t pay their debts.
His preferences for killing involve drugging the victims with slow but lethal poisons or attacking them when they’re alone. His appearance requires him to be extra cunning as to avoid being detected.
Eventually he was caught by the authorities but was contacted by Hope’s Peak who learned about his unusual career. 
He was given two choices: he could go to jail for his murder or he could attend HP so that his talent could be studied while also receiving the school’s protection. Even a moron like Yasuhiro knew what choice to take.
When he went to tell his mom the good news, he found that she disappeared without a trace. Some say that Hiroko left out of shame when she found out about her son’s crimes, others believe that she was kidnapped and killed by revenge driven enemies. Regardless of the rumors, Yasuhiro has a gut feeling that she’s still out there and he intends to find her to make things right.
He uses the SHSL Fortune Teller title to keep his assassin career a secret.
He still maintains his carefree and ditzy personality both because no one would ever expect him of being a professional killer and so that he can keep pushing forward in life without falling into complete despair.
His baggy clothing and dreadlocks make it easy for him to hide knives or bottles of poison.
Aoi Asahina as the SHSL Magician
Ever since she was a little girl, Aoi loved everything about magic.
She read different types of fairy tales and myths so she can learn more about it and use them for her shows.
When she first started, she would perform tricks for her brother Yuta and would ask for his input regarding each performance and how she could improve herself.
Her costume is based on the classic witches mixed with a magical girl theme. (Think along the lines of Little Witch Academia).
Her magic shows put alot of emphasis on spectacle and enchantment so the people watching could fall in love with the concept of magic.
When she has the time, she bakes her own special donuts and offers them to a certain number of lucky participants.
Despite her friends and family encouraging her to participate in competitions, Aoi doesn’t feel that it would be right to use her magic tricks to compete for publicity.
She wants her magic shows to be an inspirational thing that brings happiness and wonder to the people watching.
She enjoys performing for children and often performs at schools, hospitals and orphanages.
The trick she’s best at performing is the underwater escape challenge.
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dailytuition-blog · 7 years
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pauldeckerus · 6 years
Photography: AI Everywhere
There are two major trends in photography today. The first is the ever-increasing numbers of photos being made. I can’t even be bothered to look up how many billions of photos are being uploaded to Instickrbook every minute or every day or every year. It’s a lot. This is usually talked about in terms of how many photos there are, and how we are drowning in them.
This isn’t quite right. Unless you’re an Instagram addict, most of the pictures you see in a day are still mass media: ads, news, entertainment. You see maybe a few hundred of those billions of snapshots. A picture of a movie star might be seen by a billion people, whereas your picture of your cat, or even of that pretty model, might only be seen by ten. The billions don’t affect us much on the consumption side.
The billions are a reflection of how many people are now picture-makers. 50 years ago, maybe 1-2 percent of the world’s population was a picture maker. Now, it’s more like 20-80 percent and rising. Is it reasonable now to say that basically every person on earth has had their picture taken? Has almost every object, every car, every hill, every waterfall, every beach has been photographed? If not yet, soon.
It’s not really so many photographs! It’s so many photographers!
A selfie styled using an AI, duplicated by cloning
Hold that thought while we take a look at the second trend: AI, neural networks.
All the top-end phone cameras use neural networks for something, be it Apple’s Portrait Mode, or Google’s low-light photography. We’re changing from a world in which you pull pixels off the sensor and manipulate them in-place, leaving them fixed in their rigid rectangular grid except maybe for a little bit of cloning (usually). In the new world we will dump one or more grids of pixels (frames, exposures) into a neural network, and what pops out is something new.
Perhaps soon we’ll see sensors designed to be handled this way.
Perhaps sensors will have some big photosites for high sensitivity, and some small ones for detail (noisy). Perhaps the Bayer array will be replaced by something else. Perhaps it would be reasonable to skip demosaicing and let the AI sort that out. Take a couple of exposures with this crazy mass of different sized pixels, some noisy, some not, some overexposed, some underexposed, some colored, some not. Throw the whole mess into the AI that’s been trained to turn these into pictures. At no point before the AI starts working is there anything that even remotely looks like a picture, it’s twice as raw as RAW. Maybe.
But whether sensors go this way or not, AI/neural networks are with us to stay.
As a simple experiment, I used one of the online AI photo tools to uprez a photograph of some fruit, which I had first downrezzed to 100×80 pixels. The tool gave me back a 400×320 pixel picture which it created.
