lwalbolt · 4 years
Creating Not a Vodcast, but a Streaming Video
Hey guys! First of all, I don’t like the term – vodcast. Clearly, podcasts have entered the mainstream for listeners everywhere, but vodcasts have not because my group of people had not heard of it when I brought it up. I think podcasts work because people can listen to them at work or in their car and they don’t have to be constrained to a screen when so much of our lives are laser-focused on screen time. When I think about a video podcast, I immediately think of YouTube videos. Unlike the VHS tapes of the past, these videos are instantly available to be viewed on repeat without being kind and rewinding. Since I have determined that “vodcast” is not a word people use, I am henceforth removing its title from my streaming video.
To come up with a subject for my video, I browsed the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative’s (PPLC) website for information that was new to me, or at the very least things community members may not know the library does. I compiled a list of 5 items ranging from online content to music options to museum passes. I chose Pinellas because I live here. The short list created itself and was not difficult to make.
Since life has taken a turn for the unknown with COVID-19 bearing down on this country, life has gotten unpredictable in every way. I recorded my video to complete the assignment, but am not exactly happy how it turned out. I had a plan to make it more fun with creative transitions between each of the five items, but it ended up being completely factual. Given the fact that I have to now teach my 2 kids on top of all my other responsibilities, a basic video commercial talking about 5 things your library has that you may not know about completed the assignment in an acceptable way. The other half of this assignment – my podcast – turned out awesome so I think that more than makes up for this part.
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nocontextstudies · 5 years
Overall Video
There was no drama in the video as planned. It ended up being mediocre :’)
Also we intended for there to be voiceover narration in the video, but we didn’t record the voiceover :’)
(we were too shy to have our voice in the vid uwu)
So we settled with narrations written on some of the images. It’s a picture book -video style now :’)
I also have no editing experience this is literally the first time I edit a video. I just put the pictures together and inserted the background music and /very minimal/ sound effects in there.
I am: disappointed
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kafiqazman · 6 years
Video Assignment 2
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A corporate video for the Imagine Cup Club FTSM UKM for the second video assignment.
edited using Adobe After Effects
watch here
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Communicating through Skype!
2 minutes assignment - ‘Modern Technology with Skype’ 
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sharenphotix82 · 9 years
This is one of my trial and error datamosh video which I did previously.
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I sent my tutors an in depth word document of each frame, scene by scene, specifically explaining a video analysis of my final submission through blackboard by resubmitting my final video assignment. 
I hope this helps boost up my score for Research and Delivery as I felt the need to explain every aspect of my video due to Hyper Sensitivity that my message may not be translated across 
I also managed to avoid time writing an engaging media essay due tomorrow 
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mabanget · 9 years
Sampe sekarang tugas video promkes ini masih jadi favorit Ma. Kapan ya bakal ada saingannya? #Throwback #VideoAssignment #HealthPromotion #HealthyLifestyle #PublicHealth
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Just some screenshots I took processing a few elements of my video, in an archival matter
The top photo - editing the background out of my video by importing my footage into photoshop and removing the background with magic wand, I had to do this frame by frame in order to keep the removed background consistent throughout the clip 
Samurai jack photo- screenshots I took from Samurai Jack comic strips that are replaced as the background I originally removed in photoshop, he was quite an inspirational cartoon figure to me growing up and I felt like it gave another element to the theme “Datarai” (datamosh + samurai) 
Youtube mp3- website I used to convert my music used in the clip from youtube into an mp3 file
Logic FIles 1 & 2- I then decided to edit the music in my application called Logic Pro X which specialises in making music and editing audio, I chose the song Dark Skies by Nero and edited a fragment of the song that spoke to me most, I decided to loop that section to play four times in total throughout my video. The second image shows the volume rendering that took place so that the loop flowed into itself and didn’t come across sounding jaggered or out of sync with itself. 
Files- an archival screenshot of a few of the folders I used in organising my footage, the folder glitch work expanded into four files: Original videos,  Rendered Videos, edited videos, video laydown that made up the foundations and process of formulating my video, piecing together clip by clip, edit by edit. 
And lastly a screenshot of the subject in the video, which is myself - personally I like to be the subject of my work and demand myself to meet and challenge the expectations I set for myself as editor of my video but also as the subject within the video. 
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sharenphotix82 · 9 years
Another nice datamosh effect on this video.
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sharenphotix82 · 9 years
Very nice datamosh effect on this video. 
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So I have submitted in my soft copy, a few notes to add, I feel like my datamoshing is stronger in some places than others, and from here to Friday’s workshop I can experiment with the sequences but also how many key frames are involved that will hopefully emphasise the glitching and moshing within this clip
To be honest I am glad the contacts didn’t work out and I had to go through an eye infection to realise this was the route I had to go down (that’s another story) 
Musically this will NOT be the audio I include in my final submission as I think it is infact commercial so my goal also from here to Friday is to settle on a song that I can use as a backing that is both edgy and not classified as a commercial song, I also understand that the song cuts out in this clip, yes I intentionally did that...I focused more on the instrumental of this song as I enjoy the ‘sliding’ sounds it has and the way the snare accentuates the song...I do like Nero..alot
In terms of background; I used Glitch Mob videos that specialise in algorithms and by using photoshop edited comic strips of Samurai Jack- it was a show I grew up watching as a child and I really admired him in terms of a cartoon figure, I also thought it fitted the Samurai theme I had set for myself (hence the dress having a Kill Bill kind of vibe) 
There is always room for improvement and that is what i have set myself out to do, aswell as add 20seconds of more footage I have from my time in the cave
I can’t wait to submit the final copy, baby steps
Apparently my clip won’t be shown in a few countries according to youtube...  
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Last night in photoshop I got rid of all the white background in a few of my clips and have decided to replace them with comic illustrations of samurai jack as he was quite an influential cartoon I watched as a child but also how it stuck to the samurai theme
I imported the video into photoshop and removed the white background frame by frame with the magic wand, I began removing the background with lasso but that took too long and shots were looking uneven, the magic wand was more consistent and allowed a quicker process
It was time consuming but so worth it <3 
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still shot from my soon to be glitch video
I’m inspired by monochrome glitching and a sort of aesthetic Kill Bill meets Samurai Jack vibe 
Looking through still shots and videos from my session in the cave and I hope to start glitching soon <3 
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sharenphotix82 · 9 years
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Found this Datamosh technique video of Miley Cyrus’s Wrecking Ball in YouTube. Nice one!
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTb2oUegPZA
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sharenphotix82 · 9 years
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Refresh my memory on Datamosh technique. Watch this video from YouTube.
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sharenphotix82 · 9 years
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Equipment and Items used for my final video.
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