#watching the farmer closely and imagining every bruise and every time the farmer is stressed as a sign of some huge tragedy
reallyghostlypost · 5 months
What if Lance was present during the Void Shard cutscene?
Marlon was obviously worried but didn't show much reactions to the news, since he's not a wizard and he probably spends little time in the Badlands, but Lance would be much more familiar both with what is happening there and the meaning behind the shard itself. He'd be an interesting addition to the event.
I'm not even sure Marlon and Magnus are aware how massive and strong Apophis is after the cutscene, they seem to act like it's just a bigger serpent and not the king of all the corrupted monsters in the Badlands. It's possible that whatever teams will be sent to fight Apophis will be in great danger simply for severely underestimating the monster even after the farmer warns them (in part because they also underestimate the farmer).
Lance is more familiar with the monsters there (and he researches monsters for a living), he'd probably ask a lot more questions about the much larger and stronger serpent the farmer battled for once. I assume he's at least be interested in how much larger the serpent was and farmer's answer will shock him at lot more. After all he spent a lot of time fighting in the Badlands and he never encountered anything like that.
So he would also be curious about where this serpent was when the farmer fought it, at least to make sure both him and his colleagues can at least not stumble upon the monster unprepared. The fact that Apophis is hiding in a place adventurers never reach is also something Marlon and Magnus never learned, again probably because they are not very familiar with the Badlands, not in the same way someone who fights there weekly would be. And Lance would be able to understand just how weird that is by remembering how deep in the Badlands he himself reached. Apophis seems to always be just barely out of reach for adventurers to meet him, why didn't he ever left his territory to go after the ones who got close to the boneyard?
And finally he would have more to say about the shard itself. He's more familiar with the void magic and the corruption happening in the Badlands than Marlon, so he'll understand how dangerous and unusual that shard is as soon as he'll see it. He's also probably not trained in communicating with the elementals like Magnus is, but he probably understands enough about it to ask more questions. And he'll definitely discuss more with Marlon what the shard shattering means. Or at least he'll try but Magnus will probably rush them both to the Ministry.
Since he can visit the Ministry as a wizard he'll leave with Magnus I assume. And although he'll probably be forbidden to talk about the Ministry's decision he'll still give a few for hints than Magnus. Like mentioning that he's worried or how unusual Apophis is even for the Badlands or something.
(This would mean he'd also be more familiar with the shard's energy and when the farmer will end up with the Seal of Silence on them he'll be more aware with what that means and panic more about it. After all, whoever is responsible for the Corruption not only took a personal interest in the farmer but also forces them to not talk about anything relating to it. The farmer could get tortured every few days for all Lance knows and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, or even know about it since the farmer can't even ask for help. And if the shard self destructed when Magnus tried to learn more about it who's to say the Seal won't kill the farmer if Lance starts asking them questions about it? It's a lot more dramatic this way :D Imagine the worry and the guilt for not being able to protect the farmer🤤)
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blvirz · 4 years
Living Life Through a Lens: Chapter Seven
Chapter 7: I Lied
Word Count: 5.9K
Warnings: None
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[10:00 AM NZST]
           Bringing up the ad she saw in the newspaper Rosé suggested going to the farmer’s market that was being held a few minutes from the hotel. You agreed and argued that it would be the best option as the paparazzi would probably have a hard time following than if you went to a more well-known shopping area. In reality, walking to the farmers market would have been a better idea because the big van that pulled up only drew more attention to you guys. Luckily, the people at the market were of an older generation and paid no attention to you after they had finished staring.
Splitting up into groups Lisa had chosen to walk next to you. From what you could see there were a great deal of large pitched tents that housed a variety of different shops. They sold everything from clothing, to jewelry and little trinkets all the way to local cuisine and candy. Lisa had her eye out for food, which you noticed she was happily enjoying as she walked alongside you. Every tent that was offering free samples she pointed and dragged you along to. You were pretty sure that if you weren’t paying attention to what she was looking at, she would have yanked your arm out of its socket by now. She also took pictures of what caught her eye, sometimes including you.
