#was a purposeful referece to Wentworth in there
radreactions · 6 years
A F!SS mentioning a little while back to companions that they wanted to be more affectionate and a little while later they are scooped up by companions and carried to their bedroom to snuggle and stuff?
Sole walked up to their significant other, pecking them on the cheek and offering a shy smile when their gazes met. “I don’t suppose you’d be up for a night in together after I get back, would you?” Their lover nodded, said their goodbyes with a hug and a kiss and watched as Sole walked away, already planning on how to make up for the little time they’ve spent together for these past few weeks.
Cait – Being affectionate was new to Cait, so she really had to push herself into unfamiliar territory when it came to this. But it was for Sole and there was literally nothing in the world she wouldn’t do for them. So when they finally returned from their trip, Cait took in a deep breath and marched towards them in a way that Sole thought they had done something to piss her off. Only, when Cait reached them, they was pulled into a passionate kiss which left them breathless and quite off balance. Thankfully Cait’s arms were wrapped securely around them, otherwise they probably would have toppled over. “Come on, love, I got somethin’ planned for ya.” That ‘something’ was a feast of slightly overcooked Brahmin steak, mutfruit and vodka cocktails along with a candlelit bedroom and a very welcoming bed where they’ll inevitably end up after a night of cheesy flirting, longing glances and tight snuggles. After she crossed this threshold, never to return, Cait finds herself unconsciously touching Sole when they’re out and about. Her hand on the small of her lover’s back, their thighs touching while sitting next to each other. Hell, Cait even made a habit of waltzing up to Sole at random points throughout the day only to plant a soft, promising kiss upon their lips before walking away with a smirk.
Curie – It was hard for Curie to believe that at one point in her life, she hardly had any kind of real understanding of romance and love, but oh was she so very in love now. Countless romance novels had fed her mind full of cute little ideas and things that Curie simply must try with Sole in the future, but when Sole returns home she resorts to the things that she knows Sole adores. Sole will walk into their home wondering where Curie is, only to find a trail of mutfruit petals leading into their bathroom where they find Curie soaking in a tub of hot bubbly water with two sparkling glasses of red wine ready and waiting. Curie will beckon for Sole to join her with a wide, loving smile and she’ll snuggle into Sole’s loving arms, feeling her lover’s body slowly begin to relax while they share soft words and loving touches until the water gets cold.Curie is one of those hopeless romantics, insisting on feeding Sole mutfruit grapes one by one while picnicking together in secluded spots, holding hands whenever they are walking together and she’s even been known to search for the largest, most beautiful flower just to gift to Sole in an effort to show them how much she simply adores them.
Danse – Showing affection is new to the Paladin. After all, it’s not like he can really say to Sole “Good job, soldier” which is the usual phrase used in the Brotherhood to give effect to just such a thing. But nevertheless, he makes an effort for when Sole comes back to him. He greets them at the gate of the settlement with a soft kiss and a warm smile before looping his arm around their waist, walking leisurely back to their home with the intent on sharing a shower together which almost certainly leads to some steamy shower sex.Making love to Sole is his default method of showing affection, because holding hands and allowing himself to be distracted enough to kiss them out in the Commonwealth is just not the way he operates, nor is it something he wants other people to see. But Sole is quite persuasive and often gets him to cuddle them and hold them close when they fib and say they’re freezing cold.
Deacon – As the undisputable King of romance and affection himself, Deacon will waste no time when Sole returns back from their long trip. He lights candles, cooks up their favourite meals and practically picks up them up and carries them into their shared house with a wide devilish grin. From there he plops them on the couch in front of the softly lit fireplace and snuggles with them until their meals are ready. A hot, steamy bubble bath awaits them as does the new leopard print thong Deacon found just the other day. Well okay maybe the thong isn’t for Sole to wear, but it’s for them nonetheless!He makes a habit of swooping Sole away from their responsibilities to both the Minutemen and the Railroad in favour of spontaneous dates that can take them to places like Diamond City and their own secluded boathouse near Salem. Although they probably won’t go anywhere near Goodneighbour for a while, considering the Mayor there found both him and Sole going at it in one of the alleyways near the Statehouse. Yet another perk of loving Deacon – he has Sole rearing to go using barely a word.
Gage – He loves Sole so fucking much, but when it comes to showing more affection to them he’ll find himself struggling quite a lot. Just how the heck is Sole expecting him to become all mushy in the name of love? He knows he loves them, they know he loves them, the entirety of Nuka World knows he loves them, so why does he gotta find just the right damn flower in the desert or write a poem to give to them when they come back to make it known more? Despite his grievances however, Gage will compromise and substitute sentimentality for physical love. A hand on Sole’s ass, a hard possessive kiss and hell, giving them some new kickass gear was a way of showing affection right? And sex, most definitely more sex.
Hancock – Sharing his chems and crashing together in the same bed aren’t displays of affection, he knows and quite often feels bad about. They deserve a lot more than that from him. So, in an effort to give more for his lovely old timer, he’ll tell them he loves them more often, he’ll give them sweet smooches when they don’t expect it and every so often, they’ll find grifts for them waiting in conspicuous places with their name written in Hancock’s signature scrawl. He’ll actually try to write neatly too. He can’t wait to do this for them when they get back from this trip of theirs, when they’ll find him sitting outside the door to Goodneighbour waiting on them with a smug grin on his face like he’s just won the lottery. In his mind, he already has.
