#vld spoils
linipik · 1 year
[ PART 12 ]
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kyoobie · 10 months
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More art for the fic I haven’t released yet…
But I know my fellow Klance lovers will appreciate it with or without context :)
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@loturaweek2023 day 5: Runaways from Royal Nannies!
Melenor (named after her grandmother, in honor), Garrett (named by Coran, with a sadness Lotor now knew the man well enough to place), and Oria (a family name on Allura’s side) were supposed to be with their governess, right then.
As three small children ran giggling into Lotor’s legs, lifting his skirt cape around their shoulders so as to hide beneath it, he let out a huff of fond exasperation.
“And what, perchance, are you three doing here?” he asked them, the dignitary he stood speaking with giving an amused and knowing smile as he put their discussion of sewage on hold.
“Shhhshshsh!” Melenor urged, Garrett copying her and Oria copying them both with her chubby fingers.
“Oh?” Lotor arched his eyebrow. “What’s this? Are you hiding? Is that what you’re doing?”
The shushing redoubled, all three of them hissing at him louder than he’d spoken, and the dignitary lifted their pad to their lips to hide their smile.
A harried Altean woman with large muscles and hair pulled messily back in a bun rounded the corner, the sash at her hips fluttering with her rush. “Your Majesty,” she greeted, sounding somewhere between tired and defeated.
“Governess,” he returned politely. “I hope all is well, and the children are behaving themselves?”
More shushing from beneath his skirt cape, quieter now.
“About as well as they typically do, Your Majesty.”
“And where are my children, now?”
A tittering of giggles rose from beneath his skirt cape, all three pairs of tiny feet clearly visible, which the poor woman’s eyes landed on with something approaching exasperated fondness (heavier on exasperation, at that junction).
“I’m afraid I don’t know, my lord.”
“Unfortunate. But I’m sure they could not have gotten far. Perhaps they’ve gone to the kitchen again, I’ve heard there’s much to drink and snack on, there,” he gently prodded. He could look after the three of them for a bit. She looked like she could use a drink. And maybe a nunvill, but that wasn’t allowed while she was on the clock.
“A fine idea, Your Majesty, I’ll try there.”
She stalked off, swiping flyaways out of her face and leggings making a soft swishing sound as the legs brushed together, and Lotor waited until she was out of sight to lift his skirt cape to reveal the giggling children beneath it.
“You know, you really must stop causing her trouble,” he urged mildly, already fully aware that his children were unlikely to heed such words.
“We’re not!” Melenor insisted, “We just want to be with you!”
And quiznack it all if the little mite didn’t know she had her daddy wrapped around her finger. He sighed.
“I can’t imagine why. I’m not going to be very interesting, I have to talk about sewers, and pipes, and water decontamination, for hours. You’ll get bored.”
“Nuh uh!”
“Very well then, you may stay, but you must let me work,” he said firmly.
“Oh Lotor, you’re spoiling them again!”
Lotor and his children all looked up to see a miffed Allura approaching, and squeals of “Mama!” rang out as Lotor’s legs were swiftly abandoned for additional parental clinging.
“Me? My dear wife, never.”
“Always,” she accused, lifting Oria onto one hip and knocking a fist against the other. “You’re too indulgent.”
“But look at them,” he said, kneeling down and pulling Garrett and Melenor against his sides, squishing his face between theirs, “How can you say no to such faces, Allura?”
“Easily,” she said, giving him a flatly unimpressed look.
Lotor sighed. “Your mother is cruel, children. She is preparing you for the harshness of this world.”
“Where is your nanny?” she asked, ignoring his antics, and Lotor pouted.
“Papa sent her to the kitchen.”
“Then that is where we shall go. Come along, you three, your father has work to do right now,” she said pointedly, taking Garrett’s hand in the one not holding Oria and ushering Melenor forth.
He stooped to steal a kiss, which she indulged, and then continued herding them off while he stared after her fondly.
It was still such a joy, for him. To be a husband, a father, a caretaker. Someone whose children were not scared of him, not even at all. He would never have dreamed of running off from his Dayak and causing her the trouble these three caused their governess, and he would have never run to his father to hide from her. It felt good, that that was different for them. It felt right.
The dignitary cleared their throat and Lotor returned his attention to the subject at hand, putting thoughts of his children aside for the moment. He’d have plenty opportunity to indulge them all later.