Curious you asked her, “how many pictures do you think you take in a day?”
While examining her camera she replied, “I’m not actually sure… I always just shoot what I like and when I run out of film, I refill it.”
That was something you could relate to, just shooting until you ran out of film or space in your memory card, you could quickly replace it with a new one. Much like an automated machine.
Moments later Lisa’s eyes widened as if she had just remembered something, “Oh! That reminds me. Y/N, do you think you could teach me a few things about filming? Like video? I have been wanting to learn but have no one to teach me.”
You smiled, “of course, I would love to.”
Something in a jewelry shop had caught Jisoo’s attention. Both Jennie and Rosé followed her into the tent, while you and Lisa still in conversation, stood outside. Plus, there were already too many people in the tent. Jennie was looking at a necklace and while examining it closely, she happened to make eye contact with you and smiled. Lisa took notice and while smiling herself, she said to you, “you know… Jennie-unnie really likes you. When we got back to the hotel last night, she mentioned how much she enjoyed her morning with you. She thinks very highly of you… and I think the same.”
Giving her a quick hug from the side you said, “I never thought I would hear those words coming from you. I knew we would become friends but never imagined that we would get this close so quickly. I think the world of you guys too.”
Lisa looked at you strangely, “is it so hard to believe that still? I’ve watched your documentaries, Y/N you are incredibly talented in your field. It was only a matter of time before our companies decided to collaborate. I especially liked the one where you did the clean water project, you have a good heart Y/N and it shows in your actions.”
Countless people at red carpets and interviews had told you the same thing but hearing it from someone you admired felt rewarding. You didn’t think you would ever get used to the feeling.
Walking in and out of numerous tents later with bags in each of your hands, you guys finally reached the end. When you were about to turn around you saw some paparazzi get out of some vans in the next parking lot over. The minute you saw them you knew you would be escorted back to the van by your security, and that’s exactly what happened.
Eventually they caught up to you guys and managed to take a few shots. For the second time during this trip alone, you guys were forced to return back to the hotel. Once settled in the van and on the way to the hotel you apologized to the girls, “I’m sorry guys. I thought during this trip we would have the freedom to do more of what you wanted to do, but given the circumstance security has strict protocol orders from both of our agencies…”
In a reassuring tone Rosé said, “Y/N you have to stop apologizing, none of it is your fault. Besides we’ve made great memories here already. Jennie-unnie got to show us her school… her favourite place… we had fun at the beach and we still have the art show later! We won’t have to worry about the paparazzi being there.” You took her hand in yours to let her know her words meant a lot to you but still, the feeling of defeat and disappointment would not go away.
Some paparazzi were already camped outside of the hotel when you arrived. Security separated you guys into groups so they wouldn’t have trouble leading you through the crowd which consisted of both paparazzi and fans. When it was your turn to be escorted you felt someone grab at your arm causing you to stop in that very spot. Once security noticed, they grabbed the fan and yanked you two apart. When you were safe inside the hotel you looked down at your wrist and there were already bruises forming where they had grabbed you. After taking notice of what you were doing the girls rushed over to you and asked if you were okay.
Jennie instantly had your arm in both of her hands examining the bruises. You reassured her that it didn’t hurt, and some ice would help. Rose, Jisoo and Lisa all had concerned looks on their faces. During the elevator ride up to your room, Jennie still had your arm in hers. She was safeguarding it as if her life depended on it. It was actually quite funny to you; it was only bruising, and they were acting like you had broken your arm.
When you got to your room you swiped your keycard over the handle with your free hand. Calling out for Lex, she came running through the door. She too had a concerned look on her face.
“I got a call from security to get you some ice. Are you okay? What happened?” Lex asked out of breath. When Lex got closer Jennie hesitantly let go of your arm to let Lex look at it.
With all the girls and Lex around, you reassured everyone for the nth time, “I’m fine guys! Really. I think they just left some bruises, it’s no big deal.” You walked over to the bathroom, grabbed a towel to wrap the ice in and put your arm over it. When everyone stopped being tense, you guys all sat on your bed.
