#waste disposal liverpool
goldenjerry02 · 9 months
rubbish removal Liverpool:
"Liverpool's Man and Van Service" is a trusted name in rubbish removal in Liverpool, offering top-notch services to both residential and commercial clients. With a commitment to cleanliness and environmental responsibility, this company excels in efficiently disposing of waste while minimizing its impact on the planet. Their professional team is equipped with the right tools and knowledge to handle various types of rubbish, from household clutter to construction debris. Liverpool's Man and Van Service prioritizes customer satisfaction, ensuring prompt and hassle-free rubbish removal solutions. When you choose them, you can rest assured that your rubbish will be disposed of responsibly, contributing to a cleaner and greener Liverpool.
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
So, liked you talking about Orphan 55 and finding a new interpretation to it! Are there any other Chibnall-era stories that you feel people really don't get?
On the whole? the whole era seems to sail over peoples heads imo, but that's the salt talking. Okay, it's not Only salt talking, i think S12 particularly is very interconnected in its themes the whole way through and when people miss one thing they tend to not see a bunch of others. But still.
On an episodic level, I think Arachnids in the UK sailed way way way over peoples heads in a massive way, not necessarily in a they didn't get it way, but more of a 'didn't bother to look at it' kind of thing bc there are giant spiders and a tr/ump stand in making a lot of noise, not to mention Najia's 'are you dating' riff distracting a different subset of people. I admit that all of the above was very distracting, especially if you're arachnophobic.
But yeah, a rich guy with no morals is out to make a fast buck. He picks Sheffield of all places to do this, working class, known for it. On the way to making a fast buck he cuts corners and forgive me, i've not watched it in a long time and i may be slightly off on some of the specifics, but the illegal/irresponsible disposal of waste by some rich guy, in a place where working class people live in an effort to make it more ~fancy to attract richer customers (like, i assume he was after that?), causes an environmental disaster to the local ecosystem by producing harmful gasses and litter is everywhere (hence Yaz's dad convinced there's a conspiracy of some kind), this in turn affects local fauna to the point something Weird happens to them (in this case, they get really really big) and the next domino in this long list of cause and effect, is that this effects the people living in said city because the now massive huge spiders are a danger to people and kill them.
Rich people fucking up the lives of the working class by destroying the environment to line their own pockets. Rich people harming wildlife to line their own pockets causing environmental disaster that in turn fucks over the working class.
it's almost like, in real life, the people doing the real harm and damage to the environment are the rich monsters content to do whatever they can for that new yacht no matter the environmental disaster it causes for us average joes.
They uh, were going somewhere with that one! And it's one of the least mentioned ones i think? When people talk about episodes with messages about protecting the environment/the destruction of it, Orphan 55 and Praxeus tend to be the only ones mentioned, but they're not alone. Orphan 55 and Arachnids live specifically at the intersection of capitalism VS environmental protection and how these two things Cannot coexist. Praxeus takes more of a dig at a different area.
I think War of the Sontarans flies frequently over peoples heads for it's themes of contextual morality in war. The show does not tie its opinions on violence up with a neat bow. We have two lead characters in two vastly different times (Dan & 13), one is fighting tooth and nail to stop some general starting a pointless ego driven fight and getting people killed, the general is unequivocally portrayed as awful. Meanwhile, Dan is in present day Liverpool fighting for a cause, trying to stop colonization and being portrayed as entirely in the right for doing so.
It was wrong of that cowardly general to start a bloody, awful, horrifying battle that got other people killed just to satisfy his bloodlust and make himself look big, to place the glory of war and the British empire over a legitimate solution that avoided bloodshed and solved the issue. Meanwhile, in the same breath, the show says It was morally correct of Dan to fight back against a colonizing force in his home city, even when it meant blood.
The context of this genuinely seems to throw people. I've seen complaints that the show can't even make up it's own mind on what it's view of violence is and like... Yeah? You're SO close to getting the point here, guys. Of course you cannot offer a blanket judgement on violence in general! 13 was called a hypocrite for having tears in her eyes when the general killed the retreating sontarans but not caring that Dan and Karvanista used violence to remove them from Liverpool in the future and Entirely missed the nuance of how those situations differ.
I just think it flew over peoples heads that the show was maybe saying gratuitous ego driven violence when peaceful solutions exist is Bad, while at the exact same time also saying that you are morally correct for fighting back against colonizing forces with violence because those peaceful solutions Do Not Exist here.
I mean, it's vastly more complicated than the summary, but yeah. That theme pops up more than once in the era. Trips people a lot, as well.
On a small scene level, i think people misjudged what was going on in It Takes You Away with what the solitract did. I remember people being angry that 13 got a frog and not a person from her past, but Graham and that dude only got their spouses because the solitract was actively trying to trick them into staying with them. The thing about 13 in this scene is that she is the one seducing the solitract, not the other way around (it is Genuinely the most aggressively flirty 13 is her whole run. I don't feel bad using the word seduce in its traditional usage here. She was using every bit of doctor charm that 13 does not normally Want to utilise but proves here can do so if she wants).
Once 13 is alone with the Solitract, the solitract does not Need to trick or manipulate 13 into staying because 13 was the one asking to stay. So when the solitract just appears how it wishes, that makes perfect sense. Also, 13 would have been angry had she had some piece of her past pulled from her brain and shoved in front of her, lbr.