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
When your bestie starts watching Voltron and is talking about how she doesn't think that Keith and Lance have an emotional connection but she hasn't gotten to the bonding moment yet:
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summerfrwrks · 11 months
istg i don’t cry when couples finally have their first kiss/gets together in a series but by GOD did they change the chemistry in my brain this was insANE-
(more thoughts on reblog)
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Just thinking about how good Hunk would be treating Shay this Valentines day <3333
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void-tiger · 2 years
…should I watch the newest TDP season?
Because s2&3 (especially 3) just. Really ticked me off. Watched like a dumpster fire with all the Doyalist Issues utterly breaking containment, to put it mildly, and doubling down on brutalizing the female, queer, and poc characters (especially if they were at least 2/3. Like the Lesbian Queens and Sun Elf Queen.) An utter implosion of the world’s internal logic.
Did…did they fix it? (Is Callum less of a mansplainer I wanna dropkick off the side of a mountain without a deus ex machina saving his Self-Insert Ass this time?)
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boyprinzessin · 3 months
VLD fic rec - cosmic dust by @discordiansamba
cosmic dust (188990 words) by discordiansamba Chapters: 35/35 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt & Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt & Keith, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro Characters: Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Colleen Holt, Matt Holt, Te-osh (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Sendak (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Olia (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Haxus (Voltron) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Galra Keith (Voltron) Series: Part 1 of cosmic dust Summary:
When her brother and father disappear without a trace during the Kerberos mission, Pidge sets out to find them. What she finds instead is an escaped half-alien fugitive, running from the same empire her family's been taken by. Convincing him to take her to space with him is the first step, and from there, well... as they say, when you look for trouble, it tends to find you.
Bookmarker's Notes:
I love how this fic completely reimagines canon while still retaining very similar goals. I feel like AUs that cover large swaths of the original media are often at risk of feeling monotonous, but this AU really breathes a completely new life into the story and progresses in a completely different way that lets the reader really get to know the depth of the characters. The overall vibe is a lot different, emphasizing a lot of the secrets you're waiting to see unfold. It makes every chapter incredibly exciting as new little nuggets of information are unearthed that contribute to the larger picture. There's a lot more I could say about this fic but I don't want to spoil the experience so go read it!!!
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discordiansamba · 4 months
last night as I was falling asleep I thought about the VLD atla AU and, appropriately enough, the characters and sleep.
Allura and Lance both fall under the category I like to call 'people who would not mind sleeping in who are nonetheless usually required to wake up early anyways'. Allura has her duties as a princess, and Lance has his responsibilities to the Water Tribe, often waking early. It's easy to picture Lance as the type to chafe at getting sick- but he doesn't mind the part where it lets him luxuriate in bed for just a little longer.
If they were completely left to their own devices on their journey to find the Avatar, they both would probably sleep in until noon. But Coran is very much a natural morning person, so he wakes them both up... at a decent hour. Lance and Coran are both equally used to sleeping in sparse accommodations, while Allura is somewhat... spoiled in that regard. It takes her awhile to adjust to camping so they often sleep in inns whenever they have the chance (and the money).
Pidge is a night owl. She's always been this way, often staying up to the crack of dawn and then passing out. She likes to joke that she's actually nocturnal, so of course she ends up traveling with a morning person. She also hates camping, while Shiro actually enjoys it. It's a great chance to commune with nature, to deepen your connections with the world around you.
These two are not on the same page at all, to say the least. Shiro tries to wrangle Pidge into having a more reasonable sleep schedule, which he is having... mixed success with. He's used to dealing with children, but Pidge is especially stubborn compared to the airbender kids he's used to dealing with. Guess it must be that Earth blood.
Hunk is a morning person, with a healthy sleep schedule. He doesn't really mind camping so much as he minds the noises. But he can rest easy knowing that Kosmo and Keith's komodo-lion are out there to protect them. But what he really enjoys about camping is getting to cook over the open fire. There's so much room for experimentation and creativity! And he's never short on meat, because between Keith, Kosmo, and the komodo-lion, he is just surrounded by excellent hunters.
Keith does not have a sleep schedule. He hates sleeping indoors or when it's raining or during the night- in fact, his preferred time to sleep is in the middle of the day, while basking out in the sun. Hunk jokes that he's a bit like his komodo-lion, actively seeking out warmth. Keith has no idea how weird his sleep habits are until he and Hunk actually join up with the others, because Hunk is too nice to say it, and Keith hasn't really lived with anyone since his father died.
