#was too busy w/ school and how the whole thing should flow lol
thegeminisage · 4 years
the south is like another country
i have an entire essay on how the current radicalism and steep political divide in this country can be traced directly back to the civil war - rural white southerners here playing the part pre-ww2 germany, the part of a resentful, conquered nation assimilated into the nation that conquered them, because if you think about it the south/the confederacy WAS its own nation for a time, that lost a very bloody war, and paid very steeply for it (not that slavers didn’t deserve every bit of misery the “carpetbaggers” threw at them), and the bitterness from that loss/the lost capital from having their slaves freed has been handed down through the generations, to people who now live in abject poverty while their livelihoods are destroyed by late stage capitalism, and their schools are so broke a lot of people here don’t even know how to read, and their towns are eaten alive with meth, and they’re still looked down upon by most of the country for being racist uneducated backwater hicks (to be clear, we should always look down on racism and racists, but it’s not making them any less bitter/ripe for being drawn into the cult of tr*mp’s america and f*cism).
but anyway this post isn’t about that! this post is about how when i go up north and i say “y’all it really is like i’m living in a different country” NOBODY BELIEVES ME. we speak the same language, we’re all americans, right? PFFFFFT. this amazon van thing just drives it home (pun intended). here’s a list of differences from the deep south* to the rest of the country*:
*the deep south here meaning the RURAL deep south. sorry to everyone who lives in cities/the suburbs and/or in border states like maryland and virginia. i’ve been to maryland and virginia and they are technically southern and some of this applies to them but it is not quite as extreme as it is here. the rest of the country includes the other states i’ve been to (california, washington state, new york, etc), which are in mostly every area except the midwest. i cannot personally vouch for the midwest. sorry, midwesterners! rural midwest probably has a lot of things in common with the deep south because rural life is different and also how easily people move around this country, but whatever
this is a long-ass post get ready
difference #1: DRIVING. driving & pedestrians are entirely different un rural areas vs urban areas. for starters, southern towns often do not even have sidewalks. this is because of 1. budget and 2. racism.
budget: rural towns are very spread out, and it costs major $$$ to put sidewalks in. it’s just not worth the trouble, financially, to put a sidewalk where only 12 people are ever going to use it, AND spend the money to maintain it. never gonna happen. racism: initially, suburbs especially in the south were seen as safe havens where people could get away from the stress of living in “urban” (re: integrated) areas. that the neighborhoods were only accessible by car and NOT by people who were too poor (black) to afford automobiles were just an added bonus. 
as such, the first time i left the southeast, i was SHOCKED to see people walking and biking WITH (or indifferent to) the flow of traffic. down here we are taught that if you are walking along the road (or biking, because bikers get lumped in with pedestrians down here), it is very very very crucial that you walk against the flow of traffic, because you cannot expect drivers to see you and not mow you down. the onus is on YOU to get out of THEIR way. additionally, walking in knee-high grass along the side of the road sucks, and because there aren’t many people here, the roads are usually totally empty. so oftentimes pedestrians just straight up walk ON the road. and if you do that you absolutely have to be able to see a car coming from a long way away, because rural drivers on completely empty roads tend to take them at extremely high speeds just for fun. the people who live diagonally across from me have had to replace their mailbox four times because folks take that blind curve at 90mph. i had a cat get hit by a car on that road. (they all live indoors now.) i even witnessed a car accident happen there when i was just outside minding my own business. ever see a tire fly 12 feet into the air and come down into someone’s windshield? that’s what happens when you hit power line pole driving like that.
the first time i ever encountered one of those pedestrian crossing buttons was in california in the early 2010s. i had literally never seen one before because we simply don’t have them here. they’re not very self-explanatory if you have been jaywalking your whole entire life because all you’re taught to do is look both ways and make sure the street is empty before you cross. northern/urban roadways are made so that pedestrians and drivers can both get to where they’re going. in rural/southern areas pedestrians might as well not bother.
interestingly, while not an entirely southern problem, there’s a loose correlation between rural areas and more problems with drunk drivers.
on the driving side, driving in a city is batshit insane. it’s both faster and slower. there is NO space and you’re expected to go whenever you have so much as an inch to worm your way in. there’s more traffic, and the traffic totally dictates your speed. in the south you can change lanes if you want to drive faster or slower and weave around traffic or let it weave around you, but in a city there’s no other lane to change to and if you don’t drive at the speed of the people ahead of and behind you you will die. you turn fast, you brake fast, etc. whenever i come back from driving in a city the people who ride with me think i’m insane. you don’t PULL ONTO A ROAD if you can SEE ANOTHER CAR THERE, what the fuck? meanwhile i’m like “lol that is six miles of space i have plenty of time” and give everyone in my vicinity heart palpitations until i readjust. 
tailgating in a rural area is something only assholes do (done by people on a two-lane road to encourage the person in front of them to go faster because the only other lane is for oncoming traffic), and if someone gets within one car length of me on a two-lane road i can very passively aggressively slow my vehicle to a crawl until they back the fuck off. in a city you’re lucky if you have a twelve inches between your bumper and the next car’s hood ornament.
difference #2: LANGUAGE. this is a small one, but the southern dialect combined with the lack of literacy means i am learning certain things late in life. phrases i have heard verbally with my ears but had never seen written out include: “chest of drawers” which i thought was “chester drawers” - “seven year itch” which i thought was “seven year each” - “albeit” which i thought was “i’ll be it.” i’ve made a deliberate effort to unlearn mine own accent/dialect but i run into weird shit all the time. remotes are mashers, shopping carts are buggies, you put stuff up instead of putting it away, i fix you a drink instead of pouring you one, we shoot the game instead of play it. my mom LITERALLY can’t understand me if i speak too quickly - she has to remind me all the time to slow down and put on my southern.
difference #3: TECHNOLOGY. issue of whether or not you personally have the creepy amazon vans aside, the rural south is behind the rest of the country on technology. things in cities are AUTOMATED. things like the little button you press to cross the street, tickets you take at parking garages, even the parking meters you find in cities, that’s just the beginning of it. one time i came across a little computer touch screen in a MCDONALDS where you put your order in. you didn’t even go up to the counter. you just put your order on the screen and swiped your card and then they got it ready for you and you never had to speak to a human person. self-checkouts, gas pumps where you can swipe your card and not go in and pay at first...the south got those YEARS behind everybody else. in the mid-2010s i went to DC and visited a target for maybe the 5th time ever and i was BAFFLED by the self-checkout. i had no idea how to use it! it was like less than ten years ago and i was IN MY TWENTIES and i had never seen one before! when we send a package we have to talk to a human person. when we order food we usually have to talk to a human person. apps for places like dominos and subway have not been in use here for very long. my county just got doordash LAST YEAR. 
because i am 31, and because the south is so technologically behind, i am actually old enough to remember how when you used to go to a gas station an attendant would not only pump your gas but wash your windshield for you while you just SAT IN THE CAR. that seems like something from the 50s but it actually was a thing here in my childhood IN the 90s. i wish i was making this up.
difference #4: INFRASTRUCTURE. this sort of goes hand-in-hand w/ the last point because so much of our infrastructure is made of technology, and it’s also more of a rural/urban thing than a south/north thing. but just for fun here’s a non-exhaustive list of things i don’t have in my town:
starbucks* - the first time i went to a starbucks i was in my 20s
a public pool - we used to, but now the only pool here requires a YMCA membership. the only baseball diamond in this county is also at the Y.
in fact, ANYWHERE to buy clothes that is not a goodwill or other secondhand store. i cannot buy clothing unless i order it online or LEAVE MY TOWN. almost all of the clothing i own is from walmart because it’s one of the only places in my entire county where you can actually PURCHASE clothing.
grocery store chains? pffft. my town has two entire stores and both are small southern chains. i didn’t go into a publix for the first time until two years ago when i went to florida. i’ve NEVER entered a whole foods.
food delivery? yeah, no. like i said, we got doordash last year, but before that the only place you could get delivery from was a pizza chain. we only have two pizza places in my town that deliver, and one is a local place, not attached to any chain, so i can’t spend my loyalty points there. (it’s very expensive there too.) last year it was CLOSED for six months because the manager got caught dealing meth. every last one of the delivery drivers was trafficking it for him. they all got fired and had to restart from the ground up. for that short time, it was not possible to get any food delivered to your house whatsoever.
a hospital/ambulance services - if someone is sick, we have to take them to the hospital in laurens, the town next door (about 15-20 minutes by car). the town i live in lucky - we have our own police and fire departments. (acab but you know what i mean.) joanna is a smaller town next to mine that isn’t a real town - it’s been demoted to a census designated area because only 2000 people live there. if they have an emergency, they have to use OUR fire and police departments, and LAURENS’s ambulance/hospital system
after-school places kids can go to keep from getting into trouble. we have the Y, if you have money (no one here has money), and we have churches, but mostly schools can’t afford to run too many extracurriculars. there’s nothing to do here but church and meth.
food banks: zero. we have food DRIVES sometimes where people will come from further away and bring free food, but if you’re hungry, there’s nowhere you can go for help - you have to wait for help to come to you.
libraries: we don’t have our own library. we have a branch of the county library that’s physically located in our town. but we share books with the rest of the entire county, so everything is always checked out or at the other branch. 
*we technically have a starbucks that’s in the local college campus, but only college students are allowed to be there. they’ll still serve people without a college ID because no one gives a fuck, but you can’t linger and loiter and hang out like you do in a normal starbucks. we also have one in the barnes and noble in greenville, which is about an hour away by car, but again, it’s a mini starbucks that serves a limited menu and none of that weird Starbucks Culture™
here’s a few things i don’t have in my ENTIRE COUNTY:
movie theaters - technically. we have a Historial™ one-screen theater in laurens that shows one movie for two weeks a month after it hits regular theaters and then switches to another, and if you miss it, too bad. this is a VERY recent addition - it wasn’t restores until i was in my 20s as a kid and a teenager i had to ride in a car an hour or more to go to the movies.
target. only commies and yankees have target. down here we do walmart.
skate parks/skating rinks
fairs. our county fairground got razed a decade ago because there just werent enough people showing up to justify the expense. so no more fairs. you have to have people to fund things and down here there just aren’t enough people anywhere.
you get the idea. we don’t have entertainment. like i said, nothing to do but church and meth.
CLASSES FOR STUFF: knitting classes, dancing classes, driving classes? nope. gymnastics, karate dojos, golf, knitting groups, books clubs, cooking classes? [GAMESHOW BUZZER]. you can’t even hire a clown for a birthday party out here. we do have a shooting range. ONE. in the entire county. and a race track. and a rather infamous former kkk memorabilia store. they made a movie about that (serious tw for this trailer - they’ve got white hoods, burning crosses, pepper spray, the whole nine), which, yes, takes place in laurens, aka right next door to me. i used to walk by that place all the time when i was playing pokemon go. haven’t seen the movie but the shooting locations in the trailer make laurens look a lot bigger and prettier than it really is in real life - especially the racetrack, which, in the trailer, is actually PAVED. (this is inaccurate to real life.)
EDUCATION: lots of people can’t read. we have two schools for illiterate adults, one religious college, and one branch of one of the state colleges that has a skeleton staff and a fuck ton of computers (you basically just go there to distance learn/e-learn - if you want to take real classes from this college, you have to drive at least an hour.)
support groups/group therapy: almost none. we have al-anon and weight watchers, but that’s about it. there’s only half a dozen therapists in my entire county, and none that operate from my town. mental healthcare down here is bullshit.
on food: we don’t have many sit-down restaurants, where servers bring you your menu and your food. if you don’t count waffle houses, my town has 4. my county has 9. in and out, 5 guys, applebees, ruby tuesday, red lobster, olive garden, panda epxress? forget it. those places were and still are rare treats. i’ve only been to an olive garden twice. red lobster once. whenever i leave my county i BEG for chinese because there’s only two chinese restaurants in our entire county and one of them is crazy expensive and the other one sucks. 
we also don’t have the more important stores you need to like, live. if we need to exchange our router at a charter store? yeah, we don’t have one. need to visit the sprint store to get your phone repaired? nuh-uh, we don’t have any phone stores either. my family recently switched to at&t because it was the only company that had a physical location in our county. before that, we had to drive an hour for even the smallest repair.
on a grimer note: we don’t have homeless shelters! homeless in laurens county? too bad for you. we do have homeless PEOPLE. they just have nowhere to go except the churches
hospitals? only kind of. like i said, our county has one, but it’s not equipped to take seriously sick people. when my mom had a heart attack she had to be driven straight to greenwood, which is 45 minutes away if you’re not in an ambulance. they obviously made it faster than that, but still. that was scary. it took them a long time to get here. i had a distant relative of mine die before the ambulance made it because they were SO far out in the sticks, even further than me.
we also don’t have any specialty stores. sporting goods, gamestops, shoe stores, florists, craft stores, bookstores, best buys...forget it. if you can’t buy it at walmart, you just can’t buy it. the exceptions: my TOWN has one jewelry store, two hardware stores, and two auto repair stores. my COUNTY has three clothing stores, none of which are in my town, one place that sells used TVs, and one movie rental place. thrilling, right? i can rent a movie if i drive out of town. (i know streaming killed the rental business, but we also only had two places when i was a kid, if you counted the rental section in the grocery store.)
so, yeah. i know the term “shithole” is really loaded these days, but rural areas are just plain less developed, and often in seriously poor repair because nobody fucking uses them. there USED to be more stuff here - my mom was on a bowling league, and as a kid i had a birthday party at a skating rink - but late stage capitalism and drugs destroyed it all. people ran out of money to do things like skate and bowl and so those places closed. the south is full of empty store fronts and deserted strip malls slowly being eaten by kudzu. my brother got out of this town and whenever he winds up back here (not often) he remarks on how completely and utterly dead everything feels. “my friends who live in greenwood now think they’re all rural,” he said once. “they complain constantly about how remote it is. but they have no idea. they wouldn’t make it five minutes out here.” greenwood has its own movie theater, mall, starbucks, homeless shelter, food bank, and hospital.
so, yeah! if you were wondering what rural white southerners are so fucking mad about, that’s part of it. propaganda and xenophobia and racism has their anger directed ENTIRELY at the wrong people, but it’s hard to argue that the anger itself isn’t just a little bit justified.
difference #5: CULTURE. specifically culture around food, and the culture around the civil war. i could write an entire other essay about the culture of the church being everything because the church IS the only semblance of infrastructure we have and this is why the south is so homophobic, but we’ll skip that for now.
food: this is a quickie, because i sort of touched on it already, but there are like, almost NO vegetarian options here. there’s very limited choices of cuisine. it’s ALL waffle house and soul food. we have a lot of mexican places because we’re physically close to the mexican border, but aside from that, forget finding like indian or thai or japanese or anything like that. no sushi. forget finding a menu that has meals that are halal or kosher. there’s just. no culture here. no variety. you know? like i said, our entire county doesn’t even hit double-digits for proper sit-down restaurants.
civil war: i’m not going to go into the big stuff since i sort of covered it at the top and also this post is getting way too long, but to other white rural southerners there is legitimate baggage around the fact that my mom married a yankee and that i am half-yankee. and he’s not even a real yankee! he was born up north but raised in southern florida. (florida is weird. the further south you go geographically, the less southern you are culturally.) yet: my family makes jokes that are sometimes not jokes about this. when i drop this information in casual conversation people get that look on their faces like: ah, that explains it. it being that i am not religious and don’t laugh at racist jokes and maybe i am queer?? (strangers tend to be unsure about this last part, even when i’m wearing rainbows.) it’s because i’m half-yank! that explains everything! the xenophobia is SO strong here that white people are even xenophobic at OTHER WHITE PEOPLE. 
so in conclusion when i say the north is like another country, it’s because the people who raised me think of it like another country. and culturally! it is buck wild! the differences that there are! when i leave this town i feel like i step into fucking star trek! if you are not from the rural south, and you have never been to the rural south, please do not come here! i’ve been to a few different places now and this is definitely my least favorite one. 
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cashdunn · 4 years
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chase  stokes,  cis  male  - Have  you  seen  elijah  “cash”  dunn?  cash  is  in  his  junior  year.  the  sociology  and  philosophy  major  is  23  years  old  &  is  an  aries.  people  say  he’s  hardworking,  honest,  pessimistic,  and  stubborn.  rumors  say  he’s  a  member  of  hastings.  I  heard  from  the  gossip  blog  that  he  was  indirectly  responsible  for  the  death  of  his  best  friend.
HI i’m mia and this is the first into i’m writing in a while so please. bear with me... i have genuinely forgotten how to write tbqh
cws for depression, drug use, death, car accidents, alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse
name: ELIJAH ALEXANDER “CASH” DUNN nickname: CASH. he wore a lot of black when he was a kid. his mom started calling him the man in black, which became johnny cash, which became cash. it stuck. even his grandparents no longer call him eli. birthday: APRIL 19TH, 1997 age: twenty-three height: 6′1″ sexuality: bisexual mbti: intp society: hastings traits: hardworking, honest, pessimistic, stubborn, polite, detached, charitable. zodiac: aries sun / pisces moon / scorpio rising sdkfjhsk yikes inspiration: rust cohle, the roy family (succession), ronan lynch, more fictional characters with Rs at the forefront of their names, probably major: sociology & philosophy. he’s also taking some business and criminology courses.
cash is the descendent of the dunn family, who are rich beyond belief. dunn is a common enough name that cash is able to shed any associations with them. he grew up apart from the family, barring his father, who dragged cash and his mom from texas all the way to alaska to “live off the land”. cash’s mom had enough after about a year of living off said land, and fucked off back to texas to the small ranch she’d been left by her parents. cash came out to visit on holidays from time to time, but, for the most part, grew up in the middle of the forest under the tutelage of his survivalist father. they had a bunker. it was a whole thing.
cash grew up alone, for the most part. he spent most of his free time reading whatever book he could get his hands on.
cash’s best and, at the time, only friend was max, his cousin. max’s dad had been in and out of rehab and max had been “prone to delinquency” according to the grandparents, who’d hoped that the wilderness might help shape their eldest grandson into a man with principles. max became like a brother to cash.
when they were seventeen and eighteen respectively, the truck they were driving into town skidded off the road and into a frozen lake. cash lived. max succumbed to the elements.
cash is now heir to the dunn fortune, which makes him extremely uncomfortable. he doesn’t want anything to do with the family money.
cash drinks INCREDIBLY cheap beer at all times. he also smokes, which is a habit he picked up after max died. he tends to roll his own joints so he can mix tobacco in with his cigarettes. huge fan of other illicit substances too <3 they’re his emotional support illegal items he’s like...
completely a nihilist. can be REALLY rude abt it too. he doesn’t really bring it up around some people which proves that he’s capable of tact but on occasion he rlly.......... cannot stop................keeps reading emil m. cioran over breakfast
terrible at communicating but he’s good for a one night stand whenever (which is a wanted connection, i think)
sooooo confused and sooooo uncomfortable when ppl are nice to him. it isn’t that he expects them to be cruel tho it’s more that he just expects to be treated purely neutrally by everyone
he will just give away money lol he doesn’t care !!!!
he may be depressed but he gets shit done! god knows why or how
absolutely not competitive at all and i dont know how he ended up in hastings. he doesn’t know either. he’s a nerd tho so there’s that... but he’s not the kind of nerd who wld function in a group KJSHDKFJSHD
being rich. like. makes him distinctly uncomfortable since he a) does not believe he  deserves wealth b) does not believe in wealth c) does not rlly know his  family beyond his father and does not believe they should be financing his education d)  hates the school he has ended up at e) seems to come with some strange  form of expectation in spite of his desire to go hide in some backwater  and never speak to anyone, ever f) feels that he could be studying just as well in said backwater g) would rather be able to follow whatever road his obsessive tendencies take him on instead of being forced to follow the trajectories he’s being directed on by his professors
incredibly tense all the time but in a laid back way. i will not elaborate bc i cannot i just. kzjdhfkjshdfkjshdkfh im sorry <3
he is very go w the flow tho.
this is the vibe
wanted connections:
one night stands
friendships (if anyone can stand him <3)
drinking buddies, substance abuse buddies, etcetera
a roommate
someone who knew max in some capacity
they hate each other but they see eye to eye in a lot of ways
a narrative foil
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Dating My Brother’s Archenemy Pt. 2 (ARCHIVED)
CrAzYArtist: Party? Like full out high school party? Drinking and drugs and everything? O.o I didn't know you were into that...