The rest i have are more theme related than episode related specifically? I think? yeah.
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beguines · 1 year
Below is the list of demands outlined in the release:
1. Relocation for anyone who wants it: Folks don't feel safe and aren't getting their questions answered. Anyone who wants to be relocated to hotels or safe housing should have the opportunity to do so, paid for by Norfolk Southern.
2. Independent environmental testing: The EPA must immediately begin and continue to test soil, water, and air, including for dioxins throughout the region, and commit to regular public meetings to explain findings. Norfolk Southern must pay for an independent scientist, hired by residents, to represent the community and participate in all technical meetings regarding testing, cleanup, and safety plans.
3. Ongoing medical testing and monitoring: We still don't know what the short and long-term health impacts of this disaster will be. Federal Health & Human Services must provide ongoing health monitoring to evaluate those in the impacted region, guarantee health coverage, and Norfolk Southern must cover the cost.
4. Dispose of the toxic waste safely: The EPA cannot take the solid waste from the derailment and dispose of it in the Heritage Thermal toxic incinerator, in nearby East Liverpool, that has already been polluting our communities for years. This will only further spread the contaminants. Norfolk Southern must stop destroying evidence – we need a safety plan before resuming cleanup from the derailment site.
5. Norfolk Southern pays 100% of the costs: Taxpayers shouldn't foot this bill. Norfolk Southern made this mess, they should clean it up. The company must commit to paying 100% of the costs for testing, relocation, cleanup, medical monitoring and costs, and an independent science advisor. Stop putting people above profit.
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neiljohnsblog · 1 day
Maximising Efficiency: A Guide to Professional Waste Collection in Liverpool
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Understanding the Importance of Proper Waste Management
Proper waste management is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy environment. It involves the systematic collection, transportation, and disposal of waste and the recycling and reusing of materials whenever possible. Professional waste collection services play a critical role in this process, ensuring that waste is handled in a way that is both efficient and environmentally responsible.
The Environmental Impact of Waste
Improper waste disposal can have severe environmental consequences, leading to air, water, and soil pollution that harms wildlife and human health. Proper waste management is crucial for mitigating these effects by ensuring safe and sustainable disposal. This involves segregating waste for recycling, safely disposing of hazardous materials, and reducing overall waste generation.
The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Waste Collection Service
Professional Waste Collection Services
Choosing a professional waste collection service comes with numerous advantages. These companies have the necessary tools and expertise to efficiently and safely manage different types of waste. They offer a variety of services, such as commercial waste management, industrial waste disposal, and office waste disposal, specifically designed to cater to the needs of businesses and industries in Liverpool.
Commercial Waste Management
For businesses, proper waste management is not only a matter of compliance with local regulations but also a way to enhance operational efficiency. Professional waste collection services can help businesses manage their waste more effectively, reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill and increasing the amount of waste that is recycled. This can lead to cost savings and improved sustainability performance.
Industrial Waste Disposal
Industries generate a significant amount of waste, some of which can be hazardous. Professional waste collection services are experienced in handling such waste, ensuring that it is disposed of following all relevant regulations. This not only helps to protect the environment but also reduces the risk of legal penalties for non-compliance.
Office Waste Disposal
Offices generate a variety of waste, from paper and plastic to electronic waste. Professional waste collection services can provide tailored solutions for office waste disposal, including recycling services and secure disposal of sensitive documents. This can help businesses reduce their environmental footprint and enhance their reputation as responsible corporate citizens.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Waste Collection Provider
Waste Collection Companies
When choosing a waste collection provider, it is important to consider several factors. Look for companies with a proven track record in the industry, as well as the necessary certifications and licenses. A reputable waste collection company will have a robust system in place for handling different types of waste and will be able to provide detailed waste management plans tailored to your business needs.
Waste Disposal Services
The range of waste disposal services offered by a provider is another important consideration. Ensure that the company can handle all types of waste generated by your business, from general waste to hazardous materials. They should also offer recycling services and be able to provide advice on waste reduction strategies.
Waste Management Services
Comprehensive waste management services go beyond simple waste collection and disposal. Look for providers that offer additional services such as waste audits, compliance assistance, and sustainability consulting. These services can help you identify areas for improvement in your waste management practices and develop strategies for reducing your overall waste footprint.
Waste Collection Quotes
Cost is always a consideration when choosing a waste collection provider. Request quotes from several companies and compare their prices and services. Be sure to ask about any additional fees that may apply, such as charges for handling hazardous waste or providing recycling services.
Waste Collection Regulations
Compliance with waste collection regulations is essential for avoiding legal penalties and protecting the environment. Choose a provider that is knowledgeable about local regulations and can ensure that your waste is disposed of by all applicable laws.
Tailoring Waste Collection to Your Business Needs
Customised Waste Collection
Every business has unique waste management needs, and it is important to choose a provider that can offer customised waste collection services. This includes tailoring the frequency of waste collection to match your business’s waste generation patterns and providing specialised services for handling specific types of waste.
Waste Collection Schedules
An efficient waste collection schedule is essential for ensuring that waste is collected regularly and does not accumulate on your premises. Work with your provider to develop a schedule that meets your needs, whether that means daily, weekly, or bi-weekly collections.