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ashwii · 1 year
may I hear more about your Leo :3
As many of you know, Lance from VLD is my favorite character of all time ever ever ever, which is a HUGE reason why I love ROTTMNT Leo so much. And when making my own version, I was like "yk what ;; let's just Lance him up even more" XD. The guy's cocky with a LOOOT of insecurities on the inside, he's a big flirt and'll ditch missions to hang out withba pretty girl (for the first chunk anyway — he becomes more responsible later), he loves pushing his brother's buttons, etc. etc.
Out of his brother's, I think he's the closest with Raph. If any of you have seen this drawing, you might get the impression that they hate each other or smth. But that's so so far from the truth — Leo may absolutely love pushing Raph's buttons to their limit, but they have no issues hugging or saying "I love you," to each other.
Leo's bandana tails are obnoxiously long, so he ties them up into a loose bow, as seen here. (Tho I think I can spoil this 👀 during a "season finale" type of fight, Leo's bandana tails unravel after he gets beat tf up, and it stays like they fir the rest of the story. "Minor character redesigns to show growth" is my SHIT.)
Okok that's enough rambling and reading for yall XD
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hood-ex · 5 months
I'm so sorry people keep spoiling VLD for you lol.
It's alright 👌🏻. There are only some shows I get into where I'm serious about spoilers. Otherwise, I don't mind getting small spoilers here and there.
I just started Season 2 today, so soon people won't even be able to spoil it for me because I'll have watched everything 😆.
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astralscrivener · 6 months
im curious about #20 for the Ao3 wrapped questions. I'm an avid re-reader of my own work so i'm curious to see what your answer is hehe also curious about #3 if u feel so inclined <33
OOH THANK U FOR THE QUESTIONS these are great!!!
3. what work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
stars go down, hands down. there's a lot i would rewrite and do differently and maybe i'm currently doing that. teehee about the entire deceit so natural trilogy, but i improved so much over the course of writing it. SGD was also a fucking MONSTER. i wrote it in the span of like ? 10 months? and it clocks in at JUST under 200k words...and mind you i was writing another fanfic at the same time that clocks in at 327k words and they finished on the same day. i was a powerhouse and i miss that energy.
i also just had FUN writing it. the twists! the turns! the betrayals! everything in-between chapters 19 and 34! it was a fucking BLAST and some of my most cinematic-feeling writing and i just. it was a great time.
another more recent one that i'm proud of is specifically chapters 18 and 19 of stealing our own place in the sun, aka season 6 episodes 6 and 7. SOOPITS is my major rewrite of vld seasons 4-8 (that i started after s7 pissed me off so bad i went "fuck it i'll do it myself") and while i used the main points of the show as a framework there is a LOT that is drastically different. if SGD had some of my most cinematic writing then this is what i consider The Most cinematic writing. it was exhilarating and gave me so much grief to write but i was rereading it the other night and it was SOOO fucking worth it. the entire fight scene. god.
20. which work of yours have you reread the most?
honestly? the same two fics above. SOOPITS i reread because it's some of my most recent work set in the paladins universe (i honestly regret writing so much modern au fic when i had the time and energy to write while the show is airing bc i vastly prefer the paladins universe), and also to keep up continuity bc it is my main wip at the moment. i just really love the character dynamics that it has going and the way the plot is progressing, but i also need to remember what information readers have and what info is still sitting in my notes docs. and also i am my own audience first and foremost!!!! therefore of course i reread my stuff!!!
and of course. i reread bits and pieces of all of DSN quite frequently but i return to SGD the most because it feels the most well-plotted. that series also helped me really begin honing my writing after several years of drought and stagnation (i was writing for a dead fandom and getting no feedback, and then suddenly i was in the kl fandom getting tons of feedback...i was spoiled in 2017 and 2018 honestly), and so SGD is also the most pleasing on a technical level to get through.
ao3 wrapped: writers' edition!
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
Grey's Anatomy episode 9, season 13:
Arizona pretends to not remember a hot girl to have the upper hand with flirting.
Voltron Legendary Defenders episode 1, season 1:
Keith appears to not remember Lance for unknown reasons.