MacCready – Growing up, he was never affectionate to the other Lamplighters or at least, not in a way that would suggest anything of the sort. He didn’t want to feel anything for anyone. It was safer that way, easy, because sooner or later everyone leaves or dies or hurts you in some other way. But Lucy and little Duncan changed that belief of his. They made MacCready softer somehow in his heart, less a hired gun and more like a person with actual feelings who saw the value in loving someone else. Sole was the final piece that unlocked the puzzle of his heart and before he knew it, they had him catching himself grinning like an idiot more often every day. He’s the type to wrap his arm securely around their shoulders when walking together, pull out a chair for Sole at a table before seating himself and curling up with them on the couch after their hard day travelling to just relax together. He tells stupid jokes to try and make them laugh because he thinks that’s the most beautiful sound in the world. He tickles them relentlessly because of the same reason, despite the small bruises they half-heartedly complain of the following day. It really is the little things that he does which are a testament to his affections for Sole.
Maxson – He wants to show them how he really feels about them as each day goes by and they fall more and more in love, but his responsibilities to the Brotherhood means that they don’t have the liberty of holding hands and having dinner dates together. Although he will allot a timeslot where he and Sole can walk arm in arm on the shoreline below the Prydwen at noon and whenever they come back from lengthy field missions and dangerous assignments like the one they’re on, he’ll always ensure that their dinner is brought to his quarters and that they won’t be disturbed. However, there are times when he and Sole are tinkering on a gun or something of the sort in Ingram’s workshop, that they’ll forget where they are and how many eyes are on them and accidentally say or do something that would cause even Danse to blush bright scarlet. One time, Sole grabbed Maxson’s ass with both hands before they could even think to stop themselves and one of the senior scribes was so shocked that they almost dropped the Mini Nuke they were transporting.
Nick Valentine – He’s not sure how anyone could find him loveable, with his lovely mug and all. But Sole…Sole is someone to be cherished and Nick makes sure to pull out all the stops when he’s with them. Flowers, boxes of their favourite sweets gifted to them and random moments when the radio is playing when Nick slips his arm around Sole and gracefully leads them into a slow, sensual dance like in the romance movies. It doesn’t take them to be gone for a while for Nick to show his affection for them in this way. Instead, it’s how he always treats them, because he knows from past experience the kind of regret one can have if you don’t do what you’ve always wanted to do with the one you love before it’s too late. He doesn’t care if they’re in public and Sole wants a cuddle or if he’s got too much work to catch up on and Sole needs him beside them in bed, he always choses Sole. After all, he loves them to the moon and back.
Piper Wright – Being the absolute cuddle-monster that she is, Piper will waste not a single second when her Blue returns home. First comes the massive bear hug that leaves Sole giggling like a schoolchild (after Piper nearly tripped over while running to them) and then comes the customary offer of an ice-cold Nuka Cola, before Piper near about drags Sole to her couch for a lengthy cuddle/making out session where they probably end up falling asleep together until Nat comes home and loudly slams the door in her usual fashion.On a scale of 1 to 10 regarding how affectionate she can be, Piper scores a solid 50. Sole falls asleep in her arms and wakes up in her arms, they walk arm in arm and flirt back and forth like no tomorrow, and Sole is near constantly accosted with Piper’s hands one way or another. Whether it be the reporter’s hand in theirs or on their back or on their butt, in their hair or in their jumpsuit…the list goes on and on. And Sole doesn’t mind it one bit.
Preston Garvey – Much like Piper, Sole doesn’t have to ask for Preston to be more affectionate to them, he already is. Every night he strives to make their meals together as romantic as he possibly can, being an old world gentleman at heart who holds open doors for them, holds their hand and defends their honour no matter how small the transgression. Warm smiles are always worn when he gazes at Sole, when he merely thinks of Sole, and it gets even brighter when Sole sees and smiles back. When they finally return from that long crusade of theirs, he is always the first to greet them at the gate. Heck, perhaps the only one to greet them, because he’s shooed everybody else away so that he can have the General all to himself for the rest of the day or evening.
X6-88 – Affection is still quite new to the Courser and he finds himself stumbling over different ideas and methods when it comes to giving more to Sole. He knows cuddling is often the main method, so he waits inside their home for Sole to return with his shirt off and a pair of track pants on (comfortable clothes, Deacon had said), and found himself quite surprised but not at all chagrined when a little while later, he’s left panting after pleasing a suddenly lustful Sole. He is left even more curious as to where exactly the line lay between showing affection and fucking like animals, but settles with the thought that the terms are essentially synonymous.When it comes to daily living, he makes an effort to make Sole feel loved, whether it’s through his subtle flirtatious comments, an approving grin and of course the spontaneous moments just when Sole needs him most, he comes up behind them and pulls them close while resting his chin atop their head. His mere presence around Sole denotes undying affection.
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