 GreenThumb: Yeah... and my sister is making me go. But it'd give us a chance to hang out.
 MonKeybiz: I'm for it! As long as you don't make me do anything against my will...
 $Cha-Ching$: Fine by me, never been to one before.
 CrAzYArtist: Where's it at?
 GreenThumb: Ermmm... It's Amber's party... My sister is friends with her and she's dragging me a long as her ride back home. Can't see why I can't just wait around in town until she's ready...
 MonKeybiz: ...You're kidding, right?
 $Cha-Ching$: Gives Kori a perfect chance to speak with Nathaniel though...
 MonKeybiz: True...
 CrAzYArtist: Say one more word about that and I'll break the record of my grudges.
 $Cha-Ching$: No idea of what you mean, but I can tell you're serious. Not crossing the line
 MonKeybiz: I second that!
 GreenThumb: Besides, it gives you three a perfect chance to crash Amber's party.
 CrAzYArtist: I'm in!
 $Cha-Ching$: Me too!
 MonKeybiz: Me three! lol
 *RabidsingeR has signed in*
 CrAzYArtist: Clear you weekend calendar, Lexsie, we're going to crash Amber's party!
 MonKeybiz: And do a little matchmaking between Nath and Kori on the side.
 $Cha-Ching$: Hey, this is Penni!
 GreenThumb: Plus you finally get to meet me in person!
 RabidsingeR: You had me at 'crash Amber's party' XD I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this...
 "You are not going out like that." Castiel said, not even looking up from his guitar. I looked down at my pure white flowing knee length dress and sheer tights with snowflakes picked out in silver. Lysander, who was sitting across from him scribbling away, glanced up, raised an eyebrow then looked at my brother, "She's not dressed inappropriately." Castiel still wouldn't look up, "She's going to that stupid party, so she's dressed inappropriately." He stated simply. I rolled my eyes to Lexsie who kept dabbing at her make up while Penni kept slapping her hand away. I wondered how Lexsie could even like my brother, he was just a pain sometimes. Penni smacked Lexsie's hand away again, "If you keep touching it, you're going to smudge my work!" The blonde girl snapped. Savannah sighed, "Really Lexsie. You're the one who wanted Penni to do your make up..." Lexsie's fingers started inching their way towards her face again, but one glare from Penni stopped them.
 Castiel finally looked up, "You look fine Lexsie. Stop fussing." He said flatly. Lexsie didn't really need the bright pink colored blush after that, she was so red in the face that the base couldn't hide it. Savannah, Penni and I giggled. Over the few days that we had to get our costumes ready for Amber's Halloween party Lexsie and Castiel went from Stage 1: 'You're Just My Friend, Whatever' to Stage 2: 'Blushes and Compliments.' It was all according to Tansy's '10 Stages of Relationships' chart. Penni was at Stage 7: the 'Can't be Without You' stage. Savannah was still at stage one with Lysander. Tansy said I was between Stage 5: 'Shyly Skipping Around the Subject of Dating' and Stage 6: 'Small Kisses and Presents.' I thought it was strange that Tansy had this whole thing already worked out, and that it made sense, somewhat.
 I sighed and snatched up my white wedge heels, “Let's go we're going to be late. Hey Castiel, are you using the car?” My brother, squinting at a page of lyrics, shook his head 'no'. I smirked, now came to part of tricking him, “I need the keys really fast, where are they?” Still trying to decipher the Lysander's writing, Castiel pointed to the small bowl sitting on the table, “There, stop bothering me.” He snapped. Before my twin realized he had been duped, I grabbed the car keys and ushered my snickering friends out the door, calling over my shoulder, “We'll be home late, see you later!” Before I closed the door, I could see Lysander smirking at me, he winked. So he knew my plan, but didn't bother to tell my brother. Guess he was on my side again.
 So far the party was a total bore. The only thing exciting was when some random couple got into a major fight which ended with a major make out session that made me want to gag. Penni seemed to be enjoying herself though, having never been to a stereotypical teen party. Even I had been before, when Lexsie dragged me to one our freshmen year, that was when we met Savannah. And I met Ty, much to my later misfortune. I kept to the seats, sandwiched between couples who couldn't keep their hands off each other and druggies smoking themselves silly. Savannah had left in search for a soda, knowing it would be a lost cause, while Lexsie was busy warding off guys hitting on her. Penni, however, had headed straight for the dance floor. From my view, I could tell she was owning the floor with her crazy moves. I hadn't even known she was into dancing.
 Savannah reappeared, two Dr. Peppers in her hand, “Guess Nathaniel is cracking down on the beer, I couldn't find any.” She said as she handed me one of the frigid cans. I shot her a look, “Were you looking for them?” I asked suspiciously. Savannah plopped down next to me, not caring if her medieval lady dress was wrinkled in the process, and laughed, “Of course not. But you know how hard it is to find a coke at these parties. I was kinda suspicious when the first cooler was nothing but sodas, so was the second and the third... after I looked around, I couldn't find any beer.” I popped the tap on my soda and took a nice long drink. Something bumped into me, causing me to spew my drink... just as Amber walked past in her skimpy pirate girl costume.
 As Lexsie would say: It was an opportunity worth dying for, and from the look Amber gave me, I thought she really was going to kill me. Savannah dying of laughter beside me didn't help my case of it being an accident. Suddenly I went from being the invisible snow princess, to the girl facing Amber's wrath. I slouched a little in my seat, bracing myself for the hurricane that was about to be unleashed.
 “YOU LITTLE BITCH!! You did that on purpose! Why are you even here, I know I didn't f***ing invite you!” Amber started, her voice shrill to the point that I knew any dogs within a mile could hear her. I slumped down a little lower, my cheeks flaming red. I didn't like being the center of attention and suddenly I was on Broadway. “Uhh... I'm sorry, I didn't-” I started, but Amber didn't even let me explain, “You ruined my $200 costume! You are soooooo paying me back, bitch! Don't think you won't!” Amber shouted then stomped away, her whole right side drenched in my backwash. I buried my face in my hands, not sure if I should cry or laugh. Lexsie came up just as the rest of the crowd started returning to normal, “What happened?” I was still embarrassed to speak, but Savannah wasn't, “Well, you see. Kori decided it would be a good idea to spill Dr. Pepper on Amber and-” “It was an accident!” I practically wailed, both my friends cracked up.
 Hours late Jade finally showed up as a green haired vampire. I didn't even have to make introductions, Lexsie and Savannah spotted him the minute he walked through the door, his bright green hair as out of place as Savannah's purple hair or my white locks. When I saw that there would be no awkwardness between the three I went to find Penni. She was surrounded by jocks trying to flirt with her, and she didn't look very pleased at all. I smiled and joined her, “Hey Penni, Jade's here. Do you want to meet him?” I asked. Penni looked at me confused, she had already met Jade before he went back to his own school, and she knew I knew that. I gave her a look, trying to express with my eyes that I was giving her the perfect chance to escape the jock's unwanted attention. She finally got the message and nodded before dragging me away with a force I didn't know she had.
 Of course, we never made it that far. As we walked underneath the upper story walkway, there was a voice shouting, “There she is!” It was followed by a show of ice cold water down on my head. I shrieked at the sudden change in temperature, throwing up my arms to deflect most of the downpour off my poor head. Laughter filled the air, and I was dragged back to the day that Amber had altered the comic I had drawn. Only this was worse, this was physical discomfort.
 Penni was staring at me, mouth open wide and eyes nearly popping out of her head. None of the water hit her luckily. Her gypsy costume was still in tact, but the same could be said for my snow princess dress. It had gone from gleaming white to sheer in .03 seconds, plastered to my body like a second skin. I hastily crossed my arms over my chest, shaking from the cold air that now wafted at my body. Amber appeared before me, taunting, “I told you you'd regret it, little bitch. How does it feel?” Penni glared at Amber and opened her mouth to defend me, but someone else beat her to it, “Amber! That's enough.” Shivering I looked over my shoulder just as Nathaniel wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. His sister backed down with a pout.
 Nathaniel took me to his bedroom. I sat on his bed, the blanket wrapped around me, watching him as he carefully made sure his door was cracked two inches. I couldn't help but smile at that, “I-It won't m-m-ma-matter. The-They w-w-will a-a-a-as-assume the w-w-worst.” I stuttered, my teeth clattering together loudly. Nathaniel didn't answer as he shifted through his drawers and pulled out a pair of grey sweats and a formless white T-shirt. He motioned to a closed door on the other side of the bed, “Bathroom is through there.” I didn't move. I just stared at the pile of clothes he gave me, then up at his golden eyes, “Why do you always help me?” I blurted out.
 Nathaniel blushed a little and looked away sheepishly, “Uh... I guess I feel responsible for what my sister does to you.” He said uncomfortably. I looked back down, disappointed, “...oh...” I stood and moved toward the bathroom to change, but Nathaniel grabbed my arm, “Korianna, wait...” I looked up at him, half hoping half dreading what he would say. Nathaniel studied me for a while before saying, “You know I like you, Korianna. I guess that's the real reason why I want to protect you from my sister's stupid pranks.” I stared at Nathaniel for a minute, my brain trying to catch up to what he just said. Nathaniel blushed even harder and started to let go of me, thinking that I was rejecting him, when I threw my arms around his neck and crashed my lips to his. Surprised he stumbled back a step and I was dragged with him, my feet skittering forward to avoid doing a face plant. Somehow my left foot got wedged behind his right and he tripped over it. To avoid falling to the floor, Nathaniel twisted and we both ended up on the bed, me on top of him, kissing...
 ...just as Melody opened the door.
 The three of us stared at each other for a minute, all of us blushing. Then I bolted off Nathaniel and fled for the bathroom, the clothes he gave me clutched in my arms. I stood leaning against the door, breathing heavily. I could not believe Nathaniel and I had just been caught by the girl who had a crush on him. Castiel seeing us kissing was bad enough, but Melody wasn't one to keep a secret like my brother. She was almost as bad as Peggy when it came to gossip, except when it dealt with Nathaniel. I just hoped her policy of not telling Peggy anything about Nathaniel would cover this incident. I could hear Melody speaking in a chocked tone, “What's going on? I-I came to tell you I was here and she- Did Kori... was she...?” Then came Nathaniel's much calmer voice, “Someone spilled something on Korianna's costume, she came to me for extra clothes.” His voice left no room to question how I had come in his bedroom looking for extra clothes and ended up kissing him. There was a small muffled sob and the sound of a door slamming.
 I finished tugging on the white shirt and tying the sweats tighter around my waist before leaving the bathroom, my wet dress flung over one arm. Nathaniel was standing in the middle of his room, staring down at something in his hands. I peered around him to see a pair of yellow cat ears attached to a head band teetering over his palm. Melody must have given them to him before she left. I gently touched his shoulder, startling him. Biting my lip I looked down, “I'm sorry... I-” Nathaniel pressed a finger to my lips, “You shouldn't be sorry. It's not your fault.” He said softly. I tried a small smile and took the cat ears from him, “These are nice. You should wear them.” I said timidly, trying to change the subject to a safer track.
 Nathaniel snorted, “I don't celebrate Halloween. I think it's stupid.” He said dully and I rolled my eyes, “You would.” I muttered then shoved the car ears down on his head, laughing at his expression of surprise. “There! You know, the ears really look good on you, I think you should wear them from now on.” I said between giggles. Nathaniel frowned at me and tried to pull the ear off, but I swatted his hands away, “No I like them. Leave them in.” Slowly he lowered his hands and didn't try to take them off again. I grinned at the thought that Nathaniel would wear something even if he didn't like it, because he knew I did. Mentally I made a note to tell Tansy I had gone from between Stage 5 and Stage 6 to fully on Stage 6 of her 10 Stages of Relationships. I knew she would be thrilled.
 *CrAzYArtist had signed in*
 $Cha-Ching$: Hey so what happened after the water accident yesterday? No one saw you after that.
 MonKeybiz: Seriously, girl. I know you want to be with your boy, but spend some time with your homeys!
 RabidsingeR: Savannah, don't try to be gangster. It's just atrocious.
 CrAzYArtist: 8 points for Lexsie!
 RabidsingeR: We're not playing Scrabble, Kori...
 GreenThumb: Back on subject... where did you go? I didn't get to even say hi before you disappeared.
 CrAzYArtist: No reason... I just didn't want to be in that house anymore
 $Cha-Ching$: So either you got into a fight with Nath or kissed him again...
 RabidsingeR: I'm going with kissing... At least here's hoping ;P
 CrAzYArtist: Since you'll drag it out of me anyway... Yes, Nath and I kissed again, and Melody walked in on us.
 MonKeybiz: ...Oh snap... doesn't she have a crush on Nath?
 $Cha-Ching$: Yep... ladies and Jade, prepare for World War 3
 CrAzYArtist: Oh come on! Melody and I are rational people, it's not like we'll end up cat fighting in the middle of the hall.
 RabidsingeR: When it comes to guys, all rationality goes out the window.
 $Cha-Ching$: Yeah, I mean look at how Lexsie first treated me for the whole Lysander mess... and she doesn't even like him (not like Savannah)!
 $Cha-Ching$: *read in sarcasm* You're right. It was because Kori forced Castiel into the whole mess, since that makes a whole lot more sense.
 MonKeybiz: Penni you're hilarious!
 RabidsingeR: Grrrrr...
 CrAzYArtist: Get over it, Lexsie.
 GreenThumb: Back on topic girls.
 MonKeybiz: lol, what are you the Topic Police?
 GreenThumb: Yes... don't make me write you a ticket! ^^
 MonKeybiz: I'm shaking in fear, Jade.
 CrAzYArtist: Has anyone seen Violette? She hasn't been on.
 GreenThumb: She was on briefly yesterday while you were getting ready for the party.
 RabidsingeR: Oh... and what did you two... discuss...? Hmm?
 GreenThumb: How nuts you are.
 $Cha-Ching$: 'You' as in all of us, or 'you' as in Lexsie?
 GreenThumb: You as in Lexsie.
 RabidsingeR: Love you too Jade! X(
 MonKeybiz: Okay guys, we have a crisis on our hands. Kori is possibly facing a cat fight with Melody...
 CrAzYArtist: I can handle myself, Savannah...
 RabidsingeR: We all know you can't, Korianna.
 CrAzYArtist: ...
 MonKeybiz: Nice going, dummy.
 RabidsingeR: ...Oops...
 *CrAzYArtist has signed out*
 I glared at the log in sign for ChatRoomzNet, normally I was used to Lexsie's hurtful comments, knowing she didn't really mean them, but that was just too far. Crossing my arms I slouched in my computer chair, but the more I thought about what she said, the more I realized... Lexsie was right. I couldn't take care of myself. It was always my brother or my friends who stepped in when something didn't go right. Now Nathaniel did the same. I closed my eyes wondering if I surrounded myself with people who had an instinct to protect me, so I wouldn't have to do so myself. Did I make friends or bodyguards? I shivered, scared of the answer. Maybe I wasn't so innocent as everyone made me out to be, maybe I was just a manipulative girl and a coward.
 My cell phone buzzed, bringing me out of my self depression. I answered it without thought, “Hello?” “Is this Korianna?” Someone, a guy by the deep tone of his voice, asked. I frowned, wondering who could have gotten my number. “Yeah, who's this?” “Nathaniel... You gave me your number last night, remember?” I shot straight up in my chair, I had forgotten that we had exchanged numbers when he walked me home. I leaned back in my chair, my right hand pressing into my forehead, “Sorry... I didn't add your number in yet, I was too tired last night.” I shut my mouth, knowing I was about to start babbling. There was a pause on the other side of the line, “Korianna... are you alright? You don't sound very happy.” Nathaniel ventured. I mentally cursed, why did Nathaniel have to be so good at guessing someone's emotions? I stayed silent, debating if I should tell him or not. I sighed, unable to lie to the guy who had been nothing but nice to me since I came to Sweet Amoris, “I'm not. I-” Nathaniel cut me off before I could explain “Don't say anything else. I'm coming to pick you up, then you can tell me what's bothering you.” I couldn't help but smile.
 “Alright, now what's the matter?” Nathaniel asked after he returned with two ice cream cones, handing me the chocolate one. I licked the frozen dairy, taking my time in answering. When I didn't answer for a while Nathaniel shrugged and leaned back on the bench, eating his own ice cream contently, waiting patiently for me to answer. Crunch! I pulled back realizing I had just ate all my ice cream and was working on the cone now. I was stalling. I sighed and turned to Nathaniel, “Do you... think I'm helpless?” I asked him. The student council president blinked several times, his blonde eyebrows pulled low over the bridge of his nose. Nathaniel shot me a funny look, “What makes you say that?” I sighed and looked down at the remains of my melting cone. “Something Lexsie said earlier, about how I can't take care of myself.” I saw Nathaniel's gold eyes narrow and hurried on before he could say anything, “I think she's right. Looking back, I've never been able to get out of a mess by myself. Lexsie and Castiel were always taking care of my problems. Then Savannah and now you. I can't think of any time I solved a problem by myself.”
 It took forever to Nathaniel to answer. I could tell by his frown that he was still trying not to get angry at Lexsie and failing miserably. Finally he exhaled deeply, his head bent so that his bright blonde hair covered his face, “Do you... want... to not be protected?” I tilted my head, “Huh?” I asked him confused by the question. Nathaniel looked at me, “Do you want your friends not to care about what happens to you?” He asked, his expression unreadable. I shook my head, still confused at what he was asking. Nathaniel closed his eyes and smiled, “Then you have nothing to worry about. We all love you Korianna, that's why we step in, because no one wants to see you hurt.” My eyes widened a fraction at the word 'love' but I shoved that thought out of my mind before it could fully form; now wasn't the time to be thinking like that. I stared at my lap, dimly feeling the cold sludge of chocolate ice cream sliding down my fingers. I hadn't thought of it that way. I pushed a smile on my face, "Alright if you say so..." I murmured. Nathaniel grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I blushed, but didn't pull away, I could get used to this...
 *CrAzYArtist has signed in*
 RabidsingeR: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! FORGIVE ME! I'll never say another word again!
 CrAzYArtist: Just drop the subject Lexsie...
 $Cha-Ching$: Please! You've been going on and on about this for hours.
 RabidsingeR: You would too if your best friend is super mad at you!
 $Cha-Ching$: First off I wouldn't have even said it. Second, Ken would never be mad at me, it's against his nature.
 MonKeybiz: Well we all thought it was against Kori's nature to get mad enough to LOG OFF!
 GreenThumb: You three are terrible friends. Kori, are you okay?
 CrAzYArtist: Yeah...
 RabidsingeR: It doesn't sound like it! TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!!!
 MonKeybiz: Seriously? You're the one asking that?
 CrAzYArtist: Nothing's wrong. And Lexsie...
 RabidsingeR: *gulp* ...yes...?
 CrAzYArtist: I'm only forgiving you because it got me a date with Nathaniel.
 RabidsingeR: WHAT?!?!
