#water bill distributorship
amit0707 · 8 months
How Can We Enhance Our Water Use Efficiency?
In a world where water scarcity is becoming an increasingly pressing concern, finding innovative ways to enhance water use efficiency is crucial. Azoic is a brand that stands out by not only addressing water scarcity but also by making clean drinking water accessible to everyone.
Understanding Water Use Efficiency
Water use efficiency refers to the responsible and sustainable utilization of water resources. It's all about getting the most out of our available water supply while minimizing waste and environmental impacts. Water use efficiency matters on both personal and global levels as we strive to ensure clean, accessible drinking water for everyone.
The Water-Energy Nexus
One important aspect of water use efficiency is understanding the connection between water and energy. Optimizing water use directly impacts energy conservation, which, in turn, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and promotes environmental sustainability. Azoic recognizes the intricate relationship between water and energy and acts accordingly.
Strategies for Enhancing Water Use Efficiency
Azoic employs various strategies and practices to enhance water use efficiency, and these can serve as a guide for us all:
Water-Saving Technologies and Innovations: Azoic invests in low-flow fixtures and appliances, smart irrigation systems, and water recycling and reclamation, all of which contribute to significant water savings.
Behavioral Changes and Conservation Practices: Azoic promotes small but impactful changes, such as fixing leaks and drips, rainwater collection, and reducing water waste in daily activities.
Landscaping and Gardening for Water Efficiency: Azoic advocates for xeriscaping and drought-resistant plants and employs soil management techniques to reduce water consumption in landscaping and gardening.
Sustainable Agriculture and Industrial Practices: In the agricultural and industrial sectors, Azoic supports precision agriculture and closed-loop systems that significantly reduce water use.
Water-Efficient Policies and Regulations: Azoic actively engages with governments to encourage incentives and rebates for water-efficient practices and the adoption of sustainable water policies on a larger scale.
The Role of Technology in Enhancing Water Efficiency
Azoic is not just about traditional conservation efforts; it's embracing technology to optimize water use. Through smart technologies and data analysis, Azoic identifies inefficiencies and promotes data-driven decisions to enhance water use efficiency.
Education and Awareness
Azoic recognizes the importance of educating individuals and communities about water use efficiency. They actively raise awareness about the global water crisis and the role of personal actions in mitigating it. Azoic is contributing to the promotion of water-conscious behaviors and choices.
Economic and Environmental Benefits
By embracing water use efficiency, Azoic is delivering economic advantages such as reduced water bills and lower energy costs. Simultaneously, the brand contributes to environmental benefits, including conserving ecosystems and biodiversity and reducing carbon emissions.
Challenges and Barriers to Water Use Efficiency
Azoic acknowledges that there are obstacles and misconceptions related to water-saving practices. They are committed to finding solutions to overcome resistance and ensure water use efficiency is embraced by all.
Azoic's commitment to water use efficiency is not just about brand success; it's about a collective responsibility to enhance water use for a sustainable future. By providing clean drinking water and leading the way in responsible water use, Azoic is making a real difference in the world's water crisis. Visit https://azoicwater.com/our-presence/ for more info on our distributorship in various states.
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cubber-store · 4 years
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Pay fast, easy and secured water bill with cubber store at 0% convenience fee for NDMC, SMC, UIT Bhiwadi, Delhi Jal Board and many more operators
Just Payment Now with Cubber Merchant App/Website it’s provide high commission online water bill payment services for different water bill payment operators. Now you can pay water bill as your comfort for customers Just Payment Now as a Retailer or Distributor to provide such hassle free faster water bill payment services to your valuable customers.
