surachelledraws · 5 months
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sketch page of a guy I doodled at work a few months ago.. he’s part of a roving band of cowboy mercenaries. He’s mute. He’s a strawberry blonde (meaning yes Ive designed another pink haired OC). He never takes off the mask and never lets anyone touch the wings, but someone got close enough once to SWEAR for the rest of their life that those things are really growing out of his back. He’s very good a dismembering things with his guns. Very partial to cute fluffy animals. He wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a proper shirt, but can be convinced to don a poncho in the coldest of cold weather. A bit of an airhead. Goes by Tex.
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farkledagain · 6 months
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While in an alt. fantasy land with everyone in different roles - the executives of Acq. Inq. got put in some Situations. Viari got to be a princess. Our DM forgot that he is also a fucking OP ass rogue so we got a bow up to him and he helped us kill a dragon.
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alixennial · 7 months
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Reposting this pic from last year plus some alt versions I’d forgotten about til now - feat. WoLs (l-r) Raine, Ellie and Indie.
It makes me happy to post these today since Raine & Ellie got Indie through an ordeal yesterday. You’re the best ✨🙏✨
Raine belongs to @joiedecombat Ellie belongs to @sarahsyna and Indie is miiiine.
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ohlooklackless · 2 years
I’m going to start using this place to dump all of my tinfoil hatting about KKC.
The University archives are not accidentally chaotic.They’re deliberately obscure to explain away the disappearance of books on certain topics that the master’s want to keep hidden.
Think about it. Kvothe describes the stacks:
Then there were the bad neighborhoods. Sections of the Archives that were forgotten, or neglected, or simply too troublesome to deal with at the moment. These were places where books were organized under old catalogs, or under no catalog at all. There were walls of shelves like mouths with missing teeth, where long-gone scrivs had cannibalized an old catalog to bring books into whatever system was fashionable at the time. Thirty years ago two entire floors had gone from good neighborhood to bad when the Larkin ledger-books were burned by a rival faction of scrivs.
Does this sound like anything that would be allowed by a man who has people like Viari searching the world for specific books? Who goes to great care to not allow anybody to even think about hurting them? Who bans students from the building rather than risk damage?
To me, it absolutely doesn’t.
Whether Lorren is a secret Amyr or not, there’s no way in hell he or his predecessors would allow the largest repository of written knowledge in the known world get this fucked up.
I fully believe this all has to do with the magic Denna mentions to Kvothe’s “magic where you write something down and it makes it true”.
They’re cultivating all the writing about stuff they want to be true and anything else is being unmade or hidden to make it less so.
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mariaangels · 1 year
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Gaëtan Viaris La mort de Procris
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prinxe · 2 years
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early draft of what these two were gonna look like in my more cartoony style. the bones are strong.
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joiedecombat · 2 years
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✨Shall we dance?✨12/?? | Gabrielle Viaris + bee's knees!
Gshade: Neneko x EC Bloom Vivid
Gabrielle belongs to @sarahsyna!
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kailutopia · 9 months
The Freakish Five - Part 2
╔════════ Basics ════════ ╠ Name: Viaris Leafeen ╠ Earthly Zodiac Sign: Leo ╠ Gender: genderfluid ╠ Gender presentation: very feminine or androgynous ╠ Pronouns: he/they/she ╠ Orientation: pansexual, polyamorous
╠═══════ Appearance ════ ╠ Height: 1m75 ╠ Body Mods: ears pierced; nipples pierced, belly button pierced; some little flower tattoos ╠ Other: jade green eyes ╠═══════ Personality ═════ ╠ Briefly: dramatic opinionated 💅 druid ╠ Green Flags: super supportive and open-minded; soft skin and touch ╠ Beige Flags: drinks iced coffee nearly exculively; listens to Taylor Swift ╠ Negative traits: cats hate them; will not even go to the grocery store without being dressed to the nines (perfectionnist) ╠ MBTI: ENFP(T) - Campaigner ╠ Enneagram: Type 2w3 ╠═══════ Tastes ════════ ╠ Favourite food: iced coffee; caesar salad ╠ Most hated food: bubble tea ╠═══════ Quirks ════════ ╠ Quirkiness: snakey hips (think Crowley from the Good Omens TV adaptation), t-rex hands ╠═══════ Magic ════════ ╠ Species: half-elf ╠ Magic's Origin: born into a family of high druids thanks to his elf ancestry, had access to druid teachings and awakening rituals ╠ Magic: can shapeshift into different animals ╠═══════ In World ═══════ ╠ Role in the Sanctuary: part of the Freakish Five; helps clean (to his dismay); gardens (secretely, no way he's showing he's following his family's wants); redecorates from time to time ╚═════════════════════
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anomenofdarkness · 1 year
I'm watching pp game (Paperwork Pantheon) and Viari just introduced herself as Delilah (because espionage) and my eyes Immediately shot up from my phone.
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sarahsyna · 1 year
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Inspired by the time my friend Cariden was chased around her apartment by the tongue mod.
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surachelledraws · 5 months
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sketch page of a guy I doodled at work a few months ago.. he’s part of a roving band of cowboy mercenaries. He’s mute. He’s a strawberry blonde (meaning yes Ive designed another pink haired OC). He never takes off the mask and never lets anyone touch the wings, but someone got close enough once to SWEAR for the rest of their life that those things are really growing out of his back. He’s very good a dismembering things with his guns. Very partial to cute fluffy animals. He wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a proper shirt, but can be convinced to don a poncho in the coldest of cold weather. A bit of an airhead. Goes by Tex.
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farkledagain · 6 months
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I watched a single episode of the Live show and it's the one where Rosie fucks Viari in front of Omin and Jim; and then later Omin Dran admits that he did a thing for intensely gay reasons. They were also children for a bit? Man, a lot happened in that live show!