 $Cha-Ching$: O[]O
 GreenThumb: Well what do you know? There IS a silver lining to every thundercloud! CX
 “So then my mum was all for sending me across the Pond to my uncle's home, studying abroad as it were. That's why I'm here.” Tansy explained before class that morning, twirling a strand of her springy brown hair around her finger. She was nodding her head to a song only she could hear, her teeth latching onto her bottom lip, her rabbit earrings bobbing at the motion. Lexsie nodded eagerly, determined just to keep the girl talking so she could listen to Tansy's accent. I would feel sorry for the British girl, if she wasn't so talkative to begin with. Savannah yawned and laid her head on my shoulder, “Wake me when the bell rings.” She mumbled, closing her red eyes for a few extra minutes of sleep. I glanced at my sleepy friend then returned to my sketchpad. It had been a while since I had drawn, not since Amber got a hold of that cursed comic. It was only because Ms. Orion, the art teacher, was determined to make me enter a drawing in some annual art exhibit that I was even drawing. I would have said no, but then the miraculous thing happened and both Nathaniel and Castiel said I should enter something.
 I had decided to continue working on the piece I started when I first moved to Sweet Amoris, the one with Ken and Penni smiling at each other. I filled the blank spaces with pictures of Savannah and Lexsie with their arms around each other's shoulders, both laughing. Opposite of my two friends I had drawn Tansy, her face aglow with the light of her laptop. I erased Nathaniel in the library and replaced it with another picture of him bent over a filing cabinet, leafing through some papers. I also erased Amber and her crew and replaced it with the principal when she was calm and grandmotherly. Now I had a problem of small spaces in between the drawings, too small to be of any use, but big enough that they were noticeable. Tapping my pencil against my lip I tried to think of a way to fill in the spaces. Shading them in would be tacky and would ruin the drawings, clashing with the light shading. Maybe I could smudge the drawing around the edges to get rid of the white spaces. Tilting my head I scanned my drawing, trying to imagine what it would look like. If done correctly the pictures would appear to be coming out of a fog, but it would be hard to get the smudges exact. If I did smudge the drawing, it would probably take up more time than drawing actual pictures.
 “Wow. You're really good.” Penni said behind me, causing me to startle. Savannah grunted and sat up, giving me a bleary-eyed glare. The blonde behind us was still staring at my drawing, more specifically Ken. I shrugged, “I've had a lot of practice.” I said, but I knew she wasn't listening to me, her stormy grey eyes were still on Ken. Tentatively her fingers reached out to graze her best friend's penciled cheek. I watched her, amused. “You know, if you want, I can copy the drawing for you so you can have one of your own...” I offered. Penni gave me a wide eyed look, “Really? Yeah, I'd love one!” She said in a rare show of excitement. I smiled at her and flipped the cover of my sketchpad back over the drawing, “I'll give it to you tomorrow then.” I told her. Savannah leaned against me again, “What about Lysander? Will you draw him for me?” She asked in a sugary sweet tone. I glared at her, “No.”
 “I'm eating here.” I said to my friends at the beginning of lunch, pointing to the Student Council Room. My decision earned knowing looks from the girls and a glare from Castiel. Lysander just smirked, he had forgiven me for crashing the date with Penni, but we were just overly polite now. At least he helped Lexsie drag Castiel away, so I could avoid the drama of Nathaniel and Castiel butting heads. Nathaniel looked up when I entered, smiling when he saw who it was, “Hey Korianna.” He said before popping a carrot stick in his mouth. I gave him a flat look, “Carrot sticks? Really, Nathaniel?” I asked. Nathaniel shrugged, “My mom always packed them in my lunches when I was younger. I like them.” He stated nonchalantly, nibbling at another carrot. I shook my head and sat down in the chair to the right of his. “Well, my mom packed brownies. I think I got the better deal.” We both laughed.
 Nathaniel raised an eyebrow at my lunch; a roast beef sandwich, iced tea in a thermos, and a wild berry muffin. I chuckled sheepishly, “I like to cook...” I said sheepishly. It was Nathaniel's turn to shake his head, “Is there anything you're not good at?” I answered him quickly, “School.” It was true. Castiel didn't apply himself at all and managed to make As, I studied hard and still barely made Bs. Nathaniel seemed surprised, “Really?” He asked. I nodded glumly and waited for Nathaniel to start comparing me to my brother, but instead he said, “If you ever need help studying, I can help.” He offered. I shot him a surprised look, seeing that blush of his that I loved. Reaching over I swiped one of his carrot sticks, “Alright, thanks Nathaniel.” I said, biting the stick in half with a Cheshire Cat grin. Nathaniel shot me a dirty look, grumbling something about thief under his breath. I only smiled and finished off my stolen carrot stick.
 A hand appeared in the middle of my face, waving. I jerked back, blinking and glared at Penni. The blonde was glaring back at me, “You should really get your hearing checked, girl.” Penni snapped. I began to turn back to the book Nathaniel had loaned me, but Penni snatched it out of my hands before I could focus on its words. “Oh no! You're going to put this book down and converse like a normal person.” Penni said. I crossed my arms, “Study Hall is supposed to be for studying, not talking.” I retorted. Penni scoffed and waved her hand around the room, “And how many people are actually studying? Zero.” I opened my mouth, but my blonde friend cut me off, “You were reading for pleasure, it doesn't count. Besides... if you read you can't read the letter Ken sent me...” Penni finished with a sly grin.
 I suddenly forgot the book, “Give me!” I yelped reaching for the crumbled paper that Penni was waving around. Penni rolled her eyes, “Geez, you're just like a three year old.” She said as she dropped the letter in my grasping hands. I stuck my tongue out at her, but my eyes were already on the scrawling handwriting:
 Hey Pen!
 Got your letter, finally (you wouldn't believe how long the mail takes getting here...). I'm glad I'm still your bestest friend! XP Can you believe how long it's been since we last saw each other? Too long in my opinion! And don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other again before we're both sixty, maybe fifty-nine, lol. So you finally met Kori? I never got to talk to her in person, but like I said she sure seemed nice. Glad you could rectify that! See what MS is teaching me? 'Rectify' such a wonderful big word. Man I hate it here, it's all 'do this, do that, listen to the Sergeant or get your butt handed to you.' That's a direct quote from one of my MS friends. Her name is also Lexie, like the girl who's a friend of Kori- the one who seems to have it in for you. I've made a total of two friends at MS. Lexie, who is sarcastic and stubborn as a mule at times, but she's a good kid (lol I sound like an old man). Then there's Carson. Ooo Carson... that guy is
 Hey. I'm Lexie. Kentin isn't here right now, and he left this letter in plain sight, he should know better by now that if anything is left in the open, I'm going to be all over it! I'm a raccoon in a sense... MUST. HAVE. SHINY!! lol but it doesn't have to be shiny, just interesting. So, Pen... are you a guy or a girl? To be honest the name doesn't really give anything away, no offense. Kentin really doesn't talk about his life before he came to MS, but then I don't know anyone who does. Sergeant Krisp would probably go on and on about how wussy it would be if someone shared their sob story BC. Sorry, using MS lingo here. BC means 'Before Camp' kinda ironic, no? Ha ha, I sound like a frenchy. So, Pen, have any dirt to share on our good friend Kentin? That kid is as solid as a steel wall when it comes to BC life. I mean, even I'm more open then Kenny-boy and I've had a hard life. Not that I'm going to tell you, I don't even know you! Oops! Gotta go, Kenny is comin' back!
 Sorry about the paragraph above, I'm too lazy to rewrite this letter, and too lazy to scribble out what Lex wrote. Anyway, before Lexie got a hold of this I was talking about Carson. Well, I have to say if you weren't my best friend already, Carson probably would take that title. I think he might be a long lost brother or something... but we look nothing alike so it couldn't be that. Maybe a distant cousin. And yes, I wrote to my mom like you asked *cough cough ORDERED cough cough* I haven't received a reply yet. I wonder if my 'wonderful' father/master burned the letter, he probably did considering contact with someone's mother makes the person a wuss. Sorry, Pen, but MS can make a person bitter. Only the thought of you keeps me me. I know that sounds extremely cheesy, but it's true. You're the only person who ever thought of me as Kentin and not who I should be. That's why you're my bestest friend!
 Say hi to 'Cuddles' for me!
 Kentin Pierce
 P.S. What's this about Kori drawing us? I want to see! Can you send me it? And tell Korianna thanks for doing that.
 4rm Lex: Hey, Pen. So after reading Kenny's letter (behind his back I might add) and concluded that you were a girl (at least I hope), I have to know. Do you like like Kentin? Or are you just 'bestest friends'? Not that I'm trying to move in on your space, girl, just want to know. Cuz if so I'll be keeping the other ladies off Kentin's back. Not that he needs any help, but Kenny-boy is a real catch in MS. Probably the cutest guy here. All the girls swoon at the sight of him! Anyway, send me an answer! Us girls have to stick together and protect our men! ;3 (Kentin's probably going to kill me for this, but I don't care!)
 I set down the letter very slowly, then turned to Penni. “So what did you write in return?” I asked, carefully keeping my tone nonchalant. Penni glared at me, probably mad that I could read her mind so well, and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and turned my back to Penni so she wouldn't see what I was doing.
 Dear Ken,
 I'm glad things are going so well, and that you made friends. Does Lex really call you Kenny-boy to your face? O.o And Lexie, I'm not tell you if I like like Ken or not, I don't want to create any confusions as to how I feel for Ken, besides that information is between him and me alone. But if you feel it necessary to keep other girls off him, go right ahead. Ken, I'm not going to send you the drawing Kori did of us, because I can use it as another incentive to come home, you know... blackmail. X)) Besides seeing me again of course. And also, when did you get so popular? WHERE'S MY DORK AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM!?!?!?! lol XD Anyway, me and Lexsie are now relatively good friends, we still have our hard times, but that's because she's a hot head and has a crush on Kori's twin brother (you remember Castiel, right?). Well... I guess that's another long story to save for WHEN you come home, there's a lot of long stories. Like how Kori has a crush on the student body pres Nathaniel Powers and visa-versa (they're such an adorable couple!!) or how there's now a British techie girl going here. Oh! How about the Amber's Halloween Party Mishap? Starring Korianna, Amber, and an accident involving soda... that one is a doozy! I swear, if you put Kori and Amber withing five feet of each other, there's bound to be some interesting (and very amusing) events that will- whatever I completely forgot what I was going to say.
 I scooted a little farther away from Penni and started writing:
 Hiya! This is Korianna West, and this is to Lex (I'm just going to call you that since my own best friend is names Lexsie- with an 's' though): Penni likes Ken. I repeat, Penni likes Ken. She likes him just as much as I like Nathaniel, which is a lot, just sayin'. And since I'm sure Ken is reading this... if you break my friend's heart I'll track you all the way down to Military School and castrate you with a rusty spork. Don't think I won't, after all my twin brother is Castiel! But other than that you're good! ^^ But I still have to approve of you before I give my consent for you to date Penni. Otherwise you're out of luck. So when are you coming back, Ken? Cuz I'm tired of having to chase off idiot boys who thinks they have a chance at our lovely Penni (one of which being my own friend; and boy was Lys pissed at me! O.O). You had better come back and claim what's yours cuz
 The letter was snatched from my hand before I could finish. Penni was standing over me, red in the face. I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears like a cartoon. I smiled at her, “I've got his address now, so I'll just send my note to him if you don't.” I told my friend, knowing how much it would frustrate her. Penni turned even more red, if that were possible; for a moment I thought she would hit me.
 *$Cha-Ching$ has signed in*
 $Cha-Ching$: KORIANNA!
 CrAzYArtist: Really? I thought you already blew all your anger off at me in Study Hall.
 MonKeybiz: Now I'm curious what you did, Kori.
 RabidsingeR: Who isn't?
 GreenThumb: If it has anything to do with boys, then I'm not. Why can't we have a NORMAL discussion?
 MonKeybiz: Because you happen to be the only guy here.
 XxSilentBlossomxX: It is true Jade.
 GreenThumb: Kori! Make Nath join!!!
 RabidsingeR: Really? Then they can just flirt over the internet too.
 CrAzYArtist: Thanks for talking about me like I'm not here. AND WE WOULD NOT!!
 $Cha-Ching$: Hey, I have a crisis here!
 XxSilentBlossomxX: Oh no! What happened?
$Cha-Ching$: Kori wrote to Ken that I like him and then blacked mailed me into sending it.
 CrAzYArtist: Guilty as charged!! X3
 RabidsingeR: ROTFL!!!!
 MonKeybiz: Oh so cruel, Kori. I commend you!
 XxSilentBlossomxX: That wasn't very nice, Korianna...
 GreenThumb: I agree with Violette.
 GreenThumb: LEXSIE!
 CrAzYArtist: BTW, did you know Ken apparently has a friend also names Lexie? She doesn't spell it with an 's' though.
 $Cha-Ching$: Kori...
 MonKeybiz: You know, I think Violette fainted...
 RabidsingeR: That could be a valid reason why she's not answering.
 GreenThumb: ...I'm going to murder you one day...
 RabidsingeR: But you won't! ^^
 $Cha-Ching$: Back on topic...
 CrAzYArtist: Oh please, I know you played matchmaker that day you and Nath took me to the mall. Pretty convenient for your parents to show up JUST THEN.
 $Cha-Ching$: …
 MonKeybiz: 1 point to Korianna.
 RabidsingeR: Tell me one person who can out-argue our friend.
 GreenThumb: I can name two- Castiel and Nathaniel.
 MonKeybiz: Oh, touche. :{D lol mustache!
 RabidsingeR: I seriously question your sanity, Savannah...
 MonKeybiz: Why do you and Kori always say that?
 CrAzYArtist: Because it's true!
 RabidsingeR: Like that time you made us perform live in the courtyard of the school! I told you we weren't ready for publicity!
 GreenThumb: Oh geez, here they go again... talk of the old days.
 $Cha-Ching$: You have to admit it is amusing to watch them...
 CrAzYArtist: I don't even know why you made me play along, I can't play an instrument or sing worth a flip.
 RabidsingeR: You're still the prettiest of us three. Plus you were popular back then.
 CrAzYArtist: I'm not the prettiest!!
 MonKeybiz: No I really think you are. Your silver hair and purple eyes really works, makes you look exotic. As opposed to Witch Eyes over here.
 RabidsingeR: Or Goth Girl. Admit it Kori, you're the prettiest!
 CrAzYArtist: AM NOT!
 MonKeybiz: Oh really, then why are you the one with a semi-boyfriend and neither of us have even a smidgen that our crushes even notice our presence?
 RabidsingeR: You might as well agree, when Savannah starts actually making sense you know that she's right.
 GreenThumb: She's right. I'm the prettiest, can we change the subject now?
 $Cha-Ching$: XDDDDDDDDDD I think I'm going to die of laughter!!!
 MonKeybiz: ...I don't even know how to respond to that...
 CrAzYArtist: I think Penni has the good idea.
 RabidsingeR: *cough cough* Kori's still the prettiest! *cough cough*
 CrAzYArtist: LEXSIE!!!
 “Ouch!” I yelped and stuck my jabbed pinkie into my mouth to try and suck away the pain. The couple in front of me shot me a strange look, but didn't pay me any other attention. I glared at the pencil that I had pricked my finger on, if it wasn't so important I would have snapped the drawing utensil out of spite. When I was sure that the pencil didn't have any other evil plots up it's sleeve, I grabbed it again, careful to keep the point away from my fingers this time, and started sketching a rough outline of the couple. I had originally meant to spend the day at the park, just drawing scenery, but then someone saw my drawings and asked if I did portraits. I was about to tell him no when the man shoved a ten dollar bill in my hand and sat his girlfriend down in front of me. After that I started up a little business of drawing people for ten dollars a drawing, twenty if they wanted it colored.
 As I began finding the right curve of the woman's cheek, a shadow fell over my drawing pad. I looked up to see a sleazy looking teen, the kind normally found smoking pot down shadowy alleyways, leering down at me, “Hey there... haven't seen you here before.” He sneered. I scrunched my nose up in disgust at his breath, no wonder Castiel didn't like me coming here. The couple frowned at the guy, but didn't move. I was glad, I had already sketched them out and didn't want to ruin the pose. Besides, I could handle one druggie teen. My ex-boyfriend, Ty, was an addict as well, so I knew how to deal with drug heads. “Excuse me, I'm trying to concentrate, can you wait?” I asked politely, though I knew he wouldn't do anything. The sleaze cast a bloodshot glace at my drawing, “You're good... what do you say of drawing me?” He asked, smirking. I wanted to gag. I shot him a look, “Do you have ten bucks?” I knew he didn't, there was no way, and even if he did he probably wouldn't want to pay for a picture.
 Before he could answer someone sat down beside me and threw an arm around my shoulders, “Sorry to keep you waiting, babe. This guy bothering you?” A new guy asked. The couple sighed and I gave them an apologetic look before turning to my rescuer, “Yeah...” I mumbled. The new guy shot Sleazy Druggie a cocky smile, “Begone, and stop bothering my girlfriend.” He ordered airily. Sleazy Druggie gave me a glare, as if it was my fault he had to leave, and slunk away, his greasy dreadlocks dangling low over his face in defeat. False Boyfriend grinned at me when Sleazy Druggie was gone, “So... my name is Kyle, what's yours?” The couple I was drawing groaned, exchanging knowing looks. They thought I was about to hit it off with False Boyfriend, as if. I did smile at him, knowing it would be rude not to at least thank him. “My name is Korianna, thanks for saving me, but I didn't need help.” I said. Kyle seemed to ignore that last part, “Korianna, huh? Nice name. So what are you doing right now?” I gave him a look that said 'I'm on to you', “Being paid to draw. Can I finish this couple please?” I said flatly. Kyle gave me a winning grin, “Sure, I'll go get you some ice cream while you are!” He hopped up before I could tell him no. Sighing I returned to drawing the poor couple, making sure I made it perfect, they deserved to have the best drawing I could give them after waiting patiently.
 Kyle came back just as I handed the couple their finished drawing, two ice cream cones in his hand. He handed me the vanilla one, much to my dismay. At least Nathaniel knew I liked chocolate. Kyle sat down again, too close for my comfort, but considering my side was already pressed against the arm rest of the bench, I had no where to go. Kyle gave me an appraising look, “So, Korianna... where do you go to school, I think I would have noticed your white hair if you went to my high school.” I took a cautious lick of the vanilla ice cream and had to suppress the grimace, I really didn't like vanilla. “I go to Sweet Amoris.” I said nonchalantly. Kyle laughed, “Really? That place is the most drama filled school in this town.” I frowned at the guy, that comment was making him lose points, not that I cared; I was still sitting there because I was too polite to blow him off, especially after he rescued me from Sleazy Druggie. Kyle seemed to catch on to what I was thinking, he faked a cough, “Sorry...” He mumbled, looking sheepish.
 I pretended to check my watch, “Excuse me, but I'm supposed to be meeting my boyfriend for lunch.” I said in a false cheerful tone. Kyle's face fell, leaving no doubt that he had been trying to flirt with me. “Bye!” I called as I walked away, waving over my shoulder as I headed for the cafe across the park. I hadn't ever eaten there myself, but it seems I was the only soul in town that hadn't, even Savannah and Lexsie had been. I was seated almost immediately, given a small two-party table in the back corner of the cafe, near the kitchen. I set my drawing supplies on the table in front of me and ducked behind my menu, lest some other creepy guy decided to hit on me today.