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SENTRO Multi Level Membership Shopping and Distribution System
Earn unlimited income from your usual spending. Get your profits from all FMCG’s and top Multi National Company’s in the world, i.e., Coca-cola, Nestle, Procter and Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, Unilever,  Mondelez, L’Oreal, Nike Inc., Samsung Group, Philip Morris, AB inBev and Apple Inc., etc. etc. Campaign overview Earn from your own expenses and from the expenses of thousands of others. Join Sentro's unique design of innovative distribution and consumer empowerment system. Experience like a part owner of all Top Multi National Company and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods/ Products (FMCG's) in the world.   The Supermarket and Distribution system of the future generation using blockchain technology. By supporting Sentro, You can own a huge business patronized by the vast majority of consumers. Join a whole new breed of empowered consumers all over the world. The Greatest Evolution Ever! Sentro Multi-level Membership Shopping and Distribution System You are a consumer, you consume your basic needs such as food, drinks, medicines, clothing and hundreds of others to make a short list. Many of you doesn’t know, you are a big investor! Really big, bigger than what you think and imagine.  You invested your time, effort, knowledge, profession, expertise and many more. THE BIGGEST OF THEM ALL IS YOUR PURCHASES!!! As human beings, it is part of our nature to seek comfort, convenience and satisfaction in life. Let’s go back to the very basic to expound further. It is natural for you to “look for the freshest and most delicious food, in a nearest store in your place at the cheapest price possible”. You may get all these wants and needs of yours, but you can’t have all of these for FREE! All of these things will surely cost you. Nothing in this world is for FREE, everything has its cost even to the very basic of your needs. That is the realities in life. But, what if…..someone tells you that it is more than possible and they experienced it. Will you listen to their story? What if…..someone can prove to you, all of those are FREE.  It's just a part of your profits! Will you give your littlest support or your biggest damn on it? SENTRO TOKEN (Cryptocurrency) Using Ethereum Blockchain Technology The Promising token or surely the dominant in the near future? Many has been written and said about Cryptocurrencies- its existence, significance, importance and predictions are no questions at all. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology will change our traditional financial system to the next level. Today, there are many cryptocurrency’s exist in the market with its own use and purposes. We will try our simplest way to explain why Sentro Token is very potential. Sentro will use this technology to take the benefits of this platform. Sentro Token will served as a storage of value for the use of (1) stocks for shareholders, investors and key employees, (2) incentives and (3) as a payment for members who participated in membership shopping such as Points Value (PV). Since we are talking of currency/money, let us begin with the evolution of economy. Today, the dominant traditional currency is U.S. dollar. It is the basis of all the trading and commercial activities in the world.  Some of the reasons are; for being stable, establish and because of a very strong foundation and many more. There are some few traditional currencies which is more valuable than U.S. dollar, such as pound, euro, and some dinnar. Question- why are they not the basis of trading activity in the world? The answer is up to you. Since we are talking of evolution, let us go back a little bit farther sometime during the Roman Empire. It is their currency that dominates the world for many centuries.  Today, all their currencies are of no value at all.  Please don’t misunderstood-we mean currency issues alone, not as a souvenir or collector’s item if you have some. It is very clear, the one that dominates the economy dominates the currency.  The same philosophy with many cryptocurrencies. Before we conclude, let’s discuss a little bit more.  The combined assets and value of the top FMCG’s and Multi National Company’s is no doubt dominating the world economy today and will surely dominate world for another hundreds of years. We’ll give you an exact detail and example. What if Coca-Cola created their own cryptocurrency?  Which no one can prohibits them to do so, will you buy a token as an investment? Surely a lot of people will speculate what’s the plan of Coca-Cola if they runs an ICO.  Assuming they did, (Coca-Cola Token) it’s for their company’s gain. With this, comes now the COMPETITION, in the culture and tradition of trade and commerce, it’s a natural instinct for Pepsi Cola Company to do the same, create their own token. Same thing with Nestle and Mondelez (Kraft), with Procter & Gamble and Unilever and so on and so forth.  Lastly, we’re just assuming if they did it, what if they don’t? Does it make any difference at all?
This is where the secret lies behind the creation of SENTRO TOKEN. THE TOKEN WITH THE COMBINED WORTH OF ALL MNC’s products and FMCG’s COMPANY'S IN THE WORLD!!!
Once we raised the sufficient funding and put Sentro into the mainstream of operation, SENTRO TOKEN will prove its worth.
As of this writing, our exchange rate = $1.00 for 50 Sentro Token. Contribute now and help us build the next generation supermarket, distribution system and membership shopping. Like and share our Facebook and claim your 1 Sentro token.Date of ICO will be announce after our Indiegogo campaign.
This is our inspiration why Sentro was conceived and founded in 2015. SENTRO (Stands for Center for Trade and Commerce) is a trade mark with a pending Intellectual Property Rights in the Philippines owned by Fountain of Graces Marketing Inc. It was conceived and organized by a young entrepreneur supported by his friends of a group of energetic and experienced young men and women comprises of entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, financial planners and IT professionals with their common outlook in life, due to a lot of learned experiences in their own field of profession respectively. They foresee that evolution in the field of trading, marketing, selling, banking and finance is enevitable.