The girls really did not want to leave your side so to kill time before the art exhibit Lisa recommended a movie. Of all the movies you all decided on Frozen 2. During the movie, the girls alternated getting more ice. After the second round your arm was frozen and you wanted to stop, but you didn’t have the heart to tell them, so you suffered through it in silence.
The credits were rolling when you looked at the time, it was only 3 o’clock which meant you still had three hours to kill. When you looked over to talk to the girls, they were all already sleeping. You chuckled, Blackpink was sleeping in your bed. Feeling tired too, you fell asleep next to them.
You guys were awoken by Lex who was still working and had her phone next to her ear. She looked stressed you thought. Looking at the time it was 5:30, which meant you only had about ten minutes to touch up and head out. After the girls had went back to their room to touch up, Lex stopped you to look at your arm again.
While examining it in a low voice she said, “I was on the phone with Ethan…Let’s just say he was not happy with what happened to you. He plans on hiring more security and wants us to leave New Zealand. He said he doesn’t care where you guys choose to go next, just make sure it’s private. Also, I had to negotiate hard on this one… The art exhibit is the last time you’ll be allowed to leave the hotel until we leave on Thursday, he said can’t risk another incident.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but Lex was serious. In retrospect, yes, the bruises weren’t bad, but it could have been worse. Even worse was that it could have been one of the girls. You had to be more careful.
On the walk to the girls’ room you were trying to figure out how to break the news that your New Zealand vacation was coming to an end despite what you had planned. Where could you guys go that was nice, private and somewhere you could have fun? An idea soon popped up in your head, and when you really thought about it, it made perfect sense.
When you knocked on the door with your bruised arm you felt a slight pain, so you switched to the other arm. Rosé opened the door and welcomed you inside. Walking passed the bathroom you saw Lisa touching up her makeup, and further inside Jisoo and Jennie were both on the bed on their phones. By the looks of it, they were both playing video games.
When they were all gathered around, you told them you had to tell them some bad news. “Three things. One, my boss called, and he said we have to leave New Zealand earlier than we had planned because of what happened. He fears the situation with the attention of the media is only getting worse… Two, tonight’s art exhibit will be the last time we can leave the hotel before the airport. Three, we have to vacation somewhere more private, but not to worry because I have just the plan… If you’ll let me, I would like to take you guys to my hometown. I have a private lake house for us to enjoy.”
Scanning their faces as they processed the information, their mouths quickly curved up into a smile. You spent extra time on Jennie especially because this was her home away from home and she was so happy here. To make up for taking her away from New Zealand, you wanted to do something nice for her. You just didn’t know what that would be.
[6:15 PM NZST]
Walking through the doors of the art exhibit was a beautiful sight to say the least. As you entered, paper butterflies of nearly every color hung from the ceiling by a string. There had to be at least a thousand of them. Carefully walking further into the building, there were signs that mentioned that all profits from the art pieces that were sold would be going to a local charity. Claire saw you guys when you entered and said hello. Her and Jennie talked while you, Lisa, Jisoo and Rosé stood off to the side taking photos of each other with all the butterflies. Some time had passed and after promising to say goodbye before leaving, Claire let Jennie return to the group.
The path you were on lead you to a huge wide-open room that was well lit and where the walls were bare white as to emphasize the colourful artwork that hung from them. There were barely any people in the first room, but as you looked passed into the others you could see more were scattered all throughout, completely oblivious to you guys which left you feeling relieved.
Without noticing, unintentionally you split in two groups. Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa gravitated to one room while Jennie had pulled you into another. Slowly making your way through the exhibit, you admired all of the art before you. Reading the descriptive tags that accompanied every piece, it mentioned the title of the piece, the artist, their age and a little description. One piece that hung across the room managed to catch Jennie’s attention. It looked like an ordinary painting of a beach to you, but after while it started to look familiar.
Jennie opened her mouth to speak, “doesn’t it look like…”
It took awhile, but it finally clicked in your head. Finishing her sentence, you said, “the beach you took us to…your favourite spot?”