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
alrighty I know you are most probably swamped by asks but I just wanted you to know that I absolutely adore your take on VLD. As someone who loves to pick and choose to build from canon rather than outright ignoring it, it's so lovely to see someone put in as much effort as you do and build the world you have. Even all the galra culture, biology, etc. headcanons. They are wonderful. I honestly can't thank you enough because I keep thinking about all the ways VLD was a wasted opportunity and get sad. BUT! Then I remember your fic and blog and feel better again.
I can't get enough of the nuance you weave in, how real you make all of them seem. The conflict, the slow but sure way in which they learn to erase the prejudice in their heads, the gradual build of trust, the devastating guilt. And oh, the way you deal with morality *chef's kiss*. It's so refreshing.
I have so much more to say about the how you write Keitor (the breathless intensity in each of their interactions,,,,, sweet mercy) and Matt and Keith's relationship (I have always imagined them as friends for inexplicable reasons and I was delighted to see it as a part of your fic) but I'm gonna stop the rant. If I don't then I might just go on and talk about how every single relationship is so beautifully balanced in your fic and that would,,,, be a little too long of a rant lmao.
in conclusion - you are amazing, your fic is amazing, I have reread it more times then I can possibly hope to count, I thank you for it <3
((I'm actually not swamped anymore! I've managed to whittle my askbox down to a respectable handful of queries that I am either part way through answering, or—in one very particular case—cannot answer at this point in time because no amount of ~ambiguity~ is going to save me from spoiling something quite vital that is to come to light in the very near future))
Thank you so much my darling!! I do like to think of myself as rather carefully selective when it comes to canon, but that, combined with all the worldbuilding I've done (my pride & joy) and further fueled by the curious prompting I receive on here has really come together to form a version of the voltron universe that has so much more depth than I ever really intended!
I'm very pleased (and a touch relieved) to be reminded that people are actually //enjoying// this slowburn monstrosity, rather than sitting there like "ah,, another 10k and yet keitor are STILL at the stolen glances stage, when will she get on with it?" because for all i like to think that my pacing suits the narrative I'm telling (and that the narrative itself, with all its many threads, is still an interesting one).... it's hard to know for sure.
b r e a t h l e s s i n t e n s i t y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's precisely the feeling I've been hoping to evoke, so it's positively //thrilling// to have you say so!! And as for Matt, I very quickly fell in love with writing him as this protective big brother figure who's concerned for Keith as one of the few people who knows the truth behind Naxzela, so again, I'm very pleased that that's resonated with you so strongly!!
Once again, thank you so much for your kind words & support ♡
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chibi-pix · 8 months
Chibi watches V3D 01
Heyo, lovelies! Been a while since my last "Chibi watches", huh? Well, I'm back. And we'll see how long I can do this because I've got Voltron: The Third Dimension to get through. And. Well. It may be an episode at a time thing. Now, as a preface to this, here's a couple things. I have seen an episode for certain courtesy of @lion-time suggesting one to me. And it's possible that I may have seen an episode or so as a kid with my little brother; but I've been hit in the head way too many times over the years, I can't be sure. There were a handful of CGI shows we would catch on weekends visiting Grammy. Anyway, without further ado, let's see if I remember how to do these watches.
Anyway. Episode 1. Something about Bastille-12.
I don't have much to say about the intro and battle. Sorry 'bout that. And by not having much, I mean I have absolutely nothing.
And. Seeing Zarkon? I just don't trust him being good. Something feels off. And if I'm right or wrong, please do not spoil it. And watching him move and sway. Like, dude? You acting like you're all that and a bag of chips with swagger. What the hell, man? Well, whatever. You do you. But it is nice seeing him move around instead of just sitting on his throne for the most part in DotU. Good on you for finally getting up. It's good for you.
And Lotor. Didn't miss you, man. "But he's not gonna win any beauty contests." Damn, Zarkon, I knew you were a jerk to your son, but still. "If you don't wanna talk to me, I brought someone who is a lot prettier." Ooh, self burn? But he's not wrong. Though, I gotta admit, I'm not too used to/big on this CGI style, but I do like how he looks in it.
Allura speaking and offering friendship and peace. Feels forced. Honey, I like to think there's good in folks, but... this is Lotor. A toxic bastard. There's no helping him.
And hearing Lotor speak. I'm just... Look. Don't get me wrong, I love the actor. But I for the life of me cannot hear Lotor. I only hear Tim Curry.