 I hadn't even scanned the first column before my waitress was at my table, asking if I was ready to order. Talk about super service. When I didn't answer right away, she began blathering about today's special and what her favorite meal was. I ended up choosing the special, something called Slammer's Choice, which turned out to be nothing but a fully loaded hamburger, and a chocolate milkshake topped with whipped cream. I was hoping that the milkshake would help tone down on the super sweet vanilla taste still coating my tongue. I opened my drawing pad, intending to work Castiel's birthday present, a drawing of Demon, while I waited for my food.
 “One Slammer's Choice and milkshake.” Someone said a little later, while I was coloring in the right eye of Demon. My head jerked up at the familiar voice and I found myself staring at Nathaniel, looking very odd out of his crisp white shirt and blue tie he always wore at school. “Korianna?” He asked, startled, proving it wasn't just my imagination. I shook my head in disbelief, “You work here? I didn't know that.” Nathaniel blushed and looked away, "Yeah... My father wants me to have a job, and this was the only place hiring." He said sheepishly. I smiled and shook my head again, this time with amusement, "Only you, Nathaniel..." The blonde's eyebrows drew together and he opened his mouth to speak, but I continued before a word could pass his lips, "I used to work at an art supply shop, it's what got me hooked on drawing. Who knows, maybe you'll become a great cook!" "I don't cook the food." Nathaniel said flatly, I shrugged playfully and grinned at him fluttering my eyelashes, "Then you'll be a great host, for when your all rich and famous and host all those fancy parties with your spoiled wife and bratty kids." The look on Nathaniel's face could curdle milk, I hid my milkshake from view just in case he ruined it.
 Just as Nathaniel opened his mouth to speak, a boy our age pokes his head out of the kitchen, “Hey Nate, stop flirting with the pretty girl and come get Table 7's order!” Nathaniel rolled his golden eyes and called back, tucking his serving tray underneath his arm, “Alright, TC, be right there.” The boy, TC, grumbled something under his breath that I didn't catch and disappeared back into the kitchen. Nathaniel looked back at me, “My shift is almost done, do you want to wait around...?” He asked hesitantly. I smiled, “Of course.” I said, I could wait for Nathaniel forever, but I kept that part to myself.
 I eagerly licked at my second ice cream cone of the day, this one chocolate. Nathaniel walked beside me, still laughing over my story of the flirting fiasco I had suffered before I ran into him, “I knew you were pretty, Korianna, but-” Nathaniel broke off laughing again. I rolled my purple eyes at him, “I'm going to take that as a compliment and ignore the 'but'. Also, if you ever buy me vanilla ice cream, I won't speak to you ever again.” I said snippishly. Nathaniel started to crack up again. After a while I nudged him in the ribs, “Okay, your turn to tell a funny story.” Nathaniel shrugged, “My day isn't as... interesting as yours.” He said nonchalantly. Having already suffered through one of his failed attempts at a joke, I conceded the point; Nathaniel was too serious to have funny days.
 “Fine, tell me about TC, what's those initials stand for?” I asked, changing the subject. Nathaniel made a face, “Why are you thinking about getting him to flirt with you too?” He teased. I mock glared and swatted his arm, “Speak!” I demanded playfully. Nathaniel laughed and threw his arm over my shoulders and drew me closer, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, “Well, TC's real name Tyrone Cyril, so you can imagine why he goes by his initials.” I snorted, “And I thought Lexsie's full name was bad!” I said between giggles. Nathaniel smirked, “Yes... what is her full name?” I turned my nose in the air, “She made me promise not to tell. A secret is a secret and nothing, not even a kiss, will pry it from me.” I said airily, Nathaniel smirked, “Oh come on, Korianna. I told you TC's real name, and he made me promise never to tell either... I won't tell a soul.”
 I looked my boyfriend up and down, pretending to consider if he was trustworthy or not. Finally I stage whispered, “You promise?” He nodded, trying to act serious, but his lips kept twitching. I glanced left and right and dramatically waved Nathaniel down. Grinning he leaned down until our faces were inches from each other. The air suddenly got a lot tenser and more serious. We stared at each other, aware how close we were. My tongue darted out to wet my lips, and Nathaniel's gold eyes zeroed in on my mouth. I couldn't believe how much I wanted him to kiss me, how much I needed him to. Nathaniel leaned even farther in, so close that I could feel the presence of his mouth, just millimeters from mine. One tiny movement and we would be kissing.
 Nathaniel's eyes flicked back up to my wide ones and he smirked, “I'm not kissing you until you tell me Lexsie's name.” He said, pulling just a little farther away. I glared at him, darn his everlasting sense of cruel jokes. I think he was learning too much from the villains in those mystery books he was always reading. With one last look of surliness, I leaned up and whispered Lexsie's name in Nathaniel's ear, nipping at his earlobe just to get revenge. Nathaniel jerked back, his golden eyes wide with surprise, then he crashed his lips to mine. I guess I lied when I said a kiss wouldn't be able to pry the secret from me, because when Nathaniel finally pulled away from my tender and kiss-swollen lips, I was ready to spill any secret he asked, just so he could kiss me like that again.
 I was trying to concentrate on my English paper due next week when my cell phone buzzed on my bed. It was Savannah, *U better get on ChatRoomz.* I sighed, I had specifically told my friends last night before I logged off that today I wasn't going to get on so I could finish my homework. *Homework, remember?* I texted back. Savannah's answer came quickly, *K, I just thought u might want 2 defend urself. Jades gettin pretty tired of doin the job 4 u* I blinked at the text, was it just me or did Savannah sound mad? I minimized my essay and pulled up ChatRoomzNet, dreading what was going to happen.
 *CrAzYArtist has signed in*
 RabidsingeR: YOU!
 GreenThumb: Finally!
 *GreenThumb has signed out*
 RabidsingeR: HOW COULD YOU?!?!
 CrAzYArtist: Whoa, whoa what did I do?
 $Cha-Ching$: You staying on Savannah?
 MonKeybiz: Yeah... someone needs to be the mediator.
 $Cha-Ching$: Alright then I'm out, text me when the chat room is safe again.
 *$Cha-Ching$ has signed out*
 MonKeybiz: Will do!
 RabidsingeR: Korianna Rillei West, who did you tell!?
 RabidsingeR: My ****ing name!
 MonKeybiz: Hey hey, let's keep it PG.
 RabidsingeR: Butt out, Savannah! It's none of your business.
 MonKeybiz: Are you sure Kori is even the person who told?
 RabidsingeR: Because she's the only person who actually knows my full name besides my PARENTS!
 I gulped staring at the screen and suddenly understanding what Lexsie was so upset about. I quickly swiveled my chair around so I wasn't facing the computer and texted Nathaniel *Please tell me you didn't tell anyone Lexsie's full name...* It was a long moment before he answered *No, why?* *Because someone must of overheard us and told everyone else. I'm dead* Nathaniel took a while in answering, *I doubt Lexsie will kill you.* *Well if I don't show up Monday you know who to blame. I have to deal with this mess now. Bye* *Good luck O.o* I turned back to the computer screen and grimaced. I hadn't spent more than a minute texted Nathaniel but Lexsie was already shouting at me again
 MonKeybiz: Castiel might have had something for her to do. She hasn't logged out.
 RabidsingeR: KORIANNA!! Get your butt back on and take it like a woman!
 CrAzYArtist: I'm back. Geez I had to ask Nathaniel something, sorry!
 RabidsingeR: What did you ask him? If he told anyone my name?
 CrAzYArtist: ...yes...
 MonKeybiz: Kori! O.O
 RabidsingeR: WHAT?!?!? You actually did tell your boyfriend my topmost secret in the universe?! You promised never to tell!
 CrAzYArtist: It's a name, Lexsie.
 RabidsingeR: SO? You made a promise never to tell, and guess what, *****, you did!
 MonKeybiz: Hey hey, PG remember?
 CrAzYArtist: It's Nathaniel I told, do you really think I would just share with anyone? You can trust Nathaniel, he can keep a secret.
 RabidsingeR: Yeah sure, that is why Amber texted me about my name this morning? Because your boyfriend can keep a secret?
 *SBPrez has joined the Chat Room*
 CrAzYArtist: She must have overheard us!
 RabidsingeR: Uh-huh, sure. You told her AND Nathaniel! I know you did.
 CrAzYArtist: Are you even listening to yourself? I hate Amber, why would I ever tell her anything besides 'get lost'?
 RabidsingeR: Because you are always defending her when I try to talk bad about her.
 CrAzYArtist: That's because I hate gossip and you know it!
 RabidsingeR: I don't know anything about you Korianna West. I thought you were a promise keeper, but obviously you're not!
 CrAzYArtist: You are over reacting, Lexsie. It is a NAME!
 RabidsingeR: That you know I hate!
 CrAzYArtist: You know what I find amusing? You have no qualms of spilling other people's secrets, say... Jade's crush on Violet, but I dare whisper your real name and suddenly I'm the most horrible person on Earth!
 RabidsingeR: Well, if the shoe fits.
 CrAzYArtist: Alright, hypocrite. I'm the most horrible person on Earth. I should just bow down to you and beg for forgiveness for all eternity, because it's obvious that I will never be able to redeem myself.
 RabidsingeR: What did you call me?
 CrAzYArtist: Are you so incompetent that you don't understand the word 'hypocrite'? I'll try to spell it out so you can understand: It means that you can do anything you want but God forbid someone else do the same thing. Do you understand now?
 MonKeybiz: Kori... calm down.
 CrAzYArtist: You asked me to defend myself, I am. So BUTT OUT!
 RabidsingeR: Geez, aren't you defensive when your little innocent image is at stake. You know I'm glad I found out what you were really like so now I can just avoid you.
 CrAzYArtist: I guess you'll have to give up your foolish dreams about Castiel then, since he is my twin.
 MonKeybiz: Hey who are you? This is a private chat room, how did you get in here!?
 SBPrez: I'm Nathaniel.
 RabidsingeR: Great, did you tell your boy to come and defend you, Korianna? Two against one is it? You're a coward.
 SBPrez: Korianna didn't invite me. Penni did. She thought I could give a better explanation.
 RabidsingeR: I'm all ears, traitor.
 SBPrez: Alright. I blackmailed Kori to tell me. She tried to not tell me, but I got it out of her. She also made sure no one was around before she told me and whispered your name in my ear.
 RabidsingeR: So how did that *****y sister of yours know my name?
 SBPrez: -_- When I asked her about it, Amber admitted to breaking into the Student Council Room and stealing some student files. She happened to grab yours, Lexsie.
 *RockStar has signed in*
 RockStar: So Penni told me to get on and break up a fight between Lexsie and Kori... My solution: Stop butting heads and forgive each other already. And Kori, it's your turn to make dinner.
 SBPrez: Oh great...
 RockStar: Please tell me that isn't who I think it is.
 MonKeybiz: *gulp* Why am I suddenly in the middle of two fights?
 CrAzYArtist: Lexsie?
 RabidsingeR: What?
 CrAzYArtist: Call a truce so we can watch Nath and Castiel fight? :)
 RabidsingeR: ...alright...
 SBPrez: Sorry to disappoint you, slacker.
 RockStar: Say that to my face, Goody Two Shoes.
 SBPrez: Gladly. You're reading the computer screen, so I said it to your face.
 RockStar: I MEANT IN PERSON!!!!
 SBPrez: I'm typing this in person, slacker. So I'm saying it in person.
 RockStar: Stop being a ****
 SBPrez: Gladly, when you do the same.
 RockStar: GRRRRRRRRRR!!!! You're dead tomorrow Mr. Goody-goody!
 SBPrez: You've been saying that for years, West.
 RockStar: Well this time it's real, Powers.
 CrAzYArtist: Ah, be silent both of you before I come after you!
 SBPrez: Fine.
 RockStar: HA! You're whipped, goody-goody!
 I glared at my brother's response, he was going to regret that. I dug around my drawing until I came up with a small silver whistle. Sticking it in the corner of my mouth I began blowing with each breath as I continued to watch Nathaniel and Castiel fight between them. Demon began barking like crazy and I could hear loud crashing downstairs. My brother started yelling at me, but I was too busy blowing on the whistle to answer. Finally he typed on ChatRoomz:
 MonKeybiz: Huh? She's not doing anything.
 CrAzYArtist: I'm blowing a doggy whistle. I thought I told you to stop fighting.
 RockStar: **** it, Kori!
 SBPrez: Hey, watch your language.
 RockStar: Oh I remember when you used to say that, goody-goody. Don't deny it.
 SBPrez: Shut up...
 CrAzYArtist: Do I smell a back story?
 RabidsingeR: Tell tell!
 RockStar: Never.
 SBPrez: For once I agree with West, I'm not telling. And you were stupid, slacker, to believe her over me.
 RockStar: Oh was I? I saw you, Goody Two Shoes!
 SBPrez: Ever thought that it was her fault?
 RockStar: She wouldn't ever do anything like that!
 SBPrez: You obviously didn't know her then.
 RockStar: I'm sure you knew her.
 SBPrez: As much as I would say I did just to annoy you, that would be lying.
 RockStar: Yeah, right.
 CrAzYArtist: Then stop arguing with my boyfriend. And Nathaniel, stop arguing with my brother.
 SBPrez: You don't have a whistle to bother me with.
 CrAzYArtist: I'm not kissing you again if you continue.
 SBPrez: ...fine...
 MonKeybiz: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you got him there, Kori!
 RockStar: *gag* I think I'm going to vomit.
 RabidsingeR: I'm still mad at you, but I have to say that is perfect blackmail.
 CrAzYArtist: I should know, that's what Nath used to get me to tell him your name.
 RabidsingeR: In that case... I guess I forgive you. Kisses are hard to abstain from.
 “So... how bad do you think it will be?” Lexsie asked me and Castiel as we started up the stairs towards Sweet Amoris. My brother shrugged, not commenting. I tried to keep an optimistic view on it all, “Well, not many people really like Amber, so they will probably zone her out if she tries to talk to them and-” I cut off abruptly when the three of us entered the main hallway, my mouth dropping open a little at the sight of the redecorated halls. Everywhere there was papers taped to the lockers and walls, scattered over the floors, and in neat stacks by the doors. Every last one had Lexsie's student ID photo and her full name printed in capital letters across the page in red ink. If that wasn't injury enough, drooping from the ceiling was a white banner that said LEXSIE LIARD IS LEXSINGTON CONCORD LIARD!!* Castiel and I exchanged worried looked over Lexsie's head then looked down at our friend. She actually looked like she was going to cry.
 Some jerk spotted us standing there at the entrance of the school and shouted, “Hey! There's the Walking History Book!” Everyone standing in the hall started laughing. Castiel glared and stalked towards the source of the jerk, murder written clearly on his face. Everyone made a clear path for my brother, giving me a clear view of the idiot who opened his mouth and signed his death warrant. I only knew it was him because Lysander had the guy by the collar, the usually laid back musician looking about as murderous as Castiel. Seeing that the boys had it handled, I nudged Lexsie towards the Student Council Room, knowing that she would be able to escape the scrutiny there. This reminded me too much of my own problem when Amber decided to doctor my art and show her work to everyone else.
 Nathaniel glanced up when we entered the room, his gold eyes serious. He didn't say anything as I forcibly sat Lexsie down in one of the chairs, since she was too stunned to do so herself. I walked over to my boyfriend, “Is there anything you're doing?” I whispered, with a cautious look to Lexsie. She just sat there, her green eyes hazed over as every nightmare over her name probably came to life. I felt sorry for my best friend, nothing could compare to having your worst nightmares realized. Nathaniel looked at Lexsie as well before saying quietly, “I already had my sister suspended. Someone went to get a ladder to take that stupid banner down and Savannah, Penni, Iris and Lysander are collected the fliers as we speak.” I nodded and sat down beside him with a sigh, “Man... I don't want to deal with this.” I grumbled to myself. Nathaniel reached out and took my hand, “You need to be there for Lexsie. She was there for you when Amber bullied you.” He said. I nodded slowly, he was right of course. He always was when it came to things like this.
 My brother burst in at that moment and Nathaniel dropped my hand quickly. I schooled my face so not to show the hurt as I turned to my brother. Castiel was glaring at Nathaniel, for whether he saw us holding hands or for another reason (which was plausible), “I'm taking Lexsie home.” He growled, it wasn't a question. Nathaniel narrowed his own golden eyes, “You don't have guardianship over her. She cannot leave without parental consent.” I sighed, of course the two boys in my life would find something to argue over in the midst of a crisis. Lexsie didn't even seem to acknowledge that she was being talked about, she sat in her chair as still as a statue. As I watched her, my friend drew in a shuddering breath, like those when you were crying, and burst into tears.
 Nathaniel and Castiel halted in their argument to stare at Lexsie, both looking extremely uncomfortable to be in the presence of a girl's tears. I glared at them both for being idiots before I sat down beside Lexsie and pulling her into my arms. Lexsie didn't notice, she just continued to sob. Fat tears rolled down her face, leaving black trails from her mascara as huge gasping wails shook her body. Her hands were curled up in front over her, as if trying to hold her heart in. I shushed her, petting away her shoot green highlighted black hair away from her wet cheeks. Lexsie continuously shook, like a small dog in the cold. her face turning blotchy red. Crying was never beautiful, no matter how many movies made them. It was an ugly business, to be seen only by those closest to you. But even I had never seen Lexsie cry, she was an impenetrable wall, holding all tears inside to be saved for a later time.
 I shot a nasty glare over my shoulder at Castiel and Nathaniel, who still stood there dumbly, staring at poor Lexsie. Guys should never see a girl cry, it was an unwritten rule. Especially when one of the guys happened to be a crush. Nathaniel was the first to recover, probably used to seeing Amber cry over nothing, he practically had to shove a still stunned Castiel out of the room, shutting the door behind him. The faint click of the door shutting sent Lexsie into a full out bawling fest, it was as if she had been waiting for the boys to leave so she could let her reservoir of tears loose. I just held my friend tightly, knowing that no words or friendly gestures could stop such a flood.
 $Cha-Ching$: So... you think she's getting on?
 MonKeybiz: Probably not.
 CrAzYArtist: Castiel took her out for ice cream, because ice cream makes everything better.
 MonKeybiz: I worry about your philosophy sometimes, Kori.
 CrAzYArtist: It's not mine! It's a West family belief!
 $Cha-Ching$: All of you West's are strange.
 GreenThumb: Remind me never to meet your parents...
 SBPrez: I wish I could say the same.
 CrAzYArtist: If you want to truly date me, Nathaniel Powers, then you have to meet my dad. It's the law.
 SBPrez: It is not the law.
 CrAzYArtist: It is in the West family. My father has to approve of every single guy I ever date.
 MonKeybiz: So how did Ty pass the Great Test of the Century?
 CrAzYArtist: Don't get snarky with me... and that little prick could charm a homeless man into giving up his last pair shoes.
 SBPrez: So why did you two break up?
 MonKeybiz: Oh you know, cheated on Kori then tried to make it as if she was the reason he cheated. The usual stuff.
 GreenThumb: Ouch.
 MonKeybiz: Yeah, Lexsie knocked a few of his teeth out when she heard about it.
 SBPrez: Should I be worried?
CrAzYArtist: Just don't screw up and you'll be fine. But Lexsie would be the least of your worries if you ever did anything to hurt me. I know Castiel is looking for a chance to lay into you.
 SBPrez: WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON?!?!?!?!
CrAzYArtist: My side. CX
 MonKeybiz: Okay lovebirds, we have a serious crisis on our hands. What are we going to do about Lexsie?
 CrAzYArtist: I'm sure if something evil happened to you the best thing to cheer you up would be to go get ice cream with Lysander. Trust me, it's being handled.
 MonKeybiz: ...I hate you...
 $Cha-Ching$: Is it bad that I'm laughing so hard?
 GreenThumb: No... So Penni, any news from Ken?
 $Cha-Ching$: o///////o HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!?