Jennie couldn’t speak, she could only admire it. Curious about whether it was actually the same beach you looked at the tag, but it didn’t mention the location featured in the painting. It was purely coincidental. Stepping back, you noticed that Jennie still, was admiring the painting. Her eyes were sparkling in amazement and they wandered from one corner to the next, taking it all in. That’s when you knew you had to get it for her but wondered if it was already sold. Trying to find a way to get away from her you told her you had to go to the bathroom, she said she would wait for you in the same spot as she wanted to look at it still.
When it was safe you managed to find an attendant walking throughout the exhibit. After asking about the art piece she brought you to a computer. It took a few minutes, and not wanting to be caught, you found yourself pacing on the spot. You told her that if it was available, you wanted to purchase it as a gift. By a stroke of luck, it hadn’t been sold yet. Handing her your card you asked, “do you guys ship overseas?”
You made your way back to Jennie with a smile on your face. Surely this made up for leaving New Zealand early, right? To keep her from asking what took so long you asked her questions first, “still looking at the painting? You like it that much?”
Turning to smile at you she said, “I do, Y/N. I really do. I want it so badly, but someone already bought it, and they can’t release private info so I couldn’t track them down even if I wanted.”
She had no idea and knowing that, gave you the butterflies. A feeling that you hadn’t felt in a long time. What are you doing to me Jennie Kim? you thought. As much as it pained you to tear her away from the painting you reminded her to look at the other art. The other art pieces included a variety of paintings, sculptures, photography, tapestry and much more. Before you could realize, an hour and a half had gone by and you were nearing the end of the exhibit. Gravitating to the only room with dim lights in the entire exhibit you both stopped again, this time in front of a bright pink neon sign that read: It was always you.
You felt Jennie push you in front of it. When you turned around, she already had her camera out and managed to snap a photo. She let you look at the photo. Surprisingly it wasn’t blurry, and you saw yourself shocked but smiling next to the sign. You had gotten used to it by now. The posing for the camera and even the candid shots. Ironically, you were never the type to be comfortable in front of the camera, but now you now felt yourself being okay with it. With the help of the girls of course.
Squinting in the dark you could see a large box sitting on the other side of the room, when Jennie caught you looking, she whipped her head around to look at it too. Upon closer inspection you chuckled and said, “oh! It’s a photobooth!”
The two of you sat in the tight space inside the booth. Was this meant for a single person? Jennie pressed the large red button and immediately you heard a countdown. You panicked and unable to think of a pose you screamed, “Ah what do we do!”
           “Do a funny face!” Jennie shouted.
           You stuck your tongue out and went cross-eyed.
The countdown restarted and again struggling to choose another pose you two just smiled normally into the camera. Another flash. Followed by another countdown. You had three photos left and comically you were stressing over what to do next. Giving up you just stared at Jennie as she was still faced forward striking another pose. Flash.
For the fourth photo Jennie was looking back at you now and you both just laughed. Flash. The last photo you just accepted it was going to be a fail, but unexpectantly you felt two hands grasp your head to pull you closer. You relaxed, closed your eyes and waited for what was to come. In reality it was only a few seconds but for you, time froze. Jennie had kissed your cheek and even after the flash went off, she remained. You opened your eyes to look at her as she pulled away, but before you could make eye contact the curtains on the side of the booth were pulled back abruptly causing you both to flinch inside the booth.
Lisa was jumping for joy as soon as she saw it was you guys. Rosé and Jisoo on the other hand, not as enthusiastic. Still jumping and in between breaths Lisa sang, “I was right. I was right. I. Was. Right. And you two owe me food.” You found out that they had made a bet on who was inside. Rosé and Jisoo were so sure Lisa was going to make a fool out of herself and so they agreed and let her pull back the curtain.
Exiting the booth, Lisa proudly put her arm around your shoulder. Laughing at her excitement you asked, “what were you going to do if it wasn’t Jennie and I?”
 “I knew it was you guys, I remembered the shoes you were wearing!” she said acting nonchalantly.
