#wa/lly dar/ling? more like wa/lly brapling
downforthegas · 4 months
Wa//lly Dar//ling eprocto/eructo headcannons (cw: lot of fart/burp talk)
Wa//lly's very polite about farting. If he's around company, he'll get up and quietly leave to let it out. He's not embarrassed about farting, but he knows it's rude to do it in public. He will get embarrassed, however, if he does it on accident in public, or if he tries to go somewhere private, but a neighbor was there and he didn't realize (seems pretty basic, i know, but that's how our little man is)
Wa//lly's not a gassy person all the time. That's mainly because he's always seen eating plain foods (i.e. plain hotdogs, vanilla ice cream with no toppings, etc.) So I like to think it's not just a texture problem. He's probably sensitive to a lot of non-plain foods. He can't eat anything with too much seasonings or else it'll give him a bad stomach ache
Wa//lly's farts aren't anything special in terms of size. Or smell really. Just little *brrt*s and *plbrt*s that's you'd hardly notice if you weren't paying much attention. He'll let them out and give a little sigh and wave his hand over his bottom. He doesn't really need to, but he's seen one of the neighbors do it before. On the rare chance he rips a long fart, it'll sound sort of like a mosquito buzzing.
His farts usually sound like that because of his rainbow pants hugging against his butt. But without them, his farts usually come out silently
But what do they smell like? Rotten apples (bc what else lol)
He (and the other neighbors) produces rainbow colored clouds
He's fully comfortable farting around Ba//rn//aby and Ho//me. Those is his best friends after all. For Ho//me, he likes to give them a quick warning so Ho//me can open his door and windows. Sometimes the clouds can be seen billow gently out of Ho//me's chimney if Wa//lly's gassy enough
His pants are very tight around his mid section, so an accidental toot/burp is more often than not
Speaking of burps, Wa//lly's aren't much special either, usually being little *urp*s.
Sodas really get him going, however. Since he drinks with his eyes, like how he eats with his eyes, he slurps it up pretty fast, which leads to him getting a painful, bloated belly (my favorite). Just pat him real good on the stomach or his back and he'll explode with a LOUD, long burp that'll shake the ground. Of course, he ends it with a little "excuse me". This is why he tries not to drink his sodas too fast, but sometimes the flavor is too good to do so
He gets embarrassed if he accidently burps while talking, especially when he's on the phone
Sometimes he apologizes to his pants after a particularly bad fart
Alright that's enough for now. Tune in next time for the same bullshit. And I know what you're thinking: how does a puppet fart? idk man, don't ask me. Goodbye
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downforthegas · 4 days
HOw... How has it been MONTHS, almost a YEAR, AND YET I still have my little mega crush on Wa//lly Dar//ling (Or Wa//lly Brapling as I like to call him). And yeah, still thinking of cute, new ways to make him miserable and relating it all to digestion and farts💖with that being said, I have a few ideas (pulls out a list):
cw: farts, tummy aches, omo, heartburn mention
Wa//lly borrows clothes from Sa//lly, wearing one of her bellbottoms. Those things are real tight on the stomach (especially back in the 70s) and Wa//lly's not used to that, but it gets especially bad when he gets a stomach ache from gas. There's no way you can hold anything back when your stomach's getting the life squeezed out of it, and he ends up ripping a loud, bassy fart in the jeans, no matter where he is. He ends up having to explain to Sa//lly later why her jeans smell terrible
Wa//lly eats something that gives him a really bad case of heartburn (I imagine him clutching his poor throat or his chest). Maybe someone's about to get him some medicine, only to realize there's no meds in the house that can help, so Wa//lly has to kinda ride it out. (It's late at night and How//dy's bodega is closed, so Wa//lly has to sleep with a burning throat)
Wa//lly weighing himself on a scale and seeing it go up slightly the last time he stood on it. He's confused until his stomach gets a big cramp. He doubles over with his arms around his stomach, which pushes out two loud burps and *ahem* the sound of someone blowing really hard into a trumpet, and the scale goes back to the original number (and his tummy feels better hehe)
Maybe Wa//lly's the kind of person who can't burp, like his throat is too small for it, so he drinks a little big soda from How//dy's and is confused when Ba//rn and How//dy are burping up a storm and his stomach is just filling up with bubbles, so much so his cardigan starts to feel snug. He's having the worst stomach ache of his life and Ba//rn has Wa//lly draped over his shoulder as he pats his back, trying to get him to burp, but nothing's happening and Wa//lly's getting frustrated. Then Ba//rn hits Wa//lly's lower back just right and a loud, long fart bubbles out, reddening Wa//lly's face. But now the floodgates are open and all the little peanut can do is helplessly rip long bubbly farts as Ba//rn and How//dy laugh (not at him, but at how loud and long his farts are from the soda)
Wa//lly being desperate to pee but there's no bathroom available for him. His bladder is at FULL capacity and is bulging a little, he's THIS close to wetting himself. Luckily, Ba//rn has a solution: peeing outside (bc of course he would). Wa//lly's not sure, but with how badly his bladder's aching, he's willing to pee outside maybe just this once
Uhhhh that's it for now. I might expand on these ideas later but I REALLY wanna DRAW THESE little ideas. And I think I'll probably do that later but I just wanted an excuse to share more scenarios. With a little bit of sadism from my side (been in a big dom mood lately)
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