MonKeybiz: Kori have you been spilling secrets again?
 CrAzYArtist: I take offense to that.
 SBPrez: I thought we cleared this up last night.
 MonKeybiz: Nath stop standing up for your girlfriend! Let her answer the question.
 CrAzYArtist: I did Savannah. I said I take offense to that, meaning NO!
 SBPrez: Nath?
 $Cha-Ching$: You're name takes to long to spell out, so we shorten it on chat.
 SBPrez: Savannah's name is only a letter shorter than mine...
 CrAzYArtist: But her name shortened sounds weird. Savan doesn't have a ring to it.
 MonKeybiz: Plus it sounds like a guys name...
 SBPrez: So... Savannah is the only person who doesn't have a nickname?
 CrAzYArtist: And Castiel and Jade and Ken.
 $Cha-Ching$: Actually Ken's real name is Kentin, so yes he had a nickname.
 SBPrez: I wasn't counting Castiel.
 CrAzYArtist: You might as well start, buster. He's my brother which means your going to be seeing him a lot.
 MonKeybiz: Careful what you say, Nath, Kori loves her brother.
 SBPrez: Don't call me Nath, please.
 MonKeybiz: Why not?
 SBPrez: Reasons I don't wish to share yet.
 CrAzYArtist: You're just as closed off as Castiel sometimes.
 GreenThumb: Oooooooooo, burn!
 SBPrez: Shut up Jade...
 MonKeybiz: Well I'm not going to stop calling you Nath until you tell me. So there!
 *RabidsingeR has signed in*
 CrAzYArtist: LEXSIE! How are you feeling?!
 RabidsingeR: better... you're right, Kori. That ice cream philosophy works wonders.
 CrAzYArtist: HA! Take that suckers!
 MonKeybiz: We never said you were wrong.
 $Cha-Ching$: Just strange.
 GreenThumb: And that we never wanted to meet your parents.
 SBPrez: *eye roll* All of you are nuts. Why do I get on is beyond me.
 *RockStar has signed in*
 SBPrez: Bye, Korianna! See you at school!
 *SBPrez has signed out*
 RockStar: At least I don't have to deal with that goody-goody tonight.
 CrAzYArtist: You do realize how stupid you sound when you call him a 'goody-goody' right?
 RockStar: Shut it, Kori.
 CrAzYArtist: NEVER!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
 RockStar: I'm not related to you.
 CrAzYArtist: So... you don't want to be with your non-related family when Nathaniel meets Dad?
 RockStar: I'm related to you again.
 CrAzYArtist: Too bad! You're not going! XD
 MonKeybiz: Hey, let someone else have a chance to speak, CRH!
 $Cha-Ching$: CRH?
 GreenThumb: What does that mean?
 RabidsingeR: Oh, you two aren't new to the chat room atmosphere. CRH means Chat Room Hogs. It's for people who take all the spotlight
 CrAzYArtist: I think they got that without the explanation, Lexsie...
 RockStar: KORI! Stop being a prick.
 CrAzYArtist: A. Who are you and what have you don't with my brother? B. Who are you and WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY BROTHER!? C. I'm not going to be pussyfooting around her. That is the last thing she needs.
 MonKeybiz: Awwwww, Castiel is so cute when he's all protective.
 CrAzYArtist: Castiel stop cursing, you're burning my ears.
 CrAzYArtist: It's the only way to make you behave. Besides, it keeps Demon happy.
 MonKeybiz: It is effective.
 RockStar: Kori, go to bed before I call Mom and tell her you're still up.
 GreenThumb: You still have a bed time? Even when both of you live without adults supervision?
 CrAzYArtist: There's a flaw in your plan, Castiel. When on earth has Mom EVER enforced our bedtime? And I know you won't call Dad, because you'll both just start arguing.
 CrAzYArtist: Then stop being stupid. I have homework anyway, good night everyone! (except Castiel)
 GreenThumb: You don't think she's mad right?
 MonKeybiz: Kori? Naw, the twins just like arguing for fun. It's actually kinda funny.
 RockStar: Shut up Lucky...
 *CrAzYArtist has signed off*
 I shook my head and shut down my computer. As I pulled out my math textbook to work on the problems due Friday, my phone buzzed. I glanced at it then smiled when I saw what Nathaniel sent me. *Sweet dreams, Korianna* I unlocked my phone and texted back: *Don't let the bedbugs bite ;)* Though I had only been dating him for a few weeks, my relationship with Nathaniel was already better than that of Ty. I hoped it continued that way.
 Monday we were back at school, a mass of yawning zombies just wishing for those ten more minutes in our heavenly bed. Everyone except Nathaniel of course. He was bright eyed and energetic when I came stumbling in the Student Council Room, groggy like always. My golden haired boyfriend raised an eyebrow as I plopped down in the closest chair, “When do you go to bed, Korianna?” He asked as he returned to his task of filing away a file. I raised my head a little from the table to glare at him, “Less talking, more sleeping.” I spat. Nathaniel, bless his soul, didn't respond. I laid my head down on the table again, letting a small happy sigh escape my lips. There was fifteen minutes to the morning bell, maybe I could get at least ten minutes of dozing if I just laid there, thinking of how tired I was...
 The door burst open, “Nathaniel! You wouldn't believe- Oh.” I twisted around to glare at Melody. Lexsie, Penni, and Iris all stood behind her. Lexsie was the only one who wasn't surprised, she just giggled behind her hand. Lexsie knew I wasn't a morning person, and she found great amusement when other people discovered how grouchy I could really be. I saw Nathaniel roll his eyes in my peripheral vision, “Korianna, try going to bed earlier if you can't get enough sleep.” He said. I shot him a glare as I laid my head back down, grumbling, “Tell Castiel that, then maybe he would stop playing the stupid guitar at midnight.” Luckily Nathaniel didn't hear me. No need to give him another reason to hate my twin.
 “And so... if you carry the two, you will get that the function of the graph equals...” Mr. Gordon said monotonously. Half of the class was already nodding off, their eyes drooping closed, while the other half of the class were keeping themselves entertained with whatever. Only the geeks who found mathematics fascinating were actually paying any attention to Mr. Gordon. Even Nathaniel, sitting a row over and a seat ahead of me, was only half listening. He held his pen in one hand, but his eyes were on the book he was reading, hidden carefully behind the student sitting in front of him. I dug my fingers into my white hair and yanked subtly, trying to wake myself up, as I continued to doodle all over my math notes.
 Charlotte, Amber's friend, leaned over to whisper to me, “Hey, did you get question five on the Physics homework?” I glanced at her, Charlotte was actually okay when she wasn't with the two other members of the Terrible Trio. Although, Penni was convinced Li was the nicer of the three. Still, neither couldn't be as bad as Amber. Charlotte had been a little nicer to me since the cruel prank Amber pulled with the artwork. I pulled out my homework and quickly passed it to Charlotte when Mr. Gordon wasn't looking. I knew helping Charlotte would be helping Amber in a way, but I didn't care. “Here, I don't know if it's correct or not, though. I haven't had a chance to ask Nathaniel.” I whispered to Charlotte. She smiled her thanks and snatched the paper quickly just as Mr. Gordon was turning around.
 “Korianna West. What is the answer to the problem?” The teacher asked. I felt something shrivel up and die, “Uhhh...” Was the only sound that came out of my mouth. Of all my subjects, I was worse at math more than anything. Instinctively I glanced at Nathaniel. My boyfriend was half looking over his shoulder, the corner of his mouth that I could see was tilting up in a pitying smile. One of the geeks was waving his hand wildly in the air, his eyes wide with determination to answer the question. Mr. Gordon ignored him, no one but the person he called on could ever answer the question, his beady little eyes glaring at me, “We're waiting, Miss West.” “X equals x squared over four x to the fifth.” Everyone turned to see who dared disobey Mr. Gordon's orders. Not only was Mr. Gordon the most boring teacher in the history of school, he was also the evilest.
 Mr. Gordon glared at Castiel who was hunched over in the back of the room, lolling across the desk. It was obvious he had just woken up. Lexsie, sitting to the right of him, had her eyes glued to her notebook. She didn't like being called out by teachers, having a fear of speaking in front of a crowd greater than ten. “Castiel West, have you been sleeping in this class?” Mr. Gordon asked my brother. Castiel, being Castiel, smirked, “Yeah... could you tone down on the talking? It's disturbing my sleep.” In one movement everyone turned to look at Mr. Gordon, who was looking very red. I could almost see the steam rolling off him. Nathaniel didn't look very pleased either, I knew he had a big thing about respect. Right then, I didn't care. I wasn't in the spotlight anymore, my twin had taken the hit and that's what twins are for.
 “So where were all of you this weekend? You didn't even get on ChatRoomz!” I asked over lunch. Savannah shifted in her seat, her face downcast. The picture of guilt. Penni quickly shoved another slice of roast beef into her mouth, preventing her from answering. Lexsie was the only one who looked me in the eye, “We all went to Melody's birthday party.” She said flatly, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. And it would have been, had Melody not have a crush on my boyfriend, “Wait, what?” I asked, not sure I heard her right. Savannah pipped up, “We didn't go because we wanted to! We thought we would find out why Melody liked Nathaniel or whatever.” She looked frantic, her purple hair actually frizzing out of her braids as she spoke. Lexsie shot her a look, “Savannah's right. We only went to tell Melody that her little crush was useless.”
 I blinked and sat back, “Let me guess, the reason why I didn't even know of the party was because Melody didn't want me to know... right?” I asked. My three friends exchanged looks. I rolled my eyes, “You could have told me you were going. It makes you look stupid that you didn't.” Penni ducked her head, “I know... we weren't thinking. Forgive us?” I stared at each friend for a long time, until all three were uncomfortable. Then I grinned, “I will... if you have anything interesting to tell me.” “Lysander has a tattoo on his back! Rosalya told me!” Savannah blurted out. Lexsie smacked her upside the head, “Dummy, we're not supposed to tell.” I shook my head, “Not interested anyway.” “Capucine said some very rude things about you.” Penni added. I rolled my eyes, “I don't care what that wannabe thinks of me.” I said then turned to Lexsie sitting directly across from me. This was their last chance to redeem themselves. I would forgive them anyway, I just wanted to tease them a little. Lexsie smirked, “I know why Amber has a crush on Castiel. And it has something to do with Nathaniel.”
 I perked up and leaned forward, now that was interesting. Lexsie giggled, “First of all, explain how Castiel and Amber could know each other when they were younger.” I sighed, “My family is actually from here, but we moved when Castiel and I were about four.” Savannah conceded the point, “That would explain why Castiel chose to live here when your dad kicked him out...” She muttered to herself. I ignored her and pointed at Lexsie, “Speak, firecracker.” My black haired friend glared at me, but said, “Now I don't know the full details, but apparently Nathaniel and Castiel are like polar opposites of what they are now. Nathaniel was supposedly the bad boy and Castiel the perfect angel.” I rolled my eyes again, “Well duh, you grew up with us, remember? Castiel was really nice when we were younger. It wasn't until junior high that he went all crazy.” Lexsie waved her hand and continued, “Well the story goes along the lines of Nathaniel broke Amber's doll or whatever and Castiel fixed it. She's had a crush ever since.”
 Penni snorted, “If she wasn't such a bitch, I'd say it was cute...” She grumbled. I didn't bother to snap at her for her swearing. What she said was true. Lexsie huffed and crossed her arms, “Besides, it's cruel to support Amber being with Castiel when one of your own friends has a crush on him.” “Who has a crush on me?” Castiel asked from behind me. I nearly jumped three feet in the air and turned to see Castiel staring down at us girls, eyebrows raised curiously, with Lysander watching behind him looking extremely amused. Lexsie miraculously didn't seem fazed by it, “None of your business, West.” Castiel smirked at her as he sat down beside me, across from Penni, “Someone has a crush on me, I think it is my business.” I tuned the conversation out as the two started debating if it was Castiel's right to know who was crushing on him or not. Lysander sat down in front of Savannah, “Nice dress.” He commented. Savannah, going all shy once more, eeped and blushed. My eyes darted between the two as a sly grin pushed up the corners of my mouth, this was getting interesting.
 *$Cha-Ching$ has signed in*
 CrAzYArtist: Savannah and Lys sitting in a tree!
 RabidsingeR: K I S S I N G!
 CrAzYArtist: First comes love!
 RabidsingeR: Then comes MARRIAGE!
 RabidsingeR: One with white hair and one with black,
 CrAzYArtist: And two adopted aunts who've got your back!
 MonKeybiz: ...jerks...
 $Cha-Ching$: Uh... what did I miss?
 RockStar: Oh, Kori and Lexsie are just teasing Savannah about Lysander. Ever since we all logged on.
 SBPrez: It's starting to get annoying.
 RockStar: For once, I agree with you Powers.
 GreenThumb: The universe must be ending...
 RockStar: Jade, I will end you.
 CrAzYArtist: Hey! Stop terrorizing my friends, Castiel!
 MonKeybiz: Oh he can't, but you can?!
 RabidsingeR: What you didn't like our song? I'm hurt
 MonKeybiz: Not yet you're not... when I get through with the both of you you'll know what hurt really means!
 RabidsingeR: RUN! Lucky is making threats!!
 MonKeybiz: LEXSSSSSSSSSSSSIE!!!!!!! Stop using that name!
 CrAzYArtist: What name, Lucky?
 RockStar: Alright you two, as amusing as it is to see Savannah angry, dial it down.
 RabidsingeR: Phooey, I hate it when you get all responsible, Castiel...
 MonKeybiz: He needs to be if he ever marries you...
 RabidsingeR: SAVANNAH!
 RockStar: What?
 GreenThumb: I shouldn't be laughing so hard...
 $Cha-Ching$: You're not the only one... XDDDDDDDD
 CrAzYArtist: Lexsie and Castiel sitting in a tree!
 MonKeybiz: K I S S I N G!
 CrAzYArtist: First comes love!
 MonKeybiz: Then comes MARRIAGE!
 MonKeybiz: And one of the hip!
 CrAzYArtist: And one pulling Castiel's hair!
 MonKeybiz: And one running naked through the streets!
 SBPrez: Now I'm worried...
 I was just about to type out my answer when I heard Castiel roaring my name as his footsteps thundered up the stairs. I winced, maybe it wasn't just a good idea to tease someone when they were under the same roof.
 CrAzYArtist: NATHANIEL! I need a get away! Castiel's coming to kill me! Meet you at the park!
 SBPrez: *sigh* the things I do for you... fine
 *CrAzYArtist has signed out*
 *SBPrez has signed out*
 After snapping my laptop closed I grabbed a pair of sandals and climbed out of the window and onto the fire escape just as my brother began beating against my locked door, “Korianna Rillei West! You are dead, do you understand me?! Say your last prayers, pest, because I'm going to kill you and send you back home in a box!” I laughed as I started for the fire escape ladder, “You're just repeating yourself Castiel. Can't you make up a better threat. By the way, I'll be home whenever!” I didn't hear his response as I quickly descended the ladder, barely escaping with my life.
 “I wish you would put something on that covered you more.” Castiel muttered for the hundredth time. I rolled my eyes, “Look buster. You're not my father so you can keep your comments to yourself.” I snapped, not bothering to look up from the book I was reading. Castiel glared at me, “No, but I am your older brother and the one responsible for you since Mom and Dad live in another town.” I pushed my sunglasses farther up my nose and ignored him. He was only older by two minutes, so it really shouldn't count, but I knew if I told Castiel that he'd start getting logical on me and I didn't want that. It was summer vacation and after much begging I finally managed to drag Castiel down to the beach. I was starting to regret my decision since all he did was throw a tantrum over my bikini bathing suit.
 The false red head opened his mouth, no doubt to start another round of bikini lectures and the danger of lustful teenage boys, when I ripped my sunglasses off to glare at him, “Look, before you say another word, just think of your reaction if Lexsie would come marching up here in a even skimpier black bikini.” I snapped, shoving an accusing finger at my brother's bare chest. Castiel glared at me, but shut his mouth. So he knew that that would be a pointless argument to get into. I smirked, “Good, cuz here she comes.” I said slyly and pointed over my twin's shoulder to the black haired girl sauntering up to us. I don't know who's reaction was more amusing when Castiel turned around: Lexsie's bright blush or Castiel's mouth dropping open. I cackled, “Need to step into the cold ocean for a moment, Castiel?” I asked sweetly and got two equally dirty looks from both Castiel and Lexsie. I just smiled as I returned to my book. And here I thought I wasn't going to get a chance to play matchmaker.
 “I thought you went home with Savannah.” Castiel commented to Lexsie as she sat down at the edge of my beach towel, her back facing me. Lexsie shrugged, “I was, but I figured it would be more fun here then at home with my parents nagging at me to get a summer job.” I sighed exaggeratedly, “Poor Savannah... she doesn't get to be around her crush all summer.” “KORI!” Lexsie screeched and turned to me, her face red. I grinned up at my best friend, “What? I was just commenting that she won't be able to hang out with Lysander, is all.” I said innocently. Lexsie glared at me, she knew what and who I really meant. Castiel, being the blockhead that he was, looked confused, “Savannah likes Lys?” He asked. I rolled my eyes at him, “Well duh, why do you think Lexsie and I made up that song to sing to her on ChatRoomz?” I asked. Castiel shrugged, “Because you two are idiots. I'm going to walk Demon.” My brother said as he stood, the dog's leash already in his hand. Demon pranced around his master's legs, panting happily. Castiel started walking away before something made him stop, he turned back to Lexsie and I, “Oh and... I'm not going to help you crash another date for him, got it?” Castiel growled. I smiled happily and waved my hand, “Don't worry, I want them together. They're perfect for each other. Go, walk your slobber monster, and try not to get dragged in the dust.” I said. Castiel gave me a sour look before walking off, Demon already pulling hard on his leash, wanting to run.
 Once my brother was out of earshot, Lexsie turned on me, “I can't believe you did that!” She hissed. I smiled as I turned over on my stomach, and opening my book, “Oh boo-hoo, he didn't notice I was talking about you. Castiel is a hard head, remember? And very dense when it comes to girls that like him. Remember Amanda? Or Christie?” Lexsie humphed and crossed her arms in a pout, “Yessss...” She ground out, no doubt trying to forget those awful snotty girls who thought they were in love with Castiel. Their mistake was they were cruel to Lexsie and me, whom Castiel was very protective over, and thus ruining their chances of every landing a date with the 'hottest guy in school'. I grinned and continued listing off names, “Or Georgia? Or Jessica? Or Sarah? Or Renee? Or-” “I get it!” Lexsie snapped and I broke off with a giggle. My friend was so fun to tease. I opened my mouth to tease her some more, when Lexsie sighed, her shoulders slumping, “I get it... I don't have a chance with him. I'm just another girl who likes Castiel...” She said dejectedly. I blinked at her, did she really think herself like that?
 I smacked her up side the head. Hard. Lexsie startled and turned to stare at me, her green eyes wide while I glared at her, “None of that self-pity, missy. A lot of girls like Castiel, sure, but do you know what he thinks of those girls?” I asked. Lexsie shook her head slowly. I smiled evilly, “He thinks they're all shallow insects that care more about the fact that their in a relationship than who they're in a relationship with.” Lexsie was starting to look down again, so I hurried and added, “And do you know what he thinks of you?” Immediately Lexsie perked up, her attention zeroing on me. I silently prayed that Castiel forgave me for telling Lexsie something that was supposed to be kept between the two of us, “He thinks you're, and I quote, 'an original who knows who and what she is.'” I poked Lexsie in the cheek, “Now, are you going to tell me that you don't have a chance with my brother again? Cuz I have plenty other proof that says you're the best pick.” I said teasingly.