           Now reunited with the rest of the members and having looked at everything in the exhibit, you guys set out to look for Claire to say goodbye. Circling back to the entrance, it was there that she ran into you guys. Each of her goodbyes was brief except for Jennie’s. You and the rest of her members didn’t mind as you understood that they needed to catch up. Not wanting to keep her away from greeting the other guests, Jennie said goodbye and hugged her friend for the last time.
Like always when you got back to the hotel you guys were exhausted from the day’s activities. Just wanting to change into pajamas and climb into bed that’s exactly what you did. So much had happened, and you just needed time to think. Aside from the farmers market, security incident and art exhibit, really only one thing hung on your mind. You and Jennie were just friends, right? From what you thought was harmless flirting, to the back hug earlier this morning, the butterflies she gave you and the kiss in the booth. It all had you confused. Did you like Jennie or were you just sad and lonely? You contemplated the whole night, eventually drifting off to sleep.
[9:43 AM NZST]
When you awoke the next morning, your arm was sore and your legs were too. You didn’t feel as well rested as you did the previous mornings. All the thinking must have worn you out. The whole night you tossed and turned trying to fall asleep but the things on your mind kept you from a peaceful sleep. This couldn’t continue, you thought. Considering everything you still had a job to do, and you had to find a way to sort things out before things got out of hand. When you rolled over you felt someone in the bed next to you. With your head still in a groggy state you slowly realized and flung yourself off the bed.
In a familiar voice you heard, “good morning sleepy head.”
Peering over the mattress you slowly looked up to see who it was. To your relief it was only Lex. “Gosh a warning would have been nice,” you said while climbing back into bed.
While rubbing your back she asked a bunch of questions, “when have I ever needed to warn you? What is going on with you, you're different these days. Does it have to do with Irene?”
Trying your best to answer them one at a time you said, “You're right. And no, it’s not Irene. I mean– part of it is, but I’m just confused of where I stand. Don’t freak out okay? But what if I told you Jennie kissed me yesterday?”
She stopped rubbing your back and grabbed your shoulder to roll you over so that she could see your face. “Y/N. How you answer this next question is very important. Where did she kiss you?”
You tapped the spot on your cheek where Jennie’s lips were yesterday. In a way you could still feel them if you thought hard enough. “It was just a friendly kiss, right?”
“Well you tell me! I wasn’t there. How am I supposed to know? Gosh I really need to start attaching a bodycam here.” She said smacking your chest.
 You sighed and crashed into the pillow next to you, your words were muffled but Lex could still hear you. “It was just a friendly kiss… I kiss you all the time.”
“Yeah, but you and I have known each other for a billion years.” Lex retorted.
You let up from the pillow and sat up. With your mouth formed in a pout, you asked Lex a final question. “Can you do me a favour?”
You had asked Lex if she could give you and Jennie time to sort things out while she took care of the other members. She was hesitant but knew that it was necessary; things between you and the members of Blackpink could not get messy.
You and Jennie were being led out by your security through the hotel’s back entrance. Like you have done plenty of times before it was the same as always. Through the hotel’s kitchen and through to the shipment area where they would receive truckloads of food. Trying to be inconspicuous there was a taxi waiting for you there, instead of the usual blacked out SUV. After a tough negotiation, Lex let you go one with one single bodyguard to accompany the both of you.
Much to your relief, the driver didn’t know who was in the back of his car. Quite frankly, it looked like he couldn’t care less, once you settled in the back he asked where you wanted to go. After giving him the directions, you sat back in your chair letting out a deep breath you have been holding in the whole way out. Using the hotel back entrance was always a gamble. Sometimes there would be more paparazzi in the back than there was in the front. Luckily, this time everything went smoothly.
Having settled in the back, Jennie whispered to you, “Y/N. I still don’t understand, where are we going? I thought we weren’t allowed out?”
Not wanting to draw attention you whispered, “I’ll explain when we get to where we’re going.”
