#w the dark age of the law!!! and the whole thing abt defense attorneys and prosecutors working together to find the truth
milesdadworth · 1 year
okay but what if they make an ace attorney investigations style game w klav and ema trying to uncover everything kristoph was up to
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transedgeworth · 5 years
OKAY NO I WAS LYING IM POSTING THIS ONE TOO. here we go, all my dumb ideas for a DD remake bc FUCK it could have been one of the best games in the series but they fucked up so badly
the jurist system IS implemented because oh my god why would you delete the whole thing that they made us believe was all phoenix was working on during his disbarrment?
dark age of the law my ass. all together stop saying that every 5 minutes. acknowledging the legal system has been fucked up since ages and them trying to fix it slowly, with their first step being the jurist system
not...treating the whole phantom thing as if it was the main plot of game? id personally make turnabout tomorrow a case like rise from the ashes, important, heavily filled with lore, but not the main plot of the game. its own thing, just like rfta! or well maybe more like like turnabout goodbyes but lengthier n w more lore like rfta
the bombing thing was stupid and im deleting all the cases related to that
since id make AA5 focusing in the reform of the system, a work between both parties ( defense n prosecution, both inside and outside the court ) simon is NOT the prosecutor for the game. yep, hes not guilty, but hes still a convict an letting him prosecute people would be going against the whole we're destroying corruption thing? prove hes innocent and then he can kick defense attorneys asses
oh definitely bring kay. be it as the detective or whatever but! shes the yatagarasu! the one who exposes corruption! the whole theme of the game screams for kay to be there
let phoenix get back to court but like? normally? not making him have a radical switch from AA4 to AA5? i wouldnt have phoenix as a lawyer for the whole game, maybe 4 the last case only! and for the previous cases we get a mid AA4-AA5 model for him! id go for something like. casual but still not quite "hoodie, sweatpants and fucking sandals" maybe the hoodie but open w a button up under! and some pants or jeans wait when did i start talking about clothes. ACTUALLY NEVERMIND CLOTHES ARE IMPORTANT! the designs of the character can tell us a lot so yes i do think we should have gotten a pre lawyer again phoenix model! id leave the beanie but slightly backwards, showing more spikes n with that lil hair he got going on nowadays
talking abt designs. edgeworth would have his prosecutors badge on his lapel it makes no sense he DOESNT...the neckwear can stay i guess but it should be gone too...to show the complete desvonkarmatization yknow.
also edgeworth appears in the game! a lot! its not a surprise factor or whatever. hes the prosecutor only for the athena v state case! but yeah he appears quite often in pre-"wow we got a client moments"
id have liked it to have klav and sebastian as prosecutors actually for like. all the other cases. HEAVY gavin lore, more development for klav! also he should have been the prosecutor for courtes murder....capcom i hate u...and also seb is there bc. why not. i love him plus themis appears in this game so!
maybe seb 4 one case and klav for the rest! why keep adding new characters when already have a lot of amazing ones we dont need a new prosecutor eAAACH game...
its Athena's Game, she's the lead for most cases! also i know athenas thing is psychology but. i wouldnt use it for trials until like. turnabout tomorrow. why? as the system is being reformed slowly i think it should have been tested out like the MASON system! a hint for AA6 like the MASON system was a hint for AA5 :)! also phoenixs magatama was always investigation only so id do the same for the mood matrix!
trucy never stopped being a main character. fuck u capcom. shes athenas assistant for a couple cases! and even when shes not assisting like directly as a legal aid, i think shed appear every break to help and give her input!
can we get the super crowded bench for most cases. i think that would be epic.
also we get phoenix genuinely worried abt trucy during turnabout for tomorrow bc fuck that
clays there BUT HES ALIVE bc apollo deserves it, maybe make him a defendant idk lol but hes neat
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