Waste Segregation
Effective waste segregation is key to maximising recycling rates and ensuring that hazardous materials are disposed of safely. Your waste collection provider should be able to provide bins and containers for different types of waste and offer guidance on how to segregate waste effectively.
Recycling Services
Recycling is a critical component of sustainable waste management. Choose a provider that offers comprehensive recycling services, including the collection and processing of recyclable materials. They should also be able to provide advice on how to reduce waste and increase recycling rates within your business.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Handling hazardous waste requires specialised knowledge and equipment. Ensure that your waste collection provider is experienced in dealing with hazardous materials and can dispose of them safely and in compliance with all relevant regulations.
Ensuring Compliance and Sustainability with Professional Waste Collection
Waste Management Compliance
Compliance with waste management regulations is essential for protecting the environment and avoiding legal penalties. Professional waste collection services can help ensure that your business is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations. This includes providing documentation and records of waste disposal activities and offering advice on regulatory requirements.
Environmentally Friendly Waste Disposal
Environmentally friendly waste disposal practices are essential for reducing the environmental impact of waste. Choose a provider that prioritises sustainability and offers services such as recycling, composting, and the safe disposal of hazardous materials.
Sustainable Waste Solutions
Sustainable waste solutions go beyond simple waste disposal to include waste reduction strategies and the promotion of a circular economy. Look for a provider that can help you implement sustainable practices within your business, such as reducing packaging, reusing materials, and increasing recycling rates.
Waste Audit
A waste audit is a comprehensive assessment of your business’s waste generation and management practices. Professional waste collection services can conduct waste audits to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for reducing waste and increasing recycling.
Waste Reduction Strategies
Implementing waste reduction strategies is essential for minimising your business’s environmental impact. Work with your waste collection provider to develop and implement strategies such as reducing packaging, promoting the use of reusable materials, and encouraging employees to recycle.
Conclusion: Take the First Step Towards Efficient and Responsible Waste Management
Professional waste collection is essential for businesses in Liverpool to manage their waste efficiently and responsibly. By choosing a reputable provider and implementing sustainable waste management practices, you can reduce your environmental impact, comply with regulations, and enhance your business’s reputation. Take the first step towards efficient and responsible waste management by partnering with a professional waste collection service today.
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metalscrapcons · 19 days
Scrap Metal Recycling in Liverpool: A Sustainable Solution
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The Scrap metal recycling in Liverpool offers an eco-friendly way to dispose of unwanted metal items. Local scrap yards provide convenient drop-off points, ensuring proper recycling and reducing landfill waste. Support a greener Liverpool by responsibly recycling your scrap metal.
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merseyrod · 19 days
Drain Unblocker Liverpool Uncovers Hidden Drain Secrets
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Drain Unblocker Liverpool
In Liverpool, drain unblocking is a common concern for both residential and commercial properties. Despite its prevalence, many are unaware of the hidden causes behind drain blockages. This article aims to shed light on these hidden secrets and offer preventative tips to avoid future issues.
Understanding the Causes of Drain Blockages
Tree Roots
Tree roots are a major contributor to drain blockages in Liverpool. As trees grow, their roots can infiltrate drains, leading to blockages.
Grease and Fat
The accumulation of grease and fat is another frequent cause of drain blockages. When these substances are disposed of down the drain, they can solidify and obstruct the flow.
Foreign Objects
Items like sanitary products, wet wipes, and cotton buds can also cause drain blockages if flushed down the toilet or washed down the sink.
The Importance of Regular Drain Maintenance
To prevent drain blockages, it's crucial to take proactive measures. Avoid pouring grease and fat down the drain and use a drain strainer to catch foreign objects. Regular inspections by a professional Drain Unblocker Liverpool can help identify and resolve potential issues before they escalate.
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Signs of a Blocked Drain
Slow Draining
One of the initial signs of a blocked drain is slow draining water in sinks, showers, or baths.
Foul Odors
Blocked drains can emit foul odors, indicating a build-up of waste material in the drain.
How Drain Unblockers Can Help
Professional Drain Unblocker Liverpool utilize specialized equipment like drain cameras and high-pressure water jets to efficiently unblock drains. They possess the expertise to identify the cause of the blockage and recommend the most suitable course of action.
In conclusion, while drain blockages are common in Liverpool, understanding their causes and implementing preventative measures can help avoid them. Regular maintenance by a professional Drain Unblocker Liverpool can keep drains clear and prevent blockages.
How often should I have my drains inspected?
 It is recommended to have your drains inspected at least once a year to prevent blockages.
Can I use chemical drain cleaners to unblock my drains?
While they can be effective, chemical drain cleaners can damage pipes if used incorrectly. It's advisable to consult a professional Drain Unblocker Liverpool.
Are there any natural remedies for unblocking drains?
Yes, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar poured down the drain can sometimes help break down blockages.
How long does it take to unblock a drain?
The time required to unblock a drain varies based on the severity of the blockage and the method employed.
What should I do if I suspect I have a blocked drain?
 If you suspect a blocked drain, it's best to contact a professional Drain Unblocker Liverpool to assess and address the issue.