It wasn’t a far drive at all, in fact it was in walking distance but the risk of being noticed was too high. The hard part was getting there, after that you didn’t have to worry. Having been to the location once before, not once were you approached nor did you see paparazzi. The place you chose was the park that you and Jennie had walked through your first morning in New Zealand, and this was probably around the same time you were here two days before. The park was large enough for you to get lost in if it weren’t for the help of the signs that lined the pathways. This was the perfect getaway and you were proud that you thought of it on the fly.
With your security lagging behind you could finally talk to Jennie. “Jennie, we’re here because I needed to ask you something.”
“You brought me all the way here to ask me a question?” she asked as she laughed.
“It’s a serious one.” Your tone was heavier than you were anticipating, but it also set the mood.
“Okay…Shoot.” She said just like when you were here before. Only now, you were asking the serious questions.
Not hesitating you asked, “We’re friends right? I can say that?”
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
“Okay I guess I should reword that. Are we–our friendship and our business relationship, are those the only relationships we will have?”
She had a confused expression on her face, “I’m not exactly sure how I could answer that? I don’t know what the future holds... I’m not following, am I missing something?”
You were frustrated. Not by her, but your inability to relay your thoughts and questions in a way she could understand. “Jennie. All the stolen glances, the touching, including the kiss in the booth. Was that all harmless flirting?”
She paused for the first time since you got here. Her feet planted on the gravel path where she stood. It was so sudden that your bodyguard too, came to an abrupt stop. It was quiet enough that you could hear the water flowing down from a stream that was nearby, and the flapping of wings from the birds above, and even the faint buzz of the mosquitoes. Only seconds had gone by and as time passed you were getting increasingly anxious.
Would you be disappointed if she said yes? Were you ready to pursue a new relationship? Either way you didn’t know if a yes or a no would make you happy and you were hoping Jennie’s answer might help you figure that out.
She couldn’t look at you when she answered. Was she embarrassed? “Yes, it’s all harmless. I thought by doing it we were getting closer, but I’m sorry if I confused you­­–”
You didn’t know what came over you, words were just spilling out at this point. “No don’t apologize! I just needed some clarity. Normally I could take these things lightly but having just come out of a relationship…I’m awfully a lot more confused these days.”
It wasn’t complete disappointment that you felt. It was half relief and half disappointment. Maybe more of the latter? It was growing silent again. Looking over you saw that Jennie was staring at the ground. No longer did you catch her staring at you from the corner of your eye. Oh no, did I make it awkward? Wanting to return to normal you joked around. “I mean I didn’t say you had to completely stop flirting with me!” When she laughed, it was a sign that you could relax. The last thing you needed was to make things awkward. You had to find a way to get back to where you were before this conversation. After getting the answers you needed, surprisingly the conversation that followed was far from awkward.
While looking at you with a sincere look, Jennie opened her mouth to speak. “I want you to know how grateful I am... for you, bringing us here. I got to show the members everything I could only ever explain through words and old photos, and I made countless unforgettable memories. It’s crazy to me that we’ve only just met weeks ago and I feel like we have been friends for ages. I hope that never changes. So, thank you, Y/N.”
Putting your arm around her shoulder to pull her in for a hug you said, “You’re always thanking me. Not that I don’t love it when you do, but you really don’t have to. This is what friends are supposed to do. All I’m ever trying to do, are things that make you happy.”
Continuing through the park you both laughed and brought up your favourite moments from the trip. There was a lot that happened even though it had only been a few days. But to look on the bright side of having to leave early, you asked Jennie what she wanted to do in your hometown.
You were expecting for her to think about it for awhile but it didn’t take her long to answer you. “I want you to show me all things that you talked about. Introduce me to people who take your stress away, bring me along when you do the things you love… just show me the things that make you happy. We don’t have to go to fancy places. Just show me what your life was like before you were Y/N, Blackpink’s new documentary producer.”
While laughing at the title she gave, you were able to reply with a simple “okay.”
[2:00 PM NZST]
You kept your promise to Lex, after clearing things up you headed right back to the hotel.
When you got back to your room however, the girls were already in it. They were seated on the couch in front of the TV and the room was filled with carts of room service. Rosé looked like she was in heaven with the largest bowl of salad you had ever seen in your life. While Jisoo and Lisa were picking off the other surrounding plates and seemed to be entranced with what was playing on the TV.
