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archivist-apnea · 9 months
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How I Am Dealing with Inflation as a Family
High inflation is a constant concern for families. As prices for goods and services continue to rise, it can be challenging and frustrating for everyone, especially for those dealing with chronic illnesses like myself. Also, as a parent, I understand the struggle of trying to balance family finances while also dealing with the unpredictable costs of managing a chronic illness. But how are we supposed to handle this ever-increasing challenge?
Inflation is a sneaky thing. It creeps up on you and suddenly, your grocery bill is double what it used to be. But here's the thing, it's out of our control. Thus, instead of feeling helpless, my family and I decided to take control. 
This meant closely monitoring our spending and making adjustments where necessary. We have made some sacrifices, such as cutting down on takeaways and putting away our beloved hot tub (which we did as soon as energy prices started to skyrocket). These small changes have made a big impact on our finances. And let me tell you, it feels good to have some control over how we're dealing with inflation.
One of the ways we have managed to save money is by creating a weekly grocery budget and sticking to it. This has helped us avoid overspending and impulse buys. We also make it a point to meal plan every weekend and write out a shopping list. This not only helps us stay within our budget but also reduces food waste.
We also try to find ways to save on other household expenses, such as switching to cheaper utility providers, comparing insurance renewals, or finding deals on everyday items. It may seem small, but every penny counts when it comes to managing a family budget.
We also started planning more budget-friendly activities, like walks in the park / beach or movie nights at home – and sometimes cooking nicer meals at home rather than going to a restaurant. It's important to find ways to spend quality time together without breaking the bank. 
By being more mindful of our spending, we've been able to better navigate these tough financial times and be more prepared for whatever may come our way. And, as a parent dealing with a chronic illness, I know how challenging it can be to manage family finances. That's why on my blog, I share my personal experiences and tips on how to handle inflation and budgeting for families.
One of the ways I've been able to save money is by selling our old clothes on Vinted and eBay. It may seem like a small step, but every bit helps in managing expenses.
I’ve found the key to financial stability is tracking all of our expenses and constantly looking for ways to reduce or eliminate unnecessary costs. It's not always easy, but with determination and a little creativity, I believe we can all find ways to make our money go further. 
As my dad used to say to me “run your house like a business”
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