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benjaminhugo · 2 months
Why Should You Try Vintage Clothing
We live in a time when fast fashion is the main trend; however, there’s a magical feeling of something different when choosing vintage clothing. These ageless pieces not only give you a unique way to show off your style, but they also convey a rich history and a strong support for being green. You may be a fashionista or you may just appreciate the finer things in life, but if you have the chance to enter the world of retro clothing, you will see that it will take you to a whole new sensory level that will impress you forever.
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Unique Style Statement
Vintage clothing stands out. Every single garment is a true piece of art and it is a time capsule from the past that allows us to see the clothing fashion trends of old times. Some of my favourite items are vintage Adidas tracksuits and Barbour Jackets, which help me to create a completely unique look. No more of the embarrassment when someone in the event is wearing the same outfit you are. As a vintage lover, your look is a one-of-a-kind creation that reflects your personality and the legacy of your garments.
Exceptional Quality
The other thing that will impress you about vintage clothing is its quality. Clothes have been designed to last, constructed with care and durable materials. These items can range from a sturdy vintage wax jacket to a durable Carhartt jacket. They are designed for long-term use. Vintage is such a choice because you are putting your money on a true piece of fashion history that is surely of high quality.
Sustainable Fashion Choice
The costs of fast fashion are not only expensive in numbers but also in the environment. The choice of vintage is a fashionable way of saving a bit of this planet. You do this by wearing and caring for the vintage clothing again, decreasing the waste and lowering the demand for new clothing production. It's a choice that also loves the planet as it aims to be environmentally friendly.
Historical Connection
All vintage things are history in themselves. Vintage football shirt or retro rugby shirt take you back to the past in a symbolic way. Which is more understandable and convincing. It`s like putting a wild card at your disposal, whether it belongs to a champion of the sports or a time of a fashion that seems to have taken the whole era by storm. With the interconnection, your wardrobe is not limited to a list of items; rather, it has a story behind each of them, making you like fashion more.
Value for Money
Although vintage clothes can vary greatly in price, the value one can acquire by adding them to their wardrobe is incomparable. It’s not just about purchasing clothes but also about buying a piece of art, history, and quality in the fashion industry, which is rarely paralleled in modern fashion clothing. Additionally, vintage items may be even more expensive in the future, so they mean a purchase and a long-term investment.
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Wide Variety
Vintage is like a rainbow of clothing styles in all shapes and sizes. From vintage knitwear to vintage sportswear, the choices are many. At the thrift shop, you find things from different eras, designers, and styles all in one location. Towns like Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and Cardiff are among the cities that present incredible second-hand outlets for vintage clothes, serving as hunting areas for fans to visit.
Although the road to embracing vintage clothing may be full of ups and downs, the benefits from this journey is guaranteed to make your personal style more interesting, your history closer, and the environment cleaner.
At https://headlock.co/, we strive to celebrate the essence of the vintage style and the unique beauty of the bygone era through our carefully selected vintage pieces that will add an irresistible yet timeless touch to your wardrobe.
Let us together jump into the realm of vintage wear and witness the thrill of wearing apparel that has weathered the test of time, each with its own narrative to share.
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skiphiremanchesteruk · 4 months
Streamline Waste Management - Skip Hire Services in Liverpool
Elevate your waste management game with our premier skip hire services in Liverpool. At WasteSURE Skip and Grab Hire, we offer convenient and reliable solutions for disposing of your waste responsibly. Whether you're tackling a home renovation project, clearing out your garden, or managing commercial construction debris, our skip hire services provide the perfect solution for all your waste disposal needs.
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charles-whitt00 · 6 months
bin collection liverpool: Our dedicated team understands the importance of maintaining a clean and organized environment, offering a seamless waste management experience for businesses and residents alike. With a commitment to sustainability, we prioritize responsible disposal practices, ensuring that your waste is handled in an environmentally friendly manner. Our tailored bin collection Liverpool are designed to meet the unique needs of our clients, providing flexibility and convenience. Choose Liverpool's Man and Van Service for a professional and cost-effective solution to your waste management needs, contributing to a cleaner and greener Liverpool."
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mvprehab · 7 months
Physiotherapy in Liverpool
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Physiotherapy uses techniques such as manual therapy, education and exercise to maintain health for people of all ages. It can also help to reduce pain, tightness and swelling from a variety of muscle and joint conditions.
MVP Rehab Physiotherapy are a leading provider of private physiotherapy services. Their dedicated physiotherapists are driven, compassionate and committed to facilitating your speedy recovery. To know more about Physiotherapy Liverpool, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
The clinic treats a wide range of injuries and conditions that affect the neck and shoulders, including shoulder impingement and frozen shoulder, rotator cuff problems, scapular incoordination problems, clavicle fractures, rib cage pain, whiplash, spinal stenosis, thoracic outlet syndrome, tennis elbow ligaments and tendons, and postural and movement problems such as Dupuytren’s contracture. They also offer neck and shoulder exercises and stretches for pain relief.
Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal issues, often caused by poor posture, repetitive movements or injury. This can interfere with daily activities and can disturb sleep. Patients who suffer from this condition can find that they struggle to carry out everyday tasks and perform at work and sport.
Patients can benefit from a consultation with a specialist physiotherapist, which includes an in-depth assessment of the symptoms and diagnosis of the problem. This allows them to develop a treatment plan that will help to alleviate the pain and improve function.