Before they could notice, you two had split up in the corridor of the room. Jennie made her way toward her members while you made your way to Lex’s room. You sat on her bed and waited for her to finish what she was doing on the computer. By the looks of it she was checking you guys in on the airline website. Which was a good thing because it was one less thing you had to worry about early tomorrow morning.
She finally took notice of your presence and turned around in her chair. You looked at her in disbelief first, “that’s how you chose to distract them?”
“It honestly wasn’t as hard as I thought. I told them you needed to take Jennie somewhere and if they wanted anything, they could ask and I would get it for them. Next thing I knew I was handing them room service menus.”
A few clicks later she closed her laptop and moved to sit on the bed next to you. Like many times before, you put your head in her lap and talked things out. After telling her all that happened, she only asked one question. “Are you disappointed?”
You already knew the answer to this but repeating it out loud to her only confirmed it, “I was the second I heard her say yes, but I’m also relieved at the same time? I think that because I just came out of a relationship, I’m a lot more vulnerable…Or that it’s been so long since I’ve let someone openly flirt with me that I can’t tell if it’s real or if it’s just banter. I’m happy but still feel a little let down in a way.”
“Are you sure she was telling the truth? To be honest I don’t know if I’m more shocked or disappointed. I thought about it this morning… and you would look good with Jennie,” she joked. You rolled your eyes in response.
Throughout the whole conversation her phone kept buzzing, so you let her get back to work while you went back to your room. The girls were all invested in the movie. Their eyes were glued to the TV. Rosé even closed her mouth to stop eating. When you turned toward the TV it looked like something you had seen before and when you heard the familiar voice coming through the speakers you shuddered. It was yours. They were watching one of your documentaries, and if you had to guess which one, it was the latest one that earned you a lot of unwanted press.
“Y/N! Look! You're on the screen!” Lisa shouted.
Countless hours were put into editing that film, and to hear and see it again only made you cringe. You dived for the bed behind them, shoving your face in a pillow. Shielding your ears to keep yourself from hearing the audio, you only felt someone get in the bed beside you, when you looked up it was Rosé. She inched closer and tried pulling the pillow out from under you, “Y/N, come on! Do you not like watching your films?” she asked.
“No I do. It’s just when you edit and rewatch your work as much as I have, it gets tiring.”
When the movie was over the girls thanked you for the food and headed back to their room for the night. You told them they could stay but quickly they reminded you of the early flight tomorrow, and with that you let them go. A lot of time with the girls had gone by now and one thing you noticed was that as much as the girls loved having fun, they loved their sleep even more.
[12:32 AM NZST]
Lying in bed you looked over at the bedside clock and saw that it was half past midnight. Which meant in about three hours you would have to be up and ready for the airport. After what happened today you thought that finally sleep might come to you easily, but still there was no change. The endless tossing and turning eventually caused Lex to come to your room and throw a pillow at you. With everything going on it’s no wonder why she didn’t want to share a room with you.
Trying everything from background tv noise to the sound of rain playing on your phone, still nothing. You had to be up in a few hours so it was no use trying to sleep now. To kill time, you scrolled through your Instagram feed. The first photo you saw was posted by Irene just minutes ago. Considering the time difference, she would still be up. It was a photo of her feet up on her work desk and the caption read “work work work.”
In the background of the photo you could see a picture frame with a photo of you and her still in it. Even after you left her in Korea without a word, she still thought of you? Looking to read the comments below, you saw that they were disabled. They never were. You clicked on another photo and still they were disabled. Before you could think to worry, there was a knock on your door. Unsure if it was background noise from the TV, you waited and when you heard it again clearly, you got up to go answer it.
Looking through the peephole you didn’t immediately see anyone. Rubbing your eyes and looking again you saw that it was Jennie? She was still in her pajamas. Her arms were folded, and she was pacing in front of the door. She must be cold, you thought.
You quickly opened the door and asked, “Jennie? Is everything­­–”
She cut you off, “–I lied.”
Chapter Eight - HERE
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