 Lexsie giggled like a normal girl, “Does he really say that?” She asked, a blush riding up her cheeks. I rolled my eyes, wondering what monster I had created, “Yes, but if you dare mention I spilled, Castiel will murder me and then you'll be without your best friend. Plus Nathaniel will murder Castiel and then you'll be without your future hubby.” Lexsie's happy little blush when darker with anger, “KORIANNA WEST!!” She snapped and I burst out laughing, glad she was back to normal. Fortunately, before Lexsie could get a hold of my neck, someone behind us asked, “Uh... why would I kill Castiel?” Lexsie and I both turned to see Nathaniel standing behind us, his golden head tilted curiously. I brightened, “Hey I thought your family was still in the Caribbean!” When Nathaniel told me that his family was vacationing on some island in the Caribbean, something they did every year, I thought he meant he would be gone all summer.
 “Obviously not.” A voice I really didn't want to hear said behind Nathaniel. Lexsie groaned, “Great. Just when I thought I could get away from you.” My friend said, glaring at Amber who was standing there haughtily. I kicked Lexsie's foot, “Be nice.” I said through clenched teeth, I really didn't want to reprimand her, but Amber was Nathaniel's sister so I might as well try to be nice. Not that Amber was making the job easy for me, “Yeah, Lexington, be a good puppy and obey your girlfriend.” The blonde haired girl sneered. Nathaniel took a deep breath, his golden eyes looking heavenwards as if to ask for help. Meanwhile I was too busy trying to keep Lexsie from tearing Amber's throat out. Amber, apparently not realizing her death was emanate, laughed, “Geez, Korianna, I didn't know you had such a hard time keeping your girlfriends. Maybe you should let her go, she obviously doesn't want to be near you anymore. Can't really blame her.” I was awfully tempted to do what Amber was suggesting and let Lexsie murder the girl.
 Luckily for Amber, her brother finally turned to her, “Amber, stop it.” He said lowly. Amber frowned at Nathaniel, “I'm only playing around. I don't see why none of you can get jokes.” She said in a fake hurt voice. Nathaniel gave her a look, “You're jokes are hurtful. Stop it.” Amber's blue-green eyes filled up with crocodile tears, “Why are you being so m-mean to me?!” Amber wailed, bringing almost everyone's attention to us. My boyfriend looked like he was at the end of his rope. He turned to us, “Sorry, I'll be back.” He apologized before dragging his sister off. Lexsie and I glanced at each other, the black haired firecracker looked like she was about so say something when Castiel came back... with a new friend.
 “Kori, do you have a first aid kit?” Castiel asked as he practically shoved the girl down on his towel. Lexsie and I blinked at the newcomer than at each other. Castiel glowered down at us, Demon's leash clutched tightly in his fist, “Do you?” He growled. I rolled my eyes at my older twin and yanked my beach bag closer to me, digging through the massive thing to find the small first aid kit I had brought. Lexsie looked surprised, “Wait, you mean you actually brought that a kit?!” Even the new girl looked shocked. I snorted and jerked my thumb at the happy slobbering Demon, “With that monster out in public, of course. Trust me, this isn't the first time he's caused a riot.” Castiel looked offended for his dog, who just barked. The mysterious girl flinched away from Demon, her sea green eyes fearful of the animal. I smiled at her as I produced the little white box from the bottom of my beach bag, “Don't worry about him, Demon's all bark and no bite... with the occasional accidents.” The girl didn't answer me as she put her wrist out, showing the sand scrape from wear she hit the ground.
 Lexsie winced in sympathy, “I know how that feels. First time I ever held his leash, Demon yanked my feet out from under me and made me scrape my knee. But the Slobber Monster is just a big softie.” The black haired girl told the ginger. Castiel glared down at Lexsie, “He's a guard dog, he's not supposed to be a 'softie.'” My brother snapped. Lexsie rolled her eyes at him, “Well then you might want to talk to him, because Demon is the wimpiest dog I know.” I rolled my eyes at the two arguing, “Oi, lovebirds. Take the argument, and the Slobber Monster, elsewhere.” I snapped and earned two glares. I grinned, “Why don't you go get ice cream to cool off?” I asked innocently then tossed a few bills at Lexsie, who snatched at them hurriedly before they got blown away by the breeze, “Go on then. I'm busy.” I said, shooing the two away before they could argue with me. Shooting me sour glares the two hotheads left, Demon prancing between them, his stubby little tail waving madly.
 With them gone, I smiled at the shy girl, “Hi! Don't mind those two, they're just blockheads. My name is Korianna West. That guy is my twin, Castiel, in case you didn't know. And the black haired girl was Lexsie Liard. What's your name?” I chatted away. The ginger silently watched me as I applied disinfectant spray, not even flinching at the sting, and putting on a large cotton bandage. When I was finished she retracted her hand, cradling it against her chest, “Eva... Eva Biaglow.” She whispered so lowly I almost didn't hear her. I smiled, well at least she was talking. I settled down on my towel, turning so I faced the ocean. “Yeah. Hey are you new here? Or do you just go to another school. I go to Sweet Amoris.” Eva shook her head, “No... I just moved.” I glanced at the quiet girl. She was more shy than Savanna and Violette combined! “Oh, do you know where you'll be going to school yet?” Eva nodded, “Sweet Amoris.” She said quickly. I sighed, this conversation was feeling more like an interview. I hoped Castiel and Lexsie got back soon with that ice cream, and I hoped they were considerate enough to get me some!
 I heard rustling and glanced up to see Eva standing, “I have to go. Thank you.” She murmured and left without another word. I watched her go, her head down as she scurried across the beach as fast as she could without running. I raised an eyebrow before turning back to face the ocean, well that was odd.
 It turned out that Lexsie and Castiel not only forgot about my ice cream, but they seemed to forget that I existed altogether. Both disappeared on me like they were never around in the first place. I scoffed and laid down on my towel, leave it to those two that the time they decided to go all doe eyed and finally admit to their feelings (at least I hoped) was when they had someone else with their party. Oh well, at least they weren't making out in front of me and making me feel like the very awkward third wheel. I reached into my beach bag of wonders and pulled out a novel. Just as I was turning to my dogeared place someone cleared their throat behind me. I laid my head back so I was looking at the person upside down. “Yes?” I asked politely.
 The guy smirked, his chest, and a very fine one I had to notice, puffed out, “Hey, I'm Dake and you're hot.” My polite expression fell flat as I stared at him, was he really that obtuse? Did he think a name and one stupid compliment would get him anywhere? I turned my gaze back to my book, resting my right arm under my head to serve as a pillow, “That's nice. Now go away.” I said flatly. Scratch just forgetting about me, I was going to murder Lexsie and Castiel for forgetting about me and not saving me from obvious flirts like this guy! The guy wasn't so easily deterred, “Aw, come on, babe. I know you're not that cruel. You stole my heart, being as lovely as you are.” Dake said as he came and sat down beside me. Flat Look numero dos was sent his way, “So, you're saying that beauty is the only thing that matters to you? Can you be more shallow?” I snapped. The guy didn't take it as an insult, “When it comes to you, I'll be anything!” The flirt declared. My eyes gleamed, “Oh really, can you be nothing but a bad memory?” I asked sarcastically. Dake chuckled, “Come on, sweets, I know you're playing hard to get. You want me, I can tell.” He said confidently. I wanted to hit him, “You're right... I want you gone.” I growled and turned my eyes back to my book, determined to ignore him. Mildly I hoped I didn't set the pages on fire with my glare.
 Suddenly the book was gone from my hands, I shot straight up, “Hey! Give that back you jerk!” I yelled and reached out to take the book Dake was dangling from his fingers. “First, a kiss.” He said and leaned in his cheek ready for a peck he obviously thought he was getting. I would love to disappoint him. As my fingers curled into a fist and my arm went back, ready to knock a few teeth out of this idiot, someone grabbed my elbow, “I do believe she asked you to leave her alone.” Nathaniel growled harshly. Dake blinked up at the golden haired guy then down at me, as I tried to scorch him with my glare. He was soooooo lucky Nathaniel came along when he did, otherwise Dake the Flirt would be a few teeth shy of a full smile. The guy scoffed and stood, “Fine fine, I can see I'm not wanted... see ya, baby.” Dake said airily, trying to brush off the fact that he had just been rejected. I rolled my eyes as he walked away, muttering, “Apparently you can't...”
 Nathaniel sat down beside me, giving me a strange look. I smiled brightly at him, “Thanks for saving me!” I said then leaned in to give him a little kiss on the cheek. Nathaniel raised an amused eyebrow, “Where's Lexsie?” He asked. I shrugged, “Eh, her and Castiel went to find ice cream a while ago. They better have a good 'we had a frank discussion of emotions and we're now dating' story if they want me to forgive them...” I grumbled. Nathaniel laughed and sat back, his hands propping himself up. I leaned against his sun warmed side, smiling, “What happened to Amber?” I asked curiously. Nathaniel shrugged, “She had an allergic reaction to some nuts and had to go home.” I blinked, “Oh.” I really didn't know what to say. Yeah I was glad she was out of the way so I could spend some time with my boyfriend, but- “Is she okay?” I asked. Nathaniel nodded, his eyes closing as he turned his face to the sun, “Yeah. She's not that allergic. Not the way I am to pollen, or my mom to cats.” I giggled, “What's your dad allergic to?” I asked teasingly.
 Nathaniel cracked one eye to glare at me, “Ha ha, very funny.” My boyfriend said sarcastically before grabbing me by the waist and letting us both flop back, my torso securely pressed against his chest. I blushed madly, “Nathaniel...” I said and tried to ease up from his chiseled chest. Mildly I wondered why on earth a student body president would have such a nice body. The boy beneath me gave an amused snort and tightened his arms around my waist before tilting his head up to nuzzle my neck. My breath hitched when I felt his smiling lips press into the soft skin under my jawbone. I tried to push away again, but Nathaniel stopped me by latching on to my earlobe with his teeth. A tiny gasp escaped my mouth when he tugged, my heart fluttering like some flighty bird in a cage. Before I had time to respond, Nathaniel flipped us over so I was on bottom and he was laying halfway on top of me. Slowly Nathaniel traveled up and down my neck, taking his sweet time to explore ever inch of skin with his mouth. He buried his nose in the defined hollow of my throat, kissing the skin just below it periodically.
 With a barely suppressed groan Nathaniel finally leaned up to capture my mouth with his. His tongue probed against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. My lips seemed to part on their own accord and Nathaniel's tongue dipped in, giving me a whole new sense of the word 'kiss'. My mind drew a blank on everything; where we were, what day it was, the fact that Castiel could walk up on us at any time, even my own name slipped away briefly. I seemed to forget that Ty used to kiss me like that all the time, that every time the jerk kissed me he would forcibly shove his tongue down my throat. Nathaniel's kiss was more, so much more, in ways I couldn't begin to explain. I moaned into his mouth, my hands running over his bare chest to his golden hair, my fingers tangling in those locks. Nathaniel seemed to enjoy my reaction and stroked the roof of my mouth with his tongue as a reward. I groaned again. Nathaniel retracted his wet muscle from my mouth and sank his teeth gently into my lower lip, drawing back slowly so that his teeth scraped against the tender flesh. “Nathaniel...” I groaned, my breaths coming in at shallow pants.
 Hearing his name must have shook some sense into him, for Nathaniel leaned back, looking about as breathless as I was feeling. “Korianna, I'm... going swimming.” My boyfriend managed to get out before scrabbling off of me. Though still a little giddy from that make out session, I couldn't help but grin, “Why, Nathaniel? Need a nice long cold bath?” I teased. Nathaniel shot me a nasty glare before grabbing my wrists, pulling me to a stand, “No... come on your coming with me.” He said determinedly. I laughed and shot forward out of his grip, “Last one in pays for dinner!” I yelled. I could hear Nathaniel's shout of cheating behind me, but ignored it, laughing the whole way.
 Of course, Nathaniel beat me. He had managed to snag my waist just feet from the water and spun around so that he was the one closer to the waves than I before letting me go. I was still trying to find my footing when Nathaniel dove head first into the brine, earning first place and getting a cold soak all in one. I laughed at him when I finally gained balance and pounced on his back, causing both of us to go underwater. When Nathaniel finally surfaced, one eye closed as the other narrowed dangerously at me, I just continued to laugh, my white hair plastered to my body. “Korianna... you're going to regret that.” He growled playfully and started towards me. I 'eep'ed and dove under the water in an attempt to get away from my boyfriend. He just grabbed me by the ankle and dragged me back, catching me up against his chest. I squealed and struggled, but not too much. It seemed that Nathaniel's form of punishment was a quick nip at the neck, that wasn't something too bad. I giggled and tried to get away playfully, until I noticed that my bikini top was strangely loose. Tilting my head in confusion I began to reach backwards to see if the knot was loose or something when I felt something along my side that definitely wasn't my hair.
 It was my bikini strap.
 I went red and pressed myself further against Nathaniel's chest as my arms crept up to keep my top in place. Of all the things that could happen to me, having my top come off in front of my boyfriend, in a public place no less, was one that I didn't want to happen. Somehow I would have to think of a way to get it tied again without Nathaniel knowing. If only Lexsie were here, she could do it for me and none would be the wiser. “Hey what's this?” Nathaniel suddenly asked and I felt a small tug on my top. I mentally groaned, now karma was just trolling me. “Uh... Korianna, I think your...” Nathaniel trailed off when I nodded, “I know. C-can you... tie it back?” I asked awkwardly. Without a word Nathaniel took a step back, the water sloshing around us, lapping coldly at my hips, as Nathaniel took the two untied straps between his fingers. There was a few sharp tugs and I felt the relief when my bikini top once again laid snug against my skin.
 All in all, I'd say it wasn't that bad a day at the beach.
 *MonKeybiz has signed in*
 CrAzYArtist: Heeeeeeey~! How's your summer coming?
 MonKeybiz: Fine... except for the fact that all my friends are a state away, and so is my crush.
 CrAzYArtist: Awwwwww, poor Savannah! You need a hug!
 RabidsingeR: lol, Kori have you been eating sugar again?
 RabidsingeR: …
 RockStar: By stating that you're not talking to her is talking to her, Kori.
 CrAzYArtist: Did I ask you?
 MonKeybiz: Okay, what did I miss?
 SBPrez: Well... West and Lexsie abandoned Korianna at the beach last week.
 RockStar: Butt out, Powers! It's none of your business!
 SBPrez: You left your sister, whom I am dating, alone. I say it is my business.
 RockStar: Kori is perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
 SBPrez: I don't doubt that, but it's still rude and careless to leave her to fend for herself.
 RabidsingeR: See what you did, Savannah?
 MonKeybiz: I think it's kinda sweet! ^^ Nath is standing up for his girlfriend!
 CrAzYArtist: While Castiel is covering his butt.
 RockStar: HEY!
 RabidsingeR: Kori stop being mean.
 CrAzYArtist: Okay... as soon as you admit what the heck you two were doing when you were abandoning me!
 SBPrez: Oh this should be good...
 MonKeybiz: I am super duper curious now.
 RockStar: We didn't do anything!
 RabidsingeR: Yeah! We went to get ice cream, that was it!
 CrAzYArtist: Nice excuse. Except I could see the ice cream stand from the ocean. You weren't there.
 RockStar: What were you doing in the ocean? You said you didn't want to go swimming.
 CrAzYArtist: Nathaniel wanted to go swimming. And stop trying to change the subject. I'm not letting this go.
 RabidsingeR: Kori!
 SBPrez: We are dating. It's perfectly acceptable to swim together. -.-
 VictorianPoet: Among other things.
 CrAzYArtist: SHUT UP LYS!!!
 MonKeybiz: Wait! When did he get here?!?!?!
 VictorianPoet: I joined shortly before you logged on. You had just missed the conversation.
 MonKeybiz: Oh... well then, HI LYS! Welcome to ChatRoomz!
 VictorianPoet: Thank you, Savannah.
 RockStar: WAAAAAAIT a damn minute. What do you mean 'among other things' Lysander?
 CrAzYArtist: Say one word, Lysander, and I'll ban you from my chat room.
 RabidsingeR: You can do that?!
 CrAzYArtist: As the administrator and creator of this chat room: yes.
 VictorianPoet: I do believe that is blackmail.
 RockStar: I don't care if you ban him, I want to know what you and Goody-goody were up to!
 SBPrez: Nothing more than what you and Lexsie were up to.
 RockStar: KORIANNA RILLIE WEST! You. Are. Grounded!
 CrAzYArtist: What?! You can't ground me!! And what were you and Lexsie doing anyway, if I was grounded?
 RabidsingeR: Nothing!
 MonKeybiz: lol a little too fast there, Lexsie... you just made it obvious.
 RabidsingeR: Where are Penni and Jade?
 CrAzYArtist: You're subtly is very lacking. (They're both on vacation)
 SBPrez: Just admit you two were making out already!
 MonKeybiz: lolololololol I think that's the first time Castiel has every called Nath by his first name. XDDDD
 RabidsingeR: We weren't doing anything!
 CrAzYArtist: Then where were ya'll and why won't you tell the rest of us since you're SO innocent?
 RockStar: ...You're sarcasm is not appreciated...
 VictorianPoet: They were making out... more so than Nathaniel and Korianna.
 RockStar: Traitor.
 RabidsingeR: Imma going to KILL you!
 MonKeybiz: I'm going to die of laughter!!!!!!
 SBPrez: ...I think you are enjoying this, Lysander.
 VictorianPoet: Very much so.
 RockStar: Kori will you ban him now?
 CrAzYArtist: I'll ask him one question before I do...
 VictorianPoet: Hm?
 VictorianPoet: Yes.
 CrAzYArtist: …
 VictorianPoet: And I commend you on how well you handled that Dake character.
 SBPrez: lol how long were you watching us, Lys?
 CrAzYArtist: Regardless of what he answers, he's dead anyway...
 RockStar: Who's Dake? And what was he doing?
 SBPrez: Flirting nonstop with your sister shortly after you and Lexsie abandoned her.
 RockStar: ARGH! I'm going to kill him than you, Powers, for messing with my little sister!
 CrAzYArtist: I'm TWO minutes younger than you! And you're not going to kill my boyfriend unless I get to kill you for messing around with Lexsie!
 RockStar: I didn't do anything!
 CrAzYArtist: Yeah yeah... keep talking. Denial is strong with you, but I'll break it eventually.
 VictorianPoet: ha ha
 MonKeybiz: *sigh* Why am I not there to enjoy all this drama?
 RabidsingeR: If you were I'm sure we'd be having this discussion about you and Lys.
 VictorianPoet: Hm?
 MonKeybiz: BAN HER KORI!! BAN BAN BAN!!!!!!
 SBPrez: I'm hungry. When are you taking me to dinner, Korianna?
 CrAzYArtist: Shut up you cheater.
 SBPrez: You cheated first~! ^^
 RockStar: No one is taking anyone to dinner!
 VictorianPoet: I thought you were taking Lexsie to dinner tonight...
 RockStar: Damn you, Lys...
 MonKeybiz: lol, Lysander I never pegged you as a troll.
 VictorianPoet: Is that internet lingo? I'm afraid I don't understand.
 MonKeybiz: I'll teach you if you want!
 CrAzYArtist: Great, now that everyone has a date tonight, bye! I gotta go get my wallet...
 MonKeybiz: KORIANNA!
 RabidsingeR: I'm going to murder you the next time I see you!
 SBPrez: Better make sure you have a lot of cash. I have expensive tastes, honey.
 CrAzYArtist: ...I hate you...