Physiotherapy has proven to be very effective in managing some patients’ conditions conservatively and delaying the need for surgery. Unfortunately sometimes this doesn’t work and patients will have to have surgery. This is where physiotherapy becomes really important to ensure that patients are fully prepared for their surgery and that the rehab pathway they follow after surgery maximises their chances of success.
This can include a hands on physiotherapy treatment plan to reduce any pain and swelling after surgery, education of how to manage your condition at home, rehabilitation exercise progression/reassessment and advice and instruction on how to use any aids such as crutches/slings. The physiotherapist will also discuss what activities you would like to return to as this is crucial to help you achieve your long-term goals.
Physiotherapy for patients following Hip and Knee surgery usually involves progressive rehabilitation exercises to restore knee movement, strength and function as well as some scar tissue massage work. The goal is to enable you to return to the level of activity you were at before your operation, if not higher.
A tracheostomy involves making a hole in the neck to allow air into the lungs. This tube may then be hooked up to a ventilator if necessary. Physiotherapy is important to ensure that the tube can be safely changed, cleaned and the correct positioning is maintained in order to reduce complications.
Observe the skin around the stoma and report any changes in colour or texture. Apply non-adhesive hydro cellular foam dressings (e.g. Allevyn) to the stoma if signs of irritation are present. Ensure that ties are securely fastened. Dispose of waste and perform hand hygiene.
Often patients will require advice on breathing, swallowing and communication. It is essential that this is tailored to the patient’s individual needs. This could involve education and support with a speech therapist to help patients eat, drink and speak again. It will also include helping patients understand what a tracheostomy is and the implications for their daily life. It may also involve more formal psychological input to help with anxiety or low mood.
Patients diagnosed with cancer of the head and neck can have complications that affect their quality of life such as a reduced ability to chew or speak. They can also have a hole in their throat that affects their breathing which is sometimes treated with Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Some cancers develop in the squamous cells that line the inside of the mouth and throat. These include cancer of the front two thirds of the tongue, the buccal mucosa (the lining of the inner cheek), the floor of the mouth and the retromolar trigone. Other cancers develop in the tissues of the pharynx, which includes the nasopharynx and oropharynx.
In addition, people with oral cancer might have radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses anti cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancerous cells. This is usually given in cycles, with a drug being administered for several days or weeks followed by a break in the treatment. To know more about Physiotherapy Liverpool, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
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floorinsite · 8 months
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Recofloor ‘hits the road’ to support the industry
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Recofloor hosted several pop-up visits and trade events at flooring distributors during summer 2023, which provided an excellent opportunity to introduce how the waste vinyl flooring collection scheme works and how it can help the flooring sector solve their disposal needs and challenges.
From May to September, Recofloor Scheme Manager, Carla Eslava visited distributor trade counters located from Manchester to Cardiff where she gave an overview of Altro and Polyflor’s take-back scheme to the trade counter staff and foot traffic.
In the first face-to-face visits since the start of the pandemic, Recofloor’s proactive approach was welcomed, particularly by trade counter staff who benefited from the latest news. New contractors were more interested in the longer and more educational morning trade events learning more about the scheme. Recofloor promotional materials, flyers, chocolates and pens, plus Altro and Polyflor goodies were delivered at the event. Recofloor branded window decals, specifically designed for distributors that indicates the site is a designated Recofloor drop-off point, were also dropped off.
“Many contractors were interested to hear that Recofloor can accept LVT offcuts and loose lay vinyl and were keen to increase their collections that include this material. It was helpful to remind them of what we can collect,” comments Carla. “Through engaging with customers, we can spread awareness of the scheme and the convenience of free waste vinyl flooring disposal and how their participation could contribute to winning more business. As so many Recofloor members can attest, ‘it’s a win-win all round’ for the environment and business cost savings.”
In addition to the visits and the morning trade events, the scheme undertook additional calls to distributors who also received flyers along with a short Recofloor video clip for those with a promotional monitor at their trade counters.
Pop-up visits and morning trade events, which included scheme promotional items, were held at the following locations:
May 2023
TradeChoice Carpet and Flooring, Birmingham 
3D Flooring Supplies, Bristol
Trade Choice & Flooring, Bristol
Richards, Bristol
July 2023
Pennine Floorings Supplies Ltd
TradeChoice Carpet and Flooring, Manchester 
Branagan Flooring Services Ltd
Lee Floorstok Ltd, Liverpool
September 2023
HFD Ltd, Bridgend, 
3D Flooring Supplies Ltd, Cardiff 
Birch Distribution Ltd, Sheffield
This year, Recofloor also welcomed two new distributor members to their drop-off network – HFD Ltd, Coleshill and SASGO Ltd, Glenrothes, Scotland, bringing the number of UK-wide drop-off sites to more than 60. Recofloor bins are now set up at the new sites and promotional flyers were delivered, informing vinyl customers of the service. More distributors are invited to join the network and benefit from extensive Recofloor support. All participants were invited by email to register for the regular Recofloor e-newsletter.  
Carla adds: “We provided flyers, in both digital and print formats, to promote distributors’ drop off points, also informing customers of the easy access to the Recofloor bins on site. The service is free, simple and offers a sustainable and cost-saving alternative to traditional waste disposal routes.
