#wallefer darling
helloimnew121 · 2 months
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Just to let you guys know this is how tall the welcome home casts are in my overlord Au
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helloimnew121 · 2 months
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Wallefers Ex wife
Camila Darling was a nun before she went to hell she used to stand by Wallefer when he would be in the church with her before he died. She started to realize that she had feelings for him but she was to scared to tell him she soon regretted not telling him sooner because after they ended up saying that he was found dead. That night she did a ritual to see if she can maybe fined a way to get his soul into the human world. It ended up working she told him about her feelings and wanted to run away with him to hell. He agreed but she had to give her hand in marriage to him and also give her soul up with out any hesitation. She agreed she went to hell down with him. After a couple of years they divorced but Camila was pregnant with Wallefers child. Wallefer wanted nothing to do with the kid but Camila wanted this child to have its father involved so she blacked mailed Wallefer saying if he didn’t stay she would tell everyone that he was having a kid and say that he left not caring. Wallefer didn’t want his reputation in hell to go down so he stayed until the kid was 17 he left for good. She was glad he left but knew her son was hurt by it to make it up to him she wanted to get closer to him and have a mother son relationship. 
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helloimnew121 · 1 month
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Will Darling
Will darling is the child of Wallefer Darling and Camille Darling when growing up Will always went to his father instead of his mother even though his father would not care for him at all or even look his way. When he got older he started to realize that his father never really loved him or his Mother it seemed like he was just staying around because he needed to all Will wanted was for his father to love him but he never did until he was 17 his father left for good that was the last time he ever saw him. As a young adult he got more closer to his mother since his father was gone. It’s been years since he saw Wallefer but he honestly doesn’t care if he’s dead or alive anymore he only cares about his mother
Age: 20 to 21
Mental disorders: daddy issues,attachment issues, depression, mommy issues/ a bit is working on it with his mom
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helloimnew121 · 1 month
*places this right here and leaves*
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helloimnew121 · 2 months
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Some Drawings I made for Wallefers instagram and speaking of his instagram-
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Here his instagram he will be posting most everyday or once’s a week 👁️
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helloimnew121 · 2 months
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This took forEVER 😭
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helloimnew121 · 2 months
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A little animation :3
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helloimnew121 · 3 months
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Wallefer Darling’s death
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helloimnew121 · 3 months
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Don’t minded him he’s just doing a painting
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helloimnew121 · 3 months
Wallefer Darling Lore
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Wallefer was born in a christian family believing in the gods above and always trying to find ways to help others. But when he became a adult he’s beliefs pushed too far he started to think that the gods wanted him to kill the innocent wanting him to see people suffer. So he did it he ended up killing 29 people until 1963 he was trying to kill his 30th victim but the person ended up fighting back and slit his throat with the same knife he was going to use for them. He smiled surprised anyone could kill him he slowly bled out until he was met with death. And once dead Wallefer didn’t go start to hell he was granted at the gates of heaven he was so happy,thinking he had gained entry into heaven but before he could get in the high angels blocked his way they said they didn’t need anyone as unholy as he was walking around their ground. Wallefer was confused he did what the angels wanted he killed for them he did everything he was furious he screamed and yelled at them hoping for them just to listen for them to just let him in but without a word the angels sent him down. Now ever since he arrived at hell he wishes death on the angels on all of heaven he hopes one day that all of heaven is sent down so he could laugh in their faces. And even after every extermination happens he hopes maybe one day he will be able to kill one of the exterminator angels and hang it’s head and halo on his wall.
How Wallefer interacts with the rest of the gang
Howdy: Wallefer doesn’t really like the fellow
Barnaby: He’s fine with barnaby but doesn’t talk to him that much anymore
Julie: he thinks she’s to touchy with the hugs and stuff
Frank: he like them
Eddie: he has mixed feelings about him
Sally: he likes talking to her because she’s the only one in the group that likes to gossip a bit
Poppy: he cares for poppy even though she’s not his mom he sees her as one he just is really bad at showing that he cares
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