Our Relevant Story In 1999, the proponent started a very small trading entity selling unbranded products produce in the countryside such as rice, meat, processed fish and many others.  During this time as a single proprietor, he tied-up his small business with a courier services company, particularly delivering mails. Some of them are billings of credit card holders, household electric bills, household water bills, bills of TV network service provider and many others. From this tie-up, he got the data base of more than a hundred of thousands of individuals were he offered his products on a door to door delivery scheme. The business grow rapidly—they received hundreds of calls of orders per day. This synergetic tie-up was the start of The Greatest Evolution. Challenges and risk arises, suggestions and demands from the consumers began in every aspects, i.e. production, supply, more availability of basic products, quality issue and delivery service must be take into consideration as priority or else. This is when they decided to set-up a company and apply for a distributorship of the largest food and beverage conglomerate in the Philippines to consider suggestions and   demands of consumers. Even to this day, traditional distributorship in the Philippines and many other countries of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG’s) products requires so much and bounded by their company’s laws, rules and regulations. To mention a very important few, these are:   a) It must be regulated by territorial boundaries; b) Must be particular of product brands to be carried; c) Exclusivity to their own brands, products and company; d) Strict compliance on their pricing scheme. The proponent’s application for distributorship was approved and gained full satisfaction from their customers but it serves only a few of them due to distributorship territorial boundary issues or suffer the penalty of encroachment. Take note, their customers are spread out nationwide. The proponent was then in a dilemma. To give-up the distributorship contract and or to produce and develop its own products and brand just to serve their nationwide customers. Or let the mother company appoint other traditional distributor to serve their own client in other places. It is in this time, when proponent took the courage to do the impossible!!! That is to seek the approval of the mother company to allow them to do the business scheme without territorial boundaries.
Doing the impossible took 3 long challenging years. Meetings, series of presentations, politicking, rapports, and public relations are part of their day to day life. Believed it or not, the proponents risk everything- money, property, belongings and even their lives just to make things done and make it happen. It was in year 2004 when the impossible became possible. Appointment from the mother company has been made and issued, and contract has been signed and executed. It is the first and only one of a kind distribution appointment and contract the mother company issued in their more than a hundred of years in existense. The business was in all sorts superlatively successful. With the mother company’s support as being their official partner and the only accredited door to door and home delivery service distributor, proponent gained so much, much more than they expect during those 3 long challenging years of application process. (Please see Sentro.ph)
After 2 years of a very fruitful operations, the proponents has to experience another challenges in life, it is then when they are notified to just go back to the traditional way of distribution and their existing contract will not be allowed to renew. Obviously, it is because of a lot of compelling reasons on the part of the mother company. The mother company tried to do the same business scheme, but only in less than a year they failed and stopped.
The rest is history and it is up for the proponents to tell. For them, it's just the start of The Greatest Evolution. Looking back, from an impoverished trader of meat, fish and rice and became the largest distributor of the largest food and beverages conglomerate in Southeast Asia in a matter of 3 years is something that we should be very thankful of.
The business was very successful in general, but has a lot of limitations and stumbling block from the traditional system of marketing, trading and distribution. One main reason, the said systems is not yet ready or maybe, will never be ready in this kind of evolution in technology. The evolution we are referring to is inevitable (The Blockchain Technology).  We pray to God that we are the destined one to lead this evolution, but if we are not the lucky one, we are 100% sure somebody will succeed to do this sooner or later.
As a supporter and contributor. Just imagine, you will be part of the Greatest Evolution!? Evolution in whatever kind has a superb feeling of satisfaction. From now on, you will be feeding millions of people suffering from hunger. You will give permanent jobs and livelihood opportunities to those millions of people. As contributor, it is you who will transformed them to become part-owner of the largest bank in the world in the near future!!
This is not yet the magnitude of your contribution and support. It is only a portion of it. There is much and much more unmentioned and unexplained benefits to this Greatest Evolution. Ask yourself, if you can do this for those millions of people, how much more to yourself and your loved ones?