“As part of our ongoing communication efforts, we’re encouraging our distributor members, who are not already, to subscribe to our e-newsletter so that they receive timely updates and stay informed about all the latest developments within the Recofloor scheme.”
To subscribe, simply click on the following link: https://www.recofloor.org/subscribe-to-recofloor-enews/. For more information on the scheme, visit www.recofloor.org or contact Recofloor on 0161 355 7618 or at [email protected].
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goldenjerry02 · 7 months
bin collection liverpool:
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In Liverpool, efficient bin collection Liverpool are vital for maintaining a clean and organized urban environment. The city's waste management system ensures timely and reliable disposal of household and commercial waste, contributing to overall hygiene and aesthetics. Residents benefit from scheduled bin collections, adhering to local regulations and promoting responsible waste disposal. Liverpool's commitment to environmental sustainability is reflected in its waste management practices, emphasizing recycling and minimizing landfill impact.
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olko71 · 8 months
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/10/hs2-why-rishi-sunaks-big-gamble-may-not-pay-off
HS2: Why Rishi Sunak's big gamble may not pay off
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By Faisal Islam
Economics editor
When Rishi Sunak confirmed he was scrapping the huge infrastructure project of the West Midlands to Manchester leg of HS2 high speed rail, he said the project had come from a “false consensus” that links between big cities were “all that matters”.
The immediate pressing question is whether the UK is capable of delivering projects at this scale, at all. This was a nationally strategic project advertised to the world as a way for Britain’s regional cities to attract investment from the biggest investment funds in the world.
All of the Prime Minister’s secret conference projects were codenamed after trees. Scrapping HS2 was called “Project Redwood”. High speed rail in the UK has been shorn of its branches, and is now left as an expensive stump from London to Birmingham.
The escalating cost of this first phase was not a given. How was it allowed to balloon in cost so much to £45bn – and that’s in 2019 prices? The country is left with having built the most expensive part of the line, with the least need in terms of capacity, but without the connections to northern cities that would have been most beneficial.
Did it ever make sense to build what is largely a tunnel from London to Birmingham? Was the cash that should have extended the scheme to the north, the whole point of it, wasted on tunnels to hide it in southern countryside?
With rising costs, the government says that the HS2 scheme might not even give back as much back in benefits, as what is being spent on it. In contrast, some bus projects, for example, can give back £4 for a £1 government investment, they claim.
Tax cut plans?
Opponents accuse the government of scrapping a key piece of strategic infrastructure to create space for pre-election tax cuts. The government is adamant that this is not a way to fiddle the Treasury spreadsheets. While some detail remains on exactly when these new road and bus projects are delivered, their aim is not to free up cash.
The government also argues that the business case for HS2 lent significantly on business travellers. While overall passenger numbers have recovered to pre-pandemic levels, there are fewer business travellers now. Are these behavioural changes enough to mean the West Coast Main Line from London to Glasgow will not be at capacity?
The great prize of all of this was to change Britain’s economic geography, to create a counterweight to south east England, and in effect to create a single labour market across three major northern cities. Some of that effect will be retained if the £12bn earmarked for Liverpool to Manchester high speed line is delivered.
The money is being spent instead on everyday transport upgrades, rather than a single grand project. It is likely that the benefits of this will be quicker and more visible on the ground. They also lend themselves to being put on election leaflets next year.
The economic and political consensus had been that the gap between Britain’s second tier cities and the capital was significantly bigger than other major economies. Indeed some have argued this was a major cause of Britain’s low productivity. The Prime Minister has upended that consensus.
The opposition’s response will be very interesting. Rishi Sunak has basically dared Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer to reverse the cancellation decision, cut back the newly announced local transport projects, or borrow billions more.
These plans will probably reach more voters more quickly. But the risk is that Britain also develops a reputation as a place where big long-term projects are impossible, and cast iron cross party promises are easily disposed.
Mr Sunak has not just scrapped half a train line, he has suggested an entirely different approach to promoting British regional economic growth.
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Most Effective Waste Management Strategies a Business Must Implement
The need of the hour for individuals and businesses is playing an instrumental role in ensuring proper management of waste. Taking well-planned initiatives at frequent intervals is becoming increasingly crucial to keep the planet cleaner and greener. Every household, company and organisation must do their bit to maintain a sustainable environment.
You must put in substantial effort to ensure that your business generates low waste. Doing so will reduce the quantity of waste that ends up in a landfill every day. It is advisable to get in touch with a company that provides top-quality service to households and businesses pertinent to rubbish removal in St Helens.
Still, your business must implement the below-mentioned effective strategies to manage waste better.
It is of paramount importance to practice refusing waste elements. Doing so will contribute immensely to waste minimisation. You must avoid purchasing non-recyclable substances and opt for owning products that can be easily recyclable. Refuse unwanted items for the packaging of products when you work with your vendors. Choose and use items that have reusable value.
Your business's priority has to be keeping the surroundings cleaner and the environment healthier. Try to reduce the usage of non-recyclable, non-environmentally friendly and hazardous stuff. The more individuals and businesses reduce their dependency on such products, the less the waste will be in landfills.
It is advisable to reduce the use of plastic packaging, single-use plastic, and relevant items. Call a business that performs waste or rubbish collection in Liverpool to dispose of unwanted office substances in a waste yard properly.