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shrinkthisviolet · 11 days
Do you have any Star Wars fic recs (with or without OCs, canon or AU, any ship)?
I do!! My AO3 bookmarks are a good place to look, but I'll just hit a few of the highlights (my 10 favorites, though these fics are listed in no particular order):
dreamless nights by @ahsokryze is an amazing Anakin & Ahsoka fic 🥹 so soft and wonderful. Captures the big-brother/little-sister dynamic so so well
bound by the things we choose ‘verse by @nspx is so wonderful!! It tackles such relationships as Leia & Vader, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, and Mara & Vader (love that third fic fr)
the skywalker palindrome by @cringewerewolf is the coolest take on time travel EVER 💞 the series page explains it better than I could, but I will say that it’s Anakin and Luke centric.
hendiadys for a dream by @ozvezdja is THE Anidala fic series of all time (especially now i want my letters white again)!! Like omg…bees, you GET IT!! You get them!! Sola’s POV for that first fic is INSPIRED 💞 I am OBSESSED, please go read this fic if you’re even lukewarm towards Anidala
Frozen in Time by @fanfictasia is some of the most heartwrenching Luke & Vader angst I’ve ever read (while also being short, which is an impressive feat). I just…Vader having visits with Luke supervised by Palpatine?? Luke being periodically frozen in carbonite?? THE TRAGEDY OF IT ALL
The Tatooine Cycle by @fialleril, because I’d be remiss to exclude them from a SW rec list—their fics are a must-read, their worldbuilding of Tatooine is absolutely amazing 💞
Misunderstandings by Livsy, which tackles Anakin’s oft-neglected (in fandom) slave background!
All The Right Reasons by bethagain is such a sweetly heartwrenching look at Luke & Ben (Solo, not Skywalker), how quickly Luke bonds with his nephew…and how he hesitates at first to train Ben because (“I can’t see through…how much I love him”) 🥺 I just. I can’t. I am MELTING, this is so emotional (and it was written pre-TLJ! A nice bonus for me, as someone who hates how their relationship was handled in that movie)
The King’s Gambit by @elli-incarnate…oh it’s a masterclass. The epitome of Sith Luke fics, and absolutely beautiful to read. Every sentence is written with so much care, Luke/Mara is written wonderfully, and I just…I love it so much. So, so very much 💞 it’s Legends-leaning, but tbh it can be enjoyed without knowing Legends
Enter the Foreign by Viari is for absolutely anyone who loves time-travel fics…especially ones featuring Anakin! You don’t need to be terribly familiar with Legends, though it helps (I’m somewhat familiar, but not totally, and this was accessible to me). The spin-off AUs are such a delight too (and an inspiration for me to write my own 😅), and it’s just so much fun and so clearly a labor of love, and such a sprawling, intricate AU. I can’t recommend it enough.
Adding an 11th because why not:
The Sun in the Storm by @basimibnishaqs is such an adorable Rey-is-Luke’s-daughter fic 🥹 she’s an adorable sweetheart, and Luke is her protective dad, what more could you want?? (Also OP has galaxy-brained takes about Rey & Luke so…you know. There’s that too)
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sacherali · 10 months
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25th Art Fight attack goes to user Viary of the most precious tol girl ever Araenor 🐉
My Profile
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mariaangels · 1 year
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Photo: Gaétan Viaris photographic interpretation of the artwork in black and white
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keclan · 6 months
tagged by @cynda-queer and the boy was specifically requested :)
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left art by @spindlewit, right art by @kirnet
Name: Osric Viari
Nickname: No nickname to speak of. Despite being hunted by his former colleagues, it never occurred to him to change his name or move. If you call him Ric, he might kill you.
Gender: cis man
Star Sign: hold on i have to google these. on cursory read, Capricorn
Height: 6’5”
Orientation: bisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Osric was born and raised in Baldur’s Gate. Lived there his whole life. Died there too once.
Favorite Fruit: Orange. There’s something calming and methodical about tearing them apart with your hands.
Favorite Season: Winter. Everything slows down. People stay inside. When the cold stings his face, he remembers fighting alongside the Frozen Prince, driving demons into the light of the Companion. Most of his memories of those battles are good ones. Most.
Favorite Flower: Blue bells, no special reason just thinks they’re understated and beautiful.
Favorite Scent: Coffee, whiskey (Gifts for Him type scents). Dirt, the fresh scent of earth. Petrichor. Blood, not to sound macabre, but there’s an invigorating tanginess to it.
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Coffee. Sometimes tea, but never hot chocolate. It’s too sweet and upsets his stomach.
Average Hours of Sleep: 4. It’s usually the most he can manage before feeling like he needs to be up and doing something. It’s not that he tosses and turns or has nightmares (except recently) but he knows his body. He sleeps for a few hours peacefully and when his body says it’s time to be up, there’s no use arguing.
Dogs or Cats: He likes both, but generally prefers cats. They tend to be more independent and require far less attention than dogs.
Dream Trip: He doesn’t think outside the walls of Baldur’s Gate. When he was younger, he wanted to go into Elturel, rather than just fighting the demons outside the city, but he never did and hasn’t thought about it in years.
Number of Blankets: One. Any more than that and he’ll feel weighed down. He needs to feel like he can get up at a moment’s notice, but not so much so that he would deprive himself the basics.
Random Fact: Osric has a younger brother that he practically raised and loves more than anything in the world, but they’ve been estranged for something like 15 years.
Tagging: @spindlewit and @kirnet (thank you both for the art!) @aprobleminthegarden @mistninja @messianicfigure @nsewell @carnationinstantbutch @smeegamae @nauti-ca and anyone else who wants, no pressure obviously 💕
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