 “I thought you said you had expensive tastes.” I said as Nathaniel lead me into a restaurant that wasn't too fancy; it wouldn't suck my whole savings dry. Nathaniel smiled at me as he held the door open, “I do, but I decided to be nice. Besides, most fancy restaurants make you reserve ahead of time.” He said cheerfully. I glared at him, “Nice to know you're so worried about my wallet, Powers.” I growled sarcastically, my boyfriend's smile only grew wider. My eye twitched as a funny thought came to me, “You know... you're last name makes you sound like some type of lame superhero.” I pointed out. Nathaniel's grin turned into a smirk, “Oh? So can you imagine me in a cape and tights?” He asked seductively. I blushed brightly and pressed my fingers into my temples, closing my eyes tightly, “Ahhh! The mental image! It burns!” I squealed. Nathaniel just laughed, not at all offended like most guys would be.
 After the tired looking hostess showed us out seats and took our drink orders, Nathaniel turned to me. “So, what's my price limit?” He asked teasingly. I glared at him, “Nothing over forty bucks, got it?” He gave a mock salute, “Yes, ma'am!” He said before turning to the menu. I studied him, intrigued by his sudden display of cheerfulness. At school, Nathaniel was always so serious and focused, he rarely ever got distracted from school stuff. The guy sitting across from me wasn't like the Nathaniel at school at all. He was cheerful and more relaxed than I had ever seen him; he actually made jokes that were funny. I mean this was the guy who kissed me in public at the beach, at school Nathaniel was too busy with student council stuff and academics to barely even walk me to my next class. I liked the Nathaniel at school, but I was starting to like this Nathaniel a little more.
 My boyfriend seemed aware of my gaze, his golden eyes looked up from the menu to meet my own, “Yes?” He questioned, his mouth turning up in an easy smile. I returned it, “Nothing... just noticing stuff about you.” I said in an almost dreamy tone. Nathaniel's eyebrows started reaching for his hairline, “Oh? What kind of stuff?” He asked as he set the menu down, giving me his full attention. “You don't act the same in school as you do out. You're not so... serious.” I said. It surprised me that Nathaniel frowned and shifted in his seat, looking extremely uncomfortable. “Yeah well... my dad is very strict when it comes to school.” He said, sounding like the School Nathaniel I knew. I tilted my head, confused at his sudden change in personality, “Most dad's are, mine is too.” I tried to tell him, but Nathaniel just shook his head. I shrugged and looked down at the menu, determined not to ruin the night over something Nathaniel clearly didn't want to talk about.
 “That was nice. We should do this more often.” I said as we walked out of the restaurant. Nathaniel smiled and snatched up my hand, entwining our fingers together, “Sure, and I promise I'll pay next time. Do you like sea food?” He asked. I stuck out my tongue, “No thanks. I don't like fish at all.” From the look on Nathaniel's face, I might as well said that I enjoyed kicking kittens or something. I laughed at his expression, “You should see your face.” I giggled. Nathaniel looked away with a pout, “How can someone not like fish?” He asked. I stuck my tongue out at him, “The same way you don't like sweets. I just don't.”
 Nathaniel glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and let go of my hand to wrap his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to press a kiss into my temple, “You're cute,” was all he said. Suddenly I felt extremely shy, as I remembered making out with Nathaniel on the beach for some odd reason. Lately he had been acting more like a boyfriend and less like a... friend, even though we had technically started dating back during Halloween. Nathaniel chuckled at my blush, “You're even more cute now.” He commented and tightened his hold around my waist. I was starting to feel as shy as Savannah when she was around Lysander. “A-are you ready for school to start?” I asked, stuttering only a little.
 The golden haired boy laughed, “Not really.” He admitted. I stared at him, honestly I had thought he would be happy that school would be starting. Nathaniel seemed to be that kind of person, the one who looked forward to school for whatever reason. I on the other hand could stay in my room drawing or hanging out with my friends for the rest of eternity and never go to school again. If I could get away with it, I might actually have considered dropping out; but since no one ever succeeded as a high school dropout, I continued to go to school. Nathaniel smiled at my shocked expression, “What? I'm a normal teenager, Korianna, I hate school as much as anyone.” He said amused. It was my turn to turn away with a pout, “You could have fooled me...” I said. I only got an eye roll from my boyfriend.
 “Kori...?” A boy called. I frowned as I turned around, that voice sounded oddly familiar. My jaw dropped when I saw who was walking towards Nathaniel and I, “T-Ty?!” I sputtered when I saw my ex-boyfriend walking towards us with a quick stride. He had changed drastically from the last time I saw him, before I moved to Sweet Amoris. Back when we were still dating, Ty managed to keep that 'All-American boy' look and hiding his less than stellar activities. Now his plain blonde hair, which used to be so wavy, hung limply over his washed out blue eyes. Bags sagged under his eyes, dark against his pasty skin. Looking at Ty, I could hardly believe that the boy who looked like the typical football jock had turned into such a sleaze.
 Completely ignoring Nathaniel, Ty wrapped his still muscled arms around me and squeezed tightly. I gagged at the rancid smell of his shirt pressing into my face. Was this the only shirt he owned?! “Kori! I can't believe it's you! When I heard that you moved into this area I was ecstatic! Babe, you don't know how much I missed you, I even moved here to find you!” Ty pulled back and gave me a grin that I once melted for before ducking his head to kiss me.
 Instead of my lips, his mouth met Nathaniel's fist. Ty stumbled back, letting go of me in the process, and cradled his jaw, “What the f*ck was that for?!” Ty garbled as he glared at Nathaniel. My golden haired knight in shining armor stood in front of me with his arms crossed. What was with boys trying to flirt with me out of the blue all of a sudden? It was like they were all waiting for me to enter a relationship before they decided to crash things! Ty glared at Nathaniel, “Dude, who the hell are you?” Ty snapped, blood dribbling down his chin a little. Nathaniel didn't look amused in the slightest, “Korianna's boyfriend.” He said flatly.
 Despite the situation before me, I couldn't help but do a happy dance on the inside. Nathaniel admitted it so easily, as if it were only natural that he was my boyfriend. When I had been dating Ty, he always laughed it off and changed the subject. If he actually did admit that he was dating me, Ty would always seem reluctant to admit the fact. I glanced between Nathaniel and Ty. I hadn't realized how bad a boyfriend Ty had been compared to Nathaniel. They were practically on the opposite spectrum of boyfriends. Ty laughed harshly, “So that little bitc-” Nathaniel slammed his fist into Ty's face again. I was honestly surprised that he was so violent. I never expected Nathaniel to be violent prone. Sure, he and Castiel almost got into a fight when I first moved to Sweet Amoris, but I had thought it was a one time thing. Guess I was wrong.
 “Refrain from calling Korianna that.” Nathaniel actually growled. I had seen enough. I tugged on Nathaniel's sleeve, “Come on, he's not worth it.” I said softly. Nathaniel glanced at me out of the corner of his eye before nodding and turning his back on the still moaning Ty. I smiled as I looped my arm through his. Other than the incident with Ty, which I hoped never happened again, tonight was a good night. I got to see a part of Nathaniel that no one ever did and I knew that he wasn't ashamed of me like Ty had been. I had gotten a better deal with Nathaniel than I'd ever get with Ty.
 RockStar: WHAT?!?!?!?!
SBPrez: You heard me. I want to know all about Ty.
 RabidsingeR: Why? And how do you know about Ty? We've never mentioned him by name... that I know of.
 SBPrez: ...he tried to kiss Kori...
 RockStar: WHAT?!?!?!
 SBPrez: Is that the only word you know?
 RockStar: Shut up, Powers. What happened with Kori and Ty?
 SBPrez: We left the restaurant, some guy called out to her. She called him 'Ty'. He started babbling about how much he missed her and tired to kiss her. I smashed my fist into his face. When he called her a bitch, I punch him again.
 RabidsingeR: Nath... I love you. Don't ever change.
 RockStar: HEY!
 RabidsingeR: I love him like a brother!
 VictorianPoet: You know... he might be your brother-in-law one day.
 SBPrez: You're matchmaking is not appreciated, Lysander.
 RockStar: *gag* LYSANDER! Stop trolling.
 VictorianPoet: No.
 MonKeybiz: Stop it! Oh dear heaven and earth! For all that is holy, STOP! I'm dying of laughter!!! XDDDDDD
 MonKeybiz: Where is Kori anyway? She hasn't logged in at all.
 RockStar: It's Saturday before school starts.
 MonKeybiz: Ohhhhhhhhh...
 VictorianPoet: What does that have to do with anything?
RabidsingeR: I shall explain for you newbies to the mysterious ways of Korianna West. Come in closer, little children, as I spin a tell of woe and misery.
 SBPrez: Cut the dramatics and speak plainly.
 VictorianPoet: You fail at theatrical speech anyway.
 RabidsingeR: ...jerks... Anyway, we all know Kori hates school. So she has a tradition of sleeping in extra late on her last true day of summer. The record is sleeping for eleven hours straight. She didn't get up until 5 pm.
 RockStar: Yeah, and that was when Dad flipped her mattress over and dumped her out of bed. If he hadn't interrupted she'd probably have slept all day, literally.
 SBPrez: Why are you always more talkative when your girlfriend is speaking?
RockStar: Why do you even care?
 SBPrez: I don't.
 SBPrez: To see you get defensive. It's amusing.
 RockStar: …
 SBPrez: Also, it's nice to know that you admit to dating Lexsie. I'm sure Korianna will be happy.
 MonKeybiz: lol Lys, I think you're rubbing off on Nath.
 SBPrez: Don't call me Nath.
 MonKeybiz: Tell me why you don’t want to be called that name and I'll stop calling you that.
 GreenThumb: Since Kori isn't here to keep you on track... we WERE talking about Kori and Ty.
 RabidsingeR: ...oops. It's amusing to see Castiel and Nath dish it out, why don't they do that normally?
 VictorianPoet: Because they're both whipped by Korianna.
 MonKeybiz: lol that's true! XD
 RockStar: ...I'm not even going to respond to that.
 SBPrez: I still want to know about Ty.
 RockStar: You'll have to ask Kori. It's her story, not ours.
 SBPrez: You couldn't tell me that to begin with?
 RockStar: No.
 SBPrez: ...you're a dick.
 RabidsingeR: ...O.O Did...He...?
 MonKeybiz: HE DID!!! NATHANIEL JUST CUSSED!!!!!!!!!!!! THE WORLD IS ENDING! THE WORLD IS ENDING!! Lshdklgjakdlgjlaksjdfl!!!!!
 SBPrez: -_- ...You two are weird.
 VictorianPoet: You can't really blame them. I've known you almost as long as Castiel and this is the first time I've ever heard you cuss.
 GreenThumb: It is strange hearing that coming from you, Nathaniel.
 SBPrez: *sigh*
 RockStar: Ha ha! Everyone thinks your a Goody-goody!
 SBPrez: Shall I go into how you were as a child?
 RockStar: Lexsie already knows, and of course Kori does too. So your plan is flawed.
 SBPrez: Then how about why you became a jerk?
 RockStar: Stop right there, Powers.
 SBPrez: ^^ I wasn't going to say anything.
 GreenThumb: I agree with Lexsie, it is a little weird.
 SBPrez: I'll be a stick in the mud when school starts.
 RockStar: I DO HATE HIM!
 SBPrez: The feeling is mutual, West.
 RockStar: Shut the hell up, Powers.
 GreenThumb: *sigh* Here we go again...
 MonKeybiz: Ring around the rosy, Pocket full of posy! Ashes ashes we all fall down!
 SBPrez: You do realize that song is about the Black Death right?
 MonKeybiz: Really?! Cool!!
 RabidsingeR: *cough cough* NATH IS A NERD!
 VictorianPoet: Knowing trivia doesn't make someone a nerd.
 RockStar: Says the guy full of useless trivia.
 MonKeybiz: Hey! I love trivia! Don't spoil my fun, Castiel!!!
 RockStar: Don't worry I won't!
 MonKeybiz: ...I hate you... Nath and I are going to start at Castiel Hate Club.
 RabidsingeR: Hey! Don't hate on my boyfriend!
 MonKeybiz: You were the president of his fan club back home, it's only right that I be the president of his hate club here!
 RockStar: ...What?
 VictorianPoet: ...
 GreenThumb: XDDDDDDD
 SBPrez: lol
 MonKeybiz: *sigh* just like old times.
 “Kori, I need your help, get down here!”
 I paused in shading the last bit of my art project and called out. “Why? You said you didn't need any help.”
 “Get the damn dog outta here! He keeps getting in the way!” Castiel snapped back.
 Sighing I set aside my drawing pad and wondered into the kitchen where my brother was, “You know… I don't think Lexsie will really care if you-”
 My brother cut me off, “Take Demon for a walk!”
 I rolled my eyes as I whistled for Demon to follow me. The slobber monster practically knocked my feet from underneath me in his hurry to get to the door. Instead of reaching for the leash, because not even Castiel could hold back that dog sometimes, I grabbed the dog whistle and a baggie of treats.
 First holiday this school year, and I was spending it walking my brother's uncontrollable dog. I hadn't had any downtime since the summer ended, what with my AP classes that Nathaniel convinced me to sign up for and more extracurricular activities like the art club and Theater. And even though it was Thanksgiving holiday, I still had to write a five page essay over Hawthorn’s 'Scarlet Letter', finish my still life for the art club before Christmas break, and finish painting the props for Theater’s spring play.
 Tansy had convinced me to get into Theater, saying that I would be just the girl for it. She didn't tell me that they only needed my artistic skills for painting the backdrops and props. Oh well, at least I was needed somewhere. Lately it seemed like I was just getting under everyone's foot. Some people I could understand, like Nathaniel who took nothing but AP classes as well as being the student body president, were very busy; but ever since Lexsie and Castiel started officially going out she never so much as said 'hi' to me, even though she was in our apartment almost everyday.
 I didn't blame her of course, Castiel had only asked her out three weeks ago so I knew that Lexsie was still getting used to her 'in a relationship' status. Nathaniel had been the only thing in my radar when I first started dating him and even before that. But it still hurt that she only had eyes for my own brother and I was forced to be around her constantly anyway.
 Demon suddenly took off, probably after some stray cat. I wasn't too worried about him, Demon was a city dog; Castiel had told me that the first and last time Demon had ran into the streets he got hit by a car and broke his right foreleg. Since then the giant slobber monster avoided walking even near the curb. It was one thing neither my brother or I had to worry about.
 Jumping up on people and knocking them over was still a problem, unfortunately.
 Demon disappeared around the corner of the bank and not five seconds later a girlish shriek resounded. I groaned and quickened my pace, I just hoped that whoever Demon 'attacked' wasn't some uppity snot who was going to file charges or threaten to call animal control.
 I didn't know who the girl was, but I did recognize the boy who was helping her up.
 Jade grinned when he saw me, “Kori!”
 I blinked at my green haired friend before smiling back, “Hi, Jade. Uh, sorry about Demon. He's kind of… uncontrollable.” As if to prove my point, the slobber monster took off again, this time barking after a skateboarder who had just shot past us. I helped Jade pull the girl to her feet, “I really am sorry, are you alright?”
 The girl stood up, dusting off her floral print skirt and held out her hand, “Oh I'm fine! My name is Ruby, and you're Kori, right?”
 Ruby, huh? I glanced at her bright red hair, her parents name her right at least. I shook her proffered hand, “Korianna, but my friends call me Kori.” I glanced between Jade and Ruby, “Are you… related by any chance?”
 Ruby laughed, “It's the names, isn't it? That's how everyone else always guesses. Our mother wanted to name her children after jewels. Something about how precious the 'family jewels' were.” I smiled again, if there was one thing to be said about this strange girl, it was that she was a lot more outgoing than her brother.
 I glanced at Jade to see him rolling his eyes fondly. They seemed to get along at least. He turned to me, “So how have you been? You haven't gotten onto ChatRoomz in forever and everyone always says you're busy.”
 I smiled sheepishly “Sorry. I signed up for more extracurricular activities this year and they're really taking it out of me.”
“Yeah I know, when I went to Sweet Amoris to help out with the garden again this year you didn't even drop by.”
 “You were there? You didn't tell me that!” What else have people been neglecting to tell me? Lexsie didn't even tell me when she started going out with Castiel, it was my brother who told me about an hour before their first date! And Penni never told me she started taking dance lessons until she asked Castiel for a ride to the dance studio one day.
 Jade shrugged helplessly and rubbed the back of his neck, “I'm not allowed in the school since I'm not a student. Why do you think I always made you run errands for me?”
 I hung my head in defeat. Some vacation this was turning out to be. All my friends were turning up and doing things without telling me, which made me feel incredibly left out. Hopefully it wouldn't be so bad when I went to have dinner at Nathaniel’s house tonight.
 Ruby giggled and patted my shoulder, “Don't worry about it, Korianna! Jade here is just a fuddy duddy,” The red haired girl leaned in as if she was going to tell me a secret, “I think it's because he won't tell anyone who he has a crush on! It's effecting his life, ya know?” She said loud enough that Jade heard her.
 He turned bright red and sputtered while Ruby and I laughed. Smirking I tilted my head to the side and raised a hand to shield my mouth from Jade as I said back, “Oh? Do tell~” I hadn't talked to Violette in a while, but from what Savannah told me she still had a crush on Jade. Could he have a crush on her? It would make my matchmaking job much easier.
 Ruby gave me a one armed hug that was more like a strangle hold, “Oooo I like you! Jadey-boy why didn't you tell me your friends were so fun?”
 “Jadey-boy?” I snorted as Jade's blush turned darker. If I ever got back on ChatRoomz I was going to announce his silly nickname to everyone.
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bards-witcher · 5 years
For a prompt how abooouuuut ohm showing up for a blind date and he gets there and his date is Tyler, but tyler doesn’t know its ohm so ohm has to spend the entire time debating whether or not he should tell him (and also whether or not he should say fuck it and make out w Tyler cause damn is he cute) (Also I’m sorry I just love ohmcat lol)
No judgment from me :D  here we love and praise OhmCat
[Ohm POV]
He stood outside the small restaurant, fidgeting with his phone in his pocket as he also tried to wipe the sweat off from his hands, waiting for a text from Anthony.
It feels like it was weeks ago that Anthony first messaged him to tell him that a friend of his would be staying near him for a couple of weeks and that he thinks it would be good to go on a blind date with him. At first, he’d rejected the offer, content in his solitude that he didn’t need anyone else, just Tiny. However, that night his thoughts gnawed away at him, a series of different scenarios and what-ifs floating around in his head so that by the time he woke up he realized just how lonely he was. How at that moment he craved affection, wanted to wake up with a warm body next to him and wanted nothing more than to snuggle next to someone and feel strong arms wrap around him, holding him close.
After the revelation his decision was made, quickly grabbing his phone off of the bedside table to quickly send a message to his friend saying that he’d changed his mind, and he’d love to go on a date if the other person was still willing.
He sat there leg shaking and biting his nails as he waited for a reply, he tried to distract himself best he could but to no avail, constantly checking his and Jigglys conversation to make sure the message did, in fact, send and that he didn’t somehow miss the reply.
After what felt like hours he finally got an answer ‘He’s still up for it’, letting out a sigh of relief he fell back onto his bed, his imagination already going wild about who his potential date might be.
Time flew over the next couple of weeks until eventually, it was the day of his blind date. Jiggly had mostly kept him in the dark about his suitor, refusing to give even a name, only a basic description of tall, dark hair, slight stubble.
About midday Anthony texted him the time and location of the date and he couldn’t help but feel his nerves curl in his stomach. Was this the right thing to do? He was perfectly alright on his own up until now, surely longer wouldn’t hurt? Yet even as he said that the hope that this date might turn into something was enough to quench his doubts.