Styrofoam cups and a wide array of one-time-use plastic products make up for the maximum percentage of daily generated waste. Everyone in society has almost normalised the throw-away habit. So, buying single-use plastic items means throwing the same away in the end.
The consumption of non-recyclable plastic products is increasing with each passing year. Thus, the current situation is terrible and simply unimaginable. The future generations have to bear the brunt of such careless acts at present. The environment is sustaining the adverse effects of using plastic.
You must make it clear to everyone in your office to prioritise reusing items as often as possible. Try to reuse elements in every way possible while producing your business products in the facility. Do so to generate less waste and protect the environment.
Repurposing products you cannot refuse reduce, or reuse is a great habit. Many conservationists and everyone who conducts environmental awareness campaigns regard repurposing as upcycling. Multiple elements in your business space can serve more than one purpose. So, make the most of every item in your office that can help meet various needs.
Focus more on recycling as many elements as possible in your commercial space. Doing so will generate less amount of waste. Make sure you rely on professionals with extensive experience conducting business rubbish removal in Liverpool whenever you want to clear office waste. The most eco-friendly method of waste disposal is recycling.
Your business can contribute positively to the environment when it generates less waste. So, start implementing the aforementioned waste management strategies without delay to keep the planet cleaner, greener, and healthier. Contact a leading waste clearance service provider every time to dispose of office waste appropriately.
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thxnews · 11 months
Gum-Free Streets Initiative: Cleaning Up and Transforming Our Communities
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More than 50 councils across the UK are to receive grants totalling more than £1.2 million to remove discarded chewing gum from our streets and prevent it from being littered again. Antrim and Newtownabbey, Cardiff, Glasgow, Ipswich, Liverpool, Sunderland and Wiltshire are among those to benefit from the second round of funding from the Chewing Gum Task Force. Launched in 2021, the Task Force was established by Defra and is administered by charity Keep Britain Tidy, with funding provided by gum producers. It aims to clean gum off pavements and put in measures to stop it being dropped in the first place, helping clamp down on anti-social littering. Estimates suggest the annual clean-up cost of chewing gum for councils in the UK is around £7 million and, according to Keep Britain Tidy, around 77% of England’s streets and 99% of retail sites are stained with gum. The Chewing Gum Task Force brings together some of the country’s major chewing gum producers, including Mars Wrigley and Perfetti Van Melle. Together, the producers have pledged up to £10 million over five years via the scheme to tackle gum littering. The latest round of funding includes: - Grants of up to £25,000 for cleansing with a fully funded bespoke gum litter prevention package. - Further grants of up to £25,000 for Antrim and Newtownabbey, Cardiff, Doncaster and Glasgow for the fully funded bespoke gum litter prevention package and long-term monitoring and evaluation carried out by not-for-profit social enterprise Behaviour Change.  
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Official portrait of Rebecca Pow MP. Photo by Richard Townshend. Wikimedia.   Environment Minister Rebecca Pow said: Littering blights our communities, spoils our countryside, harms our wildlife and wastes taxpayers’ money when cleaning it up. That’s why we’re working with gum producers to tackle chewing gum stains. After the success of the first round of funding, this next slice will give councils further support to clean up our towns and cities. In its first year the task force awarded 44 grants worth a total of £1.2 million, benefitting 53 councils who were able to clean an estimated 2.5km2 of pavement, an area larger than 467 football pitches. By combining targeted street cleaning with specially designed signage to encourage people to bin their gum, participating councils achieved reductions in gum littering of up to 80% in the first two months. Monitoring and evaluation carried out by Behaviour Change has shown that a reduced rate of gum littering is still being observed six months after clean-up and the installation of prevention materials.   Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, Keep Britain Tidy’s chief executive, said: "Chewing gum litter is highly visible on our high streets and is both difficult and expensive to clean up, so the support for councils provided by the Chewing Gum Task Force and the gum manufacturers is very welcome." "However, once the gum has been cleaned up, it is vital to remind the public that when it comes to litter, whether it’s gum or anything else, there is only one place it should be – in the bin – and that is why the behaviour change element of the task force’s work is so important."   Naomi Jones, corporate affairs director at Mars Wrigley UK, said: "We’re pleased to be supporting the work of the Chewing Gum Task Force again this year." "While the majority of consumers already bin their used gum properly, we know there’s still work to be done to change the behaviour of people who are disposing of their gum irresponsibly." "In its first year, the Task Force’s work saw 2.5km2 cleaned in council areas around the country. Behaviour change interventions achieved chewing gum litter reductions of up to 80%. This year, we’ll be to be funding and partnering with another 56 councils, across the four nations, in 2023."   In 2022, individual councils received grants of up to £20,000 to fund street cleaning and the purchase of cleansing equipment. Larger grants of up to £70,000 were available to two or more councils working together to achieve a greater impact.  
North East Solution
In Grimsby, machines made by Eco Removal Systems were used to clean unsightly chewing gum stains in the town centre. Due to the crew wearing the machines as backpacks, the team quickly became known as ‘Gum Busters’. The stains were removed using an eco-friendly detergent made from sugar beet. This was heated and sprayed directly on to the gum to vaporise it.  
Better Signage for Cities
Four councils – Birmingham, Newport, Glasgow and Belfast – benefitted from a full independent evaluation of their clean-up and prevention signage. A reduction of up to 80% in gum littering after two months was measured as a result of the interventions, through a combination of pre- and post-intervention gum counts and footfall analysis. The task force was announced as part of the government’s strategy to support the evolution and regeneration of high streets across the country, which includes 15 Town Deals totalling £335 million to fund community regeneration projects, the transformation of derelict buildings and communities being given the chance to own local pubs, theatres, sports grounds and corner shops.  
Increasing Fines
Littering is a criminal offence. In the Prime Minister’s Anti-social Behaviour Action Plan, we have committed to raising the upper limit on spot fines later this year from £150 to £500 in England. To tackle littering of drinks containers, from 2025 we will introduce a deposit return scheme for drinks containers where people will be incentivised to recycle their bottles and cans by placing a small deposit on drinks products. We have also banned some of the most littered plastic items in England and plan to introduce further bans from October 2023. The opening of this next round of funding comes alongside further steps this week to deliver the Prime Minister’s Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan. The plan sets out the government’s approach to making sure these issues are treated with the urgency they deserve by establishing a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of anti-social behaviour.  
More Power to Police and Local Authorities
It also gives the police and local authorities the tools they need to tackle the problem. Coinciding with Resolve’s ASB Awareness Week, pilot schemes have begun in police force areas to increase police patrols in hotspot areas, helping deter crimes from happening in the first place, and to deliver ‘immediate justice’ whereby offenders will be made to repair the damage they’ve caused to their communities with an aim to start reparative work within 48 hours. Earlier this week, the government also opened the first round of the Million Hours Fund, to make an initial £3 million of grants available for youth organisations to provide more out-of-school activities and support more young people in areas of high need this summer – ensuring young people are helped away from bad life choices and are given access to greater support.   Sources: THX News, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs & Rebecca Pow MP.  Read the full article
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metalscrapcons · 2 months
Cash For Scrap: Turning Trash Into Treasure In Liverpool
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Many cities around the world are not immune to the accumulation of scrap materials. Whether it's old appliances, broken electronics, or unused metal objects, these items can clutter up homes and yards, posing environmental hazards and taking up valuable space. However, what many people don't realise is that their scrap materials can actually be turned into cash through scrap metal recycling programs. In this city, there are various opportunities to earn cash for scrap in Liverpool, contributing to both environmental sustainability and financial gain. Let's explore how you can turn your scrap into cash:
Understanding Scrap Metal: Before diving into the world of cash for scrap, it's essential to understand what constitutes scrap metal. Scrap metal includes any metal materials that are no longer in use or have reached the end of their lifespan. This can include ferrous metals such as steel and iron, as well as non-ferrous metals such as aluminium, copper, and brass. Common sources of scrap metal include old appliances, car parts, plumbing fixtures, electronics, and construction materials.
Finding Scrap Metal Buyers: There are numerous scrap metal buyers and recycling centres that offer cash for scrap materials. These buyers accept a wide range of scrap metal items and pay competitive prices based on current market rates. Some scrap metal buyers may specialise in specific types of metal or offer additional services such as pickup and dismantling. It's important to research and compare different scrap metal buyers in this city to find the best prices and services for your scrap materials.
Preparing Your Scrap: Before selling your scrap metal, it's important to properly prepare and sort your materials to maximise their value. Separate ferrous metals from non-ferrous metals, as they are typically priced differently by scrap metal buyers. Remove any non-metal components such as plastic, rubber, or glass from your scrap items, as these materials can lower the overall value. Clean and dry your scrap metal to remove dirt, grease, or other contaminants that may affect its quality and price.
Understanding Pricing: Scrap metal prices can fluctuate based on various factors such as market demand, global economic conditions, and metal composition. It's important to stay informed about current scrap metal prices to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your materials. Prices for scrap metal are typically quoted in price per pound or price per ton, depending on the type and quantity of metal being sold. Keep in mind that prices may vary between different scrap metal buyers, so it's wise to shop around and compare offers before making a sale.
Safety Considerations: When dealing with scrap metal, safety should always be a top priority. Take precautions to protect yourself from potential hazards such as sharp edges, heavy lifting, and exposure to hazardous materials. Wear appropriate protective gear such as gloves, safety goggles, and sturdy footwear when handling scrap metal. Use caution when dismantling or transporting large or heavy items, and follow proper procedures for loading and unloading scrap materials. Additionally, be mindful of environmental regulations and guidelines for disposing of scrap metal waste responsibly.
Environmental Benefits: In addition to earning cash for scrap, recycling scrap metal offers significant environmental benefits. Recycling scrap metal helps conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimise greenhouse gas emissions associated with metal production. By diverting scrap metal from landfills and incinerators, recycling helps reduce environmental pollution and preserve natural habitats. By participating in cash for scrap programs in this city, you can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly community while earning money for your unwanted materials.
The Cash for scrap in Liverpool programs offer a valuable opportunity to turn trash into treasure in this city. By understanding scrap metal, finding reputable buyers, preparing your materials, understanding pricing, prioritising safety, and recognising the environmental benefits of recycling, you can maximise the value of your scrap materials while contributing to a more sustainable and prosperous community. Whether you're cleaning out your garage, renovating your home, or simply looking to declutter, cash for scrap programs provide a convenient and profitable solution for disposing of unwanted metal materials.
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