With the team retired, it feels nice seeing Lance doing stunt shows. And his piloting through the course, it reminds me of my childhood of playing Star Fox on the Super Nintendo (yeah, I'm getting old, I know). Except he's good at it. I always crashed. Of course, I spoke too soon with that one when he got ballsy and crashed. I'm actually not surprised. And I appreciate his sass. Gotta love that attitude a bit.
Poor Pidge feeling old. Buddy, wait until VF, then you can feel a little old. Not that you being 24 there is old. "Will you sign my jpeg?" Gods, that comment. I was gonna ask, "What is this, the 90s?" because that felt like a 90s comment and... uh... this came out late 90s, didn't it?
But, overall? I did enjoy seeing Hunk and Pidge. But poor Hunk didn't have his headband. C'mon, creators! Why'd you take his headband!?
Ah, Keith on his little solo mission. And I love Lance sneaking on. Also, watching Lance, does he have a tiny ponytail? Awww! And Keith giving in and letting Lance join. “Alright Lance, I’ll take you along. I don’t know what I’m gonna tell the high command.” “Tell them I’m your little brother. Mom said you have to take me along.” This dialogue made me giggle. I love it.
And seeing the portal open, my first thought is a wormhole. Okay, that may be my VLD coming in.
“What?! You brought me out here on a ship with no blasters?” “I didn’t bring you out here; you snuck onto my ship.” Ah, more sassy dialogue. I love it. And Keith calling it a "vector jump", I just wanna call it a hyper jump.
What is with Coran's appearance? Go figure. And it's almost amusing at how ready he is to shoot the others down. Not that I blame him. He just wants to protect the castle. "It's changing course! As if some power is guiding it." Ah, welcome to the 90s, with cheesy yet oddly amusing dialogue.
"Still crashing into everything. "You really ought to let me give you a flying lesson." Damn, Allura. But perfect.
"Cut the trip down memory lane, Pidge." Awww! C'mon, Lance! Let Pidge have his memories! He deserves to have memories and be happy about them. Or maybe that's just the part of me who loves stories and memories. I love Hunk just yeeting the equipment to the side. "We'd go to the end of the universe for you, Princess." Hunk, you're adorable.
"You always were kind of a bucket head, Lotor." Okay, look, I'm a Pidge supporter. But. That tone and comment. He's a bit of a little shit, isn't he? And his actions and teasing to get a reaction out of Lotor. I mean... Hmm. Well, in time I'll get more about this Pidge.
And seeing Lotor escaped? That doesn't surprise me.
"Ah gee, we'd love to stay and help you panic, but we better go catch up with our friends. See ya!" Hunk wasting no time. I love it.
Lance calling that robot dude a glorified calculator made me grin. That's the sort of thing I'd say, too. I love it. And I support him going off. Yeah, man! Screw the orders! You do you, man! His team better go and help him. They're a team. They shouldn't listen to orders telling them to stand down. They're the defenders of the universe for a reason.
Well, how about that. Going through the episode. Twice. I turned it on for my initial watch and for notes, and turned it on again while writing this. Go figure how I survived watching the episode twice in a row. But, here I am.
Anyway, that is the first Chibi Watches for this series. Hopefully I can get myself to watch more episodes over time. It'll be slow going, but I've got this. Hopefully. Wish me luck. Until next time!
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Sk8 Infinity x VLD
Reki = Lance
Langa = Keith
Miya = Pidge
Joe = Shiro
Cherry = Adam
Shadow = Hunk
Adam = Lotor
Sort of following the canon sk8. Keith is going to live in Canada and move to Texas with his mom after his dad passes away.
He struggles to make friends,,,,its Keith. But Lance is like "ohmygod new person!!!!!" And then the whole skate ordeal goes down where Keith fucking crushes Hunk.
While Hunk is "shadow" he is the same age as Lance and Keith and is Lance's best friends.
Adam and Shiro have that friendship where you know they're dating on the downlow.
Now hear me out; the two women that surround Joe in sk8 are Allura and Romelle. BUT Shiro is simply the protector of lesbians lol. They're both his besties and they have an affectionate platonic friendship (Allura and Romelle are dating obvs)
Now, Lotor being Adam is not going to be following who Adam is (y'know....a creep). He's just a spoiled rich kid that hates losing.
Obvs Keith and Lance are either kinda official or just mutually pining when Keith insists on doing the champion races. So they have their "break up" moment and after Keith wins the big race, first kiss.
I can keep going but yeah,,,
(Also Lance would stay blue and Keith red. Unless 👀)
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