What We Need & What You Get We need to raise $600,000 to set up one Sentro Supermarket which will also serve as distribution center and warehouse. (Please watch the video presentation provided and visit our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and website. Copy of the detailed Capital Expenditures Budget is available, we can email it to you upon request).
We gladly accept contribution and support in kind (products). Especially products from this crowdfunding  community that we can sell and turn into cash or as demo sample products for us to promote, market and accept orders in your behalf on the premise that you will appoint us as your authorized distributor in the Philippines.
Sentro has created its own token (cryptocurrency/Sentro Coin) using Ethereum Blockchain technology, which we are not only certain that it will appreciate rapidly in value, but we are also 100% confident.  Why? Because of the inevitable evolution.   A TOKEN OF A COMBINED WORTH OF TOP MNC’s and FMCG's IN THE WORLD!!! Sentro offers you the following: A. Sentro will issue to a backer 50 Sentro Token equivalent for every dollar support     & contribution. B. Payback plan – On top of A., for every dollar contribution & support, Sentro will payback the backer the amount plus 100% after the ICO based on the prevailing market price. C. A backer/s with $10,000.00 support/contribution will be entitled as priority franchisee or have the rights of first refusal in his/her chosen area. Subject to franchise fees and other related fees. D. A backer/s with $20,000.00 is entitled as priority franchisee or have the rights of first refusal in his/her chosen area without franchise fees or any other fees. E. Like and share our campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and claim 1 Sentro Token. Note: We will use this plattform and other Ethereum plattforms  to raise the necessary funds and capital to set-up Sentro Supermarket and Distribution Center for the candidate franchisee in C. and D. in last quarter of 2019. If we don't reach the target amount, we will still continue to source out funds in other ways.  We will still continue working on it until it will become a reality. The Impact All projects, big or small, business or social cause are valuable and deserves the support and prayers from contributors. We are just one of them, but once this project is carried out and put into the mainstream of operation, we will be the one to support and welcome you all, should you need our services to sell, promote and distribute your projects, products, services, appeal, messages and even your dreams and aspirations to the millions of people all over the world. Once these programs are carried out by SENTRO, their implementation will certainly improve the sales of basic goods and FMCG’s products geometrically.  This will indeed be beneficial prospects not only for the owners of SENTRO but also for the outlet owners (franchisee) and consumers (members). 1. Advertising in the highest order: This will ensure the marketability of any products and a full conquest of the hearts & mind of the people. 2. Promotion at its fullest: SENTRO points and rewards system is designed to excite and allow sharing of benefits to their consumers by providing useful products or service for either free, big discounts or ultimately beneficial. 3. Sales revolution: Redefine and convert traditional salesmanship and transform standard services to a more responsive system suited to individual & household needs. 4. Marketing & Distribution: The system of the now and future generation provides for the adaptability to the advancement in technology.  Letting the people experience the ultimate benefits of the internet while consuming.  Note: These impact is beneficial not only for SENTRO, its franchisee partners and its members, but also for all products/brands and companies that will join the SENTRO rewards system. 5. Economic/Social Impact: The system adds to a tremendous labor absorption capacity of the economy and at the same time creates an acceptable method of transformation and innovation, shopping & distribution. *The Multi-Level Membership Shopping & Distribution system of SENTRO is highly profitable venture.  Please see attached financials and profit and loss projections. Risks & Challenges There are a lot of obstacle and challenges in every evolution and we are not exempted from this. But every evolution solved its own obstacle and overcame their challenges. The only challenges we foresee and currently experiencing is that many companies (suppliers of products to Sentro) are not ready or may not be amenable at this time to transform their traditional system to this evolution. But the “competition issue” of the products and brands of different manufacturers is the solution itself. They will be forced to join Sentro Marketing System to patronize their products by the consuming public or else they will be left behind in terms of sale. Based on the many years of experience in the distribution business, this will qualify us to handle risk and challenges. Plus the advantage of using the latest and advance technology that other supermarkets and distributors do not. This will complete the plan to overcome all these challenges.   Other Ways You Can Help Please join us and be part of this Greatest Evolution. We promise to reach you out in return with heart and soul fulfillment. We are also looking for a donor or a lender of supplier / manufacturer of electric motor for our cargo vehicles/ trikes that we will use for delivery and distribution of products. Please share our campaign and videos to your friends and associates.
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one                                                                    
 - John Lennon-
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