It looks a bit soft, but it’s not bad, and it’s much much better than the 100 pixel mess I gave it to work with. Here is the original, downrezzed to a matching 400×320 picture:
We can see that the AI was able to re-paint convincing-looking edges on the fruit, which were formerly jaggies from the downrezzing. The AI did not put the detail in the surface of the fruit back, obviously. How could it? While this is a pretty simple system, it is essentially painting a new picture based on the input (jagged) picture, and its “knowledge” of how the real world looks. Most of the little defects and splotches on the fruit are pretty much gone in the reconstructed one.
So, here’s the key point: The uprezzed picture looks pretty real, but it’s not. It’s not what the fruit looked like.
There are really two areas where AIs can do things we don’t want, and they’re really simple. One is “what if they work wrong?” and the other is “what if they work right?”
Wrong is easy, everything gets rendered as a huge pile of eyes or kittens or whatever. It’s amusing, maybe, but just wrong. What if the AI takes in a blurry picture of a toy gun, and repaints it as a real gun based on what it “knows” about guns? It’s funny, or irrelevant, right up to the moment the picture turns up in a courtroom.
What about when it’s working right? What happens when your phone’s camera insists on making women’s eyes a little bigger and their lips a little fuller and their skin a little smoother, and you can’t turn it off because the sensor literally won’t work without the neural network? Is this good or bad? It depends, right?
Apparently “Snapchat body dysmorphia” is already a thing, with people finding dissatisfaction with their own bodies arising from their self-image as seen through Snapchat. Retail portraiture often renders the subjects as a sort of plastic with worryingly intense eyes, but imagine what happens when you can’t even obtain a straight photograph of yourself unless you know someone with an old camera.
Now put these two trends together.
Five years from now, maybe, pretty much every camera will have some kind of neural network/AI technology in it. Maybe to make it work at all, maybe just for a handful of shooting modes, maybe something we haven’t even thought of. This means pretty much every picture that gets taken is going to be something that an AI painted for us, based on some inputs.
This means that in 5 years, maybe 10, not only will everything and everyone be photographed, but also every one of those photographs will be subtly distorted, wrong, untruthful. Whether we want them to be or not. Every picture of a woman or a girl will be subtly beautified by the standards of some programmer in Palo Alto. Every landscape will be a little cleaned up, a little more colorful. Every night photograph will be an interpolation based on a bunch of very noisy pixels, an interpolation that looks very very realistic, but which shows a bunch of stuff in the shadows that is just flat out made up by the AI.
We’re going to have billions of cameras, from a dozen vendors, each with a dozen software versions in the wild. If there is a plausible scenario for something that could go wrong, at this kind of scale you can be pretty sure that somewhere, sometime, it’s going to go wrong. Sometimes the AI will simply behave badly, and at other times it will behave exactly as designed, with lousy outcomes anyways.
The thing that makes a photograph a photo and not a painting is that it’s drawn, with light, from the world itself. Yes, it’s just one point of view. Yes, it’s a crop. Yes, some parts are blurry. Yes, it might have been cloned and airbrushed. But with those caveats, in its own limited way, it’s truthful. The new world, coming with the speed of a freight train, is about to throw that away. Things that look like photographs will not be, they will be photo-realistic paintings made by neural networks that look a lot like what was in front of the lens.
They’ll be close enough that we’ll tend to trust them because the programmers will make sure of that. That’s what a photograph is, right? It’s trustable, with limits. But these things won’t be trustworthy. Not quite.
These magical automatic painting machines will be trained by the young, the white, the male, the American, by whomever, for use by the old, the non-white, the global. Even if you object to “political correctness,” you will someday be using a camera that was trained to paint its pictures by someone who isn’t much very like you.
There will be consequences: social, ethical, cultural, legal. We just don’t know entirely what they will be.
About the author: Andrew Molitor writes software by day and takes pictures by night. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. Molitor is based in Norfolk, Virginia, and does his best to obsess over gear, specs, or sharpness. You can find more of his writing on his blog. This article was also published here.
Image credits: Header photo based on illustration by Mike MacKenzie via www.vpnsrus.com and licensed under CC BY 2.0
from Photography News https://petapixel.com/2018/12/05/photography-ai-everywhere/
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dailytuition-blog · 7 years
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dailytuition-blog · 7 years
Waterfall Over Earth Photo Manipulation - Photoshop Tutorial C6
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