He picked out a dark pair of jeans, slightly more snug than he would’ve liked, but they were the best pair he had, coupled with a light blue buttoned shirt and a jacket over the top. He didn’t like to think that he was the stereotypical girl before her first date, examining every outfit with utter scrutiny until he talked himself out of it, but he couldn’t help but feel like it wasn’t enough, that he wasn’t enough.
He decided to send a photo to Anthony for a second opinion, an immediate reply of multiple fire emojis followed by the words ‘HOT’, were enough to satisfy his nerves and with a final look in the mirror he quickly rearranged his hair, giving it a slightly more mussed look that people seemed to like before stepping outside to wait for his taxi.
Here he was waiting, unsure on whether his date was here, whether he should go in, what name the reservation was under. Questions began crowding his mind until he felt the buzz of his phone in his hand, quickly pulling it out to see what the text read.
‘Dates there already, table reserved under Wine. Have fun XD’
‘Let me know how it goes’
He read the texts a couple of times, so this was it, it was time to meet his blind date. He has a brief moment where he tried to remember where he’s heard the name ‘Wine’ before, but before he could get into his thoughts too much he made his way into the restaurant.
It was small and quaint, with candles on the table to light up the somewhat dim room, allowing for an intimate and romantic atmosphere.
A waiter was quick to greet him at the door and not long later he was quickly lead through the crowded restaurant to a small table in the corner next to a large window looking out on the Chicago Highstreet.
As much as he wanted to look up to see who his date was, he was too busy looking down so that he could weave his way through chairs and people, so it wasn’t until the waiter finally came to a stop in front of him that he looked up. His breath caught in his throat as he realized that it was Tyler who was his date, the same Tyler who liked to rage and cuss people out in the games they played together.
He slowly approached the table, noticing the bright smile on his friends face as he stood up to offer his hand to him, and he couldn’t deny how good his friend looked, only on instinct did he extend his own hand out, feeling Tyler’s warm hand grip his own before he sat down in the booth opposite his friend.
They were quick to list off their drinks orders to the waiter still stood there smiling as if this moment of first meeting endeared him somewhat before they were alone to talk amongst themselves.
“I’m Tyler, by the way, I don’t think Anthony told you my name because he sure as hell didn’t tell me yours”
He let out a small chuckle before offering a warm smile to the taller man “I’m Ryan and no he didn’t tell me a damn thing about you either”
As soon as he speaks he’s worried that his voice might be recognized, that Tyler would call him out straight away, but the laugh of his friend who seemed none the wiser put him somewhat at ease, glad that although it was a date he had some sort of familiar company with him, and that his microphone somewhat distorted his voice.
“As much I want to kick his ass for it he did choose well, I’ll give him that. You’re looking fucking hot tonight dude” He couldn’t help the blush that coated his cheeks at Tylers’ words, he’s sure the heat radiating off of him could heat the whole restaurant.
“You look great tonight too, I didn’t expect Anthony to set me up with-“ He just about caught his words before he potentially exposed himself, but his pause hadn’t gone unnoticed by the other man.
“Set you up with?” he quickly tried to come up with something to use, instead using something he found to be truthful whilst he hoped by the way he refused eye contact that it could be passed off as nervousness.
“Someone so good looking” The smile from the other man seemed to appease him somewhat and he quickly tried to change the subject somewhat. “I’m sorry if I come off as really nervous and shit, it’s been a while since I’ve been on a date” He conveyed a somewhat strained smile in the hopes to placate his friend.
“You and me both then” He shot his head up at the comment, he could’ve sworn the other man had been in a relationship up until recently, guilt was quick to fill him that he seemingly didn’t know his friend quite as well as he thought. “So how do you know Anthony?”
He didn’t like the fact that he had to be untruthful to his friend, but he also wasn’t ready just yet to tell him who he is in case the taller man got angry at him. Of course, he’d probably be angrier at his deception but a part of him wanted to see what would happen on this date, whether he and Tyler could ever feasibly be together and whether he was actually ready to date someone.
“uh, High school. He was my best friend in High School and we always just sorta kept in touch, what about you? I’m surprised he kept you under wraps from me” He let out a small giggle which was quickly joined by Tylers own, trying to play off the warm feeling in his chest at the small blush coloring the other man’s face.
“I work with him, gotta say he’s one of the nicest most genuine guys I’ve ever met, but I’m sure you already know that” The smile Tyler cast his way made his breath get caught in his throat, at that moment his friend was carefree, he was happy, and the candlelight painting him in a light glow only enhanced that and he looked beautiful.
“What is it you guys do? Anthony’s said he works online but that doesn’t really tell me anything” He tried to play off his innocence and Tyler seemingly bought it.
The other man sighed and ran a hand down his face, he could tell his friend was conflicted about telling him, but he was glad when he was deemed trustworthy enough to have the answer.
“I’m a Youtuber”
He tried to feign his best look of surprise and wonder at the comment, trying also to convey it when he answered. “No way, that sounds so cool! What sort of videos do you make?”
“I’m a bit of a gaming nerd myself if I’m honest, what sort of stuff do you play?”
Bringing up the common interest between them made the conversation flow easily between the two of them, so much so that they quickly lost track of time and he quickly forgot that this was, in fact, a date. He felt sadness creep up on him when he realized it was time for them to leave, questions about whether they’d have a parting kiss or if Tyler would ever even want to see him again, for all he knew he could’ve hated every minute, were eating away at him.
“Do you want me to walk you back to your hotel?” He saw the look of surprise, which quickly turned to a soft smile from the taller man at the offer, but he couldn’t help but feel a slight sting at the rejection.
“I don’t want to put you out of your way, I think I’ll be fine thanks”
“Honestly it’s on my way home and I need the exercise anyway, you’d be doing me a favor” He tried to play off the comment with a small chuckle, trying not to put attention to the fact he’d just let some of his own insecurities come through. “Unless you don’t like me, I completely understand, I just thou-“
A warm hand quickly grabbed his own and soon he was being dragged down the sidewalk until he could come to his senses and keep pace with the younger man, only slowing their pace when they reached a small park “Your gorgeous Ryan, I’m surprised you even wanted to spend more time with me” He felt his hand being squeezed slightly and easily returned it, wanting to give some comfort to the man who in turn had let some of his own insecurities show.
He pulled on Tyler’s arm, bringing them both to a stop and waited for the younger man to turn and face him. “You’re amazing Tyler, you’re funny and kind and you don’t take shit from anybody, I wish I could be half the person you are. Not to mention you’re hot as fuck, but you already knew that”
“Ryan” He felt a warm hand cup his chin and watched the other man almost examine him as if trying to find a lie in his words, but he stood firm, knowing his words to be true. He felt his heart skip a beat when Tylers’ eyes came to rest on his lips for a moment and giving him one final look before lowering his head and pressing their lips firmly together.
Any qualms he had about kissing his friend were quickly diminished, instead letting himself enjoy the feeling of lips pressed against his own, letting Tyler press in as close as he could and letting the man’s free hand wander down his body until it gripped his hip in an almost bruising grip, as if the younger man didn’t want to let go.
Just as he felt Tylers’ tongue against his bottom lip, almost demanding entrance, he knew it was time to fess up, that his friend deserved better than this despite the fact he wanted nothing more to play along with the lie, to keep that contact with Tyler for as long as he could.
He quickly pulled away, once again guilt filling him at the flare of rejection he saw cross Tylers’ face before the younger man managed to compose himself, apology quick on his lips. “I’m sorry Ryan, I just-“
“I do Tyler, God I want to, but I need to tell you something first and you’re probably going to hate me for it afterward.”
The taller man moved away from him slightly and he tried to cover up his hurt at the loss, wanting to just cherish these last few moments before he was sure to lose his friend forever at the betrayal.
“Tyler I-“ He quickly broke off, trying to blink away the tears that were starting to form and clear the lump in his throat that was making it harder and harder to breathe. He mumbled out a curse, looking away from Tyler in an effort to compose himself until he felt warm hands grab his own, turning to see a soft smile of support from the other man.
“You can tell me, Ryan, It’s okay”
“Except it’s not okay. Tyler I-…” With a final sigh, he decided to just force the words out, eyes fixed on Tylers’ to convey that what he said was the truth. “Tyler I’m Ohm, as in Ohmwrecker, as in the guy you play games with sometimes. I’m sorry, I should’ve told you sooner, but it was so good to feel wanted for once and I let things get too far. I’m so sorry for misleading you Tyler, you deserv-“
“I don’t care”
He stopped his outpouring of words at Tyler’s interjection and from the look of surprise on the younger mans face he was surprised by his own reaction as well.
“I don’t care that you’re Ohm, well I do, but I don’t care that you lied to me. I haven’t had this much fun with someone in forever and I haven’t felt like this for someone in… fuck I don’t think I’ve felt like this with anyone, and that was all you. So, if you still want this, want me, then I’m 100% down”
He couldn’t help the smile that lit up his face, reflecting Tylers’ own before the taller man once again leaned down to press their lips together, and this time he gave the man free reign, letting them take their fill of the other before their lungs screamed for air and eventually they had to break away.
“I will, however, beat up Jigglys’ ass for doing this the sly fucker”
He laughed at the comment which was quickly stopped by lips pressing against his once again, allowing himself to drink in everything that was Tyler before he pulled them apart again.
“D’you wanna freak him out a bit?”
At Tylers’ nod, he pulled the taller man’s phone from his back pocket and a couple seconds later he had the camera ready, pulling the younger man down to press their lips together again as he pressed down on the shutter multiple times in the hopes that at least one of them would turn out good.
Tyler was quick to catch onto the plan, taking his phone from him and sending the best of the photos to their friend, as well as thanking him for setting them up and how they’d hit it like a house on fire.
It wasn’t even a minute before replies starting pinging through Tylers’ phone, each one from Anthony was more panicked than the last, his worry about whether Ohm had outed himself and whether he’d just ruined their friendship filling up his phone.
They let Anthony sit in his panic for a bit, instead opting to keep making out in the park and having to keep Tylers’ hands in check before they could get accused of public indecency. When they’d deemed it long enough they briefly skimmed through the 27 messages Anthony had sent them, instead deciding to take one last photo of them kissing but this time Tyler was flipping him off as well.
Feeling somewhat guilty he was quick to message Anthony saying how he’d told Tyler before the photos and that they were now dating, or at least he thought so.
After about a minute of having their friend cuss them out, he gave his congratulations to them, with the final comment that they now owed him before leaving them to themselves.
They quickly made the decision to go back to his house with Tyler eagerly agreeing to stay with him for the rest of his week to allow them to get better acquainted with one another.
Hands wrapped around the other’s waist, they made the journey to his home, thoughts on how they were going to troll the rest of their friends tomorrow, only enhancing the smile he had from getting the chance to be with the man beside him.
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dadhakyeon-blog · 7 years
vixx sports au- hakyeon
ok so i finally got a moment to sit down and start my first little series! hope you enjoy! lol i remember talking about doing this like. a month and a half ago. better late than never i guess haha
-hakyeon has been on the dance team since he was like five this boy came out of the womb doing the cha cha (get it)
-and you’ve never paid attention to your school’s dance too much but whenever they perform at other events and things you are always drawn to watching hakyeon
-and you get this unfair little crush on him
-your friends tease you about it but you’re always like!!! ‘no!!! i just respect him as an athlete and his dancing is really graceful and cool and the way he moves his booty is no joke- fuck i didn’t say that’
-anyways there’s this whole thing where your friends find out that the dance team is accepting new members and you’re all nervous
-so of course one night they get you drunk and convince you to sign up because you’re always more apt to do things inebriated
-and you wake up in the morning to a text from hakyeon
-’i’m excited to work with you in dance! our first newbie practice is today at 4! wear sneakers and something you can sweat in!’
-and he sent it at 7am how is he awake at this time on a saturday dear gosh
-but anyways it’s already like noon and you’re hungover as fucc so you have to drag yourself out of bed and into the shower and try to wake up
-you’re kinda like??? wtf the fuck why am i doing this i don’t dance and hakyeon is gonna watch me make a fool of myself
-and you consider dropping out but hakyeon’s text was so excited and he knows your name (totally not because you sent in your name on the sign up cough cough)
-so you just have to suck it up and go so you suit up and head out to lunch so you can get something in you before you dance
-and the whole time you’re pretty nervous but it’s okay because at least you know it’s just a practice for the new members no one super good is going to be there except for hakyeon
-but when you get there you almost lose your nerve because it’s like three people other than you and there’s going to be so much individual attention
-but you made it this far!!! at least try it out!!!
-and man if you had even the smallest idea in your mind that dancing could be easy, it’s ripped right out of your head by this practice
-hakyeon is not going to be lenient with any of you
-and silly you ate a really big sandwich without realizing for lunch and you’re not mcfreakin lovin it
-so during a break hakyeon pulls you aside and is all warm and friendly like ??? what’s going on you look pained???
-and you don’t really want to tell him that you just ate a really big sandwich so you say that you’re feeling a little sick to your stomach
-and his eyes light up like!!! you’re sick but you still came to my dance practice!!! wow!!!
-ohh man. that smile. that little glow.. his little excited voice... oh man oh man
-you would bend over backwards to see that all the time and it makes you feel a little bit sicker to realize that
-but anyways you push on through the dance practice and end up doing pretty okay once your food digests
-hakyeon taught your group an entire choreography to about two minutes of a rihanna song and it’s really simple and easy but it’s really satisfying to have something like that you accomplished in just a day
-and you didn’t fuck it up too bad because he complimented you! and said he’s excited for next practice on wednesday! wow!
-anyways anyways you get home and pretty much collapse because that was hard and hakyeon is stressful because every little thing he did you paid attention to and thought was cute and gOD
-and you end up texting your friends about it but they just make fun of you fuck them
-so the weeks go by and you’re slowly getting better and in between your practices 
-you find yourself stopping by the dance room and glancing in the windows to watch hakyeon’s other practices
-because he runs the newbie group but is also the main dancer of the advanced group
-and wow watching them practice should be illegal it’s so crazy
-you don’t know how the hell he does that to himself but he does and he looks great doing it
-and one time he falls and you’re like. this close. to slamming open the door and running in there yourself to help him.
-and one of hakyeon’s other dancers points at you when he helps him up??? and hakyeon??? smiles??? at you??? fuckkkk he saw you he knows you watch him oh no
-so you don’t watch for the rest of the week because you’re a little embarrassed but you can’t avoid him at practice so when you come in (regrettably a little early) he’s just there stretching
-and he gives you this sweet little smile and pats the ground next to him so you can come stretch with him
-’i hear you’ve been watching the advanced group practice?’
-and tbh thank god he thinks you’re watching the group instead of just him like ‘yeah i just think what you do is really amazing’
-and you’re so honest and hakyeon gets this little smile like ugH he’s cute
-he just thanks you really nicely and tells you that you’re doing better
-and that just means the world because he’s such a role model and honestly when it comes down to it you joined dance practice because of him so to hear him tell you that you’re doing well??? it’s nice
-nice is an understatement it’s amazing
-ok so when you stretch your leg you feel this really bad muscle cramp and it practically knocks you onto your side
-and hakyeon’s so worried he’s looming over you asking what’s wrong and you just grunt and start punching your thigh
-he gets the idea immediately though and he’s instantly pushing your hands away and rubbing your thigh himself
-like stupid! you’re going to hurt yourself!
-and normally you’d be a little embarrassed that hakyeon’s massaging your freaking thigh but ! it’s really helping and the cramp really did hurt
-once it goes away there’s this soft little moment between you two and hakyeon looks like he really wants to say something
-and you bet you know what you’re hoping he wants to say
-but the door busts open and some of the other newbie dancers come into the room because oH RIGHT we have practice
-so hakyeon just tells you to be careful and begins the practice
-it’s tiring and hard as always and you’re not doing so well this time
-it’s just... distracting. your head is out of it because you’re really occupied with hakyeon stooooop
-and he asks you to stay for a moment to practice longer with him and you’re like shit!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!
-but he really just kinda corners you and asks you what’s going on and if your thigh is still hurting you
-’i can rub it some more-’
-’nO i’m good thanks’
-’so... what do you think of me- uh, the team’
-and it takes you a minute to respond because you definitely caught that
-’i’m lucky to have such a great teacher.’
-and hakeyon’s ears are red???? omg
-you can’t help it you have to do it you have to!
-so you ask him if he’s busy and he’s not and you ask him to go to dinner and he’s down and what is this is he getting red because you definitely are
-and you go back to clean up but promise to meet in an hour again and you’re walking away and almost stop in your tracks because it hits you like. holy shit. you have a date cha hakyeon king of dance and your heart.
-life is amazing
-but you’re like. a nervous wreck before the date, you don’t even know if it’s a date or not??? you hope dear god
-if there’s any condolence though hakyeon is pretty obviously nervous too like he forgets that you’re at a restaurant where you have to go to the counter and accidentally sits down at the table while you wait in line
-a n y w a y s hakyeon is cute as all hell but what’s new 
-and the entire maybe-date goes really well like you never run out of things to talk about and he seems like he’s really interested in you
-it makes you feel so special like look at all this validation™ look at him telling you that you’re a good dancer look at him wanting to know things about you 
-he totally reaches out to pat your hand when you say something and he just leaves his hand there??? and you take the chance??? and now your fingers are laced??? omg
-hello god is that you
-if you thought this was the best thing in the world wait up there’s more
-after you finish dinner hakyeon holds your hand again while you walk back towards your school
-and he notices you looking at your linked hands like ??? oh no did i step past a boundary i just really like you it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way- 
-hakyeon??? really likes you??? omg
-and it comes out like a hurricane but you tell him no no no it’s okay you have this huge embarrassing crush on him too please hold you hand
-and he just kinda laughs like. well. glad i’m not the only one
-you two kinda fall into silence but it’s this really nice silence. like it’s just you two feeling each other’s presences and feeling the energy flow between your hands 
-it’s really sweet
-but it’s too soon that you’re back to campus and need to split up to go to your apartments 
-but he promises that he loved your date (he called it a date!!!!) and he really wants to go on another one with you 
-there’s such a soft little smile on his face oh god 
-and you go home and scream in a pillow because oMG that happened!!! that really happened!!!!! 
-and before you know it you’re going on date after date with hakyeon and every single time you’re with him it’s like you’re breathing fresh air 
-he’s so sweet on you and takes such good care of you 
-gentleman x100
-and you don’t really tell anyone but your friends that you’re dating but you end up coming into all of hakyeon’s practices to watch him and the dance team gives him so much shit for it 
-(good friendly shit feel) 
-but he just blushes and smiles through it like !!! my partner needs to know what to do when they move up to the advanced group! 
-that’s news to you lol 
-but sure enough after that practice hakyeon asks you to try practicing with his group and see how you like it
-no pressure or anything but he wants to see how you would do in a more advanced group because you’re doing really really well in the newbie group
-and it’s always better to practice up play down you know? 
-he probably planned it tbh because right when you join his group they decide that their next concept is going to be couples dancing 
-but there’s no one you would rather couples dance with than hakyeon
-and slowly you become better and better and hakyeon is so proud of you 
-and you get closer and closer too 
-on your six month anniversary you win your first dance competition with the group! 
-hakyeon makes such a big deal out of it too 
-at your team dinner afterwards he has the waiter bring out a cake and starts talking about how proud he is of the team 
-but he’s not done!!! 
-because he also just has to announce your anniversary and how proud he is of you for working your way up to such a high level of dance 
-and how he looooves you
-and you would normally be mad at the attention but... he’s so happy. you’re so happy. it’s all just. so good
-and you realize that you have such a loving and amazing boyfriend in hakyeon who just supports you and cares for you and pays such attention to your dreams and achievements 
-you really couldn